My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1663 The Second Human Slaughter

Chapter 1663 The Second Human Massacre
Yalu stared blankly at Wanyan Chizha's eyes full of deep meaning, then slightly turned his head to look at the sand table beside him and began to think.

Years of military career finally made him feel something was wrong.

Could it be that there are some unspeakable secrets in His Majesty's will, otherwise, considering His Majesty's intention to unify the world, how could he easily give up the golden opportunity!

Yeruha was thinking, and the Huyan brothers and sisters beside him were thinking carefully about the reason.

Hu Yanyu has always been a person who does not show himself, but Huyan Yunyao can listen to his advice from time to time, which shows that Hu Yanyu is not simple.

Not to mention Huyan Yunyao, at a young age, she was able to cut off the Shibisi royal family who ruled the grassland by herself at a young age, so she was naturally not a mediocre person.

Combining the previous conversation between Wanyan Chizha and Yaluha, and the information from the spies in his hands, Huyan Junyao gradually figured out something was wrong when looking at the arrangement on the sand table.

This old guy Wanyan Chizha must have deliberately concealed some things about his position.

And it's quite an important thing.

Huyan Yunyao quietly walked into the second elder brother Huyanyu, and softly asked Wanyan Chizha Nunu's cherry lips, "How many letters?"

Huyan Yunyao couldn't see clearly, it didn't mean that Hu Yanyu, a martial artist who had reached the third rank, couldn't see clearly, Wanyan Chizha just took out the three letter papers, but only handed Yaluha a letter.

The remaining two letters must have hidden secrets.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Hu Yanyu gently stretched out three fingers to the little girl.

Huyan Yunyao nodded knowingly, and gently played with the Yan Ling above her head and walked towards the sand table. Since Wanyan Chizha didn't even tell Yeluha, even if she did, Wanyan Chizha would just do it if she wanted to. Will find an excuse to shirk the past.

That being the case, why should I not be happy with myself, it is better to be a man on my own.

After thinking about this, Huyan Yunyao put her arms around her plump chest and looked at the sand table quietly meditating.

Hu Yanyu sat on the chair as usual, but his pierced ears showed that he had been observing the actions of Wanyan and Chizha.

Empress Jin suddenly issued an order to retreat, and it must not have been aimless. There must have been some unforeseen changes on the side of the Jin Kingdom or Dalong's enemy army.

Wanyan Chizha let go of Yeluha's shoulders, glanced at Huyan Junyao who was ecstatically looking at the sand table, and the two walked side by side towards the other side of the sand table.

"Brother Yale, take ten thousand steps back, even if Zhang Mo's reinforcements from the Western Regions hadn't quietly gone deep into the hinterland of Dalong's northern border to ambush."

"Chongzhou, Jianzhou fell, we have already lost [-] troops!"

"Lingzhou, Hanzhou also has emergency documents, you don't understand what emergency documents mean?"

Yaruha nodded solemnly: "In most cases, the emergency document will only be sent when the troops lose more than half!"

"That's right, the emergency document will be issued only after the loss of more than half of the troops. You said that even if we are in Lingzhou, the remaining soldiers and horses in Hanzhou were evacuated from the attack of the two armies on the left and right of Dalong, how many troops do we have?"

"With the addition of Turkic soldiers and horses, how many troops can there be!"

"It's more than Dalong, but it's not much more. It's not impossible to eat Dalong's soldiers and horses in one go, but look at the terrain between Lingzhou and Hanzhou. Guzhou leads to Lingzhou , the terrain of Hanzhou!"

"It can be said that although Dalong's soldiers and horses are attacking, they have not relaxed their defense in the slightest, and the time to help each other will never exceed one and a half days!"

"Even if we go out of the city to fight at that time, they will join forces to resist our attack immediately."

"Although our military strength is 20 more than theirs, how can it be done in ten and a half months if we want to eat 50 million people? When both sides have sufficient food and grass, even the situation in the first half of the war is not a problem! "

"Don't talk about half a year, even if it's a month, the reinforcements who looted our food and grass will rush over and give us an anti-siege!"

"If you add Dalong's 30 new army, you may have thought about the consequences?"

"The whole army was wiped out."


Wanyan Chizha sighed silently: "This is not an opportunity, it's clearly a bait with an open pocket, just waiting for us to go out of the city and get inside."

"After we get in, it means that we will become a piece of fat in Liu Mingzhi's bloody mouth, and the great dragon's tendency to rule the world will be unstoppable."

