Chapter 1667
The second day of July in the first year of Dalong Yongping.

Dalong soldiers, horses, gold, and Turkic reinforcements launched a protracted war in which you chased me and fled.

After receiving the letter from Liu Mingzhi, the elite soldiers of Zhang Mo'an Xidu Protectorate and the reinforcements from the Western Regions immediately abandoned the fortress that had been laid out for a long time, and launched a fan-shaped encirclement to the coalition forces that were about to withdraw from the pass.

All of a sudden, due to Dalong's sudden increase of 32 troops, the coalition forces of the two countries, who did not know the strength of Dalong's troops, began their exhausted northward retreat.

However, all the state capitals in northern Xinjiang, regardless of the size of the army, are full of traces of dragon soldiers and horses wandering and searching.

The soldiers and horses of the two countries retreating to the north were afraid that they would be entangled by the dragon soldiers and horses, and then be surrounded by a large number of main forces and be wiped out. They had to choose to retreat and find a good opportunity to get out.

Retreating with all their strength, the cavalry of the two countries could withdraw from the Dalong border in five days. Under the siege and interception of Dalong soldiers and horses, they did not take a step outside the pass for more than a month.

For more than a month, the smoke and dust in the sky in northern Xinjiang has not disappeared, and the blue sky has turned gray due to the smoke and dust rolled up by the cavalry raid.

On the official road leading to Qizhou outside Yanzhou City, Huyan Junyao's pretty face can no longer be seen a month ago. The pretty face is covered with dirt mixed with sweat and dust. Even the exquisite hat A thin layer of dust has accumulated on it.

Huyan Yunyao raised the water sac and took a sip, her dry throat felt a lot more comfortable. Putting away the water sac, Huyan Yunyao looked at the second girl who was riding on a horse holding a map in her hand and frowning slightly. Brother Hu Yanyu.

"Second brother, how is it? Is there a safe way out of northern Xinjiang?"

Hu Yanyu put away the map in his hand with a regretful expression, and shook his head slightly at the little girl with a lonely face.

"Qizhou, Yanzhou, Fengzhou, Tanzhou, Linzhou, Hanzhou, Mingzhou, and Gyeongju, the only roads we must pass to withdraw from the northern border of Dalong have been woven by Dalong's soldiers and horses. With a large net that is ventilated, thousands of scouts are constantly investigating the traces of the soldiers and horses of our two countries at twelve hours a day."

"We have thousands of soldiers and horses at every turn, and the momentum is mighty. It is almost impossible to avoid their detection. If we retreat in small groups, we will be wiped out by the soldiers and horses chasing behind them in one go!"

"Now it's not just us, even Jin Kingdom's troops retreating to the north are in a dilemma, struggling!"

"Perhaps, the current situation of the Kingdom of Jin is not as good as ours. After all, we are all cavalry. Whether it is retreating or charging, we have an advantage over the Kingdom of Jin. Once the infantry of the Kingdom of Jin are entangled by the soldiers and horses of the dragon, Without paying a certain price, it is just a daydream to want to get out of the body."

"Although I have been exhausted these past few days, I also found that there are more and more corpses of Jin Kingdom infantry on the road, which shows that the situation in Jin Kingdom is not good now."

Huyan Jun Yao'e frowned, looked back at the more than 1 cavalry behind Huyan Royal Court and sighed a few times.

"I didn't even have a chance to clean up the corpses. It seems that the situation of the Kingdom of Jin has reached an unpredictable level!"

Hu Yanyu thought of the exhausting and turbulent life of fleeing for more than a month, and gave a wry smile with a sad expression.

"Based on this posture, Brother Liu intends to kill all of our troops. Even if we can't kill them all, I'm afraid we won't be able to produce any power that can resist the great dragon's domination of the world in 30 or [-] years. .”

"Either escape to Mobei and linger on, or wait for the big dragon to go north, and there will be no Turkic tribes in the world!"

"As you said in Jingzhou, once Brother Liu's plan is successfully concluded, he will be the second human slaughter in the history books."

"Second brother, it's too late to say this, think of a way first"

The warning horn sounded, interrupting Huyan Yunyao's words, Huyan Yunyao and other generals and more than 1 Turkic cavalry looked back subconsciously.

