Chapter 1682
The moon is in the sky.

Liu Mingzhi had a small feast for a group of brothers, drinking wine and admiring the moon in the mansion.

Shi Huai didn't show up until Su Baiqing returned to the army camp to heal his wounds, and came to the palace to see First Young Master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi heard from the personal guard that Shi Huai went to the big camp outside the city to inspect the situation of the Qilinwei brothers setting up their camps, and it is very likely that he will not come back tonight, and he will go to the door tomorrow to plead guilty to the king.

Liu Mingzhi smiled and didn't say much, meeting Shi Huai would not be short of tomorrow's effort.

Liu Mingzhi, Song Qing and others pleaded guilty, saying that there were still some official affairs that had not been dealt with, so they punished themselves with three cups and left the wine shop.

On the corridor, Liu Mingzhi looked slightly drunk, and with a lantern in his hand, he smiled helplessly at the group of brothers who were still drinking and punching in the martial arts arena.

Jokingly scolded a group of drunkards, and walked towards his study with a lantern.

In Liu Mingzhi's study room, Liu Song was holding a basin in his hand, and Liu Mingzhi was burying his head in the basin to wake up from the alcohol.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair while wiping his face, looking at Liu Song who put the basin on the wooden frame.

"Did the old man ask you to bring me anything?"

Liu Song chuckled, took out two letters from his bosom and handed them to First Young Master Liu: "Young master is really insightful, master asked me to bring you two letters back."

Liu Mingzhi took the letter, picked out the wick of the candle, and the study room became much brighter.

"Have you heard any news about Yan'er in the capital? Is her safety safe?"

"Don't worry, young master. I heard that the young lady is safe and sound staying with the empress dowager in the harem. There is no danger for the time being."

"What is it? Don't hesitate!"

"I heard that the Young Madam seems to have been grounded and cannot leave the harem. I don't know if it's true or not."

"As long as there is no danger, have you heard any news from the palace?"

"That's not the case. Xiao Song was anxious to find Mr. Jiang and hand him the young master's letter, and didn't pay too much attention to any news in the palace."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, rubbed the ink and moistened the pen for a while and began to write. After a long time, Liu Mingzhi handed the three letters into Liu Song's hands.

"Send one letter to the old man, let the old man find a way to find Zhou Fei, the chief executive next to Ruizong, and ask him to pass the letter to him, and ask the old man to find a way to send it to the empress dowager and Yan'er." hand."

"Little one understands, little one leaves!"

After Liu Song left, Liu Mingzhi picked up two letters that Liu Zhi'an asked Liu Song to bring and flipped through them against the light.

Looking at the contents of the letter, Liu Mingzhi sometimes smiled wryly, sometimes frowned, and sometimes fell into deep thought, hesitating for a short period of time, and his facial makeup changed a lot.

After reading the two letters, Liu Mingzhi was silent for a long time, opened the window and made a gesture, and Suzaku's heroic but naturally charming body flew down into the study.

"Suzaku sees the young master!"

"Excuse me, have you found out where Shi Huai is?"

Suzaku took out a stack of rice paper from his bosom and handed it to Liu Mingzhi. Liu Mingzhi took it and watched it for a while, with a teasing smile on his lips.

"Richer, richer than this young master. In just a few days, he has boarded all the houses of generals and generals in northern Xinjiang!"

"Tell me, how much money do you have to give away?"

Suzaku shrugged her bare fragrant shoulders under the tulle: "Que'er doesn't know, some have been given away, and some have not been given away. Although I know how much gold and how many silver notes are in the gift box."

Liu Mingzhi thought for a moment, hesitated for a while, and finally lit the note in his hand to the candle and threw it into the brazier.

"So many generals have gone to the mansion, but this young master, the man who stands side by side with the army and horses in the middle of the king, will not come to see the mansion."

"Que'er, do you think this guy looks down on this young master, thinking that this young master is not qualified to let him visit?"

"Master, Que'er is not a roundworm in his stomach, how could he know what he was thinking?"

"Hehe. That's right, but since you look down on me, in my opinion, there is no need for such a person to live."

