My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1693 Burn it down

Chapter 1693 Burned (Monthly Pass)

From August 24th to 26th in the first year of Dalong Yongping, the soldiers led by Liu Mingzhi and the soldiers led by Song and Qing successively broke through the two cities of Muzhou and Jinzhou.

Although the speed was fast, it took a certain price for Dalong soldiers to forcibly capture the two cities.

Compared with the two cities of Daizhou and Jizhou, the closer the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin were to the hinterland, the tighter their defenses would be, even if they paid a certain price.

The purpose is very clear, and the enemy army who is determined to defend the dragon breaks into the rear hinterland.

At the same time, in Yunyang, far away in the Turkic territory, the soldiers and horses led by Nangong Ye also advanced all the way on the Turkic grassland, like a broken bamboo,

Successively captured Muduo, Chengshan, Liangshui, and nine tribes located in the southern Turkic region.

Until August [-]th, the main Turkic army gathered together, and Yunyang's offensive gradually slowed down.

Facing the artillery of the dragon, the Turkic cavalry took full advantage of their familiarity with the terrain as locals, and launched a kite-flying operation against the dragon cavalry that Yunyang and the others kept chasing.

The actions of the Turkic people fully demonstrated the sentence of this moment and that moment.

In the past, the dragon soldiers and horses flew kites according to the advantages of the terrain, but now it is finally their turn to flex their muscles.

The armor of the Turkic people is not as good as that of the big dragon, but it is better in lightness. The big dragoon cavalry in excellent armor is restrained by the Turkic people and has no temper.

The enemy is unwilling to fight, and you can't catch up, so you can only rely on bows and arrows to shoot and kill a small number of enemy troops, which is hard for the dragon cavalry.

It's as uncomfortable as if you can't eat the fat that is delivered to your mouth.

In desperation, Yunyang and the others had no choice but to discuss a change of strategy, gather troops in one place, abandon the strategy of using troops to cast a large area of ​​nets, and bite an enemy army until it is completely wiped out.

However, any Turkic tribe bitten by the dragon soldiers and horses has almost no possibility of retreating.

The cavalry circled and surrounded, the heavy armored cavalry raided and interspersed, the artillery supported on both sides, and the swords and shields cooperated to cover up the kill. For the Turks who were only light cavalry, such a close cooperation was simply a nightmare for the Turks.

Under such a transformation by Dalong, the Turkic people were helpless and could only hang several miles away, watching Dalong's enemy army approaching the position of the royal court.

The tenth day of September in the first year of Dalong Yongping.

Dalong's soldiers and horses successively captured Songzhou and Liaozhou of the Kingdom of Jin, and seized some food and grass in the city to supplement themselves when the enemy army of the Kingdom of Jin retreated.

At this time, of the twelve cities in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin, six cities had already fallen.

In Turkic territory, Huyan Royal Court was connected to Hetao, and the southern territories of Heshuo and Heshuo were completely fallen, destroyed under the iron cavalry of the dragon.

The royal court of Huyan Royal Court was forced to move two hundred miles north to station.

On September [-]th of the first year of Dalong Yongping, Dalong's offensive became more and more difficult.

The two groups of soldiers led by Liu Mingzhi captured Xingzhou, and the total lost troops in Shunzhou was twice as much as the combined lost troops in the previous six cities.

Successive victories along the way led to Liu Mingzhi, and the generals under Song Qing's command relaxed their vigilance, thinking that the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin had collapsed under their own offensive, and did not dare to confront him.

It wasn't until the battle between Xingzhou and Shunzhou that the artillery shells bombarded by dozens of artillery shells from the Kingdom of Jin came with the force of thunder, and the soldiers and horses of the dragon did not react. force.

For the two generals who led the attack on the city, Liu Mingzhi didn't even give them a chance to defend themselves, and directly engaged in military law, and decided on the spot.

I made repeated orders not to underestimate the enemy. If they took their own words to heart, they would definitely not let so many soldiers fall under the enemy's shells in vain.

Although the number of people lost is within his own tolerance, these soldiers are equivalent to dying in vain on the battlefield. If it weren't for the generals' underestimation of the enemy, these soldiers could still live well.

For this, Liu Mingzhi has no intention of being soft-hearted.

A military order is like a mountain, and no one can change it.

