Chapter 1697
The empress looked at the back of Young Master Liu who rode away without saying a word, finally a little moved in her bright eyes.

Until Xue Mu completely lost sight of one person and one horse, the queen sighed faintly, and walked towards the little cutie who was still waving goodbye to Xue Mu.

"What did he tell you?"

The little cutie smiled and looked up at the empress with complex eyes: "Daddy said he missed Yue'er, and he missed mother even more, so he asked mother and Yue'er to wait for him to come back to us in a sheltered place from the snow. "

The queen looked at the smiling cutie in surprise: "Apart from these, there is nothing else? For example, was he the one who went to your palace that day?"

The cutie put away her small face and looked at the queen curiously.

"If it wasn't for Dad, would Mom be very disappointed?"

The empress smiled melancholy twice: "Is it important to be or not? He has led his troops to capture half of the Kingdom of Jin. What do you think other things are compared with these?"

"Sometimes my mother really doesn't know him."

The ground trembled endlessly, and the sound of horseshoes gradually entered my ears clearly.

The queen glanced cautiously towards the north, took the little cutie's wrist and walked towards Yingzui Rock, and gestured to the surroundings. The queen mother and daughter stood on Yingzui Rock and quietly looked at the Shanhaiguan Canyon. The beautiful scenery is just like the posture of ordinary people who come out to enjoy the snow.

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, and the soldiers and horses with invisible tails rushed towards Shanhaiguan quickly.

Gu Mo Rongrong hummed softly, and Song Qing subconsciously glanced at Yingzuiyan, but he didn't see Young Master Liu.

Song Qing looked at the two queens, and the struggle in his eyes was extremely obvious.

Under the battle between heaven and man, Song Qing sighed silently, waved the command flag in his hand and rushed towards Yingzhou.

"Pass down the order and quickly return to the city to station."

Following the call of the orderling, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses rushed towards Yingzhou City along with the ordering flag, not caring about the luxury carriages parked not far from the road.

Until the sky darkened, the last dragon soldier disappeared under Yingzuiyan's admiration, and withdrew to Yingzhou City.

The cute little face nervously looked at the last banner that disappeared from sight, and looked up at the empress with deep eyes and a dignified expression.

"Mother, the momentum of these big dragon soldiers and horses is so scary."

The queen nodded with a wry smile: "This is the aura of a winner."

"Now the hundreds of thousands of troops can be said to be arrogant soldiers. If your father gives an order, no matter what is ahead, they will go forward without hesitation!"

"Do you still remember the big willow flag in front of you now? That is their soul. These hundreds of thousands of troops all live for this big flag. This is their military soul."

"A military spirit that no one dares to underestimate."

"Live for Dad's banner? Shouldn't soldiers be loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and live for the Dragon Emperor?"

"Your father lives for the emperor, but they live for your father. Your father always has his own heart. Forget it, this is impossible."

"Well, it's only been three months. From the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the northern border, a million troops have been gathered in just three months. The national strength of Dalong is far beyond what our Jin Kingdom can match."

"It would be great if your father was born in my Dajin."

"Unfortunately, there will never be an if."

"No matter whether Yue'er's father is a Dalong man or a Jin man, he is a good father of Yue'er, and Yue'er believes in him."

The queen's tender body trembled, she looked down at the little cutie's firm gaze in the direction of Yingzhou, and was full of thoughts for a while.

What is supporting her daughter's trust in Liu Mingzhi?
"Mother, are we still waiting for Daddy to come back?"

"I don't want to see him, but you want to wait for him to come back, and I can't leave you here alone. I'll wait with you for my mother."

The little cutie glanced at the empress's unnatural expression, smiled and walked slowly towards the bottom of the Yingzui Rock with her hands behind her back, looking for a place that could shelter from the wind and snow.

The queen looked at the little cutie's back and sighed faintly.

Yue'er, Dajin suffered heavy casualties in this battle. As the future heir to the throne, don't you feel uncomfortable at all?They will all be your people in the future.

In Yingzhou City, Liu Mingzhi stood on the city wall leaning on the Heavenly Sword, and looked around at the millions of troops who had begun to set up camp around Yingzhou City.

Yingzhou city can't accommodate so many soldiers and horses, so they can only wait for the wind and snow to stop, and then let them go to the other five cities to station in batches.

After returning to the city, although the imperial court still had no food and grass, the sweet potatoes stored by the people in northern Xinjiang were enough to survive the winter.

If it weren't for the fact that sweet potatoes are not suitable for military rations, perhaps this Northern Expedition will have another result.

Standing on both sides of Liu Mingzhi, Yunyang and Nangongye both looked unspeakably melancholy.

"Liu Shuai, take a closer look, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and it's too late to say anything else."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Yunyang lightly: "Look away, it's easy to say, but it's not so easy to really look away."

"This king first accompanied Ruizong to make great efforts to govern and laid the foundation of the country, so that Dalong could reappear the scene of the prosperous age, but the sky failed. Ruizong made great efforts to govern, and his lifelong wish is to be able to rule the world."

