Chapter 1690

Dalong Jingshi Liufu.

In the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion, Liu Zhi'an, who had finished the accounts, was practicing a set of health-preserving boxing techniques that he got from somewhere.

Liu Zhi'an doesn't know martial arts, and he practiced this set of boxing techniques purely for the purpose of strengthening his body. He wanted to live a few more years, and see if he could take care of his daughter and third son's affairs before he died.

In the blink of an eye, the boss who was so angry with him back then has become an extremely powerful minister, and he has truly achieved fame.

The second child has also been married and established a business for many years.

The only problem is that the matter between the daughter Liu Xuan and the third son Liu Mingjie has not been finished yet. When the daughter gets married and the third son gets married, even if he dies, he can rest in peace.

"Master, Chengfeng, Chengzhi, and Chenggan are three young masters who have returned from Northern Xinjiang and are walking towards the inner courtyard."

Liu Zhi'an raised his hand, looking stiffly at Liu Yuan who hurried in.

"The old man's three grandchildren are back?"

"Yes, we are almost at the inner courtyard."

"Hurry up, change the old man's clothes and his grandma's legs. What kind of clothes should the grandson change when he comes back? Just let them come over. Go and tell the madam to arrange a table of good wine and food for the old man's grandson."

"Yes! The old slave is going now."


"Grandson Liu Chengfeng!"

"Liu Chengzhi!"

"Liu Chengqian!"

"Meet Grandpa."

Liu Zhi'an happily looked at the three grandsons who kowtowed to him on the kneeling ground and hurriedly helped him up.

"Hey, get up, get up, it's not a holiday, so there's no need for such great etiquette, and our family doesn't need to care about these red tapes, you can come as you like."

"It's been a hard journey from northern Xinjiang to the capital!"

"Going back to grandpa is quite tiring. I hurried back all the way, and my bones are almost falling apart!"

"Brother is right. If we hadn't been young enough to let us practice martial arts and laid some foundations, we might not have the strength to speak now."

Liu Zhi'an looked at the three tired-looking grandsons with distress, touched this, looked at that, they all liked it very much.

"Your father, a bastard, doesn't know how to arrange a more comfortable carriage for you. When I see him, I will have to skin him to vent my anger for you."

"Look how exhausted the old man's three good grandchildren are."

"How about this? It will take some time before your grandma arranges a banquet for you. The three of you put down your burdens first. Grandpa will take you to Tianxianglou for a sit-down, drink a glass of wine to relieve fatigue, and find some girls to evacuate your muscles and bones."

The three brothers swallowed subconsciously, and looked at each other with strange expressions.

"Boss, are you going?"

"It's better not to go, old man can say, if he dares to be a womanizer, he will strip us alive, I dare not gamble with my life."

"Big Brother, Second Brother, with Grandpa supporting us, it shouldn't be a big problem, right? Why don't you sit for a long time? When Dad asks, just say Grandpa is taking us there?"

"Brother, what the third child said is correct. Grandpa is responsible for the sky falling. In our house, grandpa is the one who is in charge. Father should not be able to make trouble."

"Forget it, don't forget that we came back with a mission, and drinking was a mistake. There will be more opportunities in the future. Let's do the business that the old man ordered first!"

"Okay, listen to Big Brother!"

"I also listen to big brother!"

"My dear grandson, what are you three winking about? Are you going or not?"

"If you go, grandpa will go to change clothes immediately, you go and call your third uncle, and the five of us will go together."

Liu Zhi'an happily patted his pocket: "During this period of time, Grandpa just collected the bill and came back, and you three brothers came back, it's God's will."

"When you arrive at Tianxiang Tower, no matter which one you like, it belongs to grandpa."

"It's fine if you make a reservation. The mere 8000 taels of silver is nothing more than a drizzle to Grandpa."

"As long as your health can bear it, you can book the venue for a month first. It's hard for you to leave the capital for so long. Grandpa must make up for you."

"If Tianxiang Building is tired, let's go to Baihua Pavilion, Chunxiang Building, Bailefang, Yixiang Garden, Qingfangyuan, etc. We can go to all these places."

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa!"

"Be safe and don't be impatient. We won't go to Tianxiang Tower. When we return to Beijing this time, it's my father who asked us to come back to do business."

Seeing that the old man's words became more and more outrageous, and the more they said, the three brothers' hearts moved, and they hurriedly opened their mouths to block Liu Zhi'an's words, fearing that they could not bear the temptation of the old man and boarded the thief's boat.


Liu Zhian looked at the three brothers blankly: "Nonsense, you three bastards are not 40 years old together, what tasks do you have?"

After all, Liu Chengfeng was older, he hurriedly took out a letter from his bosom and handed it to Liu Zhian.

"Grandpa, my grandson really has a mission. This is the letter that my father asked my grandson to bring to you. My father said that you will understand after reading the contents of the letter."

"Grandpa, take a look first!"

Seeing that Liu Chengfeng's expression did not seem to be fake, Liu Zhi'an took the letter half doubtingly and began to read it.

After a while, Liu Zhi'an put away his wretched look, clutched the letter in his hand, and a sharp light flashed in his dim eyes.

Liu Zhi'an stroked the beard on his chin and walked slowly in front of the third brother, looking at the third brother from time to time, showing a thoughtful expression.

The three brothers were stunned by Liu Zhian's reaction. They didn't know what the father wrote to the grandfather, which made the grandfather's reaction so strange.

"You three, repeat to grandpa what your father told you."


Brother three, you and I repeated what Young Master Liu said that day to Liu Zhi'an.

After a long time, Liu Zhi'an nodded thoughtfully.

"Good grandson, grandpa knows, we can't be reckless in this matter, your father is far away in northern Xinjiang, and he doesn't know what's going on in the capital, follow his orders, although you won't be in danger of your life, but you must eat A little dark."

"Since you want to make a fuss, let's make a fuss that is famous for the teacher. The name of the fuss is justified, and the fuss is made upright. As for how to make a fuss, we have to think about it in the long run!"

"A long-term plan?"

"Yes, think about it in the long run!"

"Grandpa, who is this Guozhang Ren? Why did father repeatedly tell us three brothers to take special care of him?"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Liu Zhi'an's mouth, and he narrowed his eyes slightly and stuffed the letter into his cuffs.

"Who? It's just a bug that's being used as a pawn."

"Don't talk about your black-hearted bastard, he doesn't even have the qualifications to be the opponent of Wei Yong."

"When you gain power, you will be rampant, but you don't know that you are just a pawn in the hands of others."

"The really scary person is the person behind him, the person who holds the chess!"

"Huh? Chess master?"

Liu Zhi'an lightly smiled and patted the shoulders of the three grandchildren.

"Come on, you're still young, some intrigues are not suitable for contact now."

"However, you must go to Xianglou today!"

"Go to Tianxiang Tower?"

"That's right, if you don't go to Tianxiang Tower, how come you hit the younger ones and the older ones!"

"The old man is here, so you can justifiably make a big fuss!"

"Go and rest first, and grandpa will arrange the rest for you."

(End of this chapter)

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