Chapter 1665

Liu Mingzhi commanded the soldiers and horses under his command. They came from Jianzhou and were sweeping towards Guzhou at high speed.

Liu Mingzhi didn't doubt that the fact that he led troops to capture Jianzhou had already reached Wanyan Chizha's ears, it was unavoidable.

Because Chongzhou was the first city to attack, he had prepared well and cut Chongzhou off from the outside world. It is understandable that the news could not reach Wanyan Chizha's ears.

But Jianzhou is different, it is far behind Chongzhou, and he led his soldiers and horses to appear outside Jianzhou city. It is impossible for Ba Shu to have no doubts.

After all, after seizing the city and defending it, there are a large number of scouts investigating the situation around the city every day. It is simply impossible for a hundred thousand troops to cross Chongzhou and enter the rear without a sound.

Liu Mingzhi, who came to these conclusions, knew that his whereabouts had been exposed, so he did not conceal the traces of the army along the way, and rushed towards Guzhou at full speed.

As long as Guzhou is regained and the defenders in the city are annihilated, the strength of our own forces can be relatively equal to that of the coalition forces of the two countries.

Even though Wanyan Chizha, Huyan Yunyao and the others sensed that something was wrong, the strength of the left, middle and right armies under their command was enough to contain them and wait for Zhang Mo. There were still 30 new troops encircling them to form a million-strong army. Seventy-eight out of ten of the remaining elites were wiped out.


"Report to Commander, the army will arrive in Guzhou before the sun goes down!"

"The commander-in-chief knows, continue to investigate!"


"Deputy Marshal Song!"

"The end is here!"

"Order the three armies to discard unnecessary supplies and rush to Guzhou. Be sure to arrive at Guzhou before the sun goes down. After resting overnight, attack the city immediately in the morning, take back Guzhou quickly, point your sword at Jingzhou to contain the enemy in Jingzhou, and wait The remaining two armies encircle Jingzhou City!"

"The end will be ordered!"

Song Qing quickly turned his horse's head and waved his command flag to rush towards the rear army.

"The commander-in-chief has ordered that the soldiers of the three armies discard useless supplies and rush to Guzhou. There must be no mistakes!"

"The commander-in-chief has ordered that the soldiers of the three armies discard useless supplies and rush to Guzhou. There must be no mistakes!"

Following Liu Mingzhi's order, the more than [-] soldiers and horses who were already galloping discarded unnecessary things on their bodies to reduce their burdens, and brought their speed to the extreme. Going to Guzhou to gallop on the road.


"Report to Commander-in-Chief, the two Commanders on the left and right will pass on the letter, and Lingzhou will be captured in two days, and the city of Hanzhou will move towards Qizhou and Fengzhou!"

"Reply, the terrain of Qizhou and Fengzhou is not as good as that of Lingzhou, and Hanzhou is flat and open, which is not conducive to cavalry charging, so we must be more careful!"

"When letting them attack the city, they must reserve enough troops for emergencies."


Gu Mo Rongrong, who was driving together, also turned her head to look at her sweetheart with a faint smile on her face.

"Commander, Chongzhou, Jianzhou, we have already eaten 15 enemy soldiers and horses. If the two armies on the left and right successfully recapture the city, we will lose another [-] enemy soldiers and horses. The defenders in the city, even if our true strength is exposed, we can still fight against the coalition forces of the two countries!"

"As long as Commander Zhang Mo and 30 recruits arrive in time, the main forces of the two countries will be completely wiped out in the northern border, and it will be just around the corner when the Commander will help His Majesty rule the world."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Gu Mo Rongrong with a light smile, the excitement in his eyes flashed away.

For more than ten years, from Li Zheng to Li Baiyu, and then to Li Ye, he assisted three generations of emperors, and finally he was able to fulfill his lifelong wish.

As long as the only remaining elites of the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks are eaten, the two countries will hardly have any strength to fight against the dragon.


Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, took out a piece of jade pendant from his bosom, flipped through it and stuffed it back.

To put it bluntly, one day, you will understand Liu Mingzhi's difficulties, and when the world is unified, you will know how out of control Liu Mingzhi is.

