Chapter 1658

Two days later.

Unsurprisingly, the four walls of Jianzhou City became exactly the same as Chongzhou City.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the walls are dilapidated, the city tower has lost its previous appearance, and the carbon deposits after burning are still emitting faint black smoke. Chance.

Ba Shu, Ton Mo has also come to his senses at this time, all previous inferences are wrong.

Dalong's artillery is not the kind of power that I and others imagined, let alone the number that I expected.

On the first day, the generals such as Ba Shu, who didn't realize how terrifying the enemy army outside the city was, deployed [-]% of the halberd-handling troops on the city wall, preparing to defend against the attack of the dragon's enemy army.

It was also that day that Ba Shu led his halberd-handling soldiers into the abyss.

When hundreds of shells bombarded the city wall one after another, Bashu realized that he had made the worst decision in his life, that is, he should not have ordered the soldiers to mount the city wall for defense.

The more people on the city wall, the denser it is, the more exciting it is for Jiang Lei's gunners.

Because of this, the power of artillery can be brought into full play.

The scene of a few or more than a dozen enemy troops being blown up with one shot made them feel excited.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, being a soldier and eating food is for military exploits, and only with military exploits can you be promoted to rank.

The halberd-handling soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin on the city wall were their enemies who were promoted and made fortunes, so the gunners did not hesitate at all, let alone show any compassion.

The two armies have been at war since ancient times.

If I live, the enemy will die, and if the enemy lives, I will die. This is an eternal truth.

Compassion and compassion are simply not appropriate to be used on the battlefield, but it will make people feel a little ridiculous.

Under the city wall of Jianzhou, Ton Mo's forehead and left eye were wrapped with a clean silk cloth, and some bright red blood still faintly oozes from it.

Unfortunately, Ton Mo was injured by the steel ball blasted out of the flower bomb to the corner of his left eye, and a long scar was also spread on his forehead. Even if Ton Mo survived, whether his eyes can heal is still a big problem.

Even the doctors in the army shook their heads and sighed. If you are lucky, Ton Mo's eyes will only be left with a little scar. If you are unlucky, Ton Mo may be blind in his left eye for the rest of his life.

Ton Mo was lucky again. Compared with the other halberd-handling soldiers who died under the steel ball, he only injured one eye but saved his life, which is undoubtedly extremely lucky.

Ton Mo looked at the general Bashu who was leaning on the city wall to bandage the wound on his left hand with a sad face: "General, brothers have suffered more than half of the casualties under the artillery fire of Dalong's enemy army, and no brothers dare to climb the city wall anymore. !"

Bashu sighed silently, looking at Bashu's injured eyes, his gaze was a little painful: "The commander-in-chief's reply letter has been received, but there is no news from Chongzhou Feixiongwei so far. Under the attack of the Dalong enemy army!"

"Dalong's artillery fire is so fierce, coupled with the large number of troops, it is not impossible to take back Chongzhou City in about five days. We all underestimate Liu Mingzhi!"

"The hole cards in his hand are far more than what we saw when we attacked Yingzhou a few days ago. This general has thought about it carefully. From the moment we go south, everything is in Liu Mingzhi's plan."

"The reason why we were able to capture so many cities was not because we had a large number of soldiers, but because Liu Mingzhi gathered our troops in the city from the very beginning with the purpose of inviting you into the urn, so as to carry out artillery bombardment."

"Including the combined forces, Liu Mingzhi's purpose is to gather our troops together so that we can carry out his plan!"

Tong Mo lowered his head and thought for a moment, then his only remaining right eye suddenly opened wide: "General, what does it mean that Liu Mingzhi planned to trap us in the city for defense from the very beginning, so that he could bombard our troops with artillery?"

Ba Shu dejectedly nodded slightly: "Obvious things, if you think about our casualties outside the city before, and think about our lost troops in the past two days, you can clearly understand it!"

"Although the artillery is powerful, but outside the city, the terrain is wide. When the cavalry rushes to attack, the artillery fire is very powerful, and the lethality is extremely limited. Even the infantry are scattered loosely, and the artillery can't exert [-]% of its power. power."

"On the other hand, on the city wall, whether it is big or small, what will happen if so many troops gather on the city wall? You have seen the scene on the first day, so I don't need to go into details. !"

"It can be said that from the beginning to the end, Liu Mingzhi planned every step of the way to lure us into his trap."

"Originally, we had the advantage in attacking the city, but now they have more soldiers and surround us."

"Didn't you notice? We can retreat at any time if we can't beat the battle outside the city. Now that there are more than [-] troops surrounding the city, we have no way to retreat. There are only two ways to go!"

"Either surrender in Kaesong, or die in Jianzhou City! Other than that, there is no other way!"

Ton Mo looked at Ba Shu in a daze: "What is the general going to do next?"

Bashu glanced complicatedly at the halberd-handling soldiers with low morale around him and sighed silently: "I have already passed my guess and the situation of Jianzhou to the two commanders, I hope they can withdraw from the city in time. Well, continue to defend the city, and let the brothers die in vain!"

"As for the matter of building the state, I planned to stick to it. The more time we hold on here, the more time the commander and the rest of the brethren will have to retreat!"

"That is to say, we have to use our lives to buy time for other brothers from all walks of life to evacuate."

"The general is sorry for you!"

Ton Mo stared at Bashu's sad expression, stared blankly for a long time, then nodded with a wry smile.

"The general understands, the general will go and inform the brothers about the general's decision!"

"Ton Mo!"

Ton Mo paused, turned around and looked at Ba Shu quietly: "What orders does the general have?"

"I hope you and the brothers don't blame this general. For the sake of the Jin Kingdom's foundation, this general has no other choice."

"Since your Majesty ascended the throne, you have made great efforts to rule the country and spread benevolent government to the people. Let me ask you, among the brothers present, which one has not received His Majesty's favor, and which brother's family has not received His Majesty's benevolent government?"

"Now that my Dajin is going south, I am committed to the unification of the world, for future generations, and for the sake of my Dajin Wanshi foundation to expand the territory. It is really heaven that has no eyes to encounter such adversity."

"Your Majesty loves the people like his son, and it's time for us soldiers to dedicate themselves to our duties and serve our country!"

"Tell the brothers that those who are afraid of dying in battle can report to Sima at any time. The general will allow them to leave the city and surrender. Those who are willing to follow the general to defend Jianzhou and buy time for the rest of the brothers' army to retreat will meet at the city gate!"

"Life and death are two ways, I will never interfere, let the brothers decide for themselves!"

Ton Mo looked at Ba Shu's face with eyes closed and sighing, and the arm holding the handle of the knife trembled slightly.

"I will understand at the end!"

At noon on June [-]th in the first year of Dalong Yongping.

More than 2 soldiers, one of the twelve guards of the Kingdom of Jin, swear to follow the halberd-handling general Bashu to defend Jianzhou and resist the dragon's attack on the city.

Bashu looked at the only [-] brothers left on the street with red eyes and sighed silently.

"The general has no intention of greedy for life, and the scholar has the heart of death!"

(End of this chapter)

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