My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1691 The Great Road 5

Chapter 1691
The next day, the lights came on.

Dalong Beijiang is using troops, while Dalong Capital is still in a prosperous scene of singing and dancing.

In front of the gate of Liu's Mansion, three young masters dressed in fine embroidered clothes, holding folding fans in their hands, and with tens of thousands of dollars in their pockets walked straight to Tianxiang Tower with a bold step that their relatives did not recognize.

"Master, is it really okay to let the three young masters be so noisy? The current situation in the capital seems to be peaceful with singing and dancing, but it is actually turbulent."

"There are countless people with evil intentions. The young master is far away in the northern border to fight on the battlefield. The deterrent power above the court is not as good as before. If the three young masters are outraged by the public, I am afraid that even if the young master steps forward at that time, it will not end well. .”

Liu Zhi'an glanced at Liu Yuan's worried expression, then shook his head with a faint smile.

"What do you know, these three brats are just bait laid by bastards. As you said just now, if the waves are rough, the fish inside will be bigger."

"If you want to catch a big fish, how can you not be willing to take the bait?"

"Come on, make a fuss."

"Maybe without the little bastard showing up on the road in person, just relying on the three little guys can calm the undercurrents in the capital, but whether they can cross the river or not depends on whether these three little guys have the ability to overwhelm the river. "

"It's not that tigers don't go down the mountain, it's not that dragons don't cross the river."

"The oldest one is almost 12 years old, and it's time to come out and make a fuss."

Liu Yuan nodded half-understood: "Since the master and the young master have a solid understanding, this old slave doesn't have to worry about it."

Liu Zhi'an smiled strangely, looked at the bright moonlight in the sky, turned and walked towards the mansion.

"When encountering a storm, it will transform into a dragon."

"Liu Yuan, look at it, the bastard, Boss, has a dark heart. I have been in the world for more than 30 years, and I have never seen anyone with a darker heart than Boss!"

"This time, he actually included the old man, my dear father, in his plan."

"But, he forgot that his old man is always his old man, and his methods can be said to be unskillful, but his old man can still see his plan at a glance."

"He just wants to live well, but he doesn't know that sometimes it's not as easy as he imagined to live well,"

"It's impossible without paying a price."

"Loyalty is good, but if you are too loyal, you will go too far."

"Being too loyal can also be counterproductive."

"The old man said more than once, right or wrong? How can there be absolute right and wrong in this world?"

"The measure of right and wrong is all in the heart."

"Seeing the bastard growing up in such a field, the old man didn't know whether to be relieved or sad."


"The price."

"To gain means to lose."

"Who can predict what will be lost?"

Liu Yuan looked at Liu Zhi'an's slightly hunched figure walking towards the inner courtyard with his hands behind his back, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then glanced at the moonlight in the sky and sighed silently.

He took out his dry pipe and lit it, turned around and fell asleep on the recliner, biting and sipping the pipe, and fell asleep.

The eleventh day of the eighth month of the first year of Yongping is about to coincide with the Spring and Autumn Festival.

A shocking event broke out in the capital.

In the most famous Tianxiang Building in the capital, there was a big fight between the sons and brothers because of the competition for the girl. It is said that the degree of chaos is unbearable to look at.

And the three sons who were injured in this incident also started their own turbulent actions in the capital to make the big and small officials complain endlessly.

The moon and stars are sparse, and everything is silent.

One of the twelve gates of the Kingdom of Jin, outside the city of Daizhou.

25 dragon soldiers and horses stationed down, staring covetously at Daizhou City several miles away.

In the big tent in the army, Liu Mingzhi stared at the sand table in front of him with fiery eyes, thinking about tomorrow's siege plan in his mind.

"Report, report to Commander Yun, Commander Yun, and Commander Nangong Jindiao sent a letter back, 50 soldiers and horses have already approached the Turkic Grassland, and the charge will start early tomorrow morning."

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his gaze, picked up the letter in Cheng Kai's hand and began to read it.

Looking at the contents of the letter, Liu Mingzhi wrote a note and handed it to Cheng Kai: "Reply to Mr. Yun immediately."

"With orders, I will retire at the end."

Before Liu Mingzhi took any action, the personal soldiers quickly entered the tent again.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, Deputy Commander Song has come to write!"

Liu Mingzhi took the letter with unchanged expression and read it, then wrote a reply and handed it to the guard.

"Reply to Deputy Commander Song. There is no special reason. All combat operations will be carried out according to the original plan."

"I have to order, I will resign from my humble position."

Liu Mingzhi inspected the sand table for a while, looked at Zhou Baoyu who was sorting out the information, and walked over.

"Baoyu, how's the situation? What useful information have you found?"

Zhou Baoyu hurriedly stood up, holding a stack of rice paper and handing it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Marshal, according to the scout's investigation report, the Kingdom of Jin is now mobilizing all its troops to go to the southern border, and they will be gathered in the southern border within three days."

"Furthermore, people from various cities in the Kingdom of Jin are evacuating northward in wave after wave on vehicles called fire dragon chariots. As for where they are evacuating, we can't find out for the time being."

"Although the Kingdom of Jin sent a large number of troops to the southern border, the real elites are almost all those soldiers who fled back from our northern border, plus the 20 elite soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin who defended the country in the end."

"Scattered among the twelve cities, there are hardly many troops in one city."

"Even if we and Deputy Marshal Song divide our troops to attack the two cities, there is no big obstacle. We can completely bombard the city and forcefully attack the city to cleanse the guards inside."

"Although Daizhou City is tall and strong, it's just a waste of shells for us."

Liu Mingzhi took the letter paper from Zhou Baoyu's hand and flipped through it. After reading all the letters, he threw them on the desk beside him.

"For the time being, there is no big problem. You can attack the city."


"The end is here!"

"You will write a letter on behalf of the commander-in-chief and send it to Deputy Commander Song. As long as he attacks Jizhou smoothly, let him transfer to the northwest immediately and continue to attack Jinzhou City."

"Quick battles are the main priority. Although our food and grass are still in good condition, we can't just consume them indifferently."

"Yes, the general will pass on the book now."

After Zhou Baoyu left, Liu Mingzhi slowly tasted the already warm tea.

Gu Mo Rongrong, who was dressed in leather armor, walked lightly behind Liu Mingzhi with lotus steps, and raised her hands to rub his shoulders.

"Husband, are you feeling particularly uncomfortable?"

Liu Mingzhi stopped drinking tea, looked up at Gu Mo Rongrong: "Why do you say that?"

"Although I have never met Sister Wanyan and Yue'er, I have learned a lot about the past between you and Empress Jin from Sister Ya these days."

"I only sigh that the sky has no eyes, which makes you pair."

"Although the Kingdom of Jin is an enemy country to Dalong, to Dalong, the Kingdom of Jin is the country of your beloved woman and your own daughter."

"For Dalong, you have shouldered too much, you must feel uncomfortable."

Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup, patted Gu Mo Rongrong's hand, got up and walked out of the tent.

"Although the first half of the game has been seen through, the second half of the game has just begun."

"Since I have made a bet for my husband, I will definitely not give up halfway."

"Day 49, Tian Yan [-], escape to one."

"The chess game, it will become more and more interesting if you play it slowly."

"Accompany Wei Husband to go out for a walk!"

(End of this chapter)

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