Suzaku's charming and pretty eyes flashed coldly: "Que'er understands, Que'er immediately sent an order to let the brothers get rid of this person."

"Hey, don't get excited, you don't need to do anything about this matter, you have to be clear about killing him, let him know how he died, and why he died."

"Don't bother with this matter. I have my own arrangements tomorrow. It's getting late. You should go back and rest first!"

Suzaku looked at First Young Master Liu reluctantly, turned her delicate body and lay reclining on the simple bed in the study room, light white jade fingers lightly slid across the smooth chin, the charming meaning in her pretty eyes was enchanting and charming.

"Que'er is tired and doesn't want to leave. The night is dark and the wives have also rested. Que'er sees that you might as well spend the night in the study with Que'er, young master!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the charming and alluring Suzaku with an embarrassed expression, rubbed his waist subconsciously, sobered up from the alcohol in an instant, took out the key and threw it to Suzaku, then ran out of the study in a panic.

"Lock the door, and go back to rest obediently. Let's talk about other things after my young master has accomplished his magic!"

Suzaku stomped angrily, resentful of Young Master Liu's incomprehensible style, angrily locked the door, and left the study with lightness kung fu.

The next day, the sun rose three poles,

Xiong Jian's war horses stopped in front of the gate of the palace, and the nimble men carried simple gift boxes and walked towards the martial arts field in the mansion under the leadership of the servants.

It was the generals in northern Xinjiang who were qualified to receive Liu Mingzhi's name card.

After about an hour or so, there was no intention of coming to the palace.

On the Martial Arts Field of the Wangfu, Liu Mingzhi looked at the more than 100 generals down the steps, cupped their fists and laughed lightly.

"My lord, I would like to thank all the generals for showing their faces to the banquet. Please take a seat."

"Thank you, my lord, congratulations on your recovery."

Liu Mingzhi knelt in front of the low table and patted his palms lightly: "Come here, serve wine and play music."

"As ordered!"

Under the leadership of Liu Song, a group of servants of the palace held an altar of vintage wine and placed it on the table of a group of generals. In the pavilion not far away, twelve young beauties of first-class beauty, Covering his face with a light veil, various instruments in his hands began to play a piece full of heroic meaning.

These twelve young beauties of good looks were the Twelve Flying Immortals of Dunhuang under the command of Young Master Liu when the bandits were suppressed in the south of the Yangtze River in the past.

From time to time, the melody revealed a little sound of killing and cutting, which made Yunyang, Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye and others subconsciously frowned a few times.

Several people subconsciously looked at each other, seeing the meaning in each other's eyes.

This banquet cannot be said to be a banquet without a good feast, let alone a grand banquet.

But I'm afraid this banquet is not that simple, and I'm afraid there will be blood.

After thinking about this, the old foxes subconsciously glanced at Shi Huai, Su Baiqing, and the young general who were not far away, and silently withdrew their gazes.

Because of the fact that the enemy troops of the two countries escaped from the encirclement, the King of Side-by-Shoulders was so angry that he vomited blood.

There are of course many factors in this, and the inability of 30 recruits to merge in time is also one of the factors.

Yunyang caressed his snow-white beard, coughed lightly, and to Zhang Kuang, Yunchong winked at them, staring at the fragrant food on the table with eyes and nose, and fell silent.

Qi Yun's personal maid, Yu'er, knelt beside Young Master Liu, pouring wine for Liu Mingzhi with a faint smile on her pretty face.

Some dancers around also began to fill the wine glasses for the generals.

"My king is very relieved that you are honored to come to the door. You are all rough people, so I won't say some polite opening remarks!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and picked up the wine glass: "I respect you for doing it first, thank you seniors, brothers, for your appreciation!"

"Let me toast the lord."

"Okay, I'll have a drink later."

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in the glass, put the wine glass heavily on the table, glanced at the generals with strange faces beside Su Baiqing on the left, smiled faintly, and turned his head towards the Twelve Flying Immortals of Dunhuang in the gazebo look away!

"Beauties, this song doesn't make you happy, change it."

"Slaves dare to ask the prince what song he wants to listen to?"


(End of this chapter)

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