Chapter 1675
Qilinwei General Shi Huai looked at the golden engraving letter in his hand with a crimson face, with an annoyed look on his face that he was being teased.

"What is the meaning of the side-by-side king? He has changed three destinations in just a few days. What is he doing? Is this a war? This is simply a child's joke!"

"Mizhou, Chongzhou, and now they are going to join forces in Jianzhou. Even if they change positions, it shouldn't be such a joke."

Qilinwei Deputy General Guo Yi frowned slightly and looked at the aggrieved Shi Huai: "General, he has been side by side with Wang Congrong for ten years. He has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he will never take war as a joke!"

"Now that we have been ordered to join forces in Jianzhou, the general will see that we should stop complaining and join forces in time."

"Together with Wang Zhijun, he is rigorous and well-known, so it's better not to fight hard with him."

Shi Huai glared at Guo Yi with dissatisfaction: "What does his rigorous military management have to do with this general, and this general is not under his command. Since he went to the north, this general has never neglected his duties. During this general's expedition, His Majesty personally No matter how powerful the side-by-side king is, he can't do anything to this general like Su Baiqing said."

"If you don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face, without going through the tribunal of the Judiciary, it would be overstepping the law to dispose of a third-rank official according to the law. Besides, there is nothing wrong with the general, and he is completely acting according to the order."

"It is true that the side-by-side king can restrain himself, but he has no right to dispose of me according to the laws of my court."

Guo Yi stared blankly at the young and vigorous Shi Huai, lowered his head and sighed silently.

What kind of thing did His Majesty choose to serve as the general of the Qilin Guard?

Doesn't he know that the king side by side is now acting against the will of the first emperor to accept the orders of the emperors outside?

On the battlefield, military orders are like a mountain, and they dare to disobey orders and practice military law. Not to mention a third-rank general, even a first-rank prince like Jing Guogong Yunyang dare not ignore the military orders.

"General, let's go to Jianzhou first, and we'll talk about the rest later. As long as you make great achievements, His Majesty will naturally look up to you!"

Shi Huai's eyes brightened: "That's right, as long as I have made countless contributions, who would dare to underestimate this general and order the three armies to join forces in Jianzhou!"

In the territory of Gyeongju Prefecture in the southwest of Lingzhou, Yaluha looked at Gyeongju Prefecture without any trace of enemy troops in astonishment and surprise, and turned his head to look at Wanyan Chizha who was also relieved.

"My lord, how on earth did you calculate that the soldiers and horses in Gyeongju have already evacuated!"

"Brothers of the scouts passed on the letter, Liu Mingzhi clearly stationed more than [-] soldiers and horses in the territory of Gyeongju, encircling from south to north, what is going on now?"

Wanyan Chizha hesitated for a moment, took out the rice paper with the map from the queen and handed it to Yeluha.

"Brother Yale, before the start of the Second National War, did Brother Yale ever hear about Liu Mingzhi making a bet with His Majesty?"

Yeluha took the rice paper and nodded slightly: "I have heard about it, what does this have to do with our withdrawal?"

Wanyan Chizha showed an inexplicable expression: "At the beginning, Liu Mingzhi made a bet with His Majesty, and I won a big gold."

"Maybe it's because of conceit, or maybe it's because I feel ashamed of Princess Yue. As for the specific reason, I don't know the specific reason. When Liu Mingzhi and Princess Yue were hanging out in the imperial garden, accompanied by Princess Yue, he played chess with himself. A chess game with no rules."

"Chess game?"

"Yes, chess game!"

"This chess game has no rules, and it doesn't conform to the custom of playing chess. The chess game is over, and the chess pieces on the board have no rules at all."

"Princess Yue asked Liu Mingzhi out of curiosity, what kind of play this is, it's completely different from the Go I've learned."

"Liu Mingzhi said with a smile that this is a game that belongs to him. He asked Princess Yue if she could see something from the game."

