My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1669 Wash Your Neck Clean

Chapter 1669 Wash Your Neck Clean
After Huyan, Yunyao and brother figured out that something was wrong with the siege, Ying Falcon immediately sent a letter to the leaders of the various ministries who could be contacted, and started a series of remedial measures.

A few days later, a bewildering scene happened in Dalong Beijiang, which was in chaos and war.

After a large number of Turkic cavalry got rid of Dalong's pursuit, they seemed to be gathering towards the territory of Tanzhou by coincidence.

This change in Turkic soldiers and horses naturally attracted the attention of Wanyan Chizha and Yeluha, two very angry old foxes.

After being chased and intercepted by the dragon for so long, and unable to withdraw their troops back to the country, the anger in their hearts has already accumulated to a certain extent.

However, in order not to let morale down, the two kept suppressing their emotions so as not to explode.

Naturally, the Turkic people's strange movements could not escape the detection of Jin Guo soldiers and horse scouts.

Regarding the behavior of the Turkic people, the two quickly met and discussed.

Gradually, according to the changes in Turkic soldiers and horses, and what happened these days, the two old guys gradually realized something was wrong.

Finally, after all kinds of reasoning, the two old foxes came to a conclusion that was similar to Huyan Yunyao's brother and sister.

Dalong's current military strength is simply unable to launch a devastating encirclement move against the soldiers and horses of the two countries. All the actions now are just to confine the troops of the two countries in the northern border, and wait for another group of Dalong to be able to truly Forces to carry out annihilation operations.

And this group of troops is exactly the 30 Dalong recruits who have not appeared on the battlefield until now.

After figuring out the key, the two old foxes furiously greeted Young Master Liu's [-]th generation ancestors, and also began to issue remedial orders.

A few days later, the scattered soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin also began a series of behaviors that Dalong's chasing soldiers could not figure out.

July [-]th of the first year of Dalong Forever.

Liu Mingzhi's feudal land Xinzhou Fengyundu leads to Mizhou on the official road, and a hundred thousand cavalry are galloping towards Mizhou at full speed.

The smoke and dust rolled up by a hundred thousand cavalry could not conceal the flags and flags waving in the wind.

'Dragon Eagle. '


Dragon Eagle Cavalry, Qilin Guard, the only two guards cavalry among the 30 recruits of Dalong, at this moment, the two guards cavalry are rushing towards Mizhou at high speed.

Dragon Eagle Cavalry General Su Bo took out a map from his pocket while galloping, glanced at it, and then put it back in his pocket.

"Soldiers, pass on the order. According to the map, there is still one and a half days before we can go to Mizhou. Pass on the order, tell the brothers to discard unnecessary supplies, march and attack quickly, and try to join forces with the side-by-side king in the future, and join the battlefield to wipe out Enemy troops coming south to invade my territory."


A general who was riding alongside Su Baiqing and dressed in the armor of a great general glanced at Su Baiqing with a slight frown.

"Brother Su, we have been rushing non-stop for more than ten days. If you let the brothers of Dragon Eagle Rider rush to Mizhou, I am afraid that we will have to spend two days in Mizhou before we can join the battlefield. Since this is the case, it is better to go to Mizhou at a normal speed. In this way, it only takes one day to join the battlefield.”

Su Baiqing frowned slightly and glanced at the general beside him: "General Shi Huai, if you hadn't indulged your soldiers and horses of the Qilin Guard in Lianzhou to drink too much and delay the march, we would have gone to Mizhou a day and a half ago to join us Wang Hebing is here."

"Now the emergency documents in northern Xinjiang are one after another. If we don't arrive in time to join forces and delay the great cause of the national war, all of us will be severely punished!"

"Don't talk about marching in a hurry, this general can't wait to fly over with a pair of wings now!"

"You just wait, in case we fail to join forces with the side-by-side king in time to annihilate the enemy, resulting in the defeat of the national war, this general will definitely read your book in front of the Holy One and list your dereliction of duty one by one. come out!"

Seeing how many years older than Shi Huai Chi, Su Baiqing spoke ruthlessly, without any intention of saving face for Shi Huai.

When Shi Huai saw that Su Baiqing had lost face so much, the gloom in his eyes flashed away.

