My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1656 Who touches

Chapter 1656 Who touches
The next day.

The east saw white, when the first golden light shot through the window into the wing room, Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the things that Gu Mo Rongrong handed him.

"This is?"

Half of Gu Mo Rongrong's delicate body was wrapped in a thin silk quilt, only half of her healthy-colored shoulders were exposed to the air, the brows of the beauty had faded a little, and there was a hint of mature charm of a woman.

Obviously, last night, Gu Mo Rongrong had completed the transformation process from a girl to a young woman.

Gu Mo Rongrong looked at Young Master Liu's hesitant eyes with a faint smile, and directly stuffed the tiger amulet in Liu Mingzhi's hand.

"Hufu, Rong Rong can't go south to Jianzhou with you today. I'm not here. Naturally, I need tiger charms to command those soldiers. After Rongrong has been recuperating for a day, she will follow the traces of the army to join you outside Jianzhou City. .”

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and looked at the tiger charm in his hand with complicated eyes: "Aren't you afraid that I will do something sorry to you with the tiger charm?"

Gu Mo Rongrong smiled and shook her head, grabbed the silk quilt and lay down gently, her eyes never missed the tiger talisman in Liu Mingzhi's hand.

"Rongrong believes in Da Liu Husband!"

Liu Mingzhi trembled, looked at Gu Mo Rongrong who had closed her eyes and was about to sleep soundly, bent down and kissed the beauty on the forehead, put away the tiger amulet and walked out the door.

"I am waiting for you!"

"Or you wait for me to come back!"


Gu Mo Rongrong replied calmly, changed into a comfortable position and fell into a deep sleep. People who take the initiative are always more tired, and physical fatigue is inevitable.

The sun was rising, and after the three drums fell in the peaceful Chongzhou City, Liu Mingzhi led his soldiers and horses and headed straight for Jianzhou.

Liu Mingzhi left a team of soldiers and several spies concerned to closely protect the personal safety of Gu Mo Rongrong, and left three thousand cavalry guarding Chongzhou to guard those surrendered soldiers and prisoners to help Chongzhou governor Luo Yuan rebuild the land that was lost due to the war. The dilapidated Chongzhou City.

Although there were about [-] soldiers and prisoners in Chongzhou, after confiscating their weapons and horses, Liu Mingzhi didn't think they could make waves under the [-] fully armored cavalry.

What's more, the generals such as Baishanguan and Wochitai have been secretly watched in a hidden place. The captives of the two countries without the backbone will be easily suppressed if they want to stir up any disturbances.

In addition to not being afraid of death, risking your life would also create some confusion for Chongzhou and Liu Mingzhi who was away on the expedition.

However, how can a person who is not afraid of death and dares to risk his life become a prisoner?

On the official road to Jianzhou in the south, Song Qing could clearly observe the somewhat abnormal expression on Young Master Liu's expression, but all men who have experienced human affairs understand what this means.

As for the person who can make Young Master Liu look like this, the entire army knows who it is without even thinking about Song Qing.

Thinking of Young Master Liu's scolding towards him the day before yesterday, Song Qing sneered and pouted, looking at Zhou Baoyu who was on the side.

"Zhou Baoyu, did you fucking go to the brothel yesterday? Your fucking army camp is Tianxianglou?"

Zhou Baoyu, who was running wildly on the horse, was taken aback for a moment, and turned his head to look blankly at Song Qing who was cursing at him, not knowing what happened.

Seeing Song Qing's 'angry eyes wide open', Zhou Baoyu blinked a few times because he didn't understand.

What's the situation, why is the deputy commander insane?
We slept in the same room last night, don't you know if I went to the brothel?Drink too much or sleepy?

"What do you look at, what I'm talking about is you, you look like a gentleman, and you are usually like five people before you, and you do some shameless things behind your back!"

"Everyone is the owner of the weapon in the crotch. What do you think you and I are pretending to be a gentleman?"

"How many years have we been friends, I don't know what kind of bastard you are?"

"Deputy commander, the conscience of heaven and earth, the last general yesterday"

"Shut up for me like a dog, do you have a place to speak here?"

"I, me, who the hell did I provoke? Song Qing, don't think that you can be unreasonable just because you are the deputy commander in chief. I never said that I was a gentleman, but I didn't do the things you said!"

"Who the hell if you touched a woman last night, just go out and let the horse hit you to death on the road, and you will die badly."

