Chapter 1680 Ren Wenyue

Su Baiqing was summoned by his servants, and he was led into the main hall of the palace with anxiety.

Su Baiqing was wearing a thin inner lining, and the back was punctured by the bundled thorns, and his skin was stained with blood. He looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was at the top with a flat face, and looked at the more than 20 generals and generals sitting on both sides of the main hall. Su Baiqing It is a lie to say that I am not nervous.

There is no such posture in the three joint trials.

"The last general, Su Baiqing, met the commander-in-chief and met all the brothers."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the thorns behind Su Baiqing in surprise, glanced thoughtfully at the faces of Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu and others, and suddenly understood something in his heart.

However, Liu Mingzhi didn't expose anything, and didn't let Su Baiqing untie the thorns on his back. He gently turned the puller on his thumb, Liu Mingzhi looked at Su Baiqing's embarrassed look and smiled faintly.

You can't see that you are smiling from your heart, but from anger.

"Su Baiqing, I want to ask you, the patriarch Ren Wenyue has really reached the point of commanding the wind and rain in the court?"


Su Baiqing looked at Liu Mingzhi in astonishment, never expecting that he would ask such a question, shouldn't he be asking why he and others rushed to join forces in time, as he put on a posture that was more terrifying than the three-court trial?

"What? You don't know?"

Su Baiqing came back to his senses, shook his head and nodded again: "Reporting to the commander, the brothers who have been staying in the new army camp to train the Dragon Eagle Riders when the general was in the capital, seldom step into the court, but the final Although Jiang is far away in Daying on the outskirts of the city, he has heard about the matter of the head of the country, Ren Wenyue."

"Oh? If you've heard something, tell me what you know, and don't hide anything!"

"Yes, the last general is in command."

"This matter has to start after the commander-in-chief led the army. The patriarch Ren Wenyue was originally the governor of Chengzhou. Later, because of His Majesty's election, his daughter Ren Qingrui was fortunate enough to be selected by His Majesty."

Empress Ren Qingrui's bedside wind is very powerful, and Ren Wenyue gradually began to grasp some real power above the court from a vain head of state.

Later, with the backing of Queen Ren Qingrui, Ren Wenyue gradually began to suppress dissidents and act selfishly. Some important officials in the court kept giving in because of Queen Ren Qingrui, but they didn't expect that Ren Wenyue would use decisive methods to make progress.

In the beginning, many important ministers in the court, adhering to the idea of ​​being the emperor and the courtiers, did not want to refute the face of the new king Li Ye too much, and they were patient everywhere. Unexpectedly, Ren Wenyue not only had no intention of restraining himself, but secretly made friends with officials and wooed his subordinates. It gradually grew to the point where it was out of control.

Even Wei Yong, Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Ministry of Finance, Minister of the Ministry of Finance, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and the minister of the Taipu Temple were forced by him to retire from the officialdom. .

Even Song Yu, Minister of the Ministry of War, was suppressed in his hands because of the recruits.

The reason why the matter of grain and grass was delayed and the successor was difficult to support was precisely because Jiang Yuanming, the minister of the Ministry of household affairs, retired from his official position. Many officials wanted to carry this big banner, but no one accepted it.

Later, it even led to the fact that the position of Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs remained vacant for two months.

It was about the food and grass needed by hundreds of thousands of troops, and the two ministers on the left and right of the household department did not dare to make their own claims. They did not have the confidence of their immediate boss Jiang Yuanming, and they had to scrape together the food and grass needed by the army of the Northern Expedition.

That's where things stalled.

The most important thing is that the officials set their sights on Jiang Yuanming's official positions after retiring from the court, and they were busy fighting for power for a while, and had no time to take care of food and grass.

If it weren’t for the snowflakes of documents from Northern Xinjiang urging food and grass, in the end Xia Gongming, the imperial historian, Tong Sansi, the minister of the right, Song Yu, the minister of the Ministry of war, died admonishing the Qinzheng Palace, please Your Majesty to deal with this matter in court, civil and military officials Only then did I realize that I forgot about this matter.

Ren Qingrui didn't know what kind of ecstasy drug Li Ye was given, and even made Ren Wenyue, a foreign relative, temporarily take the position of Minister of the Household Department. Grain and grass were transported to northern Xinjiang in time.

Not long after the first batch of grain and grass left, Ren Wenyue began to prepare for the second batch of grain and grass, and under the escort of 30 new troops, it was shipped to northern Xinjiang together with the troops and grain.

When Ren Wenyue desperately gathered food and grass, the hall threatened that no matter whether it was peace or not, the great cause of the Northern Expedition of the king and the two army generals on the left and right would not be delayed.

Even if you work hard, you have to get the food and grass together, and you can't let the soldiers fight for the country hungry.

For a while, no matter what reason Ren Wenyue said these words, he really gathered food and grass, and by doing so, he won a large number of people's hearts again.

Many officials in the court also gradually realized that Ren Wenyue was able to call the wind and rain in the court, not only because his daughter Ren Qingrui was the current mother of the country.

Its own ability also occupies a large part.

Otherwise, he would not sit in the position of governor of Chengzhou.

Now in the court, although there are still right ministers, senior ministers like imperial envoys who can fight for it, but Ren Wenyue's power in the court has reached the point where no one is afraid.

Holding the teacup in his hand in a daze, Liu Mingzhi looked at the silent Su Baiqing, knowing that he had finished what he knew.

Liu Mingzhi frowned deeply and drank a cup of tea: "Forget about Lao Jiang! Wei Xiang is one of the five assistant ministers appointed by Emperor Ruizong, and even he was run away by that bastard Ren Wenyue?"

"As the auxiliary minister appointed by Emperor Ruizong, let alone Ren Wenyue, a mere bastard, the head of the country, even the current empress dowager has to be courteous. It is impossible for Ren Wenyue to have the ability to overwhelm the world, not even the assistant minister. Put it in your eyes."

Su Baiqing shook his head silently: "The matter of Wei Xiangzhi's retirement is no secret in the capital. As for the details, I don't know the details, but I have heard about it, and the empress's help is indispensable."

"Now His Majesty only has one woman, the Empress, and I heard that His Majesty loves her very much!"

"This is also hearsay by the general, and the specific reason is unknown to the general."

Liu Mingzhi played with the teacup in his hand and nodded clearly: "No wonder the capital was like an iron bucket during that time, and no news could come out. It turned out that they were busy fighting for power and profit, busy with party struggles."

Song Qing on the side heard that there was something about his father Song Yu involved, the coldness in his eyes flashed away, he hesitated for a moment and looked at First Young Master Liu.

"Marshal, at the end of the day, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned: "We brothers can't say anything, but it doesn't matter."

"Marshal, listen to what Brother Baiqing said just now. Ren Wen. Guozhang said that he would desperately try to collect food and grass for us, no matter what his purpose is, but the general feels that he seems to be doing this on purpose. You are so handsome!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly, and murmured.

"Are you showing your favor to me?"

Liu Mingzhi poured himself a cup of herbal tea, held it in his hand and twirled it, and suddenly fell silent.

He began to carefully analyze every word Su Baiqing said in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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