Chapter 1681
Liu Mingzhi's silence made it possible to hear a quiet needle drop in the hall for a moment.

Everyone didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of planning Liu Mingzhi's thoughts, Su Baiqing stood there motionless like a wooden stake, letting the sweat slide down his cheeks.

After an unknown amount of time, Liu Mingzhi lightly took a sip of the tea in the cup.

"Su Baiqing, you said just now that Lord Right Minister Tong, Lord Yushi, Lord Xia, Minister of War, Lord Song, died in the Qinzheng Palace, and His Majesty came to the court to deal with this matter. What does it mean that Ren Wenyue was temporarily appointed as Minister of the Household Department? "


Su Baiqing's face was troubled, showing a hesitant look of hesitating to speak.

Liu Mingzhi's heart skipped a beat, could it be that there is something hidden in it?Could it be that Su Baiqing didn't tell everything he knew just now, but instead hid something?
"What? Is it inconvenient to say?"

"Reporting to Commander-in-Chief, I dare not speak out, for I am afraid that if I say it, I will be suspected of slandering the Holy Majesty."

Su Baiqing's words made Liu Mingzhi understand that Su Baiqing really had something to hide just now, and his eyes became no longer so cold.

"Su Baiqing, just say it, I can assure you that not a word of what we said today will be spread, otherwise, if there are any problems, I will take care of it for you, and you can speak boldly."

Zhou Baoyu snorted, and gave Su Baiqing a wink: "Su Baiqing, you can say whatever the commander tells you, and you don't have to be afraid. All of you here are brothers who have gone through life and death together, so they won't trap you and injustice. of."

"If you help the commander-in-chief solve some doubts in his heart, maybe the commander-in-chief will allow you to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds!"

For Zhou Baoyu's petty thinking, Liu Mingzhi didn't expose it, nor nodded in acquiescence, but just quietly looked at Su Baiqing and waited for her to speak.

Su Baiqing took a deep breath: "Commander, it's not that the general is hiding something from you on purpose, it's that the general has heard some rumors and the general himself doesn't know whether it is true or not, so he dare not talk nonsense."

"During the few months after the commander-in-chief set out for the expedition, His Majesty was quite diligent in government affairs, and he was busy dealing with the memorial every day until midnight."

"However, since His Majesty took office, the government has gradually loosened up. From the occasional absence from the court at the beginning, to three days of fishing and two days of drying nets."

"The general heard that many memorials have been handed over to Chief Executive Su An and Empress Empress for disposal by His Majesty."

"When the last general went out with the other 30 recruits from the five-way brothers, His Majesty did not show up, but some old ministers in the court sent them off on their behalf."

"Rumors say that His Majesty played songs every night and ruined his body, but the specific situation will not be known in the end, and the general will naturally dare not speak nonsense."

"On the eve of the last general's departure to the north, I heard that His Majesty has not shown up for eleven court meetings in a row, and all of them are civil and military officials notified by Chief Su and the empress."

"The last general doesn't know the truth, so naturally he doesn't dare to speak falsely, for fear of ruining His Majesty's reputation, that's why..."

A light slap broke the silence in the hall, and everyone subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw that the exquisite official kiln colored glaze teacup in Liu Mingzhi's hand had been crushed into countless pieces by his slap, and the tea in the teacup also fell down between Liu Mingzhi's fingers, wet the beautiful clothes on Young Master Liu's body. Flood dragon robe.

Liu Mingzhi gently threw the fragments of the teacup in his hand into the bamboo tube beside him, casually brushed off the water marks on the dragon robe, and looked at the crowd calmly.

"Don't be surprised, the teacup is not strong, and it looks like this after being squeezed lightly. It seems that it should be replaced with a new one."

Everyone knew that Liu Mingzhi was just talking about it forcibly, so naturally they wouldn't ignorantly expose something, silently nodded a few times, and looked at Su Baiqing again.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Su Baiqing with gloomy eyes, and there was a coldness in his voice.

"You just said that His Majesty has not been in court for a long time? The government affairs are handled by the new chief executive, Su An, and the empress?"

"This last general is just hearsay, and the real and false last generals don't dare to make rash judgments."

Liu Mingzhi's mind suddenly became complicated, with mixed feelings.

How could the capital have become like this in just over half a year, and how could Li Ye have changed so much.

Beauty Township, Hero Tomb, could it be that even Li Ye fell into it?

Liu Mingzhi stood up gently, walked in front of Cheng Kai, stretched out his hand to pick up the dry tobacco bag Cheng Kai pinned to his waist, skillfully filled it with tobacco leaves, lit it on the fire and smashed it a few times.

Everyone looked at the marshal who was pacing in the pavilion smoking a dry pipe with a sad expression, and felt quite uncomfortable.

