Chapter 1676
Yeluha looked at Wanyan Chizha's expression of mourning for the rest of his life, and felt very grateful in his heart.

It is no longer important for Liu Mingzhi to present his plan in front of Princess Yue, it is because he has arranged such a shocking situation in which the Three Kingdoms are used as a game and all living beings are used as chess pieces, so he can't help but show off to his beloved daughter, Or because nothing else matters.

The most important thing is that he and his brothers escaped to death, and they can retreat safely under the siege and interception of the dragon soldiers.

"My lord, what should we do next? Are we stationed in Gyeongju, or are we going straight to Jianzhou?"

Wanyan Chizha took off the water bag and took a sip to moisten his throat: "Brother Yale, look at the map yourself, which route do you think we should retreat from?"

Yaluha was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at the simple map in his hand, looking at the offensive lines outlined by those red pens and began to think carefully.

After a long time, Yeluha grinned: "Old man understands, if we withdraw our troops from any state capital in Yingzhou, we will encounter Dalong's soldiers and horses, and the only chance of escape is in Fuzhou, which is far away."

"We should take a long-distance detour from Qingzhou to Renzhou, Guozhou, and Ruizhou in Fuzhou, leave Fuzhou's Dalongguo Gate, and rush to Shanhaiguan to withdraw our troops back home."

Wanyan Chizha nodded with a chuckle: "It seems that Brother Yale also understands, it can be said that all Liu Mingzhi's layouts are arranged around the state capital in Yingzhou, but the military strength in Fuzhou is so empty that it can be ignored. "

"The best route for us to withdraw from the northern border of Dalong is the territory of Fuzhou, which is close to Yingzhou."

"If God opens his eyes, it will be even better if Liu Mingzhi's soldiers and horses meet the Turkic soldiers and horses who are still running around like headless chickens in Yingzhou."

"Whether it is now or in the future, it is a good thing for us Dajin that the Turkic soldiers and horses will meet with the dragon soldiers and horses."

"Right now, they will help us hold back the siege of Dalong's soldiers and horses. In the future, once the Turks and Dalong start a decisive battle, both sides will suffer heavy casualties no matter whether they win or lose."

"Although the soldiers and horses of the Great Dragon are far superior to the Turkic people, the Turkic people know that they cannot escape. If there is a desperate battle, it is bound to inflict heavy damage on the soldiers and horses surrounding the Dragon."

"Huyan Yunyao is defeated, and the main force of the Turks will wipe out the entire army. At that time, the Turks will not only have no leader, but will once again fall into a situation of tribal separatism and fragmentation."

"At that time, as long as we withdraw our troops safely and return home, Dajin, who has preserved [-]% of his strength, can completely annex the Turks, obtain countless excellent war horses, and share the world with Dalong."

"It is said that surviving a catastrophe will bring good fortune. The ancients did not deceive me."

"Perhaps this time, our Daikin may have a blessing in disguise!"

After listening to Wanyan Chizha's words, Yaluha finally eased a lot from being depressed for more than a month.

If this is the case, it can be said that Daikin is not a blessing in disguise.

He even became the biggest victor in the Three Kingdoms War.

"Brother Yale, let's run eastward with all our strength, life is right in front of us, we must not delay it!"

"Okay, the old man immediately ordered the soldiers on the right to abandon unnecessary supplies and march eastward to Renzhou."

The two old foxes, Wanyan Chizha who led the Eastern Expedition along the way, did not know that the Turkic soldiers who they guessed would encounter the Dalong enemy were hanging far behind them, following their footsteps to break through.

They were overjoyed, and the brothers and sisters Huyan Yunyao, who were safe and sound, were also discussing their next move in a relaxed mood.

However, the soldiers and horses of both sides are not clear. Liu Mingzhi's several fights in the past few days have already overturned the previous layout, and restarted the way of deploying troops in response to the situation.

The first year of Yongping, the eighth day of July.

The soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin, who had just left Renzhou, had just left Renzhou. When they entered Guozhou in Fuzhou, they encountered the vanguard army of the Dalong Army and started a battle.

