My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1683 Where is the law

Chapter 1683 Where is the law
The Twelve Flying Immortals of Dunhuang listened to Young Master Liu's words, and the previous song stopped instantly, and replaced it with "Guangling San", which has a better sound of killing and cutting

Although this song is inferior to "House of Flying Daggers" in terms of killing momentum, the meaning hidden in it is more thought-provoking than "House of Flying Daggers".

Sure enough, when the Twelve Flying Immortals in the gazebo changed the repertoire to "Guangling San", the faces of many generals present who knew the rhythm subconsciously became serious.

From time to time, his eyes lingered on Liu Mingzhi and the six generals of the new army.

Liu Mingzhi didn't look at the reaction of the crowd, and held his glass to respond to the generals who toasted him from time to time, but the corner of his eyes never left the five generals of the new army except Su Baiqing.

Shi Huai and the others felt Young Master Liu's eyes full of deep meaning, and then listened to the Guangling San played by the Twelve Flying Immortals, and their hearts suddenly became uneasy, and the old wine in their hands became dull after drinking.

Especially Qilinwei General Shi Huai, he always felt that the side-by-side king Liu Mingzhi looked at him strangely.

However, thinking of his own identity, as well as the constraints of the imperial court and the Great Dragon Law behind him, Shi Huai forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart, bowed his head and drank the wine silently.

At the end of the song, Liu Mingzhi put down the wine glass in his hand, turned his head to look at the five Shi Huai who were beside Su Baiqing.

"Several generals, you are very unfamiliar. You are a visitor. You might as well introduce your identity in front of the seniors, so that this king can get to know the generals."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, a group of generals stopped drinking and looked at Su Baiqing and the others.

Many people who were like mirrors in their hearts smiled thoughtfully, and secretly said, the main show began.

Sensing Young Master Liu's gaze, Su Baiqing walked out first and saluted Liu Mingzhi and Yunyang and Nangong Ye with cupped fists.

"The last general, Dragon Eagle Cavalry General Su Baiqing, see King Side by Side, see General Marshal of Left and Right Soldiers and Horses, and meet all seniors."

Su Baiqing took the lead, and the other five also stood up without stopping.

"The last general, Qilinwei General Shi Huai, see the King of the Side Shoulders, see the Marshal of the Left and Right Soldiers and Horses, and meet all the seniors."

"The last general, Yan Yunwei, General Ren Lei, see the King of Side-by-Shoulders, see the Marshal of the Left and Right Soldiers, and see all the seniors."

"The last general, Xiong Shangwei, General Yao Guanglin, see King Side by Side, see Grand Marshal of Left and Right Soldiers, and meet all seniors."

"The last general of the Yanmen Guard, Ji Qinglin, sees the King of Side-by-Shoulders, sees the Marshal of the Left and Right Soldiers and Horses, and sees all the seniors."

"The last general, Habayashi Guards, General Qiao Yong, met the King of Side-by-Shoulders, the Marshal of the Left and Right Soldiers, and the seniors."

Liu Mingzhi laughed cheerfully, glanced at the generals around him and laughed loudly: "It is said that there are talented people from generation to generation, and it is true."

"Seniors, brothers, I see the six great generals as magnificent, and they are really extraordinary. I think in the future, they will definitely be the great sages who can expand the territory for our dynasty and establish the world."

Liu Mingzhi's words aroused the echo of a group of generals, and they said praises without hesitation. As for how sincere they were, only they knew.

Su Baiqing and the six looked at the group of generals who were praising the six of them around them with a little embarrassment, feeling a little ashamed in their hearts.

Even Shi Huai, who is proud and arrogant, is not used to such compliments.

Who are these people around them? They are all generals who have just come down from the Three Kingdoms War and killed generals in the mountains of corpses and blood. Although I and others have also been on the battlefield, compared with them, they are like heaven and earth.

Listening to their compliments, don't mention how awkward it is.

Especially Liu Mingzhi, the side-by-side king, is simply a legendary figure in Dalong.

Thirty-two has been fighting for ten years, fighting south and north, conquering the east and west all over the three kingdoms, who dares to compare with him in terms of young talents.

More importantly, they felt a hidden knife in Liu Mingzhi's smile.

Laughing made the hair stand on end of the few of them, as if being held on the neck by a sharp knife.

The words of praise around him gradually faded away, Liu Mingzhi gently raised the wine glass in his hand, and Yu'er filled the wine glass with a winking pot.

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the wine, and his smiling expression became serious the moment the wine glass left his lips, which made people feel an aura of calmness and prestige.

He has been in a high position for a long time, and he has his own momentum. He is not angry but prestige.

Maybe Liu Mingzhi himself didn't know, since when did the aura on his body have changed drastically from before.

"Since the six are all great generals in command of the army, and they can be valued and rewarded by His Majesty, they must be rare military talents. In this case, this king has something to ask the six generals."

"I don't know what the six generals think of the word military order like a mountain?"

Liu Mingzhi's words were so plain, so plain that it seemed like a conversation between friends.

But it was this sentence that made the five people except Su Baiqing tremble subconsciously, and a fine sweat broke out on their foreheads involuntarily.

How many people can become great generals are naturally not fools, so why can't they hear the sarcasm in Liu Mingzhi's words, and the implication of calling the teacher to blame.

Silence, the silence of night.

None of the six dared to speak, they lowered their heads silently and did not dare to move.

Even Shi Huai, who had a strong mouth on the road, swallowed involuntarily, now he finally understood how serious Su Baiqing's face would be when he mentioned Young Master Liu.

He felt an aura that he had never felt from his godfather Ren Wenyue.

This kind of inexplicable but real aura made me dare not look at Liu Mingzhi, even with just one look.

Liu Mingzhi sneered: "Since the six generals don't want to speak, I will ask by name."

"General Qilin Weishi, what do you think of the word "military order like a mountain?"

"At the end of the day, the general will report back to the king, and the general will think that the military order is like a mountain, telling the soldiers to order and prohibit, and everything is based on orders."

"Oh! General Shi deserves to be in charge of an army. It seems that his ability is really good. Since this is the case, General Shi will explain to the king. After receiving the emergency document, he will drink alcohol to delay the military plan. According to the regulations of this dynasty How should it be handled?"

"No, this king is wrong, how should I deal with it according to the military order?"

Shi Huai finally understood the meaning of Liu Mingzhi's question, it was clearly aimed at him, he trembled involuntarily, and glanced at Su Baiqing, the resentment in his eyes was self-evident.

"At the end of the day, I think that if the soldiers are tired and exhausted, it is justifiable to drink some wine to relieve fatigue when they are recuperating."

"Of course, when I was in charge of the army, I saw that my brothers were exhausted, so I ordered them to drink some wine to relieve their fatigue!"

Shi Huai's expression relaxed, and before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Young Master Liu raised his heart in his throat again.

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in his cup, and looked at Shi Huai with dark eyes: "But General Shi, can you explain to me a little bit, what does the five words "eliminate fatigue" mean?"

"This is the end of the day"

"Hehe! It seems that General Shi has been drinking too much, and he can't even speak fluently. In this case, I will make a fool of myself and explain to General Shi what these five words mean."

"This king thinks a little bit. The five words "Jie Jiewei" mean that the military aircraft should not be delayed. What does General Shi think about this king's explanation?"

"At the end, I would like to thank the prince for clarifying the confusion."

"Then the soldiers drank alcohol, which delayed the battle for two days, and failed to join forces in time, causing the invading enemy to escape from the country. How does General Shi think this crime should be dealt with in terms of military law?"

(End of this chapter)

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