My dear Yueer, although Daddy let Dalong annex the Kingdom of Jin, where you will inherit the throne in the future, you have to believe in Daddy's love for you.

You lost an inch of land in the Kingdom of Jin, and Daddy will give you a territory that is several times larger than that of the Kingdom of Jin, as long as you still want to be the emperor and inherit the throne.

But the premise of all this must be established and ruled after the world.

You and your elder brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters are all father's own flesh and blood, and father spent his whole life in order to repay the emperor's kindness and repay his father's kindness.

The second is to pave a way for you brothers and sisters to reach the sky, so that you can live for a lifetime, and the grass and trees will fall in autumn, isn't it for the future generations to have no worries about food and clothing!

Tiger poison does not eat its children, as a father, how could he hurt his own children.

But Dad has many things that he can't tell you clearly, so he can only silently do things that are not understood.

Maybe when you can understand the old man like a father, you will understand what dad's intention is!
All His Majesty wants is to rule the world.

But what Dad wants is the world!
A world that belongs to your brothers and sisters!

You guys don't understand Daddy's plan!
"Master, what's the matter with you?"


Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, patted the jade pendant engraved with the word "Luoyue" in his bosom, and felt a lot more at ease.

"It's nothing. Think about how to deal with the defense of Guzhou City. The scale of Guzhou City is much larger than that of Chongzhou. At least it can accommodate [-] troops. It may not be easy to attack."

"Think about it again, this commander. Is there any perfect way to take back Yingzhou and wipe out the soldiers and horses in the city!"

"Marshal, don't worry too much. We don't know anything about the situation in the city now. Let's discuss the strategy of attacking the city after arriving in Guzhou!"

"Alright, after arriving in Guzhou."


"Report to Marshal, the guard who raised the golden eagle received an unsigned letter!"


"Report to Commander-in-Chief, another unsigned letter has been received!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and hurriedly took the letter in the hands of the soldiers and looked through it. There was no signature, but the Golden Eagle was able to accurately convey that the source of the letter was only the relevant department, and the information of the relevant department.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi's face suddenly changed when he was flipping through the letter, and the fingers holding the letter couldn't help piercing through the letter paper in his hand.

Gu Mo Rongrong put all her heart on her sweetheart, and naturally found that there was something wrong with her sweetheart's face, so she hurriedly asked questions.

"Marshal, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer the beauty's question, he hurriedly stopped his horse and put away the letter, and quickly took out a map from the horse's back to read it.

After a long time, there was a trace of worry in Liu Mingzhi's eyes.

"The messenger!"

"I am humble!"

"Order the soldiers of the three armies to stop going to Guzhou, and immediately divide the troops into two groups and rush to Mizhou and Qingzhou from the nearest road. At all costs, the enemy troops withdrawing from Guzhou will be blocked on the official road between Mizhou and Qingzhou !"


"Du Yu!"

"The end is here!"

"The 30 new troops sent by the golden eagle to the northern Xinjiang are strictly ordered to carry one month's rations, pack lightly, and join forces with the northern Xinjiang army as quickly as possible!"


"Sun Mingfeng!"

"The end is here!"

"Leave a message to the generals of the left and right armies and horses to give up attacking the city and entangle all the enemy troops who want to evacuate at all costs. They must not be allowed to evacuate outside the pass!"


"Master! What happened, why did you divert to Mizhou, Qingzhou?"

"Master, what happened?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the generals coming on horseback one by one with complicated eyes, and sighed and told the information about the secret agent.

"I don't know what went wrong. Why did the enemy army withdraw as soon as they said they would withdraw? It's unclear how many enemy troops stationed in the city have already begun to retreat."

"In any case, we have to try our best to intercept them and wait for the other two groups of troops to encircle them!"

"Stop talking nonsense, and use all your strength to encircle and suppress the enemy!"

"We take orders!"

Looking at a group of generals galloping away, Liu Mingzhi stared towards the north with some worry.

Zhang Mo, Zhang Mo, the defeat of this national war is all on you.

You have to tie your pockets tight for me!

Otherwise, the layout that I have racked my brains will really be in vain!
(End of this chapter)

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