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth twitched as he looked at Song Qing and Zhou Baoyu who were scolding each other on horseback, and rubbed their noses resentfully.

Who the hell are you touching?
I was forced, okay?
"I'm full, right? This is an expedition, not an outing. The two of you are talking nonsense, don't hurry up!"

Song Qing withdrew his gaze and snorted: "Hmm, I will know my mistake in the end, and I will get the order in the end!"

"Marshal, it's not the last general who picks things up, it's because Deputy Commander Song is full and has nothing to do, the last general will be wronged, if I go to the brothel, the last general will never say no, but the last general will be wronged! "

"Marshal, the last word is still the same, who the hell touched a woman yesterday, and I won't be able to stand up for the rest of my life!"

"Uh-huh. Puchi"

First Young Master Liu glared at Song Qing, who was holding back his laughter, and looked at Zhou Baoyu with a tigerish face.

"You can keep this grudge in your heart. When the war is over, whoever you beat to death will count who has the ability. What are you arguing about now? The whole mother and I will hurry on the road!"


Zhou Baoyu glared at Song Qing in displeasure, waved his whip and started galloping.

Zhou Baoyu felt extremely wronged. After all, he was a brother who played with him since he was a child. It was obviously your elder brother who made trouble first, but in the end it was my fault. I am not wronged.

I swear, if you don't believe in the last general, there is no reason for it.

Young Master Liu shook his head helplessly, lashed his horsewhip fiercely, Feng Xing's four hooves sped up and charged again, leaving behind the brigade of soldiers and horses behind the frontier for a moment.

Liu Mingzhi didn't want to leave the team either, but Young Master Liu had no doubts, if he continued to listen, he estimated that he would be dead in nine out of ten for the rest of his life.

There is also the possibility of being whipped to death, the kind that comes repeatedly.

As the sun set to the west, the main battle army led by Liu Mingzhi finally joined up with the grain and grass team that was on their way ahead, and arrived at the boundary of Jianzhou Prefecture when the moon was rising.

Liu Mingzhi and the others knew very well that such a large number of troops on their side could not escape the detection of the enemy's scouts, so Liu Mingzhi and the others did not hide their whereabouts, and rushed towards Jianzhou City overnight.

In the middle of the month, the army rushed to the Jianzhou city and began to set up camp for debts. Torches were already lit on the city wall, and crowds of people looked towards the camp that the dragon soldiers and horses were building outside the city.

Liu Mingzhi quietly put down the binoculars in his hand, and walked towards the large tent that had already been prepared.

"After the camp is set up, the whole army will be repaired. At dawn, we will bombard Jianzhou!"

"I have to wait!"

On the city wall of Jianzhou, the spectators hurried down the wall and walked towards the general Bashu who was holding the halberd.

"General, although you can't see the flag clearly, those things that reflect the moonlight are most likely artillery pieces. With so many artillery pieces, it is undoubtedly the enemy of Dalong!"

Bashu stared at the Dalong barracks outside the city, but under the cover of night, he couldn't see clearly at all.

Listening to the words of the spectators under his command, Ba Shu hesitated: "Could it be that the Dalong enemy army has contributed a lot of troops to defend Chongzhou? But why haven't we received any news?"

"Chongzhou has a [-]-strong army of hundreds of good brothers and tens of thousands of Turkic cavalry. Even if the dragon soldiers want to take back the city, it's impossible for them to take it so fast. It's only been a few days!"

"Including the time it took to rush from Chongzhou to Jianzhou, isn't it a joke that they captured a fortified city defended by [-] troops in four or five days?"

Lieutenant General Ton Mo nodded in agreement: "The general is right. It is really impossible to capture a fortified city defended by [-] elite soldiers in five days."

"At the very least, if the city really fell, General Baishan wouldn't be unable to convey the news of the city's fall."

"But at this time outside the city, besides the big dragon soldiers and horses, the last general really can't think of anyone else with such a well-equipped army!"

"Could it be that the dragon soldiers bypassed the great city of Chongzhou and directly attacked our garrisoned Jianzhou? You must know that the size of Jianzhou City can only accommodate [-] of our halberd-handlers."

"It's human nature to avoid the important and take the light. What you said is not impossible!"

"Command the brothers to pay attention to defense to prevent them from stealing the city at night. This general will send a letter to the commander and Chongzhou immediately to see what happened!"

"The end will be ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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