Chapter 1686
In the main hall of the palace.

Yunyang, Nangong Ye, and Song Qing generals gathered together again after being separated for more than ten days.

Several leading generals looked at each other suspiciously, wondering why Young Master Liu had disappeared for so many days and suddenly summoned them to the palace with such great fanfare.

From the reactions of each other, it can be seen that everyone is at a loss, and none of them speaks. They are looking at the decorations in the hall while waiting for the arrival of the Lord.

After about a cup of tea, Liu Mingzhi walked into the main hall wearing dragon robes, a purple gold crown, and a folding fan in his hand.

"It seems that all of you are here, my king is polite."

Everyone subconsciously looked at First Young Master Liu who came out of the back hall, their eyes froze for a moment, and for some reason, a strange thought suddenly appeared in their hearts.

Side by side king seems to have changed.

As for what has changed, they can't tell, but they just have a strange feeling that the side-by-side king standing in front of them seems to be very different from the side-by-side king twenty days ago.

Liu Mingzhi raised his hands, lowered his head and glanced at himself, there was nothing wrong.

"Why? Could it be that there is something strange about this king that makes everyone stunned?"

When everyone came back to their senses, they hurriedly lined up several rows according to the size of their duties.

"We see the King of Side-by-Shoulders."

"You generals, please take your seat."

"Thank you, Lord."

Liu Mingzhi shook his folding fan lightly, and glanced at the people in the hall with a light smile.

"The king is not feeling well these days, and has been cultivating his body and mind in the mansion. You come to ask for an interview. Due to his own reasons, this king is unable to meet with you. This makes many generals have a hard journey in vain. This king will match you up first."

"Don't dare, the prince is a man of gold. Now that the war is over, all the prefectures in the northern border are just trivial matters. The prince does not need to come forward in person."

"That's right. Now that the governors of the various prefectures in northern Xinjiang are exchanging letters closely, the matter of the autumn harvest has already made a lot of progress. When the time comes to formulate a general policy, it only needs to be submitted to the prince for approval."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yunyang, Nangong Ye and the two with a broken smile: "You two seniors, stop complimenting this king, such a rich body is just empty talk."

"This king summoned all the generals in the northern border for a meeting. Naturally, there are important matters to discuss. Since everyone has come, this king will no longer be polite. How about you go with me to the martial arts field?"

"My lord, please!"

"Master, please!"

After a while, a group of people followed Liu Mingzhi and rushed towards the martial arts field of the palace.

After arriving at the Martial Arts Field, a group of generals, big and small, stared blankly at the huge and exquisite sand table in front of them, their eyes full of puzzlement.

The battle is over, why did King Side by Side prepare such a fine sand table?
But Yunyang, Nangong Ye, Zhang Kuang, Yun Chong and the other veterans stared straight at the banners on the sand table, as if they understood something.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi didn't open his mouth, and stood aside quietly shaking his folding fan. He knew that the old handsome Yunyang would be able to understand his intentions.

Sure enough, Yun Yang, who was carelessly stroking his beard and thinking, paused for a moment, his old eyes glistened, and he looked at Liu Mingzhi with a calm expression.

"My lord is planning to counterattack Jin, breaking the two countries?"

"What, counterattack gold, Turkic two countries?"

"It's a good thing. Now that I have a strong army and a strong horse, it is the best opportunity to go north."

"A few days ago, General Doom was thinking about when we would be able to leave the border north and rule the world. Today, the prince summoned me to counterattack the enemy's country. God bless me, Dalong!"

After hearing Yunyang's words, the generals' reactions were almost the same, they were all full of passionate fighting spirit, and they wished to lead the troops out of the city immediately and cross the Shanhai Pass to fight against the enemy's country.

Liu Mingzhi closed the folding fan in his hand and punched Yunyang.

"Old Marshal really has eyesight, this king summoned you to wait in the mansion for a while today, that's exactly what I mean."

"Now my dragon has turned from a weak trend to a peak period. It can be said that the army is strong and the horse is strong, and its momentum is unstoppable."

"Nowadays there are millions of soldiers gathered in northern Xinjiang, and there is enough food and grass. If we don't go north to chase the bandits at this time, let our dragon rule the world, let alone when."

"On the other hand, Jin, Turkic and Turkic countries, allied troops to the south, when our dragon soldiers and horses had not yet arrived, they repeatedly bullied us. Now our dragon soldiers and horses are gathered in the northern border, and the enemy army sees that our dragon is unstoppable, so they have to run away. , a hasty withdrawal of troops."

"The coalition forces of the two countries are still unstoppable to the strength of my great dragon's million-strong army. What's more, the soldiers and horses of the two countries are now returning to the country and fighting on their own."

"Such a god-given opportunity, wouldn't I regret it if I missed it."

"The opportunity for the great dragon to rule the world is just around the corner. Are you willing to follow the king to step out of the country, step outside the pass, gallop across the battlefield, and establish my great dragon's foundation?"

"We would like to obey the order of the king of shoulder to shoulder, thousand years old!"