Cheng Kai, who discovered the traces of the enemy, immediately sent a letter to Renzhou to search for the remaining five soldiers and horses in Renzhou, and the border of Guozhou was encircled.

Wanyan Chizha and the two made a decisive decision, dispatched [-] cavalry to thwart the intention of the trapped soldiers to contain the infantry of the Kingdom of Jin, and under the cover of the remaining cavalry, they broke through the encirclement towards Ruizhou in the east.

The joyous Huyan Yunyao brothers and sisters commanded the soldiers and horses under their command. They had just followed the retreat route of the Jin Kingdom soldiers and horses out of Renzhou, and unfortunately encountered the other five groups of Dalong soldiers who were encircling the Jin Kingdom soldiers and horses towards the border of the two prefectures on the official road. up.

For a while, another unintentional confrontation broke out in Renzhou.

What happened to them bought time for the [-] cavalry of the Jin Kingdom to block the falling army.

The Turkic soldiers and horses retreated at the touch of a touch, and scattered along the traces left by the Jin army, they began to break out towards Ruizhou.

Liu Mingzhi, who waited for no results in Jianzhou, continued to order troops to cross Renzhou directly, and Guozhou detoured towards Ruizhou.

During the Jianzhou period, countless letters were handed over to Liu Mingzhi like snowflakes. From the contents of these letters, Liu Mingzhi faintly realized something.

Realizing why the soldiers and horses of the two countries were able to withdraw from their own encirclement and leave safely, Liu Mingzhi's heart was suddenly complicated.

But before the truth came to light, Liu Mingzhi still held a sliver of hope. The reason why the soldiers and horses of the two countries withdrew from the encirclement was not because of the game in the imperial garden.

It's just that Liu Mingzhi himself didn't even have a [-]% certainty in his heart, because apart from that one game, there was no reason to explain the retreat route of the soldiers and horses of the two countries, which was like a divine help.

If it was really because of him, Liu Mingzhi no longer knew how he would face the end of this national war.

Pretending to be smart?

Self-inflicted can't live?

The soldiers and horses led by Liu Mingzhi rushed to Ruizhou at high speed. At this time, in the Kingdom of Jin, the Turkic soldiers and horses had just rushed out of the territory of Ruizhou from the siege of the six guards of the entrapment army and began to rush to Fuzhou, one of the six gates of Dalong.

Those who die generously are by no means unique to Dalong.

There are more and more Dalong chasing troops in the rear. Jin Kingdom has a hundred cavalry, and the two guards of Yunshan Guards were stationed in Hanzhou before. .

The Turkic Shi Sizhe Department, led by the general Shi Sizhe, took the initiative to invite Yingying to fight, commanding [-] Turkic iron cavalry to block the dragon soldiers and horses that exceeded twice their own strength at the cost of annihilating the entire army.

"Great Khan, the ministers are willing to die for the foundation of the royal family, please be kind to the people of my Shi Sizhe tribe in the future!"

The [-] Turkic cavalry and the [-] soldiers and horses of the Jin Kingdom's two guards took the initiative to invite Ying. Knowing that it was a dead end, they charged suicidally without hesitation, and rushed towards the dragon soldiers who had been chasing their side for more than a month and refused to let go. past.

More than [-] people were killed, the sudden coalition army was surrounded and killed by various soldiers and horses who came to surround Dalong one after another, and the entire army was wiped out within half a day, and no one survived.

Hundreds of thousands of dragon soldiers and horses gathered on the field south of Fuzhou City, watching the battlefield like purgatory on earth silently.

The corpses were boundless, the yellow sand was soaked in blood, and the broken flags danced with the wind, telling of their past glory.

The ownerless war horses sneeze and paw their hooves. Many war horses found their master's body, knelt down silently and refused to leave.

More than [-] soldiers and horses delayed the Dalong soldiers and horses for half a day at the cost of all sacrifices, buying enough time for the brothers of the main force to withdraw from the northern border of Dalong.