They knew very well how His Majesty ascended to the throne. They followed the Marshal thousands of miles to aid the capital, and with the Marshal's great help, they tried their best to support His Majesty to the throne.

Now that His Majesty has become like this, how can the Marshal feel better.

"Where there is no wind, there is no wave. Since there are such rumors, it is definitely not groundless."

"The harem and eunuchs are not allowed to interfere in politics, and now the government has fallen into the hands of Su An and Ren Qingrui, the masters of the harem. Alas! Alas!"

"Su Baiqing, I ask you, the empress is so presumptuous, did the empress dowager and the empress dowager not show up?"

"The last general is not clear either. It is said that the Empress Dowager once came forward and was persuaded to go back by His Majesty's reason for not being able to interfere in politics in the harem."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, exhaled lightly, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious: "Okay, very good, such a harem can't interfere in politics."

"Since Your Majesty still remembers the legacy of Emperor Taizu Gao, everything will be easy!"

"All of you have forgotten about this matter, and you are not allowed to spread it outside, otherwise don't blame me for ignoring our brotherhood, life-and-death friendship."

"We will obey the order, please rest assured, Marshal."

"Su Baiqing, even though you are escorting the third batch of food and grass while going north, this is still the job of the infantry. You dragon eagle riders, Qilin guards and horses, after receiving the emergency document from the commander, why did you wait so long to rush? Come join forces."

"If you come to the encirclement in time and cooperate with the troops and horses of the northern Xinjiang, although there are not as many generals as the 30 soldiers and horses, you can effectively wipe out the enemy one by one in our northern border. The result will be It’s so different, do you know how much you have delayed your fighter plane?”

"What should you and Shi Huai do?"

"Please forgive me, Marshal, the general is willing to tell the whole story."

After a stick of incense, Su Baiqing explained the reason clearly, and Liu Mingzhi stared at Su Baiqing quietly after repacking some shredded tobacco.

"Zongbing drinking?"

"Exactly. If you don't believe me, the commander-in-chief can go to the army to investigate. If the general conceals half a sentence or slanders him, he is willing to be executed by the commander-in-chief."

"If Shi Huai hadn't indulged his soldiers and horses to drink in Lianzhou, our [-] cavalry would have been able to join forces within the time limit requested by the commander. The men and horses were so drunk that they delayed the trip."

"Although the final general is not angry, but the final general is at the same level as Shi Huai, so he can't restrain him at all."

"The commander-in-chief doesn't believe it, but Shi Huai can be passed on, and the general is willing to confront him in court at the end."

Liu Mingzhi stared at Su Baiqing for a while, and saw that his eyes were clear and did not dodge, so he knew that he was not lying.

"Is this Shi Huai an old brother of the former Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang?"

"No, the deputy general of the Qilin Guard, Guo Yi, is an old brother from the former Huben Army. The Qilin Guard was also trained by him, but the person who led the army was Shi Huai!"

"The last general doesn't know where this Shi Huai came from. It's just that His Majesty ordered him to be appointed as a general. It's a done deal, and we brothers can't say anything."


"But what?"

"The final general heard that the reason why Shi Huai became a great general is inseparable from Ren Guozhang."

Liu Mingzhi took out the cigarette stick in his mouth and smiled coldly.

"It's interesting. Even the army wants to get involved. It seems that Ren Wenyue's ambition is not small!"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment, looked at Zhou Baoyu's injured thigh, then looked at Ye Baotong's left eye and sighed.

"Su Baiqing!"

"The end is here!"

"The commander-in-chief thinks that we are brothers who lived through life and death in the past, and the reason for this matter is not yours. Would you like to give you a chance to make a contribution?"


Zhou Baoyu hurriedly got up and limped towards Su Baiqing, kicking his ass.

"You bastard, why are you so dazed? Hurry up and thank the commander for not killing me!"

Su Baiqing came to his senses and knelt on the ground with fists in his hands.

"The last general, Su Baiqing, thank you for the grace of not killing the commander. The last general is willing to go through fire and water for the commander, and he will die."

"Let's talk about surviving the crime and meritorious deeds. This commander asks you, which of the six northern Xinjiang guards will your Dragon Eagle Cavalry merge into this time?"

"Reporting to the commander, the last general should be merged into the Flying Eagle Guard and defend Fuzhou!"

"Where's Shi Huai's Qilin Guard?"

"It should be Yingzhou Longwuwei."

Liu Mingzhi showed a playful smile.


"Liu Song!"

"Little is here!"

"With this king's name card, I will invite the Six Guards Generals of Northern Xinjiang, Zhang Mo, the Commander-in-Chief of the Western Regions, and the leading generals of the Western Regions, and the new recruits, the Six Guards Generals, to come to my palace to drink and enjoy dancing at noon tomorrow."


Ren Wenyue, Ren Wenyue, it is good to have ambition, but without that strength, one will often die a miserable death.

(End of this chapter)

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