Chapter 1662
Huyan Yunyao looked at Wanyan Chizha's inscrutable, and said words that made her feel at a loss, she really didn't know what happened that she didn't know.

Before he had time to ask, the sound of a golden eagle chirping came from the sky above the palace, and a strong golden eagle was running towards the hall with a bamboo tube in his hand standing on the shoulder of the personal guard who had finished cupping tea.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty's Golden Eagle Biography!"

Wanyan Chizha took the bamboo tube without hesitation, took out the letter inside and began to read it.

A moment later, Wanyan Chizha looked at the beautiful and powerful characters on the letter paper with a strong sense of unwillingness in his eyes.


"It's not too late to make up for it, go back to the country and wait!"

There are two pieces of rice paper under the letter paper, Wanyan Chizha flipped through it, one is the secret information of the admiral's secret agent, it records in detail everything about Chongzhou and Jianzhou!
A chessboard map that just emerged in Wanyan Chizha's mind was drawn on it, and the lines of military deployment were outlined with a vermilion pen, which could be said to fit perfectly with all the battles that took place in northern Xinjiang during this period, incomparably consistent.

The content on these three letters accurately verified the conjecture in Wanyan Chizha's heart just now. From the beginning to the end, this national war was under the guidance of Liu Mingzhi. It can be said that every step was made by Liu Mingzhi a long time ago. This guess is exactly right.

Join forces to go south.

Divide troops to attack the city.

Join forces.

Reinforcements from the Western Regions.

Wait for the opportunity to seize the city and occupy the geographical advantage.

Break through one by one, consume strength.

It can be said that on a small map, all the battles that have taken place these days are included. Although there is no detailed description, it makes people feel unfathomable in general.

Wanyan Chizha continued to speculate about the intention of the remaining lines, and finally Wanyan Chizha came to a conclusion that if the troops were not withdrawn and returned to the country at this time, within half a year all the troops of the Jin Kingdom and the Turks would be gradually eaten away by the dragon soldiers. In the end, the entire army was wiped out, and the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks no longer had the power to fight Dalong.

Yaluha looked at Wanyan Chizha's complex and changeable expression in puzzlement, in just a short cup of tea, his old brother's expression changed so much that it was not much different from those actors on stage who changed their facial makeup.

What exactly is written in His Majesty's biography?
Yeluha finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart, walked up to Wanyan Chizha and asked.

"Your Majesty, what is the purpose of His Majesty's message?"

Wanyan Chizha came back to his senses, and handed the first letter to Yeluha with trembling arms.

"Withdraw the troops and return to the country, and the squadron will return to the court!"

"What? Withdraw the troops and return to the country, and the squadron returns to the court?"

"See for yourself!"

On the side, Huyan Yunyao, brother and sister Huyanyu looked at each other instinctively, their eyes filled with astonishment.

retreat?At this time, the Golden Queen actually wants to retreat?
Doesn't she know that once she retreats at this time, all her efforts will be in vain?
Huyan Yunyao took a deep breath, raised her slender fingers and gently kneaded her temples, staring closely at Wanyan and Chizha, waiting to see if she could get some more useful information from their conversation .

The will of the old woman is beyond the comprehension of even a person who is called a natural handsome talent by others.

Although there have been some twists and turns in the southward battle, it has not yet reached the point of being defeated and withdrawing troops!

Yeruha looked at the contents of the letter, raised his hand and patted the table heavily.

"Retreat! What is His Majesty thinking? How can you retreat at this time?"

"We have already learned of the conspiracy between Liu Mingzhi and Dalong's enemy army, so we can take the opportunity to fight back at this time."

"In the fifteen cities, Dalong's enemy army is less than 50 people. Even if they take back the city without hurting a single soldier, their strength is by no means our opponent!"

"This kind of heaven-sent opportunity, we can go out of the city to fight, and eat all their soldiers and horses in one go. The strength of the army is more than twice that of the enemy, but we have to abandon the city and return to the country. What is the purpose of this?"

"Especially now that they are divided into three groups, it happens to be more powerful to us. They can defeat them one by one, and we can also defeat them one by one!"

"Six to seven million soldiers encircle Dalong with more than 70 soldiers and horses. It takes less than three days to wipe out an army, and within ten days to cut off all of Dalong's left and right arms, and then go south to attack Dalong's capital and rule the world!"

"God is helping us. At this time, we are actually asked to retreat. This old man disagrees!"

Wanyan Chizha quietly stared at Yaluha, who couldn't calm down, and sighed: "Brother Yale, are you going to resist the order?"

"My lord, it's not that the old man refuses to obey the order, but that the old man doesn't want to miss the good opportunity to help me make a fortune in the world."

"Before we set off, His Majesty personally promised that we will not accept the orders of the foreign emperor!"

"My lord, do you want to give up this opportunity for nothing? It's fine if we don't know the truth of the matter. Now that we know the truth of the matter, how can we withdraw our troops?"

"The enemy army we are facing now is not the million-strong army we expected, but only Liu Mingzhi and his three troops from the left, middle and right with less than 50 troops!"

"Having eaten their 50 soldiers and horses, it will no longer be a fantasy for us to drive straight into the dragon!"

"You have been guarding southern border for nearly 20 years, do you still want to continue guarding southern border until you die?"

"A good man aims everywhere, a good man conquers the world."

"We have been fighting for hundreds of years since our ancestors, and our wish will come true soon. How can you and I give up lightly."

Apparently, the decree on the letter paper touched Yeruha's sensitive nerves, making such a calm generalissimo become chattery and lose his composure.

Wanyan Chizha looked at Yaluha who was losing his composure with serious eyes, he knew that Yeluha couldn't accept such a result for a while, so how could he accept it himself.

But thinking of the arrangements on the letter paper, I have to accept it if I don't accept it.

As the Queen said, it is not too late to mend a dead sheep.

If you continue to fight, there is really no hope at all.

Pressing Yeluha's shoulders with both hands, Wanyan Chizha spoke earnestly.

"Brother Yale, calm down and listen to me!"

Yale tried to control his anger and looked at Wanyan Chizha quietly.

"My lord, please tell me, the old man is all ears!"

"Brother Yale, aren't you curious about the identities of those who went to loot our food and grass?"

Wanyan Chizha's words made Yeruha startled, they had seen the information behind them, but they really didn't know the identity of the person who went to loot the grain and grass.

"Which route is it?"

"The soldiers of the Anxi Protectorate and the reinforcements from the countries of the Western Regions total more than 32!"

"All elite light cavalry, it's been five days since we received our letter after looting our food and grass. Where do you think they are now?"

"Light cavalry? Where will it be in five days?"

Yeluha muttered twice, then hurriedly turned around and looked towards the sand table on one side, vaguely understanding the meaning of Wanyan Chizha's words in his heart.

"Could it be? Could it be them"

Wanyan Chizha grasped Yeluha's fingers slightly, and glanced back, because Wanyan Chizha's back was facing Huyan Yunyao, the two of them didn't see anything.

But Huyan Yunyao had been quietly watching the two's every move, and Huyan Yunyao still noticed something from Yeluha's eyes that she glanced at herself and then hurriedly retracted.

Combined with Wanyan Chizha's previous words, Huyan Yunyao stared closely at the sand table a few steps away and thought about it!
(End of this chapter)

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