Yunyang's snow-white beard and hair had already been stained red with blood. Looking at the corpses scattered all over the place, he stared at the smoke and dust dragons that had withdrawn from the pass, and ruthlessly inserted his blood-dripping saber into the blood-soaked yellow sand. .

"Alas! Heaven has no eyes, and all previous efforts will be wasted!"

Nangong Ye silently stood next to Yunyang, looking around Zhang Kuang, Yun Chong and his older brothers who also had regretful faces sighed silently.

There are too many things in one sigh.

Liu Mingzhi was drenched in blood, put the Heavenly Sword back into its sheath, stared blankly at the smoke and dust covering the sky in the north of Fuzhou City, and was speechless for a long time.

On the other side of the smoke and dust are the soldiers and horses of the two countries who escaped from their encirclement and forcibly rushed out.

According to the location of the smoke and dust, some experienced generals have guessed that the soldiers and horses of the two countries have rushed out of the pass at this time.

Song Qing held the scarred helmet around his waist, and looked at Liu Mingzhi in a daze with a complicated expression.

"Marshal, the matter is a foregone conclusion, let's take a look at it."

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the tragic battlefield without saying a word for a long time.

If he hadn't revealed his long-planned plan in front of Yue'er, perhaps the world would have been settled.

If the 30 recruits join forces in time without delaying the fighter plane, perhaps they can be surrounded and wiped out in Yingzhou before the soldiers and horses of the two countries react.

If the soldiers and horses of the two countries are not determined to withdraw their troops and have a decisive battle with their own soldiers and horses to determine the ownership of the world, with the power of artillery and muskets, they can also annihilate the enemy troops of the two countries in one fell swoop.

If I hadn't been worried about my achievements and wanted to share the credit for this national war, and had pulled out the guns and artillery earlier, this national war might have been won already.

But there is no such word as everything.

Some are just realistic endings.

The ending is that although the national war was won this time, the victory was unsatisfactory, and it was far from the expected result of the generals.

"Half a lifetime of soldiers and horses is full of sorrow, but in the past twelve years, there is nothing to do."

"Since ancient times in life, no one has hated, just hope that the enemy will return with his horse."

"It's in vain that I have calculated thousands of times. I never thought about the tricks, but I was clever and I was mistaken by my cleverness."

"Hesitating, being afraid of wolves and tigers in the past, you will end up reaping the consequences."

"God's will! God's will!"

In his previous life, Liu Mingzhi always felt that it was exaggerated for those actors in TV dramas to spit out a big mouthful of blood because of sadness or anger.

Today, Liu Mingzhi finally realized what it was like to be out of breath, and he no longer felt that being out of breath would spurt blood was an exaggeration.

"Who has no hatred in life since ancient times, just looking at the enemy's horse. Horse. Pop. Hate. Hate."

A mouthful of dark red blood sprayed out from Liu Mingzhi's mouth and dripped on the yellow sand.

Liu Mingzhi, on the other hand, knelt down towards the ground heavily with blank eyes, and fell weakly on the sand.

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"


"Quickly, tell all the military doctors to come!"

The exclamation of Song Qing and others caught the attention of Yunyang and others not far away, and when they saw First Young Master Liu, they hurried over!

"My lord!"

"My lord!"

"Quickly send the military doctor!"

After a long time, dozens of famous military doctors looked at each other silently, and sighed silently when they saw the unconscious Young Master Liu who was hugged by Gu Mo Rongrong.

One of the oldest military doctors with white beard and hair walked in front of a group of generals.

"Two great commanders, all great generals."

"My lord was so anxious that he spit out the blood that had accumulated for a long time."

"The old man learned from the pulse of the prince that the prince has been depressed for two or three days, and it may be hard to say for longer."

Song Qing was taken aback: "It's been two or three days? It started in Jianzhou? But nothing happened in Jianzhou to bother the general."

"This old man doesn't know why, the prince became sick because of boredom, only he himself knows!"

Yunyang and Nangong Ye looked at each other with disappointed expressions when they heard the words.

It seems that Liu Mingzhi is very concerned about the enemy's escape from northern Xinjiang!

(End of this chapter)

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