Chapter 1695
October 25th of the first year of Dalong Yongping.

In just five days, Tang Ru, in the name of Liu Mingzhi's family, sent [-] more urgent documents to the imperial court's golden sculpture, urging food and grass.

How much Liu Mingzhi, Tang Ru and others hoped that the follow-up food and grass were already on the way to northern Xinjiang. The reason why there was no news of the first eighteen documents, and there was no reply for a long time, may be because the weather in the Kingdom of Jin was too cold. Falcons have lost the ability to discern direction.

While this possibility is extremely rare, it is not without precedent.

However, there is not much time left for Liu Mingzhi and the others.

Although Liu Mingzhi has been trying to hide the emergency of food and grass, but he has not continued to attack the city these days, and the number of sacks on the army food and grass trucks is getting less and less, many soldiers have vaguely guessed what it is .

On the night of October 25th, a golden eagle twittered and circled down.

Liu Mingzhi and the others were overjoyed, thinking it was a reply from the imperial court, but they were greatly disappointed after receiving the letter.

The letter was not a reply from the imperial court, but a joint letter between Yunyang and Nangong Ye.

The contents of the letter are both good and bad. The good news is that each of them led a group of soldiers and horses, and they had crossed the Turkic Suluo River and continued northward to launch a siege operation against the Turkic enemy troops retreating all the way north.

In five days, several small tribes that the Turks had no time to evacuate had been wiped out, and the bad news was almost the same as that of Liu Mingzhi.

Food and grass are in a hurry.

Although several small Turkic tribes were destroyed in five days, the food and grass captured was only enough to increase the consumption of the army for three days.

If the siege continues, once the food and grass cannot be delivered in time, let alone chasing the enemy, the Turkic people will counter-kill an army.

The food and grass that Yunyang and the others had left was similar to Liu Mingzhi's, and they could only sustain the needs of withdrawing troops and returning home.

Liu Mingzhi sat on the handsome chair in a daze, looking around at the group of generals who had read the letter and their expressions were extremely gloomy.

"What do you mean? I want to hear what you mean!"

Song Qing and the others looked at each other silently, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Domination of the world is just around the corner, as long as the heavy snow does not close the road, Dalong can completely dominate the world before the year, and create an incomparable feat.

However, no one thought that there would be a shortage of food and grass under such circumstances.

"Marshal, with the current situation of the national treasury, it can fully support the follow-up food and grass. Now that the food and grass have not arrived, I'm afraid there is something hidden in it."

"Now there are only two ways to go. Either withdraw the troops and return to the country, and return the land that has been captured with great difficulty to the Kingdom of Jin, or continue to attack the city northward."

"However, if we fail to capture enough food and grass from Jin Guo before our food and grass are exhausted, the morale of the army will definitely be weakened. Once the enemy forces come back, we will definitely suffer heavy losses."

"Perhaps the heavens are merciful and let us seize the food and grass of the Jin Kingdom before the food and grass are exhausted, but this kind of chance is rare."

"If the Kingdom of Jin dares to burn 35 cities, it can burn [-] cities. As long as they interfere with our offensive, we will fall short, and the gains will outweigh the losses."

"This is not the worst situation. If it's just a problem of food and grass, when the situation is urgent, if you kill the oxen that transport the food and grass, the old horse can feed your brothers and leave the Kingdom of Jin safely."

"What the general is most worried about is the weather."

Song Qing exhaled into the palm of his hand with a serious face, and looked at the gloomy sky outside the door.

"The weather in the Kingdom of Jin is getting colder and colder, and heavy snow may fall on the ground at any time."

"In case the day is closed, the first snow will not stop falling, and the road will be blocked by heavy snow, and we will be trapped to death in the territory of Jin Kingdom, which will be the biggest trouble."

"There is no food and grass to seize before, and there is no food and grass to support in the future."

"It's freezing cold, and the brothers are starved of food. The result that greets us will be... will be"

Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked at Song Qing who was hesitant to speak.

"Ten dead but no life?"

"Song Qing nodded silently."

"The last general just made a rough estimate. If the heavy snow doesn't come, the imperial court will have to bring in at least two more months of food and grass before we can completely calm the entire Jin Kingdom. If the heavy snow falls, it is impossible to survive without five months of food and grass."

