Chapter 1698
After paying homage to all the generals of the central army who died in this battle, Liu Mingzhi boiled a pot of wine and drank alone in the gazebo after returning home to take a bath and change clothes.

The sisters Qi Yun knew what happened from Gu Mo Rongrong, and they also understood why the husband sat in the pavilion and poured himself a drink, all because of a word of sorrow.

The girls discussed for a while, and wanted to step forward to untie her husband, but in the end Qi Ya persuaded her to come down.

Qi Ya knew that what her husband needed most at this time was not the sisters' relief, but silence.

Only by calming down can the husband thoroughly recall what happened during this period. The departure of his sisters will not relieve the husband, but will only increase the pressure in his heart.

The sky completely darkened.

No one expected that the heavy snow had just stopped, and when night fell, there were crystal snowflakes in the sky again.

The snowflakes falling in the palace are illuminated by the bright lanterns under the eaves, which is so beautiful that it is dizzying.

Liu Mingzhi quietly watched the snowflakes falling again, and drank the last glass of wine in one gulp.

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Liu Mingzhi picked up the Heavenly Sword at the side, put on his cloak around his waist, and walked towards the outside of the mansion. The girls who had been paying attention to her husband just wanted to catch up after seeing this.

Qi Ya smiled lightly and shook her head, reaching out to stop the sisters.

"Let the husband go and relax, we can't help him or anything."

The girls nodded hesitantly, bid farewell to Qi Ya, sighed and picked up the lantern and walked towards their courtyard.

The night completely enveloped the land, and there was heavy snow like goose feathers in the sky. One person was wearing a black cloak, holding on to the hilt of his sword, he left the gate of Yingzhou city, and walked towards Shanhaiguan outside the city on foot in the face of the flying snow.

It was Young Master Liu who had not been out of the house for a long time after drinking.

After a few sticks of incense, Liu Mingzhi stopped on Yingzui Rock and looked around.

In the dim night, there is a bright light coming from the cliff cave in the northwest of Yingzui Rock, which is reflected by the crystal snowflakes very clearly and can be seen everywhere.

Liu Mingzhi walked down Yingzui Rock and walked towards the fire light slowly. He already recognized that the position of the fire light was the place where the two of them rested the night before the bet with the queen.

That being the case, the only people who lit the bonfire in the cave were the queen mother and her daughter.

Liu Mingzhi slowly approached the cave, and could already hear the little cutie's non-stop complaining.

"It's been a day, why hasn't dad come here, has he forgotten about Yue'er?"

As soon as the little cutie's voice fell, the queen's light voice came again.

"It's the thousand and 120th time, Yue'er, you're tired of listening to your mother, you've said this sentence so many times, do you really care if your father comes or not?"

"If mother doesn't care, how can she remember it so clearly? Yue'er has said this sentence 120 times."

The little cutie's rhetorical question silenced the queen, and there was no more voice from the queen in the cave.

Liu Mingzhi shook off the snow on his body, and got into the hole.

"Yue'er, politely!"

"Daddy, you are finally here!"

The empress looked at Liu Mingzhi who was getting into the hole with Young Master Liu, a flash of excitement flashed in her bright eyes, and she finally retreated.

"It's because Yue'er insisted on waiting for you, otherwise, I would have returned to China long ago."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "Can you come out and have a chat? Some things can't be said quickly!"

The queen hesitated for a moment, nodded silently, got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"Father, mother, Yue'er is going too."

Liu Mingzhi took out a piece of greased paper from his pocket and threw it to the cutie: "Yue'er, Father and Mother have something to discuss, this is the sauced beef that Father brought you, eat it while it's hot."

The little cutie looked at the delicious sauced beef in her hand, nodded reluctantly, and sat down in front of the campfire again, looking at the backs of her father and mother, she picked up the cut sauced beef and began to bite, venting her displeasure. Dad's dissatisfaction.

The night was dark, and I don't know how long it had passed. Liu Mingzhi and the two of them went into the hole with calm faces, stared at the little cutie who was lying on the expensive carpet and had fallen asleep while holding the sauced beef, and then realized that he had said for so long.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the saliva dripping from the corner of the little cutie's mouth, smiled dotingly, walked towards the little cutie, added some dry firewood to the bonfire, Liu Mingzhi lay down with his clothes on, hugged the little cutie into his arms and rested up.

