My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1673 The Young Master’s Panic

Chapter 1673 The Young Master's Panic (Jun Junhong plus more)
Midday on the moon.

The torches on the official road leading to Hanzhou are brightly lit, illuminating the surrounding environment as brightly as day.

Liu Mingzhi stared in astonishment at the dragon and eagle banner above his head, which was illuminated so clearly and fluttered in the wind, and looked at the tired Su Baiqing with complicated eyes.

"Xiaoxiao fruit guard Su Baiqing?"

Su Baiqing, who looked tired and out of spirits, was startled when he heard Young Master Liu address him, nodded with reddish eyes, resisted the wound on his inner thigh, got off his horse and knelt under Liu Mingzhi's horse.

"Xiaoguowei Pioneer Battalion Zhaowu School Lieutenant Su Baiqing meets the commander!"

Liu Mingzhi handed the torch in his hand to Du Yu, got off his horse and looked at Su Baiqing who was kneeling on the ground, then looked at Long Ying riding fifty thousand soldiers and horses on the right side with a sleepy look, and finally fixed his eyes on Su Baiqing.

"Are you the general of Dragon Eagle Cavalry now?"

Su Baiqing nodded with a sad face: "Reporting to the commander, the last general Su Baiqing is the general of Dragon Eagle Cavalry."

"At the end of the year, I will follow the commander-in-chief to the west, relying on the commander-in-chief's blessing to kill the enemy and make meritorious service. I am honored to be recommended by the general Xiaoguowei Dongfang Ming as a general in the capital to train [-] dragon and eagle riders!"

"In the current national war, the last general is honored to be canonized by His Majesty as the General of the Dragon Eagle Cavalry, and he will come to join forces with the commander."

Zhou Baoyu looked at Su Baiqing who was kneeling on the ground with an excited expression. He was also a general from Xiaoguowei. During the Western Expedition, Su Baiqing was one of his capable generals. He hadn't seen him for several years. He thought Su Baiqing had already hated the battlefield Woolen cloth.

Zhou Baoyu originally wanted to get off his horse and greet him, but seeing Liu Mingzhi's complex expression, Zhou Baoyu gave up his thoughts.

The 30 new army did not join forces for a long time. As one of the generals around Liu Mingzhi, Zhou Baoyu knew how much anger Liu Mingzhi had accumulated in his heart.

Zhou Baoyu began to secretly figure out how to intercede for his former old brother if the commander-in-chief turned his back on him later.

Liu Mingzhi being able to call out Su Baiqing's name shows how deeply Su Baiqing left a deep impression on Young Master Liu.

Recalling the scene of Su Baiqing fighting the enemy bravely and fearlessly on the battlefield of the Western Expedition, Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and sighed silently.

"Su Baiqing, since you have served under my commander, you should know my order to govern the army!"

Su Baiqing was taken aback for a moment, then nodded resignedly.

"Military orders are like mountains, and orders are prohibited."

"One violator will be punished with twenty sticks!"

"Secondly, those who violate the order will be punished with thirty rods, demoted to three levels, and fined for half a year!"

"Three violators will be executed!"

Liu Mingzhi slowly opened his eyes, looking at Su Baiqing sadly.

"The commander-in-chief told you to repeat it again and again, but the commander-in-chief sent you no fewer than ten emergency documents! How about following the order?"

"Cut and make a decision!"

"That's right, make a decision!"

Liu Mingzhi gently pulled out his Heavenly Sword, and put it on Su Baiqing's neck: "Brother, do you have anything else to say?"

Liu Qingchuan, one of Su Baiqing's generals, looked at Liu Mingzhi, a little bewildered, and wanted to say something, but remembering Su Baiqing's previous order, he finally lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Su Baiqing felt the cold Heavenly Sword on his neck and shook his head silently: "The last general Su Baiqing has nothing to say, and he is willing to accept the crime, please give him death by the commander."

"Commander, keep people under the sword. Since Su Baiqing has served under the command of the commander, he naturally knows the method of running the army with the command of the commander. In this case, there must be a reason for him not being able to join forces in time. Please find out The whole story will be revealed later!"

Su Baiqing opened his eyes, looking at Zhou Baoyu who pleaded, his eyes turned red.


