Chapter 1677
Six days later.

Over the past six days, hundreds of thousands of soldiers have searched for the bodies of soldiers who died in the battle in the northern Xinjiang, and began to clean up the battlefield.

Whether it was our own soldiers or the enemy soldiers, they were all buried by Yunyang. Nangong Ye and the others ordered them to bury them. Now the weather is just when the autumn tiger is showing its teeth and claws. If the corpses are not cleaned up in time, there is a possibility of an epidemic.

After major disasters, epidemics often occur after the war. This is the experience summed up by the ancients over the years.

Fortunately, Yunyang and the others are experienced and dealt with it in a timely manner. There has not been any bad news from a certain state capital in the past few days.

So far, the Second Three Kingdoms War has come to an end.

The rest is to appease the people, manage people's livelihood, and restore the livelihood of northern Xinjiang.

At this time, based on the decree of Prince Liu Mingzhi's mansion, the governors of various states and county officials implemented it. After the war, the 27 mansions of Dalong Beijiang gradually restored their former prosperity.

Except for some state capitals that have been hit hard by the war, the people in most state capitals are fairly peaceful.

Yingzhou stood side by side with the palace, and all the girls of Qi Yun gathered together. They looked at her husband who was still sleeping soundly on the bed with crooked eyebrows, and looked at each other silently from time to time, and could only sigh silently.

It has been three or four days since Liu Mingzhi woke up, and his body is gradually recovering. However, all the girls are the ones who share the same bed with Young Master Liu. How can they not see that the husband has been preoccupied and in a bad mood since he woke up? demeanor.

Over the past few days, all the girls had no intention of doing anything in the mansion, and took care of Liu Mingzhi's bedside almost every step of the way.



Liu Mingzhi, who was soundly asleep, uttered a few dreams, then suddenly opened his eyes and sat up in shock.

Seeing this, all the girls in the room hurried towards the bed and surrounded them.

"Husband, you are awake!"

"Husband, do you feel any discomfort?"

"Husband, are you having a nightmare?"

"Husband, you have slept for a long time again, are you thirsty?"


All the girls looked at First Young Master Liu who was sitting on the bed in shock, and the caring meaning in the words was undoubtedly revealed.

Qi Ya took out her handkerchief and wiped the sweat on Liu Mingzhi's forehead for Liu Mingzhi.

"Husband, are you having nightmares again?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, took the handkerchief from Qi Ya's hand and wiped the sweat off his head.

"For my husband, I dreamed that Yue'er was holding a handful. Forget it, fortunately, it's just a nightmare. Is there any water? My husband's mouth is dry."

The girls hurriedly staggered away and looked at Qinglian who was holding a soup bowl.

"Sister Lian'er, quickly serve the ginseng soup to your husband."

Qinglian nodded hastily, and patted her lotus root arm slightly, the little dragon with more mysterious patterns on her body spit out snake letters came out of Qinglian's cuff, watching Qinglian shaking the snake's head in a humane way.

Qinglian looked at Xiaolong who was dodging, and coquettishly grabbed Xiaolong's body and leaned in front of the soup bowl.

"It's just a little bit of your blood, what are you doing? Be honest."

Xiaolong wrapped himself around Qinglian's white lotus root arms helplessly, allowing his master to take out two drops of blood essence from his body and drop them into the soup bowl for Young Master Liu to drink.

After drinking the ginseng soup, Young Master Liu, whose face was a little pale, regained some of his blood color. Looking at the worried pretty faces of the girls, Liu Mingzhi slowly got off the bed, and patted the backs of the girls' hands one by one.

"It's fine for my husband, just rest for two days, you don't need to worry too much, Yun'er!"

"The concubine is here!"

"Brother, where are Cheng Kai and the others?"

"The concubine arranged for them to stay temporarily in the wing room. If the husband wants to see them, the concubine will immediately send someone to call them over."

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to stop Qi Yun: "No need, change my husband's clothes, I'll go to see them in person, it's been so many days, some things should be dealt with."

"It's your body, husband."

"It's okay, it's much better, let's change clothes for my husband."

"Yes, this concubine will take the python robe!"

"Sister Ya, Lian'er, Qing Shi, Wei'er, Ying'er, Shan'er, Rong Rong, you guys ordered the kitchen to arrange a banquet, and for my husband, I want to invite all the generals to drink in the martial arts field in the mansion."

"Yes, my concubine sister understands."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the cautious Gu Mo Rongrong, smiled lightly and took Gu Mo Rongrong's wrist, handing it to the intellectual and elegant Qi Ya.

"Sister Ya, Rongrong's Chinese is not very good, you should teach her more these days, don't bully her!"

Qi Ya gave First Young Master Liu an angry look, and smiled slightly at Gu Mo Rongrong who was slightly nervous.

"Good sister, from now on we sisters will eat and live together, if you need anything, just tell your sister."

"Well, Rongrong understands, thank you sister Ya."

Looking at the harmonious appearance of the girls, Liu Mingzhi finally felt a little more warmth in his depressed heart.

After being changed by Qi Yun and Qi Ya, Liu Mingzhi gently shook the carved jade fan that the empress had given him back then and rushed towards the wing room in the middle of the palace.

The Qi Yun sisters silently watched the back of her husband disappearing into the arch, and silently looked at each other, and they all saw the worry in each other's beautiful eyes.

Qi Yun looked at her sister Qi Ya worriedly.

"Sister, is your husband really alright?"

Qi Ya is older, and her temperament is naturally stronger than that of Qi Yun's younger sister, so she patted Qi Yun's shoulder lightly.

"Silly sister, my husband is sure to be fine. He has been unhappy for the past few days just because the result of this battle was unexpected, so he is a bit pessimistic for a while."

"In the past few days, we have taken good care of him. His body has almost recovered. It only takes a few days. When he sees it, he will be fine."

"Don't worry all of you, let us sisters arrange a banquet first, so as not to delay my husband's banquet for a group of generals, which will make my husband even more bored and not beautiful."

All the girls agreed one after another, got up and rushed towards the side courtyard.

Qi Ya secretly glanced at the arch where her husband disappeared, and sighed silently.

Among all the women, Qi Ya is the one with the most beautiful and blue heart. She has already seen that this is not a simple concern in the husband's heart, but a knot that cannot be solved.

As for the knot in her heart, Qi Ya couldn't figure it out for a while, thinking that she would take a chance in the future to make a side note, so as to find out the root cause of her husband's depression, and then slowly enlighten him.

In the east courtyard, Liu Mingzhi stood under the pavilion outside the gate, gently flapping the folding fan in his hand.

"Where are you brothers!"

In the wing room, Song Qing, Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu, Jia Zhengjing and more than 20 generals were discussing matters. Hearing Liu Mingzhi's voice, he was slightly stunned, and then he hurriedly got up and greeted the door with a pleasant expression.

After six days, the commander-in-chief was finally able to get out of bed.

"We will see the commander in chief and congratulate him on his recovery."

"Brothers, hurry up and give up the courtesy, the war is over, don't be so polite."

Liu Mingzhi helped up a group of brothers who lived and died together one by one.

"Why are you still wearing armor? Why didn't you change into your normal clothes in such hot weather?"

"Brothers have been stationed in the six cities around Yingzhou waiting for the commander to recover. Without the commander's order, we dare not take off our armor."

"Dead brains, a group of elm bumps, quickly take off the armor, let us brothers change into ordinary clothes and talk."

"Thank you, Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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