"But God didn't give Ruizong a chance."

"The first emperor inherited Ruizong's last wish. He had just unfolded his state of prosperity and enlightenment, but he died at the hands of rebellious officials and thieves, and died young."

"Your Majesty ascended the throne as emperor, but now..."

"Alas, ten years of hard work has been in vain in one day. Now this king is full of mixed feelings and thoughts, but he doesn't know where to start."

"You assistant minister, don't you want to know what happened to the court?"

Yunyang nodded silently: "Set up the soldiers and horses, let's go back to Beijing and have a look."

"The old man is tired, so I will go back to rest first."

As soon as Yunyang left, Nangong Ye patted Liu Mingzhi's shoulder with a gloomy expression. This former uncle of the country didn't know what to say to Liu Mingzhi at the moment.

"Liu Shuai, this old man has the audacity to take the place of the imperial court and compensate you. I didn't expect such a thing to happen when everything is ready and the overall situation is settled. Let's see it."

"The old man also went back first."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, and stood motionless facing the wind and snow above the city wall, looking at the beautiful scenery covered in white outside the city.

Until night fell, Liu Mingzhi stood motionless on the city wall.

It was night, and the wind and snow never stopped.

Liu Mingzhi also stood quietly on the city wall all night.

The sky was bright, Song Qing, Cheng Kai and others hurriedly climbed up the city wall, watching Young Master Liu hurried over like a snowman.

"Marshal, you won't stand on the city wall all night, right? The snowstorm last night didn't stop all night long."

Liu Mingzhi slowly opened his eyes, casually patted the snow on his body, looked at the worried faces of Song Qing and others, and gently stretched out his palm.

"Where is the battle report?"

Song Qing hurriedly took a few thick volumes of essays from the guards around him and handed them to Liu Mingzhi.

"It's all counted, a total of 11 people. The last general has brought his brothers to bury the brothers who died in the battle overnight on the field of Mamingpo in the west of the city. The brothers were stationed in the north when they first went to the north. There, it can be regarded as an explanation to the brothers!"

Liu Mingzhi took Wen Ce and sighed heavily, and walked directly under the city wall.

"Order all my soldiers and horses in the middle, and go to see the brothers off."

"The end will be ordered."

Half a day later, 20 soldiers and horses stood on the snow-covered field, staring at the 11 new graves in front of them with heavy eyes.

Many graves have accumulated thick snow.

Liu Mingzhi stood in the snow with scarlet eyes in his arms and looked around the endless grave mounds, slowly opened the first roster and read aloud.

"Feng Dagang, Wu Changan, Shen Erbao, Ma Quanyou"

From the dawn of the sky to the gloomy sky, Liu Mingzhi closed the last roster with a hoarse voice and handed it to Song Qing.

"Du Duyu, fetch some wine."


Liu Mingzhi took the wine jar that Du Yu handed over, patted off the sealing mud on it, and slowly poured it on the ground.

"Brothers, Liu Mingzhi and 20 brothers are here to see you off."

"Drink this jar of wine, let's go on the road!"

"Liu Mingzhi saluted you, sending you off respectfully."

Liu Mingzhi took the lead and knelt down on one knee in front of more than 20 graves, and the [-] soldiers behind him knelt down in unison.

"We will send you off, brother!"

"We will send you off, brother!"

"We will send you off, brother!"

Liu Mingzhi stood up, looked at the handsome Liu flag fluttering in the wind behind him, slowly drew out the Heavenly Sword and walked over.

When Song Qing and the others, who had just got up and didn't know the situation, hadn't reacted, they cut off their handsome flag in half.

The banner embroidered with gold thread fell straight down.

The faces of Song Qing and the others changed drastically, and they rushed towards First Young Master Liu.

"Marshal, what are you doing? This is your handsome flag!"

"Marshal, you are crazy. This is the soul of the soldiers of the three armies. Why did you chop it off?"

With a little force, Liu Mingzhi shook Song Qing and the others out, cut off the banner with a sword, picked it up in his hand, and looked at it carefully for a moment.

In the astonished eyes of 20 people, Liu Mingzhi grabbed the handsome flag and threw it towards the grave.

"Keep it wrapped up against the cold, brethren."

"It is its honor to protect you from the cold."

"Song Qing listens to the order!"

"The end. The end is here."

"Look for the best craftsman in northern Xinjiang, and choose the best mountain stones to erect a monument."

"On the front of the letter, the mountains and rivers are safe, and the country is safe and the people are healthy."

"Written on the back, civil servants get off the car, generals get off the horse, eight big characters."

"Use this royal decree to inform the officials and people of the 27 prefectures in northern Xinjiang that they should be respected when they pass by here."

"Those who disobey the order will be executed!"

"To comfort the souls of the brothers who guard the land and guard the generals, who sacrificed their lives for the country!"


(End of this chapter)

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