Chapter 1694
In Tingzhou Governor's Mansion, Liu Mingzhi threw a few pieces of charcoal into the brazier to ensure that the temperature in the room would not be too cold.

As for briquettes, which are used for heating, the Three Kingdoms have been fighting again and again, and the mutual market has already existed in name only. How can there be briquettes being sold to the people of Jin Kingdom.

Young Master Liu, who was accustomed to the convenience of heating with briquettes, had no choice but to return to the previous behavior of heating with charcoal.

"Marshal, what you want these days is the literary policy that was recorded simultaneously with the military recorder and the military Sima."

Du Yu panted with a lot of writing strategies and put them on the table in front of Young Master Liu. Although he didn't know why the commander suddenly wanted to review these writing strategies, Du Yu moved them over without leaving any.

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, rummaged through the essays, selected from the middle the essays that were recorded after the Northern Expedition, and began to look through them one by one attentively.

Liu Mingzhi's expression was complicated and changeable when he looked at the text policy, with some understanding in doubt, and a little puzzlement in understanding, obviously he encountered something that he couldn't be sure of.

Du Yu stood aside and didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of disturbing Young Master Liu's thoughts.

The commander's reaction is enough to illustrate the importance of the two letters, and Du Yu doesn't want to get into trouble for no reason.

Major General Liu picked out a few strategies and reviewed them, and wandered around the room thoughtfully.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi stopped, and picked out the battle reports from Yunyang these days from a pile of writing strategies, and began to read them carefully.

When Young Master Liu saw half of it, Cheng Kai and Tang Ru brothers hurried in, and before they could speak, Du Yu motioned to keep silent.

The two looked at First Young Master Liu who was concentrating on holding Wen Ce, and understood what Du Yu meant, and stood aside and waited silently.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi threw the Wen Ce in his hand on the table, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

In the past, I didn't pay attention to these things until the news came that the 35th city of the Jin Kingdom and most of the territory north of the Suluo River were burned by the enemy. Liu Mingzhi reviewed the grain and grass captured by the enemy these days, and finally noticed something wrong. up.

Whether it was me or the army in Yunyang, the food and grass captured were not too much, just enough to last for about seven or eight days, neither too much nor too little.

It seems that the enemy left so much food and grass on purpose for their own capture, otherwise the food and grass stored in cities of different sizes should not be so similar.

Now 35 cities have been burned, if
Thinking of the possibility behind, Liu Mingzhi trembled violently, and there was a faint uneasiness in his eyes.

"Marshal, the last general Tang Ru has been ordered to come here!"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, and looked at Tang Ru: "When did you come? This commander didn't notice it at all."

"It's been about a stick of incense. The commander-in-chief has been concentrating on reviewing the strategy of the battle report just now, and he didn't realize that the end is just a matter of reason."

"I don't know why the commander-in-chief rushed to pass the last general?"

Liu Mingzhi suppressed the uneasiness in his heart: "This commander asks you, how long can our current food and grass last?"

Tang Ru hastily took out an account book from his pocket and flipped through it for a while: "Report to Commander, the 20th and [-]th should not be less than [-] days, and no more than [-] days!"

"No more than 20 days, when will the court's follow-up food and grass arrive?"

Tang Ru gently closed the account book and shook his head: "The general is not clear, since one and a half months ago, the general has sent [-] urging documents to the capital."

"I haven't received any reply until now. I can't guarantee whether the food and grass are on the way. I don't know whether the food and grass have arrived."

"If we hadn't kept seizing food and grass from the Kingdom of Jin to supplement ourselves, I'm afraid our food and grass would have already reached a critical point. As long as we take over the Xingzhou of the Kingdom of Jin tomorrow, we can seize food and grass for about ten days. If the food and grass are delayed for more than ten days, it will not constitute any major trouble."

Tang Ru didn't know yet that the 35 large and small cities in the Jin Kingdom north of Tingzhou had been burned, and he was still sorting out the plan for preparing food and grass according to the previous thinking.

Tang Ru was about to continue to say something, but Liu Mingzhi fell down on the chair with a clang.

He completely understood why the troops of the Kingdom of Jin and the Turks fought and then retreated. They were playing a gamble with him, a gamble that the front line was too long and their own food and grass could not be supplied in time.

What Tang Ru just said let Liu Mingzhi know that the Turks of the Kingdom of Jin won their bet.

Liu Mingzhi's reaction made Tang Ru jump, and hurried up: "Marshal, are you alright?"

Cheng Kai sighed silently, and told Tang Ru the contents of the letter sent by the scouts concisely.

"What? All 35 cities have been burned. Doesn't that mean that we won't be able to seize any food and grass in the future? We only have about 20 days of food and grass at present. If the successor food and grass from the imperial court cannot be delivered in time, how can we continue to fight? ?”

Tang Ru, who was a quartermaster, was completely flustered when he learned that the 35th city had been burned.

If the court's food and grass cannot be sustained, there is no other way but to withdraw the troops.

Even if the food and grass can last for 20 days, it will take about seven or eight days for the 35 cities to march without hindrance. If the enemy is in the way again, how long it will take to reach the city where the soldiers and horses of the Jin Dynasty are stationed is unknown.

If the food and grass were exhausted before reaching the next city where the food and grass could be seized, Tang Ru did not dare to think about the consequences.

Nearly 50 soldiers and horses have no food to eat, and no one is sure what kind of chaos it will cause.

If at that time, the enemy soldiers and horses took advantage of the danger to fight back, Tang Ru clenched his fists tightly and forcibly cut off the thoughts in his mind.

These things are no longer something that he, a quartermaster, should consider.

"Tang Ru, haven't you responded to any of the [-] documents urging for food?"

"Yes, there are [-] emergency documents sent to the imperial court one after another, all of which have not been heard from. At the end of the day, the general is wondering if the treasury is empty and can no longer provide follow-up food."

"At the end of the day, the general thinks that this possibility may not be impossible. Our battle line is too long, and the daily consumption of food and grass is nearly [-] shi. It is not impossible that the treasury will be empty."


Impossible three words Liu Mingzhi said resolutely and resolutely.

"I used to be the left servant of the household department. Although I didn't see the current situation of the treasury with my own eyes, but based on the current national strength of my dragon, I can calculate it with my eyes closed."

"Based on the silver taels of the autumn tax this year, let alone less than three months of fighting, even half a year, seven or eight months will be no problem."

"Even if there are natural disasters such as drought, flood, and locust plague in the rear, after the imperial court allocates the relief money, the strength of the treasury can at least support us for half a year."

"The treasury is empty, it's still early!"


Young Master Liu said so, Tang Ru naturally had nothing to say, he knew what Young Master Liu said was the truth, and none of the people present knew the situation of the state treasury better than Liu Mingzhi, who had served as the left servant of the household department.

"At the end of the day, I don't know why this happened."

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and sighed silently.

"It's not that you don't know, but you dare not say it!"

"This kind of situation can happen, either there is an accident, or someone is obstructing it."

Tang Ru was speechless, and silently lowered his head, not knowing how to respond.

Cheng Kai sat opposite Liu Mingzhi with a complex expression: "Marshal, what should we do next? To fight or not to fight?"

"It's hard to say. The enemy army is obviously cutting off the wrists of the strong men and abandoning the car to protect the commander. In such a situation, the outcome of the fight is unpredictable. If they don't fight, they will not be reconciled."

"It's only one small step away from the big move to unify the world."


"In the final analysis, we are still not up to date."

"Continue to urge the matter of food and grass, wait a few more days and see?"


(End of this chapter)

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