Chapter 1672

Hu Yanyu hesitated for a moment, recalling Wanyan Chizha's eavesdropping on her inter-court before withdrawing troops, and finally agreed to the plan of her younger sister Huyan Yunyao.

In his busy schedule, he sent a letter to Shi Sizhe and Shi Sizhe who broke out on Fengtan Road. Under the leadership of Huyan Yunyao, more than [-] Turkic cavalry suddenly turned around and rushed towards Hanzhou.

The strange behavior of the Turkic cavalry aroused the suspicion of the Dalong soldiers and horses. I don’t know why the Turkic people gave up the breakout plan they had already arranged and turned to Hanzhou. The book fell into Liu Mingzhi's hands.

After receiving the letter, Liu Mingzhi understood the intention of his junior brother after a little thought.

Misfortune was diverted to the east, and the troops of the Kingdom of Jin were used to contain their own pursuers, so as to wait for an opportunity to break out from Hanzhou.

Having figured this out, Liu Mingzhi began to convey a series of orders, and the generals who received the orders became angry, but there was nothing they could do.

The enemy is not a fool, how could he obediently let others slaughter him.

In desperation, he could only be ordered to start massing in the direction of Hanzhou.

On Huyan Junyao's side, being chased by the soldiers under Young Master Liu's command, they ran away with their heads in their arms, Wanyan smashed, and Yeluha's side was also anxious like ants on a hot pot.

They had already broken through several lines of defense formed by the dragon soldiers and horses, but faced with rushing out one and quickly forming another line of defense to stop them from charging and killing the rushing dragon soldiers and horses, the two were physically and mentally exhausted.

The intention of the dragon soldiers and horses was obvious. Even if they couldn't surround the army of the Jin Kingdom, it was still impossible to evacuate from Hanzhou.

The left and right armies did not have so many fast-moving cavalry under Liu Mingzhi's command, so naturally they could not launch an effective surprise attack on the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin.

On the other hand, the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin are also not like the soldiers and horses of the Turks. They are all cavalry, but it is a pity that they broke out quickly.

In just a few days and several confrontations, the soldiers and horses of the two countries fell into a stalemate situation where no one could do anything to the other on the small territory of Hanzhou.

Wanyan Chizha and his troops racked their brains to rush out, while Yunyang and Nangong Ye tried their best to catch the enemy's retreating footsteps and waited for all the soldiers and horses to gather in Hanzhou Mansion.

As the sun set in the west, Pingshui County, fifty miles away from Hanzhou City, was the place where the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin were temporarily stationed.

The soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin, who were exhausted physically and mentally, were lying on the ground around them. The two of Wanyan Chizha also sat in the open air, without even setting up a simple tent.

Wanyan Chizha put away the map he was looking at under the moonlight with a heavy expression.

"Brother Yale, what should we do? There are not too many dragon soldiers gathered in Hanzhou, but as long as their cavalry surround our infantry, we will not be able to charge out."

"If you break through by force, only the cavalry brothers can charge out, and the infantry brothers will all be restrained by their cavalry and cannot charge out."

Yaluha shook his head silently: "The old man can't think of any good way. There are as many as 18 infantry brothers. You can't ignore their safety in order to break through the siege, and let them stay to delay the speed of the dragon's soldiers and horses!"

"In that case, what can we do even if we rush out?"

"With 48 soldiers and horses, we can only return more than [-] cavalry. How can we explain to His Majesty? How can we explain to the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty? And how can we explain to my Dajin subjects?"

Wanyan Chizha looked around at the infantry brothers who were lying on the ground and fell asleep due to exhaustion, and sighed silently.

Yes, both cavalry and infantry are life and death brothers who have followed you for many years. You can't just leave 18 infantry brothers to resist the pursuit of the dragon's enemy army in order to break out.

18 people are not as simple as 18 people, 180 people!
These 18 people were already one of the few elite infantry in the Kingdom of Jin. If they were unable to return home safely this time, even if they led the cavalry to rush back, the strength of the Kingdom of Jin would plummet.

"Report, report to the two great commanders!"

"Brothers of the scouts came back with a message. On the official road from Tanzhou to Hanzhou, there are about 20 Turkic cavalry rushing towards Hanzhou at full speed."

"The identity of the leader is unknown for now, but the Turkic Wolf Banner can basically confirm the identity of the 20 cavalry!"

