Chapter 1688
The Great Bright Hall of the Kingdom of Jin.

The queen wore a dragon robe and sat on the dragon chair, her cherry lips slightly parted, and she told the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in detail about Liu Mingzhi leading millions of troops to the north to leave the border.

As soon as the queen's words fell, the hall of light suddenly became noisy, and all the civil and military officials looked at each other, unable to hide the panic on their faces.

Even Wanyan Chizha, Songhe, Yeluha, and Yeluhu, the well-informed veterans, seemed to be in a trance.

The Kingdom of Jin in its heyday was still no match for Dalong, let alone the Kingdom of Jin, which has lost more than half of its troops as a defeated country, is no match for Dalong.

Everyone thought that after the defeat, Dalong Honglu Temple should immediately send officials to the Kingdom of Jin to discuss the matter of ceding land and indemnity. After all, as a defeated country, it is necessary to compensate the victorious country for all losses caused by the military war.

Many officials of the Honglu Temple in the Kingdom of Jin have even begun to discuss the matter of war reparations in private, discussing how to minimize the losses of the Kingdom of Jin and satisfy Dalong.

However, they never expected that instead of waiting for the diplomats from Dalong Honglu Temple, they would instead wait for the million-strong army commanded by Dalong and King Liu Mingzhi.

The queen looked at the slightly chaotic scene of the officials below, her crescent eyebrows darkened, and her expression became more and more gloomy.

"Why are you panicking? You are all the pillars of Dajin. How can you be so flustered?"

The queen's cold shout made all the officials in the palace quiet down, but the sorrowful look on the brows was still lingering. With the army pressing down on the situation, not everyone can have the same courage as the queen, and can calm down and think about countermeasures.

The queen exhaled softly and looked at Wanyan Chizha: "King Zhen, I wonder what you can do to deal with it?"

Wanyan Chizha came out with the Chaohu in his hand, feeling the expectant eyes of hundreds of colleagues, Wanyan Chizha's heart tightened, and he forcibly comforted his restless heart and began to think.

The queen didn't urge her when she saw this. After all, the matter was too sudden, and it was a matter related to the fate of the country. It is human nature for the emperor to need time to think.

After a long time, Wanyan Chizha looked up at the Queen: "Reporting to Your Majesty, although Liu Mingzhi commanded an army of millions, at most half of the national power that really attacked my Dajin, the other half of the army will definitely divide to attack the Turkic royal court."

The empress raised her crescent eyebrows, and a bright color flashed in her bright eyes: "Oh? Tell me the reason quickly."


"Your Majesty, our country's military strength is now incomplete, and the soldiers in the main cities are withered. If we were in the era of great gold and gold, Liu Mingzhi might use a million soldiers to attack our country. However, right now, Liu Mingzhi doesn't need to move so many troops. 50 soldiers Horses will do."

"Conversely, the same is true for the Turks. In the battle of Dalong Beijiang, the Turks' military strength will not be much stronger than my Dajin."

"The reason why I am so decisive is because I have considered the situation of food and grass."

"Dragon's army of millions, even if each soldier consumes only one catty of grain a day, it will consume [-] stone a day."

"This is still just the food and grass consumption of the dragon soldiers, the consumption of war horses, and the consumption of transporting food and grass. I haven't calculated it yet. If I calculate it carefully, I'm afraid it will be nearly [-] shi a day."

"In other words, if Liu Mingzhi's soldiers and horses can survive, Dalong's treasury may not be able to survive. Even if Dalong's autumn tax has been put into the treasury, it can be transferred to food and grass at any time, but Dalong has a vast territory, so There are too many places that need money, and it is impossible to mobilize all the grain and grass in northern Xinjiang to make grain grass."

"Therefore, every day is extremely important to Liu Mingzhi. It is impossible for a big dragon with a big family to not care about the consumption of nearly [-] stones a day."

"So, Liu Mingzhi will definitely divide his troops into two groups to save time for the expedition."

