My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1696 Because You Are My Daddy

Chapter 1696 Because You Are My Daddy

On the third day of November in the first year of Dalong Yongping, the soldiers and horses under Liu Mingzhi had to withdraw from the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin due to the shortage of food and grass.

When more than 40 soldiers and horses withdrew from the city of Daizhou, the city closest to Shanhaiguan in the southern border of the Kingdom of Jin, crystal snowflakes slowly fell from the gloomy sky.

The sudden cold feeling on the face made everyone instinctively look up to the sky, looking at the heavy snow flying all over the sky.Hundreds of thousands of soldiers slowly stretched out their palms to pick up the snowflakes and began to watch.



"What? Are these white things snow?"

"No, have you never seen snow?"

"No, my hometown is in Lingnan. This is the first time I have seen snow since I was a child."

"Okay, let's take a good look at it. This should have been our Dalong's territory, and the snow should be our Dalong's snow, but now we have to hand over the hard-won territory for nothing. .”

The sudden heavy snow stopped the hundreds of thousands of troops who were on their way, looked up at the sky, and enjoyed the first snow scene of this year.

Liu Mingzhi, who was riding on the horse, also stared blankly at the gradually flying snowflakes in the sky, and turned his head to look at the north behind him, only to see that the northern sky had been covered by a thick layer of snow.

This snow that comes as soon as you say it!

Some are quite large.

"God bless, heaven bless!"

Next to Liu Mingzhi, Song Qing said two words of heaven's blessing in succession. Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses and looked at Song Qing with a look of survivors, and understood the meaning of his words.

Cheng Kai and the others nodded in agreement: "The deputy commander is right. God really blesses me, Dalong Erlang. Thanks to us choosing the right path. If we continue to fight, the consequences will be disastrous."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing and the others silently, sighed silently, swung his whip, and galloped towards Shanhaiguan in the wind and snow.

Gu Mo Rongrong nodded to Song Qing and the others with a light smile, and hurriedly rode her horse towards First Young Master Liu to catch up.

Song Qing and the others looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what happened to Young Master Liu.

It's the right time for snow to fall, and ordinary people can't control it. Why did the commander react like this?

Song Qing shook his head blankly: "Brothers, now is not the time to appreciate the snow, each lead the troops to withdraw from Shanhaiguan and return home."

"I have to wait for orders."

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Because of the heavy snow, Liu Mingzhi's speed was not too fast, and he was finally caught up by Gu Mo Rongrong who came later.

Liu Mingzhi shook his head lightly: "It's nothing, I just remembered a sentence suddenly!"

"Can I take the liberty to ask, what is it?"

"Hehe. Manpower's delusion and heaven's struggle are beyond self-control."

"Oh, Zhuge Wuhou's feeling of returning to Qishan six times without success is completely understood by the husband, and time is fate."

"North Expedition, failed."

Gu Mo Rongrong looked worriedly at her husband's gloomy expression: "Husband, the failure of the Northern Expedition is not your fault. If the food and grass can be supplied in time, we still have a chance to pacify the entire Jin Kingdom."

"If you want to blame it, you should blame the court. Husband, don't blame yourself."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "My husband knows that since the incident has already happened, it's useless to complain about it. Let's go back to the country and join Mr. Yun and the others."

"Well, Rong Rong will accompany you."

Several hours later, Liu Mingzhi's aunt Mo Rongrong and his wife drove to Yingzuiyan in Shanhaiguan side by side, leaving behind the army far behind and followed.

"Shut up!"

Liu Mingzhi tightened the reins tightly, staring in astonishment at a luxurious carriage next to Yingzuiyan.

What surprised Young Master Liu was not this luxurious carriage. With Liu Mingzhi's background, he had never seen any rare treasures before, and there were not many that could make him daze, let alone a carriage.

What really made Liu Mingzhi dazed were the two beauties, one big and one small standing beside the carriage.

If the two beauties are not the queen, who is the cute mother and daughter?

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the mother and daughter who were faintly looking at him, not knowing why the two of them appeared in Yingzuiyan, Shanhaiguan, where the two countries meet.


Cutie looked at Young Master Liu who was sitting on the horse in a daze, with a smile on her pretty face that made Bai Hua look pale, and excitedly waved her white and tender palm at Young Master Liu.

Little cutie called out "Daddy" to bring Young Master Liu back to his senses. He got off his horse and walked forward a few steps. He looked at the queen who was standing next to little cutie with complicated eyes, wearing a snow-white cloak and her delicate body. She didn't know whether she should It's time to speak up.