Wanyan Chizha stared at the scouts rushing over in astonishment, and exchanged blank glances with Yeruha.

"Brother Yale, what's the situation? Didn't the main force of the Turkic army gather in Tanzhou? Why are there more than 20 soldiers and horses moving towards Hanzhou, where we broke through?"

Yaluha thought for a moment and guessed: "Could it be some Turkic soldiers who couldn't rush to Tanzhou to gather due to some accidents? They came towards Hanzhou as a last resort?"

"Impossible, the only one who can command a hundred thousand troops is Huyan Yunyao, or Huyanyu, Huyan Yunyao's extremely trusted second brother, or Yan Yu, who has been holding the military power and is reluctant to hand it over. .”

"Among the Turks, apart from the three of them, there is no fourth person who is qualified to command so many troops."

"The main force of the Turks tried their best to break through in Tanzhou. According to intelligence, Yan Yu's niece seems to have appeared in Yuzhou with soldiers from seven tribes under her command."

"Yuzhou and Hanzhou are separated by several state capitals. It is impossible to break through the enemy's heavy encirclement and gather in Hanzhou."

"Even if she is lucky enough to escape the siege of the big dragon, Yan Yu has a total of 20 Turkic cavalry under her command. After fighting for so long, the strength of her current army is no more than [-] to [-]."

"The 20 Turkic cavalry are all except Huyanyun Yaoneng."

Wanyan Chizha frowned while talking, took a breath, and subconsciously looked at Yeluha who was opposite.

Yeluha's eyes also became a little flustered, and he stood up abruptly and subconsciously stared towards the official road in the southwest direction.

"Could it be the plan?"

Hearing what Yeluha said, Wanyan Chizha also realized what he was thinking, and murmured with a frown: "What a cruel little girl, this is going to put my Kingdom of Jin to death!"

"Report, let me report to the two commanders. The scout brothers report that there are not only Turkic cavalry above the official road, but also countless dragon chasing soldiers. How many troops are there? The situation is critical. The scout brothers have no time to investigate!"

The personal guards sent the contents of the scout's biography again, Wanyan Chizha and the two looked at each other, still confirming their guess in their hearts.

This Turkic army is exactly the army that Huyan Junyao assembled in Tanzhou.

As for why they rushed towards Hanzhou, their purpose is self-evident.

Both of them are old men who have experienced battles, and they can guess Huyan Yunyao's intentions without thinking deeply.

"My lord, what should we do? Half of our brothers are infantry. Once the girl Huyan Yunyao lures the troops from Tanzhou, we will have no hope of breaking through. Not only infantry, but even cavalry It was submerged in the territory of Hanzhou."

"Let me think about it, let me think about it."

Wanyan Chizha took off the pipe from his waist, and handed it to his mouth with a trembling arm. It is useless to swear now, the most important thing is to calm down and think about the way out.

Putting on the tobacco leaves, Wanyan Chizha fumbled for the fire bag from his arms tremblingly. He hadn't lost his composure like this for many years.

Wanyan Chizha took out the Huozhangzi, and a piece of rice paper was also brought out from his arms.

Yeluha hastily picked up the rice paper and handed it to Wanyan Chizha who lit the book on fire.

"My lord, the letter in your arms!"

Wanyan Chizha, who was about to light the tobacco, was stunned, staring blankly at the creased rice paper that Yeluha handed over.

No, it should be said that he was stunned looking at the map that remained in his mind on the rice paper.

With a bang, the fire folder slid to the ground.

Wanyan Chizha snatched the rice paper and began to look at it with trembling arms.

After a long time, Wanyan Chizha looked at the rice paper in his hand with tears and smiles.


"Heaven will not perish for my Dajin, the way of life lies in this king, this king is so confused, how could he forget such an important matter!"

Yeluha looked blankly at Wanyan Chizha, who was a bit crazy.

"My lord, what do you mean by this? What is the way out?"

Wanyan Chizha didn't reply to Yaluha's question, and grabbed the rice paper in his hand in a disgruntled manner.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Yue'er, uncle's dear Yue'er, you really are Daikin's hope for the future, you really are Daikin's hope!!"

"Your father's schemes are calculated, and the world is used as a chess piece. Unexpectedly, there will be times when everything is secret!"

(End of this chapter)

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