Liu Mingzhi watched Zhou Baoyu limping and trotting over, and the arm holding the sword hilt trembled.

"Baoyu! You."

Zhou Baoyu looked at Su Baiqing with regret, and then turned his gaze to Liu Mingzhi: "Commander, there are not many old brothers who fought by your side back then. Even if Bai Qing dies, let him die on the battlefield!"

"I beg you, general!"

"I beg the commander-in-chief to forgive me!"

"I beg the commander-in-chief to forgive me!"

"I beg the commander-in-chief to forgive me!"

Liu Mingzhi was a little dazed looking at the general who was kneeling on the ground. Liu Mingzhi knew Su Baiqing, so they naturally also knew this former old brother, so they naturally began to plead for mercy.

"Brothers, Su Baiqing can't afford it, Su Baiqing can't afford it!"

Looking at Su Baiqing who was crying bitterly, Liu Mingzhi let out a long sigh, and put away the Heavenly Sword in his hand.

"You still have one more chance to plead your case, but you have to wait until after the war is over."

Su Baiqing was startled and hurriedly clasped his fists together: "The last general, Su Baiqing, thank you, Commander!"

Liu Mingzhi put his sword back into its sheath, looked around for a week, his eyes were a little confused: "Why are there only Dragon Eagle Riders and Qilin Guards?"

"Reporting to Commander, Qilinwei Qilinwei. The last general did not mean to shirk responsibility, but the last general still wants to say that the reason why the recruits failed to join forces in time is that General Qilinwei has an inescapable responsibility!"

"Where the Qilin Guard is now, the last general doesn't know either!"

"All kinds of reasons will be reported to the commander-in-chief once the war is over."

Liu Mingzhi frowned deeply for a moment: "Then let's talk about it after the war is over."

"The generals obey the order, and follow the commander to go north to Hanzhou to encircle and suppress the enemy!"

"I have to wait!"

Liu Mingzhi's troops and Su Baiqing's [-] dragon and eagle riders rushed towards Hanzhou again.

When the sky brightened for a long time, Yunyang and Nangong Ye looked at each other in dismay at the silent city of Hanzhou.According to the time, the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin should have rushed to break through the siege at this time, why there is no movement until now?
"Shuai Nangong, what's going on? Could it be that the people of the Kingdom of Jin resigned themselves to their fate?"

Nangong Ye shook his head solemnly: "Probably not, Wanyan Chizha and the others are definitely not the kind of people who give up lightly. They have been rivals for so many years, and I know them too well!"

"Since that's the case, why didn't there be news of Jin Guo's soldiers and horses breaking through the encirclement!"

"The commander-in-chief doesn't dare to assert, wait for the scouts to pass on the letter, Hanzhou is such a big place, and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses of the Jin Kingdom will not disappear out of thin air!

The sky had just dawned, maybe something went wrong with the army of the Kingdom of Jin! "

Yunyang nodded helplessly.

"Forget it, with 1000 or [-] scouts investigating day and night, apart from the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin flying out with wings, it is absolutely impossible to disappear silently in Hanzhou!"

"Report, report to the two marshals, and the scouts passed on the letter, and the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin retreated towards Lingzhou overnight!"

The two stared at the soldiers in a daze, and when they came back to their senses, they hurriedly took out the map and looked it up.

Nangong Ye looked at the map in astonishment: "Old man, what kind of attack is this? Why is the fight going south? Isn't this waiting to be surrounded by us?"

"It's hard to say. If things go wrong, there must be a demon. Immediately send a letter to Liu Shuai and see what's going on with him!"

"it is good!"

On the official road in Hanzhou, Huyan Yunyao looked at the note in his hand with a confused expression. If it wasn't for the soldiers from the Song and Qing tribes chasing after him, Huyan Yunyao would have stopped and thought about it.

Huyan Yunyao came back to her senses, and handed the note to her second brother, Hu Yanyu.

"Second brother, look at the information sent by the scouts. Are Wanyan Chizha and the other two old foxes crazy? It's fine if they don't break out, but lead the troops to retreat to the hinterland of the dragon. Isn't this waiting to be attacked by the dragon soldiers?" Are the horses surrounded?"

