Chapter 1660 Aggressive
After Liu Mingzhi led his troops to restore Jianzhou, on his way south to Guzhou to seize the city, he didn't know that all his military actions in Jianzhou had been passed down by the Bashu Golden Eagle and reported to Yaluha in Jingzhou, Wanyan Master the two generals of the army and horses!
The news of Jianzhou and Chongzhou reached Wanyan Chizha's ears, which meant that it was unrealistic for Liu Mingzhi to use the advantage of artillery fire to attack the enemy defending the city with such a conspiracy!

Jingzhou Shu Palace, the palace built when Shu King Li Yunlong was relegated to Jingzhou by Li Zheng, since the incident between Li Yunlong and Li Baihong, the Shu Palace has been closed by the Jingzhou Governor following the court order.

After the coalition forces of the two countries invaded the city, the former Shu Palace became the tentative place for Wanyan Chizha, Huyan Yunyao and the others to stay.

In the west courtyard of the palace, Wanyan Chizha and Yeluha were staring at the sand table in front of them and discussing something softly, when Wanyan Chizha's personal guards rushed in quickly.

"My lord, Yale Commander, Turkic Khan Huyan Yunyao is waiting outside the hall, saying that he has something important to discuss!"

Wanyan Chizha, who was discussing in a low voice, looked at each other with deep eyes.

"Could it be that you came here for Chongzhou and Jianzhou?"

Yeluha sighed and shook his head: "It's hard to say, we also learned the news of the fall of Chongzhou from the letter sent by General Bashu. General Baishan didn't send a letter in person, which means that the affairs of Chongzhou have been completely blocked by Liu Mingzhi stand up."

"We haven't received a letter from General Baishan, and Huyan Yunyao may not have received a letter from Wo Chitai, otherwise she should have come from Dongkuayuan to see us long ago!"

"Only our halberd-bearers are stationed in Jianzhou City, and there are no Turkic soldiers and horses supporting each other. We have just learned the news of Jianzhou's fall, and it is even more impossible for her to know!"

Wanyan Chizha caressed the beautiful beard on his chin, and there was undisguised hesitation in his eyes.

"It's not easy to make a judgment now. Although this girl is young, she can dominate the grassland at such a young age. She is the lord of the grassland after all. Pass it on to her!"

"It may also be Lingzhou. The Turkic soldiers stationed in Hanzhou passed her the news that Dalong went south to seize the city, which made her deduce something from it!"

"Lingzhou, Hanzhou is in a hurry, and it is about to fall under the offensive of Dalong's left and right troops. If we ignore it, once Lingzhou and Hanzhou fall again, we will never be able to resist Dalong again. The troops are here!"

"No one would have imagined that Liu Mingzhi would be so powerful that he would capture our two heavily defended cities in just over ten days. This is too unbelievable!"

"15 elite troops occupy the advantage of the city wall, but they haven't held on for a month. How can such a thing be believed!"

"You and I have been in the army for dozens of years. When have we ever seen such absurd things, but he is true. Chongzhou and Jianzhou have already fallen under the attack of the dragon."

"Hey, are we getting old, or Liu Mingzhi was just teasing us on purpose before, and didn't use his full strength to fight us!"

Yeluha looked at Wanyan Chizha's gritted teeth, and carefully put the letter from Bashu on the table beside him into his cuff.

"Perhaps everything is as inferred in Bashu's letter. We have been within Liu Mingzhi's calculations from the beginning to the end. The reason why Liu Mingzhi was able to win two cities in more than ten days is related to what Bashu said in his hand. Those powerful artillery can't escape!"

"The old man suggests that we should meet the girl Huyan Yunyao first, and see what she means. Let's combine our information to think about this matter!"

"If Huyan Yunyao's information matches the content of Bashu's letter, it is imminent for the soldiers and horses to withdraw from the city!"

"Chongzhou, Jianzhou is fine, Hanzhou, Lingzhou's emergency biography is exactly the same as Bashu's. So many artillery bombarded on the densely populated city wall, it is a naked massacre!"

"Perhaps as Ba Shu said, Dalong Zhiqiang hid the artillery and did not use it, just to lead us into the trap they set step by step."

"In less than a month, my Dajin's troops and horses alone have lost [-] yuan. If we don't come up with a countermeasure in time, we may all die in battle in a foreign country!"

Wanyan Chizha felt Yeluha's sorrowful mood, took a deep breath lightly to calm down and nodded to the guard.

"Respectfully invite Taichang Khan to speak in the hall!"

"Impressive order!"

