Chapter 1674
Liu Mingzhi was still muttering to himself full of doubts, while Song Qing hurried in with a new letter in his hands.

"Marshal, the scout brothers have passed on the letter. Before the soldiers and horses of the brothers who went to Lingzhou to chase the enemy have arrived, the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin have already evacuated towards Qingzhou under the leadership of Wan Yan and Chizha. Brothers rushed empty!"

"Furthermore, the scout brothers found something wrong with the number of horseshoe prints on the official road, which far exceeded the number of cavalry owned by the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin. The scouts guessed that it was probably the Turkic soldiers and horses we lost."

"The Turkic people seem to hang behind the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin intentionally. The purpose is still unknown."

"The general thought about it on the way. After the enemy army goes to Gyeongju, they can go straight east to Jianzhou, which we took back, and then detour to Chongzhou, where we are currently stationed."

Liu Mingzhi stared at the note in Song Qing's hand in surprise. After taking it over and flipping through it, his eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty, and he slowly put the note on the table. Anxious Song Qing.

"Brother, do you know what's going on in Gyeongju?"

Song Qing stared blankly at First Young Master Liu and shook his head in a daze: "Gyeongju is separated by two prefectures, and the last general is not the clairvoyant in myths and legends. How could he know what's going on in Gyeongju now?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, then sat down on the chair behind him in a daze.

"As my deputy commander, you don't even know the situation in Gyeongju. How did the enemy know that the commander has just transferred the troops from Gyeongju to Dingzhou?"

"This matter is only clear to the commander himself. No one has ever said it. How did the enemy figure it out? Could it be that Wanyan Chizha had an idea, or did Gods and Buddhas in the sky show them the way out?"

Listening to Liu Mingzhi's self-talking questioning, Song Qing was shocked: "What, you just transferred the troops from Gyeongju? The enemy went to Gyeongju?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a complicated expression: "Yes, Gyeongju is also one of the fortresses to prevent the enemy from rushing out. The Huxiang of the six guards in the northern border, and the two guards of the tiger and the beard are stationed there, and they can detour to Hanzhou to surround the enemy at any time."

"But I didn't expect Wanyan Chizha and the others to go to Lingzhou suddenly. I thought they would come directly from Lingzhou to Chongzhou, so I mobilized the two guards Huxiang and Hubei to build the second building in Dingzhou behind Chongzhou. layer of defense."

"But how did the enemy know? They even went to Gyeongju, where the troops are most depleted."

Song Qing looked at Liu Mingzhi's complex and unspeakable expression in a daze, and only then did he know why Liu Mingzhi's face became more and more ugly these days.

If it was true what Liu Mingzhi said just now, Song Qing would understand.

A battle of siege and annihilation turned into a tug-of-war where the enemy led by the nose.

"Marshal, even if they go to Gyeongju, there is still a chance to make amends. If they want to withdraw from the customs, they have to pass through Jianzhou. If they pass through our Chongzhou, we can still intercept them in our northern border."

"You are wrong. Qingzhou is empty of troops. They can go east to Renzhou, Guozhou, and Ruizhou without any scruples, and withdraw their troops from the gate of Fuzhou."

Song Qing's face changed in surprise: "What? Now all the troops in Northern Xinjiang are in Yingzhou. If they bypass Fuzhou to break through, wouldn't it be true given our current position?"

Liu Mingzhi covered his head with his hands, and scratched his hair like a chicken coop.

"There are so many soldiers and horses in Gyeongju, it is impossible for the enemy scouts to detect them, and no one will divert to the hinterland of Gyeongju. Once they are entangled by soldiers and horses, they will be surrounded by a large army."

"But just after my commander secretly dispatched troops, they went to the hinterland of Gyeongju! What the hell is going on? Is Wanyan Chizha a roundworm in my stomach? I can even guess every step of my battle. Clearly."

Song Qing looked at Liu Mingzhi with an ugly face: "Commander, what should we do next? If the enemy really goes east to Fuzhou and goes abroad through Fuzhou, all our efforts will really be in vain!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the teacup and took a sip lightly, contemplating the kung fu for a stick of incense.

"I can't go on like this. The commander always feels that my previous plan has been leaked. Although I don't know how it was leaked, now is not the time to explore these things."

"Immediately send an order to Xiaoguo Guard, Feiying Guard, Longwu Guard, Suppressed Army, Futu Army, and the six guards of the Hundred Wars Army to follow in light clothes, and quickly withdraw from Dingzhou and head towards Renzhou under the jurisdiction of Fuzhou Prefecture."

"The enemy army has half of the infantry, and the speed of the rapid march is not as fast as that of the cavalry. I hope to stop the enemy before they pass through Jianzhou to Renzhou!"


"Du Yu!"

"The end is here!"

"Order all the soldiers and horses to go straight to Jianzhou with this commander."


Liu Mingzhi knew that Wanyan Chizha's use of troops might be due to his own plan being leaked accidentally, or it might be because the heavens had no eyes, which made Wanyan Chizha and the others break out of the encirclement by mistake.

In any case, now we can only shatter the pot and take one step at a time.

Following Liu Mingzhi's message, the hundreds of thousands of dragon soldiers who had just set up defense lines in Chongzhou and Dingzhou once again divided into two groups and rushed towards Renzhou in Fuzhou and Jianzhou in Yingzhou.

Many soldiers were completely confused by Young Master Liu's order of one hammer to the east and one hammer to the west.

Many old soldiers have been on the battlefield for more than 20 years, and they have never seen this method of deploying troops.

The defense line that has been built so hard is given up as soon as it is given up, what is the matter.

They were not Liu Mingzhi, so they naturally didn't know that Young Master Liu was hundreds of times more helpless than them.

The enemy clearly entered his encirclement step by step, how could he suddenly become like a god, and lead him away by the nose instead.

This is totally counterintuitive.

On the contrary, the more so, Liu Mingzhi's resentment for the failure of the 30 recruits to join forces in time became deeper and deeper.

If they can arrive as scheduled and come to join forces in time, let alone the enemy lead them away, I am afraid that the national war is coming to an end at this moment.

They didn't arrive in time, which not only made it impossible to carry out their plan, but also caused the enemy to react, and it was like a god's help to fight back with their own army!
It doesn't help to say anything now.

Although Liu Mingzhi wanted to know what happened in the capital, and wanted to find out the hidden reason why the 30 new troops were unable to go to the frontier, but now was not the time to find out.

Even if I knew what to do after knowing the various Central Plains committees, they still couldn't come in time to start the encirclement.

The top priority is to trap the enemy army, but the enemy army has come out like this again.

Having a far-reaching layout is already labor-intensive, but now Liu Mingzhi is completely exhausted.

It's too late to say anything, now Liu Mingzhi has the same thoughts in his heart as the empress and Wanyan Chizha passed on the letter.

It is not too late.

I hope that I can change my tactics in time to make up for some mistakes.

The current use of troops is completely a matter of necessity, and Liu Mingzhi has already planned to completely overthrow the previous arrangements and start over.

(End of this chapter)

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