Chapter 1699
Liu Mingzhi's squad returned to the court, and all the soldiers and horses of Dalong withdrew to the south of Shanhaiguan to garrison, declaring that the third national war of the Three Kingdoms had come to an end again.

The vast grassland stretches as far as the eye can see.

The entire prairie has been covered by heavy snow that has been falling intermittently for days, thousands of miles of snow, a vast expanse of white, the sky and the earth are one color.

Outside Huyan Yunyao's tentatively selected Wang Ting's camp, Huyan Yunyao was wearing a thick cloak, bent down to grab a handful of snow, rubbed it, turned to look to the side, stood still with one arm, and looked into the distance Hu Yanyu, the second elder brother.

"God of the wolf, bless you, the snow came just in time, what do you think, second brother!"

Hu Yanyu shook his head silently: "It was not the sudden winter snow that saved the Turks, but the lack of food and grass for the dragon and our decision to cut off our own arms."

"If Dalong's food and grass are sufficient, do you think the current thickness of snow can withstand Dalong's determination to continue the northern expedition?"

"Brother Liu leads millions of troops and goes north to the border for the purpose of unifying the world. For this purpose, he has spent a lot of thought. A little snow will not break his determination."

When Huyan Yunyao heard the words, she sighed faintly.

"It's a pity that our smelting technology is too clumsy. Otherwise, with the same military equipment, why would we be chased and beaten by Dalong's soldiers and horses?"

"From the moment the artillery appeared, the advantage of our cavalry has been completely gone."

"Sometimes the little girl really can't figure it out, and she is also a mentor"

"Report, refer to the Great Khan from the humble Andal, and refer to the prince."

Huyan Yunyao turned around and looked at the Turkic scouts who were rushing forward, her face became majestic, and her whole body revealed an aura of calm and prestige: "Speak!"

"Reporting to the Great Khan, I was ordered to lead the warriors to investigate the entire grassland south of the Suluo River. There is no trace of any enemy army. There is only a piece of white snow on the vast grassland. The Dalong enemy army has all withdrawn from our southern Turkic border. The class teacher has returned to the country and is stationed."

"Now our Turkic tribes can completely migrate back to the pastures we reserved before."

The joy in Huyan Yunyao's beautiful eyes flashed away, and she nodded slightly to the scouts: "Ben Khan knows, you should pass the news to the leaders of the various tribes first, so that they don't have to worry about the return of the dragon soldiers and horses." Will go and come back.”

"Accept the order, and resign from the humble position."

Huyan Yunyao looked at the back of the scout going away, turned around and walked in the direction of Wang Zhang.

"Second brother, although Ben Khan doesn't want to admit it, but my younger sister still wants to say that my younger sister admires old women more and more."

"Perhaps she is not as talented as my younger sister in leading troops and fighting, but in terms of strategy, my younger sister is far from her opponent."

"In terms of insight into people's hearts, my little sister is far behind her."

"I have to admit that the old woman is indeed a woman with both beauty and wisdom."

"Due to the Weihe military disaster in the past, there were countless disadvantages in the Kingdom of Jin. However, after the old woman became the emperor, the Kingdom of Jin became more and more prosperous. Now it seems that it is not unreasonable."

"Little sister thinks, maybe I should spare some free time to pay a visit to the old woman in the Kingdom of Jin, and ask for advice on how to handle government affairs."

"Although the country of Jin is slightly inferior to us in terms of military strength, our basic national strength is too weak. Let alone the big dragon, even the country of Jin has left us by a large margin."

"The Kingdom of Jin has learned from the great dragon to farm the land and has been self-sufficient for hundreds of years. Our Turkic subjects still rely on grazing to survive. Once there is a snowstorm and the cattle and sheep freeze to death, it will be a huge blow to us Turkic."

"Little girl has been thinking about it for the past few days, and decided to follow the example of Dalong. The Kingdom of Jin will carry out a reform and end the nomadic life of our Turks who live everywhere."

"My little sister already has a general charter in mind, and I'm still sorting out the specific steps. Once it's determined, I hope that you, my second brother, can support my reform move by my side."

Hu Yanyu stared blankly at the moving figure of her little sister Huyan Yunyao. After experiencing this national war, the little girl seemed to have changed a lot, and she had begun to formally lack Turkic inadequacies.

Hu Yanyu came back to her senses, and followed thoughtfully. Since the younger sister wanted to change her ways, how could her own brother not help her with all her might.

After half a day, in Huyan Yunyao's sweat tent, Huyan Yunyao sat quietly in front of a simple table, writing some specific reform steps that she had temporarily thought up on the rice paper with a pen in her hand.

And Hu Yanyu is a soft wanderer, talking softly in his mouth.

Hu Yanyun listened quietly to the second brother's suggestion, and occasionally stopped writing to think about what the second brother said just now, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The brothers and sisters brainstormed and worked together to write a thick stack of content in just half a day and put it aside.

Huyan Yunyao raised the pen in her hand and was about to re-dip the ink. Suddenly, the sound of horns came from the camp of Wang Ting, breaking the tranquility in the ice and snow.

Huyