My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1671 The dead friend is not dead

Chapter 1671 The dead friend is not dead

Outside Tanzhou City, Liu Mingzhi jumped up and stopped.

Looking at the scene of thousands of soldiers and horses swimming outside the city, I was relieved, but also faintly nervous.

With equal strength, it may not be so easy to stop the Turks who are all cavalry.

"The last general Cheng Kai sees the commander in chief!"

"At the end of the day, Zhou Baoyu will meet with the commander-in-chief!"

"The last general."

When Liu Mingzhi's subordinates rushed to Tanzhou in time to assemble, the generals from all walks of life saw Liu Zishuai's flag and immediately rode their horses to join them.

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and glanced at the tired-looking generals, knowing that it was not easy for them to come to Tanzhou without delay after receiving the order.

Even I was a little exhausted from coming from Mizhou, not to mention those soldiers and horses who came from distant state capitals!

"Excuse me, what's the situation? What's the current situation of the Turkic soldiers and horses?"

"Reporting to Commander Qi, scouting to send letters, Fengtan Road, Yan Tan Road, there are tens of thousands of Turkic soldiers and horses who want to rush out forcibly. .”

"The main force of the Turkic army is rushing towards our city of Tanzhou, and has already broken through two lines of defense. Before you came, the last general and others were preparing to lead the troops to stop it."

Liu Mingzhi constructed a map of various places in Tanzhou in his mind, and after pondering for a while, Liu Mingzhi took out the command flag and looked at a group of generals with a solemn expression.

"Brothers, success or failure depends on one move. The Turkic cavalry should not be underestimated. It will be very difficult to intercept the Turkic cavalry, but no matter how difficult the difficulty is, you have to withstand it. Wait for the recruits to come to encircle."

"No matter what, they have to be trapped to death in Tanzhou."

"I have to wait!"

"I will take my leave!"

"Du Yu!"

"The last general is here. Did the brothers on the left and right send a letter? How is the situation of the Jin army in Hanzhou who wants to break through?"

"Reporting to Commander-in-Chief, according to the reply from Grand Marshal Jing Guogong of the left, the Jin Kingdom's army has forcibly broken through the barrier four times, and they were all suppressed by the brothers from the other two routes to return, just..."

"Just what? Say something!"

"It's just that the cavalry of the brothers on the left and right is limited, and there are three groups of infantry soldiers who have not arrived in Hanzhou in time. If the remaining three groups of soldiers and horses cannot reach Hanzhou before dark, I am afraid that the Jin people will find them soon." The weak point of the encirclement."

Liu Mingzhi frowned for a while: "Leave a letter to Zhang Mo, asking him to send some of the guard's iron cavalry to Hanzhou for support. No matter what, the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin must be trapped in Hanzhou."


"The rest, follow me to intercept the main Turkic army!"

"I have to wait!"

The three parties have their own plans, and the two prefectures in northern Xinjiang, where more than 100 million troops have gathered, are staging a war of rushing and killing all the time.

There are many cavalry under Liu Mingzhi's command, and there is almost no difference in strength from the Turkic people. The Turkic people have extraordinary difficulties in rushing out.

On the official road leading to Tanzhou, the short distance of about [-] miles is no less than an insurmountable natural moat for the main Turkic troops led by Huyan Yunyao.

In the rear is the big dragon cavalry chasing fiercely, and from time to time in the front, a group of big dragon soldiers and horses encircling them are interspersed from all directions. Although there are not many troops, the pressure brought by the Turkic cavalry who has no desire to fight is indeed indescribable.

If they were on the battlefield outside the pass, facing the Dalong enemy army that was not much different from their own, the Turkic people would have fought back long ago.

But not now, because they knew in their hearts that once they were entangled by Dalong's soldiers and horses, they would wait for the end of their own soldiers to be wiped out.

In the Song and Qing Dynasties, Ye Baotong was leading the battle. The sharp warriors and the three-way cavalry were chasing the Turks in front. However, the Turks had no intention of stopping and fighting. The two sides could only start in the wilderness outside Tanzhou City. A chase.

Song Qing was holding a saber in his hand, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face, not to mention how angry he was looking at the enemy army who was only a few hundred steps ahead but couldn't catch up anyway.

Not to mention that the battle exploits that are at your fingertips can't catch up, and you still eat the dust all the way behind the enemy, no matter who you are, I'm afraid that the mood will not be much better.

"Baotong, did the messengers pass on the letter to the other soldiers and horses? Why hasn't it surrounded them after so long?"

"Deputy Marshal Song, the scout just returned the letter. A large number of Turkic enemy troops also appeared in Yuzhou. There are more than [-] people. Now they are held up by the Turks in Yuzhou, and they cannot come in time."

"There are also traces of Turkic enemy troops in Yuzhou? How is this possible? Didn't the Turkic people join forces in Tanzhou? How could there be more than [-] troops there?"

"The last general doesn't know. The battle situation is urgent now, and the information transmission is slow. The final general doesn't know what the specific situation is."

"His grandma, what a fucking hell, it's obviously a war of annihilation, how did it end up like this?"

"Brothers are ordered to pursue with all their strength, and find a way to lure the Turks to Tanzhou City. The commander is leading the brothers to surround them here!"


Huyan Junyao looked back depressed with a pretty face, and glanced at the big dragon soldiers and horses who were chasing after him like a dog chasing a rabbit. Before she had time to curse, two long dragons of smoke and dust appeared several miles ahead.

Huyan Junyao's pretty face froze, and she knew that two enemy troops had surrounded her again.

"Guards, order the soldiers of the three armies to fight back and don't continue to move closer to Tanzhou City."

"Follow the order!"

Song Qing and others who were chasing looked at the front in amazement and suddenly changed direction. The Turkic people who came back hurriedly regained their senses and ordered to change their charge formation.

It was another straight-forward charge and confrontation, leaving a pile of corpses on the ground again.

Huyan Junyao gritted her silver teeth lightly and wiped away the blood that splashed onto her pretty face, and looked back at the enemy army who tightened the reins, turned around and chased up again, showing a hint of helplessness in her pretty eyes.

"Second brother, this is not going to work. More and more enemy troops are encircling us, and our strength is only [-]% combined. We are far from being an opponent of the dragon soldiers and horses guarding Tanzhou."

"Once we are entangled, we will be completely surrounded by the dragon."

Hu Yanyu put the bleeding simple knife into the scabbard behind his back: "I think about it carefully, the seven soldiers and horses are exactly Yan Yu's side. The more than [-] soldiers and horses haven't come to meet up yet, and I don't know where they are. What happened."

"Even if we want to join forces with them, we have no choice, because we don't even know where they are."

Huyan Yunyao glanced back at the long dragons of smoke and dust that appeared behind him, and while galloping wildly, she lowered her head and muttered.

After a long time, a gleam of light flashed across Huyan Yunyao's beautiful eyes, as if hesitant.

Finally, Huyan Yunyao revealed a look of determination in her beautiful eyes, and turned her head to look at her second brother Hu Yanyu who was protecting her all the way.

"Second brother, there is no other way in the world now, but my younger sister has a way to get rid of the enemy's pursuit, but it's not very authentic."

Hu Yanyu was startled, and looked at the little girl in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if the second brother has heard of the saying that dead friends never die."

Hu Yanyu thought for a moment, then looked at the younger sister hesitantly.

"You mean Hanzhou?"

"That's right, if you want to break out now, the only way is to bring disaster to the east."

"Jin Guo's infantry accounted for half of the troops, which is the best way to involve the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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