Chapter 1678
When Liu Mingzhi helped up the last general, his expression froze.

Looking at the silk cloth on Ye Baotong's left eye, the general of the Bai Zhan Army, Liu Mingzhi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand and touched the silk cloth wrapped around Ye Baotong's left eye. Seeing the iron-clad man frowning but resisting making a sound, Liu Mingzhi's eyes turned red.

"Bao Tong, your eyes?"

Ye Baotong grinned: "Haha, Commander, the Turkic people are really good at riding and shooting. When the last general was besieged and killed, he was unfortunately injured by Liu Ya in his left eye. The military doctor said that his left eye might be blind in the future."

"However, don't worry, Commander. With a mere left eye blind and a minor injury, the last general will still be able to stand up for the Commander and charge forward."

"The sword in the hands of the last general can also kill all directions. Wherever the command of the commander goes, that is where the sword of the last general goes!"

Hearing Ye Baotong's heroic words, Liu Mingzhi's heart suddenly felt sour.

Of the six generals under his command, Duan Can't bear to die in battle, Zhou Baoyu's leg was seriously injured, Ye Baotong was blinded by an arrow in his left eye, only Ning Chao, Feng Buer, and Cheng Kai suffered minor injuries, but nothing serious.

Nearly [-] brothers were killed or killed on the battlefield, unable to return home with honor.

Has this national war really won?

"Brothers, Liu Mingzhi is sorry for you!"

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

"Big guy!"

"Brothers are unlucky and don't do the job of the commander. Our brothers in the middle army have the lowest casualties compared to the brothers in the left and right armies. It is an honor for the brothers to be able to fight with the commander on the battlefield."

"That's right, since the brothers are following the commander in chief, they have already pinned their heads to their waistbands. Isn't that the same as dying in battle? After 18 years, he will be a hero again. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Under the exhortations of a group of generals, Ye Baotong gently pulled out his saber and held it in front of Liu Mingzhi with a sad face.

"If the commander-in-chief dislikes the junior general and is blind in one eye, he will be held back by the commander-in-chief in future battles. The general would rather die. If the commander-in-chief does not dislike the junior general, please don't take all the blame on yourself. .”

Liu Mingzhi snatched Ye Baotong's saber: "Baotong, what are you doing!"

"Commander, the last general is only blind in one eye. Compared with the brothers who died in battle, he is lucky enough. Please don't blame yourself, Commander!"

"You... you guys."

"Brothers, the national war is considered a victory. The commander-in-chief has ordered your sisters-in-law to prepare a banquet. Let's not talk about these depressing words today. Let's get drunk at the banquet."

"Thank you, Commander."

Liu Mingzhi took a breath slowly, his gaze gradually calmed down, and he strode towards the main hall of the palace with big strides.

"Go and change your uniforms first. It is said that General Su Baiqing, General of Dragon Eagle Cavalry, and General Shi Huai, General of Qilin Guard, have come to meet this king."

Song Qing, Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu and others were stunned, and went to the room with a look of worry on their faces, changed their clothes, and then followed Liu Mingzhi towards the main hall.

Zhou Baoyu waved to his own soldiers: "Ride a fast horse to the school field camp, and order Su Baiqing to come to the palace to plead guilty."

"Impressive order!"

In the main hall of the palace, Liu Song hurriedly greeted Young Master Liu upon seeing him.

"Little Liu Song sees the young master."

Liu Mingzhi's cold eyes softened: "You finally came back from the capital, have you seen Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Household Department?"

Liu Song hastily took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to First Young Master Liu: "Young master, Mr. Jiang has resigned from office and retired. The specific reason why Mr. Jiang is unwilling to tell you. This is his reply to you, Mr. Jiang said that Mr. Jiang You'll understand after reading the letter."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song with a startled expression: "What? Lao Jiang hasn't reached the age to be an official, how could he resign and retire?"

"The little one doesn't know, and Xiao Song can't say well about the current situation in the capital. Young master, let's read Jiang Shangshu's reply first."

Liu Mingzhi took Jiang Yuanming's reply from Liu Song's hand with a complex expression, walked to the main seat and sat down.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Liu Mingzhi looked at the group of brothers with a light smile: "Don't be dazed, just find a seat and sit down!"

"Thank you, handsome!"

"Liu Song, tell the servants to prepare more chairs and show them to my brothers."

"Yes, little one, go right away!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the teacup and sipped it, then put down the tea in his hand and took out Lao Jiang's reply in front of everyone to read it.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the letter in his hand quietly, his face became more and more gloomy. Song Qing and others felt the cold aura coming from Liu Mingzhi, and they all kept silent, not daring to say more, silently drinking the tea arranged by the servants From time to time, he glanced lightly at Liu Mingzhi's expression.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi slapped the letter heavily on the table. The content of the letter was over [-], and he roughly talked about the current situation of the capital.

It can be summed up in eight words.

The treacherous officials are in power, and the demon empress will bring disaster to the country.

On the other hand, today's son is ignorant of people, addicted to wine and sex, making the government turbid, full of civil and military parties and selfishness.

Hubu Shangshu Jiang Yuanming and some of the important ministers left by Mr. Rui Rui were forced to resign early and left the place of right and wrong above the court.

Liu Mingzhi now finally understands why Jiang Yuanming, who threatened to sell everything for himself at the beginning, had to find food for himself
Today's household department is no longer under Lao Jiang's control.

Liu Mingzhi pondered for a while, then turned to look at Song Qing.

"During this period of time, all the documents for clearing up the follow-up issues of the war were submitted to this commander."


"Zhong Sima, bring the dossier to the commander!"


After a few sticks of incense, Liu Mingzhi kept flipping through the dossier presented by Sima, reviewing everything big and small, and generally Liu Mingzhi was quite satisfied with the situation.

In the end, Liu Mingzhi took a letter and read it quietly. It was a letter written by Su Baiqing, the general of the Dragon Eagle Cavalry. It roughly stated some reasons why the recruits were unable to come to Northern Xinjiang for a long time.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi put down the letter in his hand, lightly tapped the table with his fingers and muttered.

The generals didn't know why, so they could only sit silently with them, drinking cup after cup of tea that was refilled by the servants.

"Reporting to the lord, there is a general outside the mansion who claims to be the Dragon Eagle Cavalry General Su Baiqing to see the lord, saying that he is here to plead guilty."

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, and looked at the servant quietly: "Is he alone?"

"Reporting to the prince, I only saw him alone."

"Understood, I will wait in the gazebo outside the hall in the future, and I will order you to bring him in again!"

"Yes, little one obeys the order."

"Liu Song!"

"Little is here!"

"Go and pass the boss, the second, and the third to the main hall to meet me!"

"Little one takes command!"

After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi stood up from his chair and looked at Song Qing and the others with a light smile: "Brothers, wait a moment, I will come as soon as I go."

"I have to wait for the order, please do it, Commander."

In the inner courtyard of the palace, Liu Mingzhi scanned around with a solemn expression.


"Master, Yinger is here!"

"Where's the key to Xiangtang?"

"Ying'er will go get it right away, young master, wait for a while."

After a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi burned the incense with his hands clean, took out two things from the incense hall in the inner courtyard, handed the key to Yinger again, and turned back towards the main hall.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and put the two items he took on the table: "Brothers have been waiting for a long time, let's talk about it when my handsome three little bunnies come."

"Yes! We are so handsome!"

(End of this chapter)

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