"In the end, Princess Yue found nothing. I asked Liu Mingzhi what was going on. Liu Mingzhi didn't explain, but said that the time has not come. Princess Yue will understand in the future."

"Maybe Liu Mingzhi didn't clean up the chess game because Princess Yue couldn't understand the chess game. Maybe he thought the maid would clean up afterward, so he went with Princess Yue to Wanyan Feixiong, King of Xiaoyao."

"After they left, His Majesty came to look for their father and daughter, and accidentally saw Liu Mingzhi playing chess in front of Princess Yue."

"At first, His Majesty was also puzzled, and called the king to the palace to discuss the matter."

Yeluha looked at Wanyan Chizha in surprise: "It's just because of a chess game, His Majesty is making too much of a fuss."

"No, it's not that His Majesty is making a big fuss, but His Majesty thinks that the chess game looks like a carefully selected and drawn map."

"We are all leaders, and we have already memorized the terrain of each country's territory. After listening to His Majesty's words, this king also deliberately ignored the customization of Go itself, and watched the chess game as a map!"

"Later, I observed carefully that Liu Mingzhi's chess game really looked like a brief map that included the cities in the southern border of Dajin, the tribes in the southern Turkic region, the prefectures in the northern border of Dalong, and the eastern frontier of the western region. .”

"Although I can see that the chess game looks like a map, no matter how much I and His Majesty explore, I still don't understand what the state capitals on the chess game represent."

"After several conversations, I really can't figure out what the mystery is, and this matter is over. This king also put this matter behind him, and will do his best to deal with the matter of going south."

Yeluha seemed to understand something, staring blankly at the brief map on the rice paper in his hand and the offensive and defensive lines outlined by the red pens on it: "Could this map be the Go map left by Liu Mingzhi when he played chess for Princess Yue?" ?”

"That's right, when the big dragon marched south, Liu Mingzhi cut off the Chongzhou garrison and all the forces that could contact us, and secretly captured Chongzhou. However, Liu Mingzhi ignored the matter of the admiral's spy in His Majesty's hands."

"Your Majesty is determined to unify the world. In all the state capitals of Dalong, the spies of the admirals have been planted to incarnate the people of Dalong to inquire about news."

"The fall of Chongzhou has been hidden from our eyes and ears, but it has not escaped the eyes and ears of His Majesty's spies."

"Although we don't know anything about Chongzhou, His Majesty already knows everything about it."

Yeluha looked at the map drawn with a vermilion pen in amazement: "Princess Moon is indeed my Daikin's hope, and she can guess every step of Liu Mingzhi's military plan from it!"

Wanyan Chizha shook his head with a light smile: "Brother Yale, you are wrong. Although Princess Yue is talented and intelligent, she has managed the government affairs in an orderly manner at a young age, but she is only a ten-year-old child after all. There are very few opportunities to go to war, and Liu Mingzhi has been in the army for ten years, so how could Princess Yue be able to guess his careful layout!"

"The above layout route should be deduced by His Majesty after he got all the information about this trip to the south, combined with the previous method of using the dragon's soldiers and horses and the generals in the court."

"However, in the final analysis, Princess Yue's great blessing is still entrusted to her."

"If Liu Mingzhi hadn't laid out his long-planned plan in front of Princess Yue, His Majesty would not have learned anything from it!"

"No matter what the reason is, these are not important anymore. The important thing is that we have learned about Liu Mingzhi's layout, and we are no longer running around like headless chickens!"

"If we didn't have this offensive map, we would definitely not have detoured to the hinterland of Gyeongju, but would have rushed to Jianzhou, entered Chongzhou, and entered the ambush circle that Liu Mingzhi should have arranged."

"Because no matter how you look at it, Jianzhou and Chongzhou are the closest retreat routes."

"But the more vibrant it is, the more it will become an abyss once it gets in."

"We have all been blessed by Princess Yue, maybe Liu Mingzhi still doesn't know why this happened!"

"Liu Mingzhi's hundred secrets will eventually have a sparse one. It can be said that there is no unparalleled road!"

(End of this chapter)

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