The queen didn't say anything when she saw this, she sat aside, staring at the bonfire with her knees folded in a daze, recalling the conversation she had just had with Liu Mingzhi on Yingzui Rock in her mind.

To put it bluntly, if I help the Kingdom of Jin unify the world, if I don't surrender my military power, will you tolerate me?
Wanyan can accommodate you, but Wanyan wants to know why?
Only if I don't hand over the military power, can I guarantee that after Dajin dominates the world, I will not do unfair things to my people in Dalong, and will not treat my people in Dalong as inferior to your Jin people.

If I don’t have soldiers and horses in my hands, how can I guarantee that after the world is unified, will the people of Jin Kingdom except you and Yue’er treat my Dalong people as brothers?

Once there is a fight, how can I guarantee that the people of Dalong can obtain equal rights with the Jin people?

Based on my relationship with you?Based on my relationship with Yue'er?Or is it because I am the old dragon side by side king?
I understand it politely.

Liu Mingzhi asked again, I don't hand over the military power, can you tolerate me, can the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty of the Jin Dynasty tolerate me?

The queen was silent, thinking about Liu Mingzhi's question over and over again in her mind. If Liu Mingzhi helped her to unify the world and had the power of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in her hands, she could tolerate him, but would the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty of Jin Dynasty tolerate him?

Should I be relieved?Rest assured of an erstwhile great dragon side by side king?Don't you worry about a side-by-side king with hundreds of thousands of soldiers in his hand?
Liu Mingzhi was never from the Kingdom of Jin. A returned courtier who was not from the Kingdom of Jin held hundreds of thousands of arrogant soldiers, but he could not hand over his military power. I am afraid that no courtier from the Kingdom of Jin would not care.

They would think about the reason why Liu Mingzhi did not fight.

Not to mention far away, just his own emperor's uncle will not be able to pass.

Then, the final result is the internal struggle after the unification of the world, the internal struggle between Liu Mingzhi and the civil and military forces of the Jin Kingdom Manchu Dynasty.

Can't bear it!
Let me ask you again, I will turn against each other to help you. In the eyes of the people of Dalong, I am a traitor who has defected to the enemy. Do the people want to be with me?
I'm afraid that when the time comes, don't talk about helping me, and Liu Mingzhi will be slaughtered by you Jin people, and the common people will applaud instead.

Because I am a traitor and traitor who defected to the enemy.

Let me ask you again, once I lose the battle with the courtiers of the Kingdom of Jin, will you be able to keep me in the hands of the courtiers of the Kingdom of Jin?

Most importantly, can you really tolerate someone who is beyond your control?
Don't rush to answer me!
Before answering this question, you first think about Rondo.

Because after the unification of the world, you will not only be Wanyan and Yueer's mother, but also the emperor of Jin Kingdom.

Dalong used to have hundreds of thousands of arrogant soldiers working together, what an unstable factor, once something happened, it could easily shake the existence of the foundation of the country.

Frankly speaking, Liu Mingzhi has never doubted Wanyan Wanyan's affection for Liu Mingzhi, but he has never underestimated the methods used by Queen Jin for the country and the people.

You are completely different from Yun'er and the others!
That's all Liu Mingzhi said, think about it carefully!

You are not only the mother of Wanyan and Yue'er, but also the emperor of Jin Kingdom.

You are not only the mother of Wanyan and Yue'er, but also the emperor of Jin Kingdom.

You are not only the mother of Wanyan and Yue'er, but also the emperor of Jin Kingdom.

"I am still the emperor!"


At the end of the night, the sky is bright.

"Daddy, can Yue'er go to Dalong to find you?"

"You can come anytime, Daddy is waiting for you!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the little cutie staring at him reluctantly, waved his hand lightly, turned around and rushed towards Yingzhou City.

Standing side by side in front of the gate of the palace in Yingzhou, Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing and others who were galloping fast.

"It's all here!"

"We will see the commander-in-chief. I don't know what orders the commander-in-chief has summoned?"

"Go back to Beijing!"

Song Qing and the others were taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at each other.

"Going back to Beijing now? The snow hasn't stopped yet!"

"Don't stop, don't stop, you will enter the capital with this handsome wind and snow!"

"We have an order, dare to ask the commander-in-chief to call tens of thousands of brothers to accompany him?"

"Tens of thousands? That would cause turmoil."

"On the side of Lord Qing, three hundred cavalry are enough."

(End of this chapter)

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