After a cup of tea, the guards who had just gone out respectfully greeted the valiant Huyan Yunyao and walked into the living room, followed by the Turkic Prince Huyanyu who had a calm face as usual.

Hu Yanyu is exceptionally dedicated. She is Huyan Yunyao's eldest brother and also serves as Huyan Junyao's bodyguard. After all, the younger sister's identity is extraordinary, and she must not be sloppy. Any problems will be unbearable for Turks. result.

As usual, Huyan Yunyao stopped and stopped with her exquisite riding whip in her hand, staring closely at the two old foxes who came up with a smile.

"Big Khan is here, I'm far away to welcome you, please take a seat!"

Huyan Yunyao looked at Wanyan Chizha and the two indifferently, and she was not polite, she went straight to the side seat and sat down with Erlang's legs upturned. Wanyan Chizha and the two had just sat down, and Huyan Yunyao blurted out as soon as her cherry lips parted. .

"The purpose of Ben Khan's coming here must have been understood by the two seniors, so I will stop talking nonsense. I wonder if the two seniors have any good suggestions!"

Huyan Yunyao's words startled Wanyan Chizha, the two old foxes who had been famous for many years, and looked at Huyan Yunyao with a mysterious expression and elusive meaning in his eyes in astonishment.

The two subconsciously looked at each other, seeing the vigilance in each other's eyes.

Wanyan Chizha picked up the teacup and pecked lightly, then glanced at Huyan Yunyao who was lingering on the two of them.

Secretly said, as expected of a fellow student of Liu Mingzhi, his behavior is so unreasonable, it is hard to resist.

Come up and say that our two old brothers know your reason for coming, this is to put the two of us together!

Knowing the truth that too many words will lead to mistakes, Wanyan Chizha lingered in his heart for a moment, put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Huyan Yunyao with a light smile.

"Da Khan was joking. We two old guys are old and our brains are not as flexible as they were back then. We really can't guess what Da Khan is here for. If you have something to say, Da Khan may as well speak up!"

As soon as Wanyan Chizha finished speaking, Yeluha, who was opposite, understood the plan of this old brother who had cooperated for many years, and smiled and nodded in agreement.

"The king of Zhen is right. As the saying goes, if you have nothing to do, you can go to the Three Treasures Hall. The Khan must come here to discuss business. However, the Khan is talented and intelligent, and he does things out of the ordinary. How can we be two old guys who are half buried in the loess?" I can understand it!"

"Bang Chen dares to say that we are allies. If the Khan has anything to say, it's better to say it in the open, so as to save us two old fellows from racking our brains to guess."

"Extremely extreme, what Yale Master said is right!"

Hu Yanyu, who was sitting quietly at the lower head of Huyan Junyao, saw Wanyan Chizha, two old foxes who had been famous for many years, actually play such a child's trick with his little sister. With sharp ears and eyes, he instantly felt the little sister's gaze.

Glancing at the little girl's position, seeing the little girl winking at him, he calmed down, picked up the tea on the side with one hand and tasted it, to cover up his thoughts.

Huyan Yunyao's slender fingers nimbly turned the whip in her hand, and looked at the bewildered Wanyan Chizha and the two with playful eyes.

"I'm not afraid that the two seniors don't understand, but I'm afraid that the two seniors are pretending to be confused!"

Huyan Yunyao's blunt words made the two of them a little embarrassed, they smiled resentfully and did not refute anything.

But now that they have said that, the two of them will naturally not slap themselves in the face, they can only laugh apologetically.

"Let's be honest with Khan!"

"That's right, my brother Yulu, I really can't figure out the meaning of Da Khan!"

"Oh? Really? Since we are allies, don't the two of you plan to talk about the dragon's troops going south to seize the city?"

The two looked at each other upon hearing this, Wanyan Chizha's thoughts changed sharply, and he took out two letters from his cuffs and put them on the table.

"It turns out that Da Khan was talking about Lingzhou and Hanzhou. Bang Chen also just received the letter, and he was about to pay a visit to Da Khan after discussing with Brother Yale. Unexpectedly, Da Khan came here first!"

Huyan Yunyao picked up the teacup and slowly brought it under her cherry lips, sneered slightly, glanced at Wanyan Chizha with her pretty eyes, and the two blew on the lukewarm tea.

"Don't you two plan to talk about Chongzhou and Jianzhou's follow-up of food and grass?"

Wanyan Chizha, who apologized for laughing, and the two froze their smiles, and looked at Huyan Yunyao in surprise, they never expected that she would be so outspoken and aggressive!

(End of this chapter)

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