Chapter 1657
Dawn broke through the darkness and brought light to the land of Jianzhou.

But no one knows whether there is hope or destruction hidden in the light. After all, before things come, who dares to make a judgment!
Jiang Lei put down the binoculars in his hand and turned to look at First Young Master Liu who was still wiping his cheeks with a towel after washing.

"Commander, far from reducing the number of enemy troops on the city wall, they are gradually increasing their forces on the city wall. The general thinks that the fact that we captured Chongzhou has not been leaked in all likelihood!"

"Otherwise, how could the enemy army, who had learned the truth about our capture of Chongzhou, dare to station troops on the city wall in an open and aboveboard manner, and instead increased their troops on the city wall at dawn."

"Perhaps capturing Jianzhou this time will be much easier than taking back Chongzhou."

Liu Mingzhi threw the towel to Du Yu who was on the side, looked over the city wall, and silently nodded a few times when he saw the flags waving in the wind.

"The halberd bearer of one of the twelve guards of the Jin Kingdom did not find the banner of the Turkic flag. It seems that only soldiers and horses of the first guard of the Jin Kingdom are stationed here in Jianzhou."

"In this way, it is indeed much easier than capturing Chongzhou."

"It is understandable that the scale of Jianzhou City is much smaller than that of Chongzhou. The garrison of [-] soldiers and horses is already the limit. If [-] soldiers and horses are stationed, it will be crowded and stampede. It is tantamount to chaos."

Liu Mingzhi took out the command flag and handed it to Jiang Lei: "Let's deploy artillery to attack the city!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Liu Mingzhi took one last look at Jianzhou City and walked straight towards the big tent in the army: "Send the order, beat the drums and gather the generals!"

The morning was supposed to be a peaceful and peaceful time, but the tranquility of Jianzhou was broken by the sound of war drums from the Dalong barracks.

The generals hurried out of their tents and gathered towards the big tent of the Chinese army!

"I'll see you, Commander!"

"No courtesy, take your seat!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Liu Mingzhi took out the Tiger Talisman that Gu Mo Rongrong gave him from his arms and handed it to Song Qing.

"The [-] cavalry of Gumo Kingdom are temporarily under your command!"

"Thank you, Marshal, the last general takes orders!"

"After the artillery fire is over, you wait for the opportunity to attack the city according to the situation. You can't attack by force, you can only outsmart!"

"You only need to win Jianzhou within three days, and no more than five days at the latest!"

"We take orders!"

Lieutenant General Ton Mo, who was holding the halberd on the city wall, heard the sound of the general saluting behind him, and knew that General Ba Shu had climbed the city wall, so he rushed to meet him.

"General, the identities of the soldiers and horses outside the city have been confirmed. They are indeed the enemy army of the dragon, and they are under the banner of Liu Mingzhi, the army in the middle. As for who is in charge of the army, it is still unknown!"

"There are hundreds of thousands of troops, and the spectators have already seen that they have already started beating drums and gathering generals, forming formations, and I am afraid that they will attack the city at any time!"

Ba Shu frowned, and hurriedly walked towards the city wall, looking at the huge willow characters on the banners outside the city, Ba Shu's expression gradually became dignified.

Since several battles, no matter whether it is the troops of the Dajin or the Turkic tribes, who has not suffered the secret loss of Liu Mingzhi's troops in the middle.

Compared with the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang who were quite disciplined in their use of troops, the troops under Liu Mingzhi's command were nothing more than a group of howling wolf cubs who played their cards unreasonably.

No matter how many troops you have, as long as the banner is still guiding the position, they will dare to rush forward without fear of death, but as long as the direction of the banner changes, even if their troops are several times stronger than the enemy, they will ignore it.

The appearance of orders and prohibitions is simply frightening, and it makes Bashu and other leaders doubt what kind of military law Liu Mingzhi has formulated to train such an elite team.

Compared with the mature and stable Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang, the six guards of the New Army, who are in their early twenties and are in their early twenties, are a bloody and arrogant young army, which is simply the nightmare of any enemy.

Just the act of charging bravely and fearlessly will crush any opponent in terms of morale.

