My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1659 Restoration of Jianzhou

Chapter 1659 Restoration of Jianzhou
The large tent of the Chinese army outside Jianzhou City.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the scouts who had gone to call back with a complicated expression, and sighed twice, sat on the chair and looked around at the generals Song Qing who also had complicated expressions!
"Attack as soon as you attack, never open the city and surrender!"

"Bashu and the others seem to mean that they are going to defend Jianzhou City to the death. What do you think, how do you continue to attack the city?"

Cheng Kai quietly put down the teacup in his hand: "Commander, the enemy army in the city has no intention of climbing the city wall at all, and if they say this again, it seems that they are determined to wait for us to forcibly attack the city!"

"The last general suggests that in this case, let's launch a strong attack. The force in the city can't support more than [-] people. If we attack the city with [-] soldiers, it is more than enough to attack the city."

"The final general seconded the proposal. If they don't go to the city to defend, we don't attack by force. It will be very bad for us if it is consumed. In this case, the only way we have is to attack by force."

"The final general seconded the proposal. They can afford it, but we can't afford it. As the commander-in-chief said, the more we delay, the more likely we are to expose our strength."

"Marshal, let's attack!"

Liu Mingzhi crossed his legs, leaned on the handsome chair, and tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

"Although Jianzhou has only [-] troops, this commander has an intuition that the proportion of damage to capture Jianzhou will be far greater than the proportion of damage to recapture Chongzhou."

"There is no other way, let's attack!"

"I have to wait!"

Following Liu Mingzhi's order, the drums of the Dalong Barracks mixed with the sound of horns pierced the sky, and more than [-] soldiers and horses prepared for battle, ready to charge Jianzhou City at any time.

With the sound of cannons, the four gates of Jianzhou City were bombarded badly by artillery, and they fell to the ground with a bang.

Thousands of shield soldiers covered some masters and went to the city gates to dig the city gates that were sealed by rammed earth.

The halberd soldiers on the city wall were just about to attack the dragon soldiers who broke through the city gate below the city, but they were suppressed by the artillery fire and did not dare to show their faces. They could only tear off the city wall in a panic and shrank on the city ladder behind to avoid the attack of the shells. .

More than half an hour later, with the waving of flags outside the city gate, more than [-] soldiers and horses divided into four groups and launched a general attack on Jianzhou City.

Liu Mingzhi rode on the horse, closed his eyes and listened quietly to the sound of charging and killing in the city, his complexion was so complex that it was hard to see what he was thinking.

Gu Mo Rongrong, who had already arrived last night, looked at Young Master Liu's weeping and sighing expression in amazement, full of puzzlement.

"Marshal Husband, the capture of Jianzhou in three days can be said to be directed by the soldiers, and everything is going against the odds. Why do you still look like you can't get up?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled wryly and shook his head: "I can't imagine that there are people in this world who are as stupid as Duan Buren and Brother Polujun!"

"Bashu, the halberd bearer!"

"Fool! Heroes too."

It was getting dusk, and it seemed that every battle ended at dusk. At this time, the setting sun in the sky was strong, and the light red afterglow swayed wantonly on the earth, which made people feel more relaxed and happy.

But for Jianzhou City, this kind of beautiful scenery is not like a beautiful scenery, but like a hell on earth.

Because the blood-like setting sun in the sky really seemed to be reddened by the accumulated blood in Jianzhou City.

When the big dragon's dragon flag was hoisted on the city wall of Jianzhou again, Liu Mingzhi rode his horse slowly towards Jianzhou without saying a word.

Seeing this, Gu Mo Rongrong gave Du Yu a wink and hurriedly followed.

Entering Jianzhou City, Liu Mingzhi watched the tragic scene on the main street in silence for a long time, even Gu Mo Rongrong, who had always been eloquent, fell silent and watched the tragic battle on the street.

Song Qing led a group of soldiers preparing to clean up the battlefield and stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi, with an indescribably melancholy expression on his face.

"Commander, there are 5 halberd-handling soldiers stationed in Jianzhou Jin Kingdom, all of them fought to the death in Jianzhou City, and none of them survived!"