"At the critical moment, we don't know if it will snow or not, but we know that for now, there is no movement in the grain and grass."

"Without food and grass, how can we fight this battle?"

"Brothers are fighting for the country, and their heads are pinned to their waistbands. If the food and grass can't support them, it's not that their heads are pinned to their waistbands, but they are letting the brothers die."

Liu Mingzhi gently kneaded the teacup in his hand.

"What do you mean?"

Cheng Kai hesitated for a moment: "The last general seconded the meaning of the deputy commander."

"Although the deputy commander just said that it is possible to capture the enemy's food and grass to replenish ourselves by continuing to march, but this hope is too slim."

"If you want to replenish the food and grass of the 50 army, at least you have to seize the food and grass of 20 soldiers and horses for three months, but does the Jin Kingdom still have an army of more than 20 self-contained? They have already been beaten to seventy-eight fell."

"It can be said that the hope of capturing the enemy's food and grass is very slim."

"Although we are unwilling to withdraw our troops, we can't gamble with the lives of our brothers."

"This is nearly 50 soldiers and horses. Brothers put their wealth and lives into our hands. How can we live up to their trust and treat their lives as a trifle?"

"If the follow-up food and grass cannot be delivered, the brothers will not die on the battlefield, but will be starved to death. Isn't this too cruel and unreasonable."


"It's over, but it's up to the commander whether to withdraw or beat us. If the commander insists on going north, we will have no choice but to continue the northward march."

"Marshal, the last general dares to second the deputy commander's meaning."

"The last general. The last general also seconded the proposal. We can't afford to gamble on the lives and fortunes of 50 brothers!"

"The last general also seconded."

"The last general."

"The 23 generals, large and small, all seconded Song and Qing's intentions."

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, raised his hand to caress together a set of mysterious chess boards on the table, gently pinched the chess board, and poured all the chess pieces on the board into the burning brazier among.

Song Qing and others looked at Liu Mingzhi's dejected expression, but they didn't know what to persuade.

Liu Mingzhi got up slowly, walked towards the door with complicated eyes, looked up at the dim sky, his eyes were like torches.

"The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by ant nests."

"In this world, everyone has selfishness. It is human nature to fight for power and suppress dissidents. Looking at ancient and modern times, it has happened in all dynasties. It can be said that it is not uncommon!"

"However, throughout the past and present, this commander has never seen anyone who treats world domination as a joke in order to fight for power."

"My Han people are prone to infighting, it's nothing new, but there must be a limit to infighting."

"Brothers fight against the wall and defend against external humiliation. Have they all forgotten this sentence?"

"My son of a million people, for the sake of Dalong's unification of the world, for the people to live and work in peace and contentment, and not to suffer from the war, I went on and on and fought on the battlefield, but in the end I got such a result."

"It's chilling!"

"No matter what the reason is, the food and grass are difficult to support, and the civil and military officials in the court cannot escape the responsibility."

"It seems that during the year when I was away from the temple, the imperial court has been rotten, rotten."

"Continuing on, the prosperous mountains and rivers left by Emperor Ruizong's hard work for decades will become devastated."

"What face will I have to meet Ruizong after a hundred years!"

"Oh, it's time to go back and treat Dalong's illness, and it's time to clean up the moths for the court."

Song Qing and the others clearly felt the unwillingness and helplessness in Liu Mingzhi's words, so they could only sigh silently, not knowing how to persuade them.

Liu Mingzhi gently stretched out his palm, and a delicate chess piece lay quietly in his palm.

Royal father, you have seen it in heaven.

I have lived up to your great trust, but I have tried my best but I can't fulfill your lifelong wish.

Erchen did his best!Erchen did his best!
Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced towards the north.

Is it really the days of immortality, Jin, and Tunisia?Could it be that I, Liu Mingzhi, have always been doing things against the law, going against the sky?

Is it all God's will?
Forget it, Liu Mingzhi has no regrets in his heart, and it is not Liu's fault that his success is on the verge of failure.

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and gave a firm grip, the chess piece turned into powder and slowly flowed out from Young Master Liu's palm, and was blown into the room by the cold breeze outside the door.

"This chess game started with me, but it didn't end with Liu Mingzhi in the end."

"It's God's will!"

"Teacher, let's go back to court!"

(End of this chapter)

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