"Commander, use a hanging basket to send a brother scout to call the formation, and find out who is leading the army?"


Ton Mo looked at the more and more orderly formation of the dragon soldiers and horses outside the city, his face became serious.

"General, did the commander reply to the letter with the general Baishan? What's the situation in Chongzhou?"

Ba Shu shook his head slightly: "The letter to Jingzhou is estimated to be sent back around noon, and the letter from Chongzhou will take at least an hour and a half to be sent back!"

"Don't worry, although there are as many as [-] enemy troops outside the city, we won't suffer a big loss if we defend the city!"

"Of course the general understands, but the general is mainly worried about Dalong's artillery. Once they blast open the city gate and rush into the city, we will be in danger!"

Ba Shu smiled lightly and looked at the enemy army outside the city: "Don't worry, we have enough food and grass. Knowing the power of the Dalong artillery, this general has already ordered rammed earth to seal the city gate."

"Although Dalong's artillery is powerful, it's not much more than ours, otherwise we wouldn't have been forced out of the city for a decisive battle in Yingzhou!"

"I have heard more than once that the silver consumed for casting artillery is simply a bottomless pit that cannot be filled. Dalong just experienced the civil strife of the King of Shu, and now he is going north for the second time. The treasury can't afford much silver to cast artillery! "

"Just relying on the original artillery, although the power is good, it is not invincible."

Only then did Ton Mo heaved a sigh of relief: "Since the general has already prepared himself for the last general, he can rest assured!"

"Report, report back to the general, the leader of the army outside the city is the king of the dragon side by side, the commander-in-chief of the army in the middle, Liu Mingzhi."

Hearing what the scouts said, Bashu narrowed his eyes, his expression a little nervous and a little excited.

"It turned out that Liu Mingzhi personally led the troops to attack the city. You really think highly of this general!"

As soon as Bashu finished speaking, the sound of charging horns came from the Dalong camp outside the city, and then the sound of drums to boost morale became more and more intensive.

Ba Shu took a deep breath and waved the command flag in his hand.

"Order the soldiers of the three armies to beware of the enemy's artillery, bed crossbows, catapults, archers, swords and shields, and be ready to fight back at any time!"


"Look, General!"

Ba Shu subconsciously looked out of the city, and saw Dalong's sword and shield soldiers holding their shields high, covering the chariot and ladder fighters, and slowly approaching the city wall in a dense formation.

Ba Shu looked a little puzzled!

"What kind of siege strategy is this? Without the cover of archers, without the support of bed crossbows, catapults and artillery, do you rely on swords and shields to attack the city?"

"General, when things go wrong, there must be monsters. Liu Mingzhi will never do useless deeds, it's better to be careful!"

Ba Shu nodded solemnly: "That's right, Liu Mingzhi is notorious for not playing cards according to common sense. There must be a conspiracy unknown to us in doing so. He ordered the soldiers of the three armies to pay attention to their precautions and be careful of every move of the enemy outside the city. You go to the other three city gates to observe and see if this is the case!"

"The general understands, the general will pass the order immediately!"

"Observers, pay close attention to the actions of the enemy troops outside the city, and notify immediately if anything goes wrong!"

"The humble general, the enemy army outside the city has changed!"

"Not good, behind the shield are all big dragon's cannons, at least fifty or sixty."



Before the spectators had time to finish their sentence, the sword and shield soldiers outside the city spread out on both sides, revealing a door of cannon barrels flickering with cold light, followed by a flash of fire.

A series of shells smoking gunpowder bombarded the city wall of Jianzhou.

After the round of test firing ended, Ba Shu had not had time to order the soldiers to avoid the artillery fire. After adjusting the number of movements, the Dalong artillery started the second round of shelling again.


The current appearance of Jianzhou is exactly the same as that of Chongzhou City!
The Dalong soldiers and horses who didn't even call the battle used more than 200 artillery pieces to start washing the land against Jianzhou.

It fully demonstrates what it means to be rich and self-willed.

What does it mean to be rich with artillery coverage, and poor with strategic interludes!

(End of this chapter)

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