"General Ba Shu, Deputy General Ton Mo and six generals under his command died under the random arrows, all of them were shot in the chest, and none of them retreated!"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Song Qing for a moment, then closed his eyes silently while looking at Jin Guo's halberd bearer who was strewn with corpses all over the street.

Killing him is a crime, and killing Wan is a hero.

I obviously regained the lost land and regained the city within my fief, why now I have a feeling that I am a villain.

Since ancient times, being a soldier is nothing more than following orders!

5 people, I don't know if Wanyan will revoke the banner of Jin Guo's halberd-bearer!
"Give it a good burial!"

"The end will be ordered!"

On June [-]th of the first year of Yongping, Liu Mingzhi ordered the officials of Jianzhou to rebuild the dilapidated city of Jianzhou like Chongzhou, but compared to Chongzhou, Jianzhou's luck was not as good as Chongzhou.

Because there were no prisoners in Jianzhou, all the [-] halberd-handling soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin died in the battle, and none of them survived. Naturally, the construction of Jianzhou can only rely on Jianzhou's own officials and garrison soldiers.

Fortunately, Liu Mingzhi left an order for Zhou Wen, governor of Jianzhou, to coordinate with Luo Yuan, governor of Chongzhou, and dispatched some prisoners who were not needed in Chongzhou to escort Jianzhou to help rebuild the city.

During the two days of recuperation in Jianzhou, everyone noticed that the commander-in-chief Liu Mingzhi seemed to be in a bad mood, and everyone tried to avoid the commander-in-chief's eyes, for fear of getting burned.

Even Song Qing, who usually dared to laugh and laugh with Young Master Liu, restrained his behavior. When he met Liu Mingzhi, he was respectful and business-like, and he didn't dare to say any jokes with joking words!
It can be said that in the entire army, except for Gu Mo Rongrong, very few people know what Young Master Liu has been busy these two days.

Jianzhou, which was being rebuilt, was full of silence. The sound of gathering drums broke the tranquility of Jianzhou. Teams of soldiers and horses began to stand in line, and the generals also packed their armor and rushed towards Young Master Liu's wing.

If nothing else happened, the meaning of the commander-in-chief beating the drum and gathering the generals had already been guessed by them.

Go south to Guzhou.

"I'll see you, Commander!"

"The generals without courtesy will listen to the order, prepare the army, and prepare to attack Guzhou and take back the city of Guzhou!"

Some generals wanted to persuade them that Guzhou is a slightly larger city than Chongzhou, should they wait for the other two teams of brothers to seize the city again, but the commander's expression has already told them that it is time to take back Guzhou? The move is urgent and there is no room for negotiation.

Only then did many people dispel the worries in their hearts, and silently obeyed Liu Mingzhi's commander-in-chief and began to prepare the army for war.

About half an hour later, the whole army of more than [-] troops was preparing for battle, and they could go south to seize the city at any time, just waiting for Liu Mingzhi's command.

"Rong Rong, your Tiger Talisman."

Gu Mo Rongrong smiled lightly and pushed Liu Mingzhi's hand back, shaking her head slightly at Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, we have long been inseparable from each other. Rongrong's tiger charm is your tiger charm. Do you still want to treat Rongrong as an outsider?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the beautiful woman's angry pretty face and nodded silently: "Forget it, if that's the case, let's talk about it after the war is over!"

"You go to join the big brother and the others at the city gate first, and I'll meet you after I explain something to Governor Zhou!"

"Well, Rongrong knows, Rongrong is leaving first, see you later!"

In the Governor's Mansion, Jianzhou Governor Zhou Wen kept nodding his head in response, and Liu Mingzhi patted Zhou Wen's shoulder lightly after finishing what he had ordered.

"Master Zhou, I will leave the matter of building the state to you. If necessary, communicate with Lord Luo by letter. You are all officials under the rule of this king. Does this king hope that you can govern the northern border without any distractions?" A matter of people's livelihood!"

"Don't worry, my lord, this is the job of a subordinate official. I will definitely do it myself and never let my lord down."

"Since that's the case, the king can rest assured, Mr. Zhou stays behind, and the king is going south to fight!"

"Congratulations to the lord."

About two quarters of an hour, the clarion call of the expedition attracted the people in the city to look towards the city gate, and Liu Mingzhi led the [-] troops under his command to go straight to Guzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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