My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1668 Yun Yao's Guess

Chapter 1668 Yun Yao's Guess

Hu Yanyu stared in amazement at her younger sister Huyan Yunyao who did not hide the confusion in her beautiful eyes, and instinctively thought about everything that happened these days.

Feeling the gentle breeze at the bottom of the valley, Hu Yanyu's expression changed from stunned to enlightened, and there was a little doubt in the enlightened.

Such a reaction shows that Hu Yanyu gradually realized something, but he couldn't figure out the key reason exactly.

Hu Yanyu came back to her senses, and silently looked at her younger sister Huyan Yunyao: "What does Da Khan mean?"

Huyan Yunyao gently tore the jerky in her hand: "Think carefully about what happened in the past ten days or so. Dalong's soldiers and horses encircle us one after another, and it can be said that they never stop."

"Let's not talk about it, let's talk about Zhang Kuang and his subordinate Long Wuwei today. We just left them in less than half a day, and they followed the trail left by our war horses and caught up."

"Since they have found our traces, why don't the golden eagle send a letter to the nearby Dalong soldiers and horses in Qizhou and Yanzhou to encircle us?"


"Could it be because we are all cavalry, they know that even if they encircle us, they will not be able to wipe us out, so they didn't act like this?"

Huyan Yunyao shook her head silently, fumbled out a pair of silk maps from her bosom and tore them open, and handed them to Hu Yanyu in the light of the bright moon.

"Second brother, look, judging from Zhang Kuang's position and our position, as long as Zhang Kuang notifies Qizhou, the dragon soldiers and horses in Yanzhou will encircle us. Given our location and terrain, we have no chance of retreating. possible!"

"The terrain there is extremely complicated, and the soldiers and horses of the three parties can completely cut off all our retreats with the force of their horns. Even with the blessing of the wolf god, there will not be a single force we can rush out."

"But they didn't do it. What does that mean?"

Hu Yanyu stared at the map and thought for a while, then his eyes widened suddenly: "It means that they are not sure enough to encircle us and leave all our troops behind."

Hu Yanyun's slender and slender fingers flicked heavily on the silk map: "It's right in the sentence."

"Dalong's soldiers and horses simply don't have enough troops to encircle us and completely surround us!"

Huyan Yunyao rolled up the map and put it in her arms, her eyes shone shrewdly.

"Crazy, it's not that they don't want to contact Yanzhou, Qizhou's soldiers and horses are encircling us, but they are afraid that once Yanzhou, Qizhou's troops come out and we will delay them, other soldiers and horses will wait for the opportunity to rush out The borders of Yanzhou and Qizhou thus retreated northward outside the pass, fleeing far away."

"In other words, it's not that they don't want to come out, but they dare not come out."

"If you think about it carefully, the situation in Qizhou, Hanzhou, Fengzhou, and Tanzhou is exactly the same as what happened in Qizhou today."

"It's not that they don't want to eat all our soldiers and horses that have stepped into their mouths. It should be said that they want to eat up the battle achievements that have been sent to their mouths more than anyone else, but they dare not, because they don't want to be defeated by a small mistake. Big!"

"The troops from the twelve cities from Yanzhou, Qizhou to Tanzhou have built a strong blockade line, the purpose of which is to prevent our troops from retreating northward."

"On the other hand, as long as any group of soldiers and horses come out to surround us, it will open a gap for us to leave!"

Hu Yanyu pondered seriously, and after a long time, Hu Yanyu looked at the little girl in surprise: "Why did the big dragon soldiers do this? Don't they claim to be a million-strong army? They can completely encircle us with great fanfare!"

Huyan Yunyao didn't know whether Huyanyu was really confused or pretended to be confused, she looked at her second brother helplessly and sighed.

"My good second brother, why haven't you figured it out yet!"

"If the dragon army really had a million troops, how could it try every means to stop us from evacuating? It would have launched an annihilation operation against us one by one."

"We have all fallen into the plan of our senior brother again. Now there are absolutely no troops in the northern border with millions of troops. At most, there are only troops that can stop us from retreating northward in a hurry. I'm afraid it's not enough to encircle and kill us one by one. "

"It is precisely because of this that they chased and killed us all the way, but they didn't dare to make a big move to surround our single soldiers and horses."

"Except for a small number of troops that they can encircle and annihilate, most of the troops with strong strength retreated safely under their pursuit!"