"We would like to obey the order of the king of shoulder to shoulder, thousand years old!"

"We would like to obey the order of the king of shoulder to shoulder, thousand years old!"

A group of veteran generals in Yunyang frowned slightly and glanced at the generals around them, with hesitant expressions on their faces.

"My lord, this matter is of great importance and cannot be neglected. May I ask whether the matter of the lord's departure to the north has been reported to the court?"

Nangong Ye nodded in agreement: "That's right, although what the lord said just now is the truth, now we, Dalong, have raised millions of troops to counterattack Jin, and the two countries can be said to be as easy as pie."

"But this matter may be notified to the court, and troops can only be dispatched with His Majesty's permission!"

"The enemy army went south to invade the frontier. As a frontier army, we had to risk our lives to defend the country and the peace of the people."

"However, it is no small matter to take the initiative to go north outside the pass. It affects the whole body. The most important thing is the matter of food and grass."

"My lord hasn't been out of the house these days, so I don't know the exact number of soldiers and horses in northern Xinjiang."

"The old man and the old man have calculated and gathered the troops in northern Xinjiang these days. There are more than 96 people!"

"It's not really a million-strong army, but it's no different from a million-strong army."

"The food and grass consumed by a million-strong army in a day is a number in the Tianmu. If the imperial court cannot guarantee the timely supply of food and grass, we will be the ones who will be passive after going abroad."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and looked at the surrounding generals who also frowned.

"Everyone, don't worry, since this king wants to lead his troops to the north to help Dalong unify the world, he has naturally made a perfect plan."

"Before you get the biography, this king has already sent a letter to the capital to inform His Majesty of the reason for the dispatch of troops, and also listed all the pros and cons of it to be reported to His Majesty."

"Your Majesty has inherited the last wishes of the two previous emperors and the peace and harmony of the common people. He will definitely do his best to support the Northern Expedition."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's indifferent and firm expression, Yunyang and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

They knew Liu Mingzhi well and knew that he would never joke about such things.

"Everyone, I have already informed you of the purpose of the king's summoning. If that is the case, please return to the camp to prepare for the war."

"Three days later, start the Northern Expedition!"

"I would like to obey the king's order, and we will leave."

Three days later.

On the boundless wilderness where the west gate of Yingzhou City connects to Jeju, Liu Mingzhi witnessed the most majestic banner covering the sky.

Millions of soldiers gathered outside Yingzhou City, waiting for orders.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the millions of soldiers who could not see the edge in front of him, got off his horse and walked towards the stage with the commander's seal on his hands.

Yunyang and Nangong Ye sat on the two sides of Dianfu, looked at Young Master Liu who rushed over and nodded.

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly walked to the main seat and sat down, put the commander's seal aside, took out a roll of documents from his arms and handed it to Du Yu who was on the side.

"Beat the drums and gather the generals, and call for a call to action."


Outside the city of Yingzhou, where the banners were whistling, the sound of war drums rose one after another, and the sound went straight into the sky.

Du Yu led a hundred strong men on horseback, and galloped up on horseback holding a call for conquest.

"Shoulder with King Liu Mingzhi, tell the world, tell millions of soldiers, and tell tens of thousands of people!"

"Jin, suddenly has no way, repeatedly sends troops to the south, violates my territory, and does no way. First kill my soldiers, and then plunder my land, disturbing the peace of the people at my border."

"Following the will of the first emperor, this king guards the 27 mansions in northern Xinjiang, and should protect the stability and tranquility of Dalong's northern border."

"Jin, suddenly went south to no avail, and fled in panic amidst our army's encirclement and suppression. Although the soldiers and horses retreated, their journey will stay in the northern border forever."

"This king has learned from the pain, so that my northern border will never suffer from war and chaos. I am determined to lead millions of troops to the Northern Expedition. Give me back the dragon, and give me back the dragon. There will be no disputes in the northern border forever!"

"On the eighth day of August in the first year of Dalong Yongping, march the heavenly army and defeat bandits; rule the world and fix rivers and mountains."

"In exchange for my great dragon, Wanshi will clear up the universe, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment!"

"This proclamation is to appeal to the emperor and the queen, and to comfort the people of Li."

"Shoulder with King Liu Mingzhi."


More than an hour later, the call to action spread throughout the army.

Thousands of troops outside Yingzhou City brandished their weapons and shouted for thousands of years.

Liu Mingzhi stood up from the stage, looked at the millions of lions in front of him, and waved the command flag lightly.

"Beat the drum, give the title, pass the order to the three armies, go to the Northern Expedition, and unify the world."

"Shoulder with the king has an order, go to the Northern Expedition!"

"Shoulder with the king has an order, go to the Northern Expedition!"

"Shoulder with you, the king has ordered you to go to the Northern Expedition."

On the eighth day of August in the first year of Dalong Yongping, it is auspicious and everything is suitable.

The word "Dalong" stands shoulder to shoulder with Wang Liuming's call to heaven.

Lead a million troops and set off for the Northern Expedition.

(End of this chapter)

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