"After receiving the order to go to the north, this general has been going to the north to join forces non-stop. It is only natural for the brothers to drink some wine to relieve fatigue when they are tired and exhausted!"

"Isn't it just delayed for some days? The national war is unusual. It can be fought for at least a year and a half, and it can be fought for three to five years. It's not unusual. How much trouble can happen in one day!"

"Su Baiqing, don't think that you are a senior. After two years of military rations, you will treat me as a fool. Calling you Brother Su is to give you face. Don't put on airs with this general. If you are really good, how can you be arranged? To train recruits, they have already fought in the northern border!"

Su Baiqing glared at Shi Huai fiercely: "It's only one day! Do you know what it means that the military situation is changing rapidly, and the opportunity of a war is fleeting. Let alone a day, even an hour may determine the outcome of a war."

"If the national war is really delayed because of your slack behavior, this general will also tell you, don't think that you can escape responsibility by climbing the high branch of Ren Guozhang, even the empress can't keep you from being punished by the military law!"

"Just pray to God to bless the Turks, the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin are still imprisoned in the northern border and have not left!"

"Otherwise you will definitely understand what military orders are like mountains!"


"Dragon Eagle Cavalry listened to the order and rushed to Mizhou to join forces with Wang Qiansui!"

"The general has an order to rush to Mizhou to join forces with the side-by-side king!"

Su Baiqing's order spread throughout the three armies, and the [-] Dragon Eagle Riders sped up their speed again, throwing the Qilin Guards who were running normally far above the official road.

The big tent in the army outside Mizhou city.

Now there are only [-] soldiers left under Liu Mingzhi's command, and the rest of the soldiers were all separated to encircle and suppress the coalition forces of the two countries.

Song Qing frowned and stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi holding a golden carving letter.

"Marshal, the situation is getting worse and worse. Brothers have passed on a letter. In the past few days, the movement of soldiers and horses of the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin has become difficult to figure out."

"It seems that they are desperately gathering somewhere, and the scout brothers are still unable to guess their intentions."

Liu Mingzhi stared closely at the command flag on the sand table that had changed positions countless times, and asked without raising his head.

"What is the approximate trend?"

"Fengzhou, Yanzhou, Qizhou, and Hanzhou all have twelve state capitals. It is difficult to guess where they are assembled."

"However, one thing is certain. Now the forces of the two countries are no longer divided and fighting independently, but are gradually converging together."

"In Yanzhou, Hanzhou, our subordinates broke the captives, the brothers of the Hundred Wars and Two Guards fought with the Turkic Mountains, the Moyangbu and the Black Wolf Riders of the Jin Kingdom, and Shapolang unexpectedly launched an encounter battle, almost eating Big loss."

"Their military strength is very different from the previous one. Under the confrontation between the two armies, they are no longer exhausted. Instead, they dare to start an evenly matched confrontation with our brothers!"

"The general suspects that the enemy has already figured out our details."

While listening to Song Qing's report, Liu Mingzhi quickly scanned the sand table with his eyes. After a long time, Liu Mingzhi's expression was gloomy and terrifying.

"Quickly, pass the letter to the left and right soldiers and the commander of Zhang Mo's mansion, and let them divide into two groups and go to Tanzhou and Hanzhou to assemble. No matter what, we must stop the enemy troops who want to forcefully rush out from the two mansions!"

Song Qing was startled, and before he could ask why, he put away the letter and ran out to deliver the order!



"Beat the drums and gather the generals, gather all our soldiers and horses and head towards Tanzhou!"


Liu Mingzhi tightly held the Heavenly Sword in his hand, pulled out the Heavenly Sword half a foot, and then ruthlessly inserted it in.

Du Yu, the commander of the personal guards, whose eyes were gloomy and cold to the side, shivered involuntarily.

"Du Yu!"

"At the end will be!"

"The two generals of the recruits who passed on the book, if you can't make it to Tanzhou to join the army within three days, don't come."

"Let them find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers and settle down there, wash their necks and wait for the handsome to see them off!"

"Marshal, they are the generals appointed by His Majesty, they are not under your command, so it is inappropriate to pass the letter like this?"

Liu Mingzhi gritted his teeth, obviously trying to suppress his anger.

"When you arrive in northern Xinjiang, you can't let them go, pass the letter!"

Du Yu swallowed involuntarily!

"The last general takes orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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