My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1685 Counterattack

Chapter 1685 Counterattack
It took many days for Liu Mingzhi to execute Shi Huai with military orders.

Although several days have passed, the scene of that day is still vivid in the mind of the general who went to the banquet.

It made many generals realize how iron-blooded Liu Mingzhi, who had no majesty as a prince, was when he laughed, cursed, fought and fought with himself and others on the way to the expedition on weekdays.

After Shi Huai was beheaded, many loyal soldiers of the Qilin Guard and Shi Huai were naturally unconvinced that their general was beheaded, and intentionally or unintentionally incited the Qilin Guard soldiers to do some small tricks.

Ever since Liu Mingzhi beheaded Shi Huai, he had been instructing Song Qing and the others to arrange manpower to closely monitor every move in Qilinwei's camp.

Naturally, their small actions could not be hidden from the eyes of Song Qing and others.

An action of thunder and rain to suppress the small town was launched again under Liu Mingzhi's order. Facing the reasonable behavior of a group of seniors who had just retired from the battlefield less than half a month ago, the [-] recruits of Qilin Guard were moved and wept bitterly.

In the end, he was "convinced" by the persuasion of his seniors, and he stayed in the big camp outside the city for training.

Those caring people, some succeeded in persuading them, and some became nourishment for sacrificing their lives to revitalize the land of northern Xinjiang!

As for General Qilinwei, Guo Yi, the deputy general recommended by Su Baiqing, served temporarily. Liu Mingzhi specially summoned Guo Yi, tested Guo Yi, and had no opinion on his temporary position as General Qilinwei.

After informing the left and right Marshal Yunyang, he recommended Guo Yi to Zhang Kuang. After all, Qilin Guard will be merged into Yingzhou City Longwu Guard in the future, so it is very appropriate to introduce Guo Yi to Zhang Kuang.

Liu Mingzhi sent someone to send a document to the capital regarding the matter of Qilinwei General Shi Huai and the matter of changing generals. As for the result, Liu Mingzhi didn't care about it, so the matter was completely over.

During the period, Liu Mingzhi met Qin Bin, the governor of Yingzhou, Jia Youwei, the governor of Fuzhou, Yang Tong, the governor of Jezhou, and the six governors of Yunzhou. After discussing the city defense and the restoration of people's livelihood in northern Xinjiang, they disappeared in the In front of everyone.

Many people thought that the side-by-side king had accumulated depression in his body, and he was resting in the mansion to recover his body.

It wasn't until the officials from the 27 prefectures of Northern Xinjiang came to the mansion one after another to discuss the autumn harvest, but they didn't see Young Master Liu at all, that everyone realized that the matter might not be as simple as recuperating as imagined!
When all the governors of the 27 prefectures in Northern Xinjiang returned without success and did not see First Young Master Liu, Yunyang and Nangong Ye couldn't sit still.

The war has ceased, and millions of soldiers and horses are all gathered in northern Xinjiang, where they will be placed, whether the reinforcements from the Western Regions will return, whether they will return to Beijing to report on their duties, and report the war in northern Xinjiang to the heavens, all of which have been put on hold.

Young Master Liu, who was in charge of important military and political affairs in northern Xinjiang, did not show up. No one dared to make decisions on how to arrange the millions of soldiers and horses.

Although Yunyang and Nangong Ye's troops on the left and right were not under Liu Mingzhi's command, they were within his control.

The two of them could not disregard the face of Liu Mingzhi, the side-by-side king, and make decisions without authorization.

But Liu Mingzhi didn't show up for a long time, and the two could only come to see him in person, planning to discuss how to arrange the millions of soldiers and horses after the war.

However, the two encountered the same situation as the governors of more than 20 prefectures, and they could not see Young Master Liu, the prince who had disappeared for more than half a month.

Yunyang and Yunyang had no choice but to pay their respects to Princess Qi Yun, and only got a sentence that her husband was unwell and could not see the adults now.

After my husband is in good health, I will personally pass on such a reply from all the adults.

The two had no choice but to return without success just like the Governor of the 27th House.

Unwilling, Yunyang had no choice but to send his own daughter-in-law, Young Master Liu, who was regarded as a female devil, and the enchanting aunt Liu Ying who could not be avoided, came to stay with the palace for a while, to find out the truth, and see what happened to Liu Mingzhi.

However, even if Liu Ying came in person, she didn't have a chance to meet Young Master Liu.