I saw a long dragon of smoke and dust rolled up on the official road in the rear, and the Longwu flag roared against the wind. The Northern Xinjiang Longwu Guards, who couldn't see the exact number of troops, were waving their weapons and rushing towards their own side.

Huyan Junyao's pretty face turned cold, and she really wanted to order the soldiers under her command to start a life-and-death decisive battle with this Longwuwei who was endlessly chasing and killing their own side.

But rationality tells her that this is not feasible. Once she is entangled by this army, waiting for the rest of the dragon soldiers to encircle her, her army will be completely wiped out on the official road between Qizhou and Yanzhou.

Even if Long Wuwei only had [-] soldiers and horses, he didn't dare to test his strength easily.

It's not that I'm afraid of them, but that I'm afraid of the endless dragon soldiers and horses that rush day and night across the northern wilderness.

"All the officers and men listen to the order and withdraw to Fengzhou. Don't pay attention to Long Wuwei's clamor!"

As Huyan Junyao's order was passed on, more than 1 Turkic cavalry began their retreat again.

Marquis Huguo looked wildly at the Turkic cavalry who fled away again, and shook the whip in his hand unwillingly.

"Damn it, let them slip away again!"

Ke Yan also looked at the smoke and dust receding with regret, and shook his head helplessly.

"General, there is no way to do it. Except for the cavalry of the Western Regions and the cavalry under the king's command, which are equipped with excellent horses from the Western Regions, our horses are far from the opponents of the Turkic horses!"

"What's more, we still have half of our infantry, how can two legs run faster than four!"

"The King's Letter also said that the enemy doesn't want to fight, and we can't encircle them with our current strength. They are desperately retreating, and we can't catch up with them!"

"The soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin are not bad. The infantry are mixed with them, and they can still entangle and charge for a while, but we can only catch up with the Turkic cavalry with fast speed!"

Zhang Kuang put the saber in his hand into the scabbard, looked around at the group of old brothers around him: "How many days is it today?"

"It's the second day of July!"

Zhang Kuang held the reins of the horse with a gloomy expression: "June [-]th, July [-]nd, [-] days, with the speed of the cavalry, it is said that the imperial court's [-] recruits and cavalry should have joined forces long ago, why is it now the battlefield in northern Xinjiang? There is no sign of them yet."

"Could this be some unforeseen accident on the road?"

Zhang Kuang's face also hesitated: "It's not impossible, but what kind of accident can be more important than the war in the northern border!"

"If we don't close the siege in time, if things go on like this, the enemy will eventually find out that something is wrong!"

"Once the enemy knows that our encirclement forces are equal to theirs, they will calm down and plan a retreat route, and it will be too late by then!"

"Especially the Turkic cavalry, with the speed at which they are running, once we have a detailed plan, we have almost no hope of keeping them."

"If the opportunity is seized by the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom again, the price we have to pay for conquering the Kingdom of Jin and the main force of the Turks will be several times the price we have now."

"The consumption of food and grass alone is an incalculable amount!"

"Hey! It's meaningless to say these things now. Send a letter to the king and Lord Jingguo to see how the situation is on their side. Let's continue to search the enemy's soldiers and horses to see if we can meet Jin Kingdom's infantry!"

"The last general takes orders!"

As the sun sets and the moon rises, a valley bottom fifty miles southwest of Toyosu is extremely quiet.

Except for the occasional sneezes from the war horses, everything was filled with silence.

Huyan Yunyao and the soldiers under his command didn't even light the bonfire, they just silently chewed the dried meat and drank cold water.

Huyan Yunyao, who was sitting quietly on the stone and chewing dried meat, looked at the bright moonlight in the sky with pretty eyes, and doubts flashed from time to time in her flexible and beautiful eyes.

"Second brother!"

Hu Yanyu, who was pretending to sleep with a simple knife, suddenly opened his eyes, and subconsciously glanced at the surrounding situation. When he realized that there was no enemy situation, he was relieved and looked at his younger sister Huyan Yunyao.

"what happened?"

Hu Yanjun tore off a piece of marinated jerky with her white teeth, and looked at Hu Yanyu with bright eyes.

"Do you think that although Dalong's soldiers and horses chase us aggressively, they always have the meaning of being strong on the outside and doing nothing on the inside?"

(End of this chapter)

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