My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1692 The only gift

Chapter 1692 The only gift (Jun Junhong plus more)
August [-]th of the first year of Yongping.

It was less than an hour after the sky had just seen light, and the dragon soldiers and horses immediately launched a vigorous attack on the city after lighting the fire and eating.

The rumble of war drums outside Daizhou City declared that Dalong's 25 soldiers and horses stationed outside the city were definitely not as simple as making an appearance.

Wanyan Chizha held the binoculars and looked at the dragon soldiers and horses outside the city who were starting to set up a siege formation, sighed silently, and looked around with the binoculars.

Looking at the artillery that was being pushed towards the city wall under the cover of the sword and shield soldiers, Wanyan Chizha put down the binoculars with a solemn expression and waved the command flag in his hand.

"The order is that the soldiers of the three armies immediately retreat under the city ladder and attach themselves to the city wall. They must not stay on the city wall."


After two sticks of incense, Jiang Lei ran towards First Young Master Liu holding a command flag.

"Marshal Qi, the three city gates in the east, west and south are equipped with artillery, and can bombard Daizhou at any time, just above the city wall"

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to signal Jiang Lei not to say anything, and put down the binoculars in his hand and sighed.

"This commander saw it. It seems that the old man Wanyan Chizha has also learned how to effectively resist the bombardment of artillery fire."

"Baoyu, the situation of the scouts should be correct. The people of the Kingdom of Jin should have retreated to the north, right?"

"Don't worry, Marshal, our scout brothers are not [-]% sure that they won't pass on the information they have detected."

Liu Mingzhi silently nodded: "If that's the case, then there is nothing to hesitate."

"Sing the horn, bombard Daizhou."


"Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu, listen to the order!"

"The end is here."

"The catapults and rocket vehicles are all ready for battle. Once the enemy troops try to climb the city, they will immediately cooperate with the artillery to kill the enemy troops on the city wall."

"The last general takes orders."

"Feng Buer listens to the order."

"The end is here!"

"Lead your soldiers and horses to launch a feint attack on Daizhou after the first round of bombardment, and lure the enemy to defend the city. If the enemy does ascend the city to defend, stop the feint attack immediately, so as not to fall into the bombing range of the artillery brothers by mistake."


Within a cup of tea, there was rumbling artillery fire outside Daizhou City, and the flaming shells flew out of the barrel and shot towards the city wall.

After the first round of test firing, there was the sound of soldiers and horses led by Feng Buer charging outside Daizhou City.

Wanyan Chizha looked at the general beside him who wanted to rush to defend the city wall, and pushed him down with a big hand.

"Don't act rashly. This is the enemy's strategy to lure the enemy. As soon as we go up, the enemy's artillery fire will come. Stay obediently under the city wall, and we are not allowed to climb the city wall without the commander's order."

The general nodded with lingering fear: "The last general will get the order."

Wanyan Chizha deserved to have experienced many battles, he guessed Young Master Liu's intentions in an instant, but Wanyan Chizha forgot that he lacked the skills to separate himself, and not every city wall could be done by himself.

The sound of gunfire mixed with the sound of charging came from the east and west walls, causing Wanyan Chizha's face to change in shock.

He knew that the soldiers on the east and west walls must have been fooled, so they went up to defend the city, otherwise Dalong's artillery would have been silent for a long time, and would not suddenly fire.

"Commander, go to the east and west gates to pass on the order of the commander. The drum is the order. If there is no sound of the drum, all soldiers and horses are not allowed to climb the city wall to defend."


Wanyan Chizha sighed with grief on his face. According to the intensity of the artillery fire on the east and west walls just now, he knew that the number of soldiers who perished under the bombardment of Dalong's artillery fire must not be a small number.

"Marshal, Your Majesty's Golden Eagle Biography."

Wanyan Chizha took the letter and began to read it. After a long time, Wanyan Chizha put away the letter with a look of surprise on his face, hesitating for a moment.

"Reply to His Majesty, I understand."


On August [-]th of the first year of Dalong Yongping, under the intensive attack of Dalong soldiers and horses, Wanyan Chizha, who had defended Daizhou for five days, led the guards who suffered heavy casualties to withdraw from Daizhou and retreated towards Muzhou. .

There was only one country gate that was bombarded to ruins, and after Liu Mingzhi led the troops into the city, he looked at the devastated Daizhou City and sighed twice, but didn't say anything.

However, although Daizhou was captured, Cheng Kai brought a bad news after investigating Daizhou.

Daizhou became an empty city, except for the corpses of the soldiers who died in the battle of the Kingdom of Jin, there was almost nothing useful left, especially the most important food and grass.

The treasury of Daizhou was transported by Wanyan Chizha and the remnant soldiers under his command.

Liu Mingzhi silently watched the strategy in his hand and handed it to Du Yu who was beside him.

"Unexpectedly, Wanyan Chizha, an old guy, would abandon the city and run away one day. It's really beyond my expectation."

"Order the three armies to take a short rest and go directly to Muzhou."


After the fall of Daizhou, Liu Mingzhi led his troops to Muzhou where Wanyan Chizha had evacuated.

However, something happened that puzzled the soldiers under his command. On August [-]th, the army rushed to the outside of Muzhou City, but the sun was high, and they could bombard Muzhou after a short rest.

However, the commander-in-chief told us that there would be a one-day truce today, that the whole army would be rested and free activities would be fine.

Dalong's soldiers and horses, who had no idea what the commander was thinking, had to stop the siege operation and rest outside Muzhou city.

At the same time, Song Qing, who had just captured Jizhou, also received a letter from Young Master Liu to cease fighting for a day and stop attacking Jinzhou.

Although Song Qing was puzzled, he had no choice but to obey orders.

For a while, the Kingdom of Jin, which was full of gunpowder, had a rare day of peace because of Young Master Liu's order.

Liu Mingzhi leaned against the sycamore tree outside the camp, drinking wine while staring at the northern sky in a daze.

To put it bluntly, this is the only gift Liu Mingzhi can give you!
Liu Mingzhi is not a bloodthirsty person, but after this game of chess, Liu Mingzhi has no way to turn back.

To put it bluntly, you said that we have always been the same person, maybe one day you will understand my behavior.

Thinking about his own thoughts in his heart, Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the wine, and didn't dislike the dust on the ground, and fell straight on the ground, curled up and fell asleep soundly.

He is too tired.

Calculating too much is really tiring.

The busy Queen who was far away in the Kingdom of Jin received an anonymous letter. When she saw the contents of the letter, the Queen felt mixed feelings, not knowing whether she should be sad or happy.

The person who led the army to attack his own country even remembered that August [-]th was his birthday.

And because we stopped using troops for one day today.

At this moment, the queen really doesn't know how to describe her current mood.

A ruthless act, a loving person, what kind of boundaries should be used to describe this person.

The empress put away the letter bitterly, and rushed towards the Hall of Light without stopping.

For me, is there anything more important than protecting my own country?
August 50th, the day when the [-] troops in the Kingdom of Jin were at a loss, passed away with the rising sun of the next day.

With the sound of war drums and horns, the dragon soldiers and horses began to attack the city in full swing.

This dozen is two months.

(End of this chapter)

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