Chapter 1666
June eighteenth of the first year of Yongping.

After receiving Huyan Yunyao and Wanyan Chizha, they commanded the troops of the two countries.Immediately gave up the city that had been stationed for less than a month, and started a full-scale withdrawal of troops!
In a short period of time, the originally calm state capitals in northern Xinjiang suddenly became turbulent, with large armies rushing in and out, and the figures of galloping iron cavalry can be seen everywhere.

Originally, because the enemy army withdrew from the city, the people of the various prefectures who had just regained their freedom and wanted to move around saw this kind of battle, and were so frightened that they once again huddled in their homes and closed the gates tightly.

Northern Xinjiang, which is a small territory, will face the crisis of "dark clouds overwhelming" at any time.

On the side of Dalong's soldiers and horses, they received Liu Mingzhi's letter from the Golden Eagle, and learned that the enemy was about to abandon the city and withdraw their troops, so they also started chasing and intercepting them at all costs.

For more than half a month, the two armies have been fighting all the time in northern Xinjiang.

All wars are imminent.

On the official road in Mizhou, Liu Mingzhi flipped through a letter from the scout with a stern expression.

Song Qing and Jia Zhengjing also helped sort out the information Liu Mingzhi had seen, trying to find out some things that the commander had missed.

"Marshal, it's chaotic, everything is chaotic, there are soldiers and horses everywhere, it's fine during the day, but at night it's hard to tell the enemy from us!"

"Some of my brothers who have gone out already have Brother Qilu fighting with the retreating enemy troops, but according to their reports, these enemy troops fled as soon as they were touched.

"As of now, among the 27 prefectures in the Northland, there have been traces of enemy troops in dozens of prefectures and counties in one or twelve prefectures. Without exception, they are trying their best to retreat northward. The brothers' strength is really limited, and they don't know where to go. Which route of soldiers and horses are besieged!"

"Fortunately, we responded in a timely manner. For the time being, there is no news of any soldiers and horses evacuating from our defense line."

Jia Zhengzheng held up a piece of information and put it in front of Liu Mingzhi: "Marshal, both our soldiers and the enemy's soldiers are all torn apart, and they are fighting on their own!"

"Although they can't break through our defense line in a short time, we can't stop them completely because of the strength of our troops."

"If the other two armies don't encircle in time, there is really a possibility that the soldiers and horses of the two countries will forcibly rush out."

Liu Mingzhi put down the last piece of rice paper with a stern expression and looked at Du Yu: "Du Yu, haven't the 30 new troops responded yet? It's been half a month, why hasn't there been any sign of arriving in northern Xinjiang?"

"Back to Commander-in-Chief, the last general has sent out several urging letters, and the last letter he received, 30 new troops have now arrived in Tianzhou!"


Liu Mingzhi hurriedly squatted on the ground and looked at the map laid on the ground, and finally found the location of Tianzhou. Looking at the distance between Tianzhou and Fengyundu, the boundary of northern Xinjiang, Liu Mingzhi's expression was a little gloomy.

"At least it will take about 20 days to get to Mizhou. If something goes wrong on the road, we won't be able to make it back in less than a month!"

"How can it be so slow?"

Song Qing hurriedly set his eyes on the map and began to watch it.

"Commander, the treasury doesn't have enough money to form 30 cavalry. I heard that among the 30 recruits, there are only [-] cavalry, and the rest are all infantry."

"It's not too slow to rush to Tianzhou at the speed of the infantry. After all, the time for them to set off from the capital is too short. It is already considered outstanding speed to be able to rush to Tianzhou."

Liu Mingzhi crumpled up the letter in his hand and threw it on the ground: "Damn it, why did the new recruits form the army in March, why did they only start going to the north in June? I have the intention of drawing my sword and killing myself."

Gu Mo Rongrong hesitated for a moment, walked in front of Liu Mingzhi and stopped. Now that the two have been married for many times, Liu Mingzhi did not hide many things from Gu Mo Rongrong, and some brief arrangements have already been informed. Gu Mo Rongrong.

Seeing her sweetheart's anger rising, Gu Mo Rongrong was naturally distressed.

"Commander, if it doesn't work, order Zhang Mo's commander to go south to form a siege. If it's too late, things will change. If this melee continues, it will increase the chance of the enemy's withdrawal from the pass."

Hearing this, Liu Mingzhi set his eyes on the map full of hesitation.

"They are guarding the Turks, the necessary fortress for the withdrawal of the Jin Kingdom. Only there can they give full play to the advantages of their strength. At this time, once they are ordered to go south to encircle, judging from the vast terrain of the northern border, our current strength is simply a waste. Don’t open such a big place!”