The two cities of Xingzhou and Shunzhou started a battle of artillery bombardment, and it became the two cities that took the most time to capture by the dragon soldiers.

Dalong's offensive was fierce, and the correspondence between Empress Huyan Yunyao and the two discussing countermeasures became more and more intimate.

However, the two found that facing the attack of Dalong's million-strong army, both sides could not protect themselves, and Dalong's artillery was too powerful.

With almost no consumption of troops, one city after another, one piece of territory fell under the attack of the big dragon artillery.

Until October [-]th, the first year of Dalong Yongping, the twelve gates of the southern border of Jin Kingdom and the six hinterland cities in the hinterland all fell under the iron cavalry of Dalong, and all the Turkic Suluo River south was occupied by soldiers and horses of Yunyang. captured down.

The fall of the twelve main cities of the Kingdom of Jin, and the destruction of the whole line south of the Turkic Suluo River, announced that half of the country of the Kingdom of Jin had completely changed hands.

And the empress, Huyan Yunyao also started the negotiation of the last farewell letter.

In Tingzhou City, Liu Mingzhi walked out of the temporary residence wearing a big cloak. Looking at the gloomy sky, Liu Mingzhi breathed out into the palm of his hand.

It was getting colder and colder in the Kingdom of Jin at the end of October. If they hadn't prepared warm clothes in advance, most of the soldiers who went out to fight would have been infected with the wind and cold.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the soldiers in front of the fire in the city with complicated eyes. If the Kingdom of Jin could not be captured before the heavy snow blocked the roads, the entire territory of the Turkic and Turkic countries would probably be delayed until the beginning of next year's spring!

Daxue Liu Mingzhi of the Kingdom of Jin has seen it well, even if there are defective dragon chariots captured to transport soldiers and horses, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to use soldiers again.

"Marshal, the brothers inside and outside the city have settled down, and there are almost no problems. After a day of rest, they can drive straight down to the capital of the Kingdom of Jin."

"The twelve gates of the Kingdom of Jin have already fallen, and the remaining hinterland towns can hardly stop us."

"Conquering the entire territory of Jin Kingdom is just around the corner."

"How's the situation with Mr. Yun?"

"The process is fast, and now we have begun to march north of the Suluo River. As long as we go south to the north of the Suluo River, the entire Turkic Grassland will be included in our Dalong territory."

"The commander-in-chief has worked so hard for ten years to rule the world for me, Dalong, and finally he can get his wish."

Liu Mingzhi untied the cigarette bag that Cheng Kai gave him at his waist, lit it with a torch, and took two puffs. The cigarette that he used to cough when he touched it was finally able to hold it.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Although the city has been broken, the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin are fighting and retreating. With their remaining troops, there may still be a possibility of a battle."

"Yes, the general has repeatedly issued strict orders, absolutely not allowing the Xingzhou, Shunzhou incident to happen again."

Liu Mingzhi tapped the cigarette pot on the sole of his shoe, playing with the jade pendant in his hand with a complicated expression.

After the world is unified, I can completely relax and start overseas affairs.

Overseas will also be the place where the coach compensates the children. Their eyes should not be limited to the small territory of China and Kyushu, but should take a longer-term view.

Or... I hope there is no or!

"Report, report to the commander-in-chief, and send the letter to the commander of the scouts."

"Report, report to Commander, and Commander Yun to pass on the letter."

Liu Mingzhi took the letter with a light smile, and smiled at Cheng Kai and the others.

"Old Master Yun passed on the letter at this time, could it be that he took down the entire Turkic territory one step ahead of time, and came to show off his might to us."

Liu Mingzhi gently opened the letter and flipped through it. After a while, Liu Mingzhi's expression changed, and he looked at the letter in his hand with trembling arms.

Cheng Kai and the others immediately noticed that Liu Mingzhi's expression was wrong, and hurriedly surrounded him.

"Master, what happened?"

Liu Mingzhi handed the letter to Cheng Kai and the others in shock.

"The 35 cities in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin were burned by the soldiers and horses of the Kingdom of Jin who retreated northward, and became empty cities."

"Most of the tribes on the northern Turkic line were also completely burned by the Turkic people, and the ground was full of smoke and dust."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath of cold air to calm his mind.

"Hurry up, send quartermaster Tang Ru to come see me immediately!"

"Du Yu, fetch all the documents related to the war records these days, and I want to review them again!"


(End of this chapter)

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