The queen nodded knowingly and tapped the dragon case lightly with her jade fingers: "In this way, the pressure on our Dajin has almost been reduced by half. For the problem of food and grass, Dalong's sweet potatoes are now widely planted, and there is almost no shortage of food. This is the end, based on my understanding of the national power of the dragon, their autumn tax alone can support the consumption of a million troops for half a year."

"Do you think we can withstand Dalong's half-year battle?"

Wanyan Chizha frowned, and looked at the old buddy Yaluha beside him.

Yeluha met Wanyan Chizha's gaze, lowered his head and pondered for a while, looked helplessly at Wanyan Chizha and shook his head, and stretched out three fingers.

Wanyan Chizha nodded slightly, sighed and shook his head at the queen.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the minister is incompetent, and he has poured out all the soldiers in the whole country. Whether he can resist for three months depends on God's will!"

"It's just the big dragon's soldiers and horses. I still have the confidence to fight a life-and-death battle with them, but the power of the big dragon's artillery is unstoppable."

"The enemy army used them to break through the city, and my Daikin has almost nothing to resist."

"Even if the Bingjian Supervisor has produced hundreds of cannons, it is still a drop in the bucket."

"Refer to the example of Liu Mingzhi taking back several cities in northern Xinjiang, according to the power of the artillery, Liu Mingzhi can destroy a city in five days, even if my twelve cities in southern Xinjiang are all strong and heavy cities, I'm afraid it won't last for about ten days. "

"In addition to the time spent on the road, once the gates of the twelve main cities are broken, the hinterland of my Dajin is like no one's land under the attack of the dragon soldiers and horses."

"My big gold is also dead in name only."

When the empress heard this, there was a hint of sadness in her bright eyes, and she got up and started pacing on the dragon platform.

The hall was silent, and a needle could be heard. All the officials watched the Queen's figure pacing back and forth, waiting for her to make her final decision.

"The king of the town, Yeruha."

"Chen is here!"

"I ordered you and the two of you to go to the southern border immediately to resist the pressure of the great dragon army. How to defend is entirely up to the two of you to respond accordingly."

"I don't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place, and try to keep Dalong's soldiers and horses outside the gate of the country."

Wanyan Chizha and the two looked at each other and nodded silently.

"The ministers obey the order."

"At the time of parting, the two old ministers hope that His Majesty will take care of the dragon's body, and the ministers will leave."

Listening to the meaning of farewell in the two people's words, the empress's eyes were reddish, and she closed her eyes and waved slightly to the two.

"My minister retire."

Listening to the sound of footsteps fading away, the queen said silently in her heart to take care.

"Songhe Aiqing, Yeluhu Aiqing!"

"Chen is here!"

"One of you prepares food and grass, and the other immediately sends a decree to various state capitals, informing the people to evacuate the capital northward."

"The minister obeys the order."

"Love Atulu!"

"The minister is here."

"Leave a letter to Huyan Yunyao, the Turkic Taichang Khan, to tell us about the incident of the Dalong soldiers and horses invading the border."

"Chen Yulu, dare to ask. According to the content of the letter written by the prince, Turkic has also planted spies in Dalong, and the momentum of a million-strong army can't be hidden at all. Turkic must have got the same news as Dalong. In this case, why should I, Dajin?" How about notifying the Turks about this matter?"

The queen sighed faintly.

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold."

"As a last resort, I'm afraid Dajin and Turkic will be helplessly bound together again."

"Yes, I understand, I will go right away."

"Let's go back to the court. After you go back, immediately draw up a charter and submit it to me for review. All unnecessary government affairs will be temporarily put on hold, and everything will focus on defending against the enemy."

"The ministers obey the order, the ministers retire, long live my emperor!"

In the harem, the empress walked towards the Shang's study absent-mindedly.

Seeing this, Hui'er couldn't do anything except sigh silently.

The Queen paused, and suddenly raised her head to look at Hui Er who was on the side.

"I see, I finally understand what that sentence means."

"Hui'er, change into regular clothes, and follow me to Dahuguo Temple to meet Hui Pharaoh Bald Donkey."

"According to the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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