"Abandoning the fortress to encircle the south will give them a chance to withdraw from the northern border!"

"But if this continues, what if they make a detour and retreat?"

"Especially the Turkic people. Their cavalry traveled long distances and bypassed Yunzhou. It is not difficult at all to withdraw troops from Ganzhou and return to the country. The reason why there is a melee now is because they cannot contact their commander because of repeated wars. Contact, it is easy to find out the weak point of the breakout."

"It's not encircled at this time. Once the battle line is stretched longer, there will be only so many troops, which will be even worse!"

Hearing the doubts in Gu Mo Rongrong's words, Liu Mingzhi lost his mind for a moment.

What Gu Mo Rongrong said was right, now that there is a melee, the enemy army has no idea how many soldiers and horses Dalong dispatched to encircle them.

That's why they panicked and didn't have the chance to withdraw from the northern border.

If they were given time to breathe and the soldiers and horses were contacted, they realized that there were not as many soldiers and horses encircling them as they had imagined, and they would be able to find a route to withdraw from northern Xinjiang immediately!

But at this time, if Zhang Mo is allowed to encircle them, with the same strength, once they give up the defense of the fortress that the enemy must pass through, and the enemy wants to withdraw their troops back to the country at all costs, it will be impossible to surround them at that time.

When the strength of the troops is not much different, the enemy does not want to fight, and it is completely idiotic to want to keep them all.

At most, a small number of soldiers and horses can be surrounded and killed!

However, the arrival of 30 recruits was delayed, and the combined forces of the left, middle, and right groups were not much more than the enemy's army. There was no way to drag some of them while annihilating some.

The enemy army is not a wooden man standing still waiting to be hacked.

Run away if you can't fight, what can you do to me.

At that time, there will be a few more groups of enemy troops desperately fighting to block the siege of the dragon. It only needs to wait for five days to evacuate the remaining large group of enemy troops.

At that time, all calculations will be wasted.

"Marshal, come up with an idea, the fighter planes change rapidly!"

"Don't worry, let the commander-in-chief think about it carefully. The more anxious you are, the more chaotic you will be. At this time, you need to calm down even more!"

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his temples and paced up, trying to calm down his ups and downs.

According to my own estimates, it takes about 20 days for 30 new troops to rush to northern Xinjiang, but will the enemy give themselves so much time to surround them?
Liu Mingzhi thought about more than a dozen possibilities, and the final conclusion was that once the enemy found out that the number of troops encircling them was not as large as they imagined, they could find a countermeasure after calming down immediately.

Take the risk to make Zhang Mo and the reinforcements from the Western Regions abandon the well-arranged fortress and come to encircle them?What if, as I expected, several tens of thousands of death squads appeared to block the encirclement offensive?
It can be said that success or failure is the number of five or five.

Liu Mingzhi never fought a battle he was not sure of when using troops, but now he was about to fight a battle with a [-]-[-] victory.

This kind of situation left him with no confidence at all, even if he already had a [-]% chance of winning, he still didn't have any confidence.


"Commander, on the official road leading from Luozhou to Zhenzhou, a group of about [-] Turkic cavalry is struggling to charge towards Zhenzhou, and the brothers failed to stop them!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't know the state capitals other than the 27 prefectures in Northern Xinjiang, but Liu Mingzhi knew every state capital in the 27 prefectures by heart, and the location of Zhenzhou immediately came to mind.

Immediately, Liu Mingzhi made his face a little ugly.

If the [-] Turkic cavalry were in a panic and accidentally broke out towards Zhenzhou, it would be fine, but if they marched towards Zhenzhou with a clear purpose, it would be troublesome. This shows that the melee in the past half a month has already made the enemy aware something! .

"The messenger!"

"I am humble!"

"Send a letter to the commander of the 30 new army, let him lead [-] cavalry to separate from the infantry, and immediately join forces in northern Xinjiang!"


"The messenger!"

"I am humble!"

"Leave a message to Commander Zhang Mofu to command Yanzhou, Fengzhou, Tanzhou, Yingzhou, and Jeju. The soldiers and horses stationed in various places abandon the fortress and join forces in the south!"

"Destroy the enemy with all your might."


After Liu Mingzhi gave the order, he habitually turned the ring on his thumb. He would do this only when his heart was extremely restless.

At this time, Liu Mingzhi's heart really couldn't calm down, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that there were ups and downs.

It is simply a risky gamble for Zhang Mo to lead the troops to the south to encircle them.

If you win the bet, the world will be settled, but if you lose the bet...

Liu Mingzhi no longer dared to think about what would happen if he lost the bet!
(End of this chapter)

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