Chapter 1689 Heavy Troops Overwhelm the Territory ([-])

As the Queen said in the Hall of Light.

The Kingdom of Jin knew the news that Liu Mingzhi commanded a million-strong army to suppress the border, how could the Turkic side not be aware of the slightest trouble.

An army of one million is not one or two people, and it is extremely difficult to find it if it is hidden. Just the banner of the army's standard bearer is a force that cannot be ignored.

Unless Turk is blind, it is impossible not to know the news.

Compared with the chaotic Jin Kingdom, the situation of the Turks may not be any better.

Huyan Yunyao kept spinning around the sand table in the king's tent, glanced at the sand table from time to time, and held her chin in meditation for a moment, thinking about how to deal with the enemy army coming from the north of the dragon.

Huyanyu and his wife, as well as a group of close officials of the Huyan royal court around them, were all frowning and thinking about how to deal with it.

At the same time, on the Turkic Grassland where the moon was sparse, countless fast horses rushed towards the Huyan Royal Court from all over the grassland in all directions.

These are the leaders of the ministries and the kings of the ministries who have been handed down by Huyan Jun Yaoying Falcon.

All of them are one person and two strong Turkic war horses, riding in rotation, and go to the Khan Tent to meet up at the fastest speed.

Liu Mingzhi's behavior of dispatching troops without warning has already made most of the world restless.

"Great Khan, I suggest that our migratory tribe retreat to the north, retreat to the Yinshan territory to temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the dragon's enemy army, and wait for the next year to recuperate and recover before migrating back again."

"As long as we move to the north and retreat to the north, it may not be so easy for Dalong's soldiers and horses to pursue us on the vast grassland."

Pulling Khanna's words made the eyes of many ministers in the tent brighten, and they obviously agreed with Pulling Khanna's suggestion from the bottom of their hearts.

In the eyes of many Turkic people, moving north and retreating temporarily to avoid the front of the dragon soldiers is the most correct way at the moment.

As long as they are still on the grasslands, as long as the Turkic warriors have their roots left, sooner or later they will be able to return to the soil and fight back.

Huyan Yunyao stopped her wandering footsteps, her exquisite willow eyebrows were almost condensed together, and she glanced at the group of courtiers who were eager to go along with Pulling Khan, a gleam of coldness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Hu Yanyu is the person who knows the younger sister's character best. Seeing the younger sister's reaction, she understands that Bahana's remonstrance and the reaction of a group of courtiers touched the bottom line of the younger sister's heart.

Before the younger sister Huyan Yunyao got angry, Hu Yanyu hurriedly stood up and scolded a group of courtiers who were ready to move.


"Now that the pastures of the various tribes have just been settled, the foals, calves, and lambs have all been scattered. It is impossible to collect them before the arrival of the enemy."

"Do you know how much it will cost to migrate northward and withdraw from the territory of Yinshan Mountain at this time? Is it as simple as saying it in a few words?"

"The most important thing is, do you think that you will be completely safe if you move to the Yin Mountain? Don't forget that Huo Qubing in the Han Dynasty thousands of years ago had a precedent of expelling the Huns from the Yin Mountain and sealing the wolves to live in Xu."

"Migration to the north at this time is to hand over our Turkic pasture and fertile territory to the dragon enemy army."

"Food and grass are the lifeblood of Dalong's soldiers and horses. At this time, if you don't want to try to stop the enemy, but give up the pasture to Dalong, you are seeking your own death."

"Dragon is already strong and strong. If we give them the pasture, so that their war horses will have rich pastures. When they clean up the Jin Kingdom, do you think that even if we migrate to the territory of the Yin Mountains, there will still be us Turkic warriors on the grasslands?" a foothold?"

"Have you ever thought about it, the big dragon's army is just around the corner."

"At this time, instead of working together to defend against the enemy, we should gather the livestock in the pasture instead, which is to expose our weakness to the iron cavalry of the dragon's enemy army in vain, and give them a chance to defeat our Turkic tribes one by one. "

"Even if it's a last resort, when the time comes to retreat northward, you have to retreat while restraining the enemy's footsteps. Now retreating northward is death."

"Next time, use your brain to remonstrate, and think about it again. This king will not spare you."

After hearing Hu Yanyu's words, a group of leaders looked a little ugly, and then thought of the possibility that Hu Yanyu just said, they suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Huyan Junyao hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted Huyan Junyao with a deep expression.

"I wait for you to be foolish, please forgive me, Khan."

Huyan Yunyao glanced lightly at the frightened group of courtiers, then set her eyes on the sand table again.

The problems that the second elder brother Hu Yanyu just mentioned are exactly the problems that Huyan Yunyao is worried about.

At this time, we must not withdraw. Once we withdraw, we will show our backs to the enemy and wait for them to chase and kill.

Seems like the safest and safest way, but it will ruin the Turks that he managed to unify with great difficulty.

The worst result is what the second brother said just now, if you want to retreat, you have to restrain Dalong's soldiers and horses to retreat, learn from Dalong to fortify the walls and clear the fields, and absolutely not leave food and supplies for Dalong to seize.

Otherwise, I am afraid that countless Turkic sons will die at the hands of the cattle and sheep that I personally pasture.

Although the cattle and sheep did not kill their masters, they did become food themselves, giving the enemy a chance to slaughter their masters.


"Chen is here!"

"Immediately send a letter to the various tribes, asking them to collect the livestock on the pasture from now on, and move towards the royal court."

"The minister obeys the order."


"The minister is here."

"Leave a message to all the tribes, and immediately gather all the elite soldiers to gather towards our southern Turkic region, find a way to support the speed of the Dalong enemy's attack, and give full play to our advantages. We must be careful to guard against Dalong's artillery."

"The minister obeys the order."

"Hu Yanyu!"

"The minister is here."

"Order all the soldiers and horses in the royal court, prepare the army for battle, wait for the Khan's command, and go south to defend against the enemy at any time."

"The minister obeys the order."

"Yan Yu."

Yan Yu, who was kneeling beside Huyanyu, was taken aback, and looked at Huyan Yunyao in surprise.

"The minister is here."

"You write a letter to Empress Dajin to inform her of this matter. Inform her, Ben Khan hopes to exchange letters with her, and discuss the matter of jointly defending against the enemy at any time."

Yan Yu looked at Huyan Yunyao in surprise, and nodded with doubts in her eyes.

"I understand."

"Let's all retreat and prepare for our respective defenses against the enemy. Don't slack off. Those who disobey the order will be executed."

"The ministers take orders, and the ministers leave."

Huyan Yunyao looked at the courtiers who had withdrawn from the tent with complicated expressions.He raised his hand and gently kneaded his white forehead.

The army of senior brothers suddenly came under the pressure, without any sign, even Huyan Yunyao, a naturally handsome Khan, became anxious.

"Come on!"

"Slaves pay homage to the Great Khan."

Huyan Yunyao looked at the maid who came in and served her for many years, hesitated for a long time, took out a token from her waist and handed it to the maid.

"Take Ben Khan's warrant to invite the national teacher, and say that Ben Khan has something important to summon him."

"Yes, the slaves retire."

After the maid left, Huyan Yunyao stopped at the desk and began to write with a pen. A moment later, Huyan Yunyao took a few notes and walked towards the back tent where she was resting.

Then there was a slight voice from the back tent.

It wasn't until the cup of tea, when several falcons soared in the sky over Wang Tinghan's tent, that Wang's tent fell into silence.

Not far from the Wang tent, in the shadow behind a large tent, a black figure looked thoughtfully at the falcon flying away in the air, his eyes flickered a few times and quietly retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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