"Everything shows that Dalong doesn't have as many troops as we expected. We are all scaring ourselves."

"The reason why they are so aggressive is to not give us a chance to breathe, so that we can't calm down and think about these things."

"That's why there is a stalemate now."

"In less than half a month, under their siege and interception, we didn't actually lose too many troops. All we lost were just some small groups of soldiers and horses that their chasing troops could wipe out."

"That's why my younger sister said that they seem to be menacing, but they always have such a feeling of being strong on the outside and doing nothing on the inside, which is because of this."

Hearing Huyan Yunyao's conjecture, Huyanyu took a breath, if it was as the little girl guessed, Brother Liu's control over people's hearts would be so hair-raising.

He obviously didn't have that many troops, but he gave him the aura of a million-strong army abruptly, and let himself and others fall into his calculations. It made people mistakenly think that the reason why they attacked fiercely was all because of soldiers. The reason for many generals.

Hu Yanyu breathed out lightly: "That is to say, all the actions of the Dalong soldiers and horses now are to curb our northward retreat and try their best to surround us in their circle. Waiting for their real million-strong army to unite in one place, and then eat up our scattered soldiers and horses one by one!"

Huyan Yunyao nodded lightly with complicated eyes: "Yes, there are nine out of ten reasons for this, and it cannot be ruled out that this is a scheme by Senior Brother and Yunyang to catch us all, but the possibility is very small."

"Although the troops of our two countries have lost more than 65 soldiers and horses under the scheme of the senior brothers who defeated them one by one, there are still at least [-] troops detouring around the various state capitals in the northern border of Dalong, exhausted."

"On the other hand, Dalong, think about it carefully. In the battle between us and Dalong these days, the banners of the soldiers and horses from all walks of life are all the banners we are familiar with. The banners of reinforcements from all walks of life can be found everywhere, but have you ever found that the banner of a soldier is unfamiliar?"

Hu Yanyu thought for a while and slowly shook his head: "It is indeed as you said, that is to say, up to now, Dalong's 30 recruits have not rushed to Dalong's northern border to join this melee. Long currently has only tens of thousands more troops encircling us."

"This is too insidious. We have been fighting for a month, and we haven't even figured out the real strength of the enemy. It's unreasonable for us not to be suppressed and beaten!"

Huyan Yunyao put the jerky in her hand into the bag at her waist and patted the pieces of meat in her palm.

"Hey, we once again fell into the trick of our senior brother!"

"Little sister came from the same school as him, and I know him too well. Senior brother never fights uncertain battles. If he really had a million troops, the troops of our two countries would have been encircled by him and killed more than half of the casualties. It will be the current chaotic situation.”

"70 troops, more than 60 troops, it can almost be said that it is a one-on-one situation. A one-on-one wants to retreat and has no intention of fighting for a long time. In a one-on-one situation, we want to rush out. How can he keep it? .”

"If you want to stay, at most you will leave some soldiers and horses."

"Senior brother's way of using soldiers includes too many things, which are completely different from what I have learned and studied in military books."

"It seems that the younger sister lost to him after all!"

"In contrast, the younger sister seems to be a little bit of an armchair strategist."

Hu Yanyu looked at the little girl's lonely expression and sighed, then raised her hand and patted the little girl's shoulder.

"Don't be discouraged. He has been on the battlefield a few years earlier than you, and his experience is naturally much more sophisticated than you. This does not mean that you are inferior to him."

"On the other hand, Wanyan Chizha, Yeluha and the others who are at the same time as Wu Guogong Wan Buhai and have been famous for many years, didn't they fall into the trap set by Brother Liu step by step?"

"As long as we can retain our strength this time, there will be more days of comebacks in the future. As long as our foundation is still there, I, Turkic, will definitely be able to embark on the road of fighting for world hegemony under your leadership."

Huyan Yunyao listened to her second brother's comfort, her lonely and pretty eyes gradually brightened.

"That's right, as long as the younger sister's foundation is still there, there must be a time to make a comeback and compete with the senior brother. Let's get over the difficulties in front of us first!"

Huyan Yunyao took a few breaths, calmed down her ups and downs, took out the map and looked through it.

After a long time, Huyan Yunyun and Yunyao put away the map with piercing eyes.

"Send all the soldiers and horses that can be contacted, listen to Ben Khan's orders, and quickly gather towards Qingfeng River in Tanzhou."

(End of this chapter)

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