Chapter 1664 Retreat
In Yeluha's study room, Yeluha is directing a group of personal guards to write quickly.

The withdrawal of troops could not be delayed for a moment, and the possibility of being encircled would increase by [-]% if it was delayed for a moment, even Yeruha, who was calm and calm, did not dare to hesitate in the slightest.

Wanyan Chizha quietly walked into the study, whispered in Yeluha's ear for a moment, saw Yeluha nodding to indicate understanding, quietly stuffed something in Yeluha's hand, and then left the study!

After Wanyan Chizha left the study room, he went straight to the courtyard where Huyan Yunyao and the others lived temporarily.

Wanyan Chizha was still a little curious, why Huyan Yunyao accepted her retreat so readily, either she had a conspiracy she didn't know about, or she had already deduced something.

Wanyan Chizha was quite afraid of this junior who was known as a natural handsome talent, and worried that Huyan Yunyao would make him a stumbling block on the way to withdraw troops.

The life and death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers are at stake, Wanyan Chizha dare not be careless in the slightest, he must be absolutely safe to be completely at ease!
However, as soon as Wanyan Chizha got close to the arch, some hidden Turkic eagle archers discovered his whereabouts.

Anyone who can become a Condor Archer must be a person with brilliant eyes. Although Wanyan Chizha is also a top-ranked master, as a prince, he naturally cannot be too sneaky, trying to avoid the Condor Archer's sight. It's not that easy either.

Wanyan Chizha pretended to be passing by the courtyard where Huyan Yunyao and the others lived, but his eyes kept looking into the courtyard, wanting to observe something.

Wanyan Chizha didn't know that his actions had been under the surveillance of others, and he didn't even know that a sculpture archer in exquisite leather armor had already reported the matter to Huyan Yunyao.

After about a cup of tea, the archer went back and forth and hid in the darkness again. Wanyan Chizha smiled and nodded at the Turkic guards guarding the courtyard, and the guards responded respectfully, without stopping Wanyan Chizha at all. mean.

Wanyan Chizha, who entered the courtyard, had a look of doubt in his eyes, didn't these guards notify him?
However, at this point, Wanyan Chizha didn't have time to think deeply, and walked cautiously towards the room where Huyan Junyao was resting.

He had a plan in his mind. If someone found out about his actions, he would cover it up on the grounds that he was looking for Huyan Yunyao. No one would find out that he was better. With his own strength, as long as he was careful, he should be able to avoid the master Hu Yanyu. My ears picked up some of their conversation.

Anyway, the troops will be withdrawn. After the withdrawal, the relationship between the allied forces will naturally be broken up. Wanyan Chizha has nothing to worry about. After all, after returning to the country, the reputation of the Turkic and Jin Kingdom's coalition forces will naturally disintegrate. I don't care too much about what Turkic people think of me.

Huyan Yunyao's soft voice came from Huyan Yunyao's room, and she was giving orders to Hu Yanyu and a group of generals under her command.

Wanyan Chizha heard some content intermittently, then walked out of the courtyard with a slight frown, and had no intention of pandering to the Turkic guards who nodded to him, and walked straight to his room.

In Huyan Yunyao's room, Hu Yanyu, who had been nodding from time to time, coughed lightly, sat on a chair and glanced at everyone in the room.


Huyan Yunyao was startled, nodded in response, sat on her chair and waved to a group of Turkic leaders.

"Sit down and talk!"

"Thank you, Khan!"

Huyan Yunyao glanced at the door with pretty eyes, and a weird smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"This old fox, who used to have a righteous attitude of fighting side by side, came here in a blink of an eye. If Agutai and the others hadn't been vigilant, our withdrawal plan might have been snooped on by him."

A group of Turkic generals did not dare to answer Huyan Yunyao's sarcasm. Khan could not care about Wanyan Chizha's name because of his status, but these leaders did not dare.

After all, Wanyan Chizha is a veteran who has been famous for many years. Although he is not a Turkic, but he has been an ally for so long, these leaders still have the respect they should have for Wanyan Chizha.

Huyan Yunyao didn't care about the reactions of these leaders, she tapped the table lightly with her jade fingers and mulled over a few cups of tea, and suddenly stood up from the chair.

"Wait for your orders!"

"I will obey orders!"

"Immediately, the falcon will be stationed in Guzhou, Lingzhou, Yanzhou, Hanzhou, and Jingzhou."

In less than a quarter of an hour, a large group of people left Huyan Yunyao's room at high speed, carrying out their duties to supervise the orders they received.

For about a few quarters of an hour, no matter whether it was in the east courtyard or the west courtyard, falcons and golden eagles circled and scattered away from the palace without interruption.

At the same time, the somewhat idle coalition forces of the two countries in the city also began to quickly gather towards the four city gates, intending to leave the city with a single order.

The fact is exactly the same, these soldiers and horses are waiting for the order to withdraw their troops and return home.

As the sun set and the sound of horns sounded, the four city gates of Jingzhou were all opened. The 23 soldiers and horses stationed in Jingzhou from the coalition forces of the two countries rushed out of the city gates and retreated northward following the flags guiding the direction.

At the same time as the coalition forces withdrew, they forcibly confiscated a batch of food and grass from the Dalong Treasury in Jingzhou. The governor of Jingzhou was afraid that these enemy troops would do something irrational because they could not get the food and grass from the treasury, so he had to decide to open the mansion without authorization. The treasury, allowing the coalition forces of the two countries to move a large amount of stored grain out of the treasury.

These grains and grasses are the emergency grains and grasses of the state capitals in various places. Without the permission of the imperial decree, the state government officials are not allowed to open it privately. However, under such pressure, the governor of Jingzhou had no choice but to act in a hurry.

Wanyan Chizha and the two looked at each other complicatedly as they watched the back of the large group of Turkic cavalry heading away.

"No wonder this girl agreed to our withdrawal so decisively. It seems that she has figured out something!"

"My lord, you will suffer greatly if you underestimate anyone, especially if you underestimate women!"

Wanyan Chizha caressed his beard and thought for a while before showing a smile: "Speaking of which, the cavalry is making a lot of noise, which may help us attract the attention of some big dragon enemy troops. Five days, we will retreat north at full speed. We can withdraw from Shanhaiguan, I hope these Turks will not disappoint us!"

"I hope, let's retreat as soon as possible. If we stay longer, there will be more danger. The battlefield is changing rapidly!"

"it is good!"


On the top of the Jingzhou city tower, two middle-aged men wearing bamboo hats looked at each other with ugly expressions.

"Star Lord, what should we do? Turkic people, Jin Guoren's army came out of the city without any warning, and the brothers didn't get any news at all. The young master will blame us when the time comes, we can't afford it!"

"Whether you will be punished or not will be discussed later. Immediately send a letter to the young master, report the matter to him, and then pass the letter to the brothers in the rest of the state, let them pay close attention to the movements of the soldiers and horses of the two countries in Jingzhou City, and watch them Where is the city going to support, once there is news, let them send a letter to the young master and report the matter!"

"Yes, my subordinates will do it right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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