Seeing this, Gu Mo Rongrong looked around, looked at her husband's back, smiled lightly and gave a slight nod to the Queen who was not far away, and galloped towards the Jin Kingdom Daizhou.

Liu Mingzhi stopped, and the queen didn't move forward, the two just stood quietly looking at each other across Xuemu.

Only the little cutie kept waving her palms at Young Master Liu like a restless bunny, and Cherry kept calling Daddy in her mouth.

"Mother, don't be dazed, let's go find Daddy."

The empress held the little cutie's bright wrist, her bright eyes quietly looked at Liu Mingzhi who was opposite, motionless, with no intention of stepping forward.


The little cutie waved her little hand at the queen, seeing that the queen was still motionless, she broke free from the queen's palm and ran towards First Young Master Liu.


Little cutie jumped up at Young Master Liu who was standing still, and hung herself on her father.

"Daddy, what's the matter with you, aren't you happy to see Yue'er? Do you not love Yue'er anymore?"

"Why did you mother and daughter come to Shanhaiguan?"

"Yue'er misses Daddy, um... um... Mother misses her even more."

Liu Mingzhi lowered his head and looked at his daughter who was always very close to him with complicated eyes.


"Yue'er, the person you call Daddy just led an army to attack your country, causing half of your country to fall under the iron cavalry of the dragon. If there was no reason for the incident, the country of Jin might have perished."

"Don't you hate Daddy?"

"Leading soldiers and horses to attack his daughter's future country, Liu Mingzhi is so ruthless and ungrateful, he is ashamed to be a father."

"Father, the name you call Liu Mingzhi is so embarrassing."

"You should hate me, it's my fault."

The little cutie looked at Young Master Liu's gloomy expression, hugged her father's neck and looked back at her mother who was standing still not far away, and twisted Young Young Master Liu's ears that were red with cold with a smile.

Her delicate face rubbed against First Young Master Liu's stubble of beard.

"Daddy, don't you be so serious? Yue'er doesn't want to see you like this, Yue'er still likes her old dad."

"Yue'er, do you hate being a father?"

The little cutie shook her head silently, let go of the arms around Young Master Liu's neck, and started groping in the exquisite purse at her waist.

After a while, the cutie took out a note from her purse and waved it in front of Young Master Liu.

"Daddy, you were the masked person that day, right?"

Liu Mingzhi stared deeply, and intentionally opened the note in the little cutie's hand.

"My father doesn't know what this is, and I don't understand what you are talking about!"

The little cutie hugged daddy's neck affectionately.

"Father, although Yue'er doesn't know why you insist on standing on the side of the dragon to unify the world, even at the expense of leading troops to attack the Kingdom of Jin."

"But Yue'er believes that Daddy will not harm Yue'er."

The little cutie slid off Liu Mingzhi's body, put away the note in her hand, gently grasped Young Master Liu's generous palm with her tender little hand, raised her other little hand and pointed to the south.

"Yue'er will always remember that day in the old days, above the Dalong court, Daddy took Yue'er's little hand with his big hand, walked into the Qinzheng Hall of the palace openly, and looked around at the scene where the civil and military officials of the Dalong Manchu Dynasty spoke loudly to the bad uncle. words."

"When the sky falls, Daddy will carry it for you."

"Yue'er will hate anyone, but Yue'er will never hate a father who threatens to be an enemy of the world for Yue'er, in order to protect Yue'er's safety in Yue'er's enemy country!"

"For Yue'er, Daddy will not hesitate to be an enemy of the world."

"Yue'er believes that a father who loves Yue'er like this must have a reason why he is not understood by others when he led his troops to attack the Kingdom of Jin."

"Mother doesn't understand Daddy, even if everyone doesn't understand Daddy."

The cutie looked up at Young Master Liu with a stiff expression and red eyes with a smile on her face.

"Even if everyone doesn't understand Daddy, Yue'er will definitely understand Daddy, and will never resent Daddy."

"Because you are my father, you love Yue'er the most."

Listening to the cute soft voice, Liu Mingzhi's fixed eyes were a little sore, and some mist formed faintly.

Looking up at the growing snowflakes in the sky, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath.

"The wind is a bit noisy today."

Taking off his cloak and putting it on the little cutie, Liu Mingzhi got on his horse and galloped towards Yingzhou without any hesitation.

"It's windy at night, pay attention to your body, wait for me to come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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