"Now do you know why His Majesty asked us to retreat and return to the country?"

Yeruha swallowed involuntarily, looking at the sand table in front of her, her heart began to palpitate more and more!

"Doesn't this mean that defending the city means waiting for their artillery bombardment, breaking down one by one, and entering their encirclement after attacking out of the city, waiting for the entire army to be wiped out?"

Wanyan Chizha's fists were clenched, and the unwillingness in his eyes was extremely obvious, but there was a trace of helplessness and fear in his unwillingness.

A conspiracy is often more terrifying than a conspiracy, because you know his plan but can't do anything about it.

"That's right, you can't defend if you defend, and you can't attack if you attack. If you defend to the death, the result of attacking is that the whole army will be wiped out. It's just that the time is different, so the only way to withdraw the troops and return to the country is to have a chance!"

"Your Majesty's decree that we withdraw our troops and return to the country is a helpless move. She wants to dominate the world more than anyone else, but she is caught in such a situation. Let alone dominate the world, whether she can protect herself is a problem!"

Thinking of the route outlined on the map on the letter paper, Wanyan Chizha couldn't help feeling terrified.

Is it because I am too old, or the young people are too powerful!
The world is a chessboard, and the Three Kingdoms are chess pieces, all of which are played by him in the palm of his hand.

Was such a person really just an ignorant dude back then?
Yeruha looked at the sand table in front of him in despair: "Is this the way to forget?"

"The army went south twice, and they got such a result. How can I explain to Erlang who died in the battle, and how to explain to their families!"

"It turns out that all the hopes of victory are nothing but sweet dreams carefully crafted by the enemy!"

"how so!"

"Brother Yale, this king is also feeling bad. In the final analysis, the national power is still inferior to Dalong. Liu Mingzhi can afford to play, and he can also afford to gamble."

"They have lost 30 troops, and they can recruit another 30 troops by waving. We will be hurt if we lose 30 troops!"

"The fundamental reason why Liu Mingzhi dared to set up such a situation is that he has the support of strong national power behind him!"

"In such a big situation, the right time, place and people are indispensable!"

"It's not wrong for us to lose!"

"But... Tianshi is clearly on our side. Dalong has just experienced civil strife and has recruited 30 new recruits. Why is their food and grass replenished in such a timely manner? This is completely inconsistent with the intelligence!"

Wanyan Chizha gave a wry smile with complicated eyes: "Dalong treasury has no money, but his father has it!"

"His father."

Yeluha was completely silent, yes, you can't stop someone from having a father who is extremely rich behind him to support him!

The treasury's money needs to take care of everything about Dalong, while Liu Zhi'an's money only needs to take care of Young Master Liu's expedition alone. This is the gap!

"Brother Yale, all the soldiers and horses that can be contacted by the Golden Eagle will withdraw from the garrisoned city and fight on their own. Without the slightest delay, withdraw the troops and return to the country immediately. One more day of delay will increase the danger of our encirclement!"

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

After Yeluha left, Wanyan Chizha looked at Huyan Yunyao with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Taichang Khan, Bangchen is going to withdraw his troops and go back to the country, and Bangchen also wants to continue fighting side by side with Great Khan, but the sacred will is hard to violate, Bangchen has no choice but to Say sorry!"

Looking at the sand table, Huyan Yunyao came back to her senses, the fear in her pretty eyes was self-evident, and the lotus root arm holding the sand table trembled uncontrollably.

Taking a few deep breaths, Huyan Yunyao controlled her agitated mind and looked at Wanyan Chizha.
"Since the sacred will of the senior is hard to violate, let the teacher return to court!"

"Ben Khan has other things to do, so I won't bother you anymore. Goodbye."

Wanyan Chizha stared at Huyan Yunyao's somewhat panicked figure in astonishment, the promise was a little too straightforward.

Hu Yanyu couldn't wait to catch up with the younger sister, and didn't ask her question until she reached the courtyard.

"Little sister, what exactly happened, Jin Guo withdrew its troops just like that, did you agree?"

Huyan Yunyao turned her head to look at Huyanyu who looked puzzled, her face turned pale.

"We can't leave if we don't withdraw!"

"What? So serious?"

A helpless wry smile appeared on Huyan Junyao's cherry lips.

"Ask the heroes of the world, who is better than senior brother!"

"Just ask the most ruthless people in the world, who will give up Liu Mingzhi!"

"If we don't withdraw our troops in time, Liu Mingzhi will be in the history books after a thousand years."

"The second slaughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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