Hu Yanyu took the information and flipped through it, her expression was the same as that of her younger sister, she also became confused, she really didn't understand the intention of Jin Guo's soldiers and horses.

Dalong's 30 recruits are rushing day and night to encircle him. At this time, you go deep into Dalong's hinterland instead. Isn't this sending you to death in vain?
"I also don't understand Wanyan Chizha's intentions, even if it's the opposite, it shouldn't be like this. On the contrary, in the encirclement of the dragon soldiers, isn't this madness?"

"Don't they know that the dragon soldiers want them to be besieged in the northern border now?"

"What should we do? With the retreat of the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin, let's not say that disasters are being brought to the east. Instead, we are stealing chickens and losing money, and sending ourselves to be surrounded by the dragon's soldiers and horses for nothing."

"Hurry up and think of a way. Hanzhou can't continue going. There are wolves before and tigers behind. If we go to Hanzhou again, we will be wiped out in the encirclement of the dragon before the Kingdom of Jin!"

"It shouldn't be the opposite!"

Huyan Yunyao rubbed her dusty chin and muttered what her second brother said, her expression lost in thought.

After a long time, Huyan Yunyao nodded thoughtfully.

"Second brother, after talking about Yan Chizha, do Yeluha and the others look like the kind of people who would die in vain? If they wanted to die in vain, they wouldn't have led the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin to retreat back to the country!"

Hu Yanyu was stunned for a moment, and looked at the little girl's expression full of deep meaning in surprise: "You mean, Wanyan Chizha and the others have found a chance of survival?"

Huyan Yunyao shook her head slightly: "I'm not sure if they found a chance, but I just need to know that they didn't die in vain."

"No matter what reason they go to Lingzhou, they will not die. In this case, we have no better way, why not follow their footsteps to Lingzhou!"

Hu Yanyu didn't expect that the little girl would make such a decision, and her face immediately became embarrassed.

"Think twice, Khan. After breaking out of the encirclement with great difficulty, if we go to Lingzhou again, we will fall into their encirclement again."

Huyan Yunyao looked at the second brother who looked hesitant, her eyes were calm and calm, as if the big Khan who was not afraid to fight anyone had returned.

"Second brother, do you have a better way besides this?"

"As you said, if we continue to go to Hanzhou, we will be destroyed before Jin Guo. In this case, why don't we use dead horses as living horse doctors?"

"We don't believe in ourselves, at least we should believe in Wanyan Chizha and the other two who don't want to die."

Hu Yanyu thought for a while and nodded heavily: "The ministers all obey the orders of the Great Khan!"

Huyan Yunyao took out the command flag and waved without hesitation: "Order the three armies to transfer to Lingzhou!"

As the sun was rising, Liu Mingzhi, who had received the letter from Yu Nai and the others, looked at the content on the note, and a look of panic flashed in his eyes.

How could this be so, how could Wanyan Chizha and the others know about one of the weakest places in the army? This is something that Song Qing, Cheng Kai, and even Gu Mo Rongrong, the beautiful woman who shared the same bed, don't know about it!

"Master! What happened?"

Liu Mingzhi put away the letter in his hand in a daze: "Order the three armies to quickly assemble towards Chongzhou!"


"Yes, Chongzhou!"

"Pass the letter to the left and right groups of soldiers and horses, let them gather towards Dingzhou, especially the Shuimingjian outside Dingzhou City, to set up a defense line of no less than [-] soldiers and horses!"

"Don't ask why, just pass on the book!"


"The generals listen to the order and assemble with the commander towards Chongzhou!"

Cheng Kai and the others looked at Young Master Liu, who no longer had that winning look, and did not speak tactfully. They followed Liu Mingzhi silently and galloped towards Chongzhou, which had nothing to do with the enemy.

A few days later, the scouts continued to attack and intersect various prefectures in northern Xinjiang, and the golden eagles and falcons in the sky never stopped.

A group of generals under Liu Mingzhi's command gradually found that his general's complexion was getting more and more strange.

There is a feeling of being guessed everywhere but helpless.

Liu Mingzhi squeezed his temples tightly, looking at the contents of the latest biography in his hand with a gloomy expression.

"A spy? It's impossible for a spy to know what the commander-in-chief is thinking."

"Everywhere is predicted by the enemy, what went wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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