All he knew was that his nephew Liu Mingzhi was recuperating while handling government affairs in the study.

Liu Ying had no choice but to make indirect comments from her niece and daughter-in-law Qi Yun to see if she could find out the real situation of her bastard nephew, but Qi Yun and her sisters made excuses to go back.

Liu Ying was helpless, and after returning a letter to her father-in-law, she stayed in the palace for a long time. She wanted to see how long her little Mingming could stay in the room.

Qi Yun and the girls didn't say anything, they didn't care about the details, they took care of Liu Ying's every detail and treated her like a mother-in-law.

It's not that Qi Yun and the girls are unwilling to tell the real situation of her husband, the aunt Liu Ying who loves her husband to the core.

But Qi Yun's sisters also don't know where their husband has gone.

The husband only left a letter to the concubine Qi Yun, telling her and her sisters that there are some important matters that I need to deal with personally, and I don't need to worry about my personal safety.

Then disappeared in the mansion without a trace.

Qi Yun's sisters also gritted their teeth in anger at her husband's unreliable behavior, but who let themselves and others suffer in this life.

I can only start talking nonsense with my eyes open, and the behavior of lying one lie after another.

The girls also speculated about her husband's movements and where he went so as to keep it a secret.

Where is the queen?But the Queen's matter is no longer a secret, and there is no need to hide it when going to see her.

At Yun Xiaoxi's place, Qi Yun knew that her husband would go there without telling her.

Turkic steppe?It should be unlikely to go!
Beijing?There's no reason not to take the ladies back to meet their parents.

Jiangnan, that would be even more unreasonable.

So the girls, like the officials in Northern Xinjiang, began to speculate on the whereabouts of their husbands.

A group of officials couldn't see Young Master Liu for about 20 days, discussing matters related to people's livelihood.

Riding from north to south, crossing the Shanhai Pass and slowly heading towards Yingzhou City.

The visitors were one person and one horse, wearing a light blue Confucian shirt, wearing a bamboo hat to hide their appearance, and carrying a long sword wrapped in silk on their backs, leaving only a little hilt outside.

From time to time, the visitors raised the jug and took a sip of wine, and looked around on horseback, scanning the scenery inside and outside the pass.

The visitor put away the jug, and said to himself, the world is united, how long has it been? After that, he jumped on the horse and galloped towards Yingzhou.

After a few sticks of incense, Qi Yun's sisters screamed in surprise from the palace.

"Husband, you are heartless, you still know that you are back, and the concubine sisters thought you died outside, and your body was exposed in the wilderness."

Saying these words, it can be seen how deep the resentment in the hearts of the girls is.

"Ladies, chat about your own affairs first, because your husband is going to take a bath and change clothes, and meet some people."

Although the girls were reluctant to leave their husband who had just come back, they knew that he had business to deal with, so they had no choice but to let him go and do business first.

In Qi Yun's room, Liu Mingzhi was wiping his hair with a towel and talking to Qi Yun. Qi Yun was carefully helping her husband put on his python robe.Qi Yun, who was about to buckle the jade belt on her husband, suddenly raised her head and looked at Liu Mingzhi in astonishment.

"What? How many days has the war just ended, husband, are you planning to counterattack Jin and break into the two countries?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the scenery outside the door with complicated eyes and silently nodded.

"Yun'er, even if everyone doesn't understand her husband, she still has to fight, she has to fight."

"My husband has a reason to fight."

"My concubine is bold, can I ask my husband why?"

Liu Mingzhi's gaze was fixed, so deep that it was hard to see clearly, and he quietly embraced Qi Yun in his arms.

"For the world."

"For the people of the world!"


"Master, Xiaosong asks to see you."

Liu Mingzhi slowly let go of Qi Yun, and looked out the door with a calm expression.

"Come in!"


"Master, the Marshals of the troops from the left and right, the generals of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang, General Song, General Cheng, the recruits of the Six Guards, and the generals of the reinforcements from the Western Regions are waiting outside the gate of the mansion, saying that they have received your letter, come here pay homage."

"Yes! Got it, invite them to the main hall, and my young master will go right away."


After Liu Song left, Qi Yun looked at her husband in confusion.


Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and pinched Qi Yun's Qiong's nose.

"Yun'er, I have my own difficulties for my husband, you will understand in the future, and I hope that you will never understand."

"Help wear the crown for your husband!"

"Yes! I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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