My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1679 Xiao Wang Enters Beijing

Chapter 1679 Xiao Wang Enters Beijing
"Little Eldest Young Master, Little Second Young Master, Little Third Young Master, the Young Master is waiting for you in the hall, go in quickly."

Liu Song's voice came from the back of the hall, and then the three brothers Liu Chengfeng, Liu Chengzhi, and Liu Chengqian came out with embarrassing expressions, looking at the old man sitting on the main seat, and a group of generals and uncles around him. Subconsciously shrank his neck.

I don't know what kind of outrageous things my three brothers have committed during this period of time, it is worth the father's mobilization.

"Baby Liu Chengfeng!"

"Liu Chengzhi!"

"Liu Chengqian!"

"See Daddy, see all uncles!"

Before Liu Mingzhi could speak, Song Qing and the others hurriedly stood up and clasped their fists in response.

"We have met the three princes!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the three brothers who seemed at a loss and hurriedly called a group of people to sit down: "Brothers, you don't have to be so polite, what kind of sons are not sons, in front of you, these three little bastards will always be juniors. When you see them misbehaving, even if you reprimand them, you won’t say that all the brothers are wrong even if you beat me to death.”

"The commander-in-chief was joking. The three nephews are handsome and handsome. How can they be the kind of playboys who do evil?"

"That's right, at the end of the day, the three virtuous nephews will definitely be like the commander-in-chief in the future, and they will become heroes among my dragon's men, guarding one side."

Liu Mingzhi responded cheerfully: "What about you, stop complimenting these three useless little bastards, let alone guarding one side, I will be satisfied if they don't cause trouble for me!"

"These three little bastards have caused troubles all day long, which made me extremely headache. They beat and scolded, but they just don't know how to repent."

"Let's not say I'm handsome, even your sisters-in-law are out of their wits all day long, don't mention how hard it is to discipline them!"

Everyone laughed apologetically. It seems that the commander-in-chief educating his son is no different from himself and others teaching his own son.

Sure enough, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite!

Liu Mingzhi looked at the three brothers Liu Chengfeng indifferently: "Kneel down."

The three brothers were taken aback, and hurriedly knelt down in front of Liu Mingzhi, their eyes flustered, secretly thinking about some of the most serious bad deeds that their three brothers had committed during these days, not knowing which one made the father so serious .

Liu Mingzhi didn't pay attention to the eyes of the three brothers, turned around and picked up the golden whip wrapped in yellow silk on the table and handed it to the boss Liu Chengfeng.

Instinctively, the boss then lowered his head and did not dare to move.

Young Master Liu handed over to the youngest Liu Chengqian the decree that Li Baiyu ordered Li Baiyu to exempt himself from death for all major crimes except for the charge of rebellion on the eve of Li Zheng's death.

Finally, he took out the Wang Yin from his fish bag and put it in the hands of the second brother Liu Chengzhi.

The three brothers looked at the precious things in their hands, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the old man's gourd.

Could it be that the old man is too lazy to do it anymore, and handed things over to his brothers to handle things himself?
Hit yourself?How can this be done?Is Dad so perverted?
"Get up!"

The three brothers were stunned and hurriedly kowtowed.

"Thank you, Daddy."

"Didn't the three of you stay in the mansion all the time with nothing to do? In that case, I will find something for you to do for my father."

The three brothers felt a chill in their hearts and were full of desire to survive.

"Father, my boy has been studying the collection of classics and history with his heart, and he is definitely not doing nothing, let alone doing anything wrong!"

"The child is practicing calligraphy, and he is not doing anything wrong."

"The child is practicing martial arts, and he hasn't done anything wrong. Aunt Yun can testify."

"Okay, I don't know the virtues of you three little bastards, don't pretend to be good children here, don't you like to go crazy? Today I will let the three of you go completely crazy."

The three brothers looked at each other silently, wondering if the father was fishing to enforce the law. After all, the lessons learned from the past were vivid, so the three brothers naturally dared not answer.

"Listen, the three of you took what I gave you and rushed to the capital."

"Running to the capital? I don't know what errand Dad has to tell the child? Is it to visit grandpa?"

Liu Mingzhi's eyes were fixed: "Go to visit your grandfather first, and then make trouble in the capital."

"Huh? Busy in the capital?"

"Yes, making trouble in the capital."

"The things in your hands are the golden whip for beating the emperor bestowed by Emperor Ruizong, the imperial decree for avoiding death bestowed by the first emperor, and the seal of Wang Jiaolong shoulder to shoulder. With these three things, you can go all out and turn the capital upside down."

"Remember, especially when it comes to the family of the patriarch Ren Wenyue, don't be polite, show me your strength to make trouble to death."

"Listen, remember what I will tell you next."

"When the three of you arrived at the gate of the patriarch Ren Wenyue's mansion, you said that you were Xiaowang Qiansui who entered the capital."

"Tell Ren Wenyue to hang the color above the head door, and hang the red above the second door."

"Use red felt to pave the floor, and use reed mats to shade the red."

"Drums and zithers blow and beat, kowtow to welcome you!"

"It's fine if you are welcome, but if you are not welcome, you will slap your head and face and throw it with your palm."

"If you kill the father-in-law Ren Wenyue, I will keep you safe for my father."

Seeing the stunned three brothers and the dumbfounded general Liu Mingzhi let out a muffled cough, everyone came back to their senses and subconsciously touched their foreheads.

It doesn't burn, so you heard it right!
"Marshal, how you explain to the three virtuous nephews..."

"This coach has his own arrangements, so there is no need to say more."


Liu Mingzhi looked at the three brothers who had recovered, and sat down gently on the chair.

"Remember what my father said. In a word, you can make trouble as you want after you arrive in the capital. I will write a letter to your grandfather and ask him to make a list for you. Then you will follow the list from eight to eight. From the mansion of a small official to the mansion of a senior official, you can be arrogant and domineering."

"I'll do all the things you usually want to do but don't dare to do, but don't be sensual, or I will kill you alive."

Looking at the trembling look of his three brothers, Liu Mingzhi continued to talk.

"If this matter gets to the Palace of Qinzheng, your cousin, if you are punished today, you will hold the things that the father gave you in front of the civil and military officials of the court."

"Especially the golden whip in your hand, boss. If the imperial guards dare to arrest your brother, you can use the golden whip in your hand. If you beat the king, you are not guilty. If you beat the empress, you will not break the law."

"The treacherous officials and thieves have offended you, and you don't have to take your life to kill you in court."

"However, you have to act with moderation, Mr. Madam, you have to be serious, don't really follow a crooked path to the end."

"As for those treacherous ministers, you are not young, it's time to see blood."

"When the three of you come to Beijing, you are going to Beijing for your father."

"Don't have the slightest hesitation. Daddy is your backing, and the millions of soldiers in Northern Xinjiang are your confidence."

"Go and let me go to the capital to see what kind of thing dares to plot against me, and which traitor dares to disrupt the court."

Liu Mingzhi patted the seat and stood up abruptly, so frightened that the three brothers almost sat down on the ground.

"Damn it, you three little bastards, you usually want to go to heaven to complain that there is no ladder to climb. Now I have set up the ladder for you. If you can't show the ability to make trouble, I will kill you alive."

"Go away, let the servants pack up and salute you, and ride to Beijing immediately."

The three brothers looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at each other, staring at the things in their hands, but none of them dared to leave the main hall of the palace, looking at their father with a sober expression, he didn't look like he was talking nonsense after drinking.

The three brothers are confused, is this person really their father?It's not like someone pretended to be disguised.

"What are you doing, get out!"

The three brothers swallowed silently, the eldest Liu Chengfeng untied the yellow silk from the Golden Whip, revealing the true face of Mount Lu who was wearing the Golden Whip inside, seeing that this thing was really enshrined in the incense hall of his home Liu Chengfeng turned his head to look at the dragon seal in his second brother's hand, and then at the death-preventing imperial edict in his third brother's hand.

"Father, what you said is true? Do you really let the children make trouble in the capital?"

"It's a lot of trouble, it's a lot of trouble, especially the mansion of the head of the country, Ren Wenyue, is making trouble to death."

"What you say for your father is what you say, get out of here."

The three brothers looked at each other, and looked at the father with piercing eyes.

"Father, the children really quit?"

"Are we really leaving?"

"Would you stop thinking about it?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned, is the temper of the three little bastards really his own kind?

"Liu Song, give Laozi a lesson."

"Farewell baby, Daddy Wanan!"

"Nephew is leaving, all uncles take care."

Looking at the three brothers who hurriedly left with the three items in their hands, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly.

This kind of virtue of being a gentleman who knows the current affairs is like his own.

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the scorching sun outside the hall.

Ren Wenyue, Ren Wenyue, this king never thought that Dalong would have someone like you.

Even Li Baihong, the second king of Qing Dynasty, Li Yunping, the fourth king of Jing, and Li Qing, the fifth king of Yun, three princes of the Li family, who deliberately left their lives to control the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, were crushed by you. It seems that this king really underestimated you .

Power over the ruling and opposition?
The king's teacher has heard about the old man of human affairs, and his disciples and former officials are all over the world. At that time, the emperor and teachers did not dare to throw power over the government.

This king has 30 elite troops in his hands, and his disciples are spread all over the army in northern Xinjiang, and he dare not take the idea of ​​taking power and throwing power at the government.

Relying on the power of the queen empress in the harem, you, a mere vain head of state, want to have power in the court?
You too!
Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses, sat on the chair and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

"Come here, pass the Dragon Eagle Cavalry General Su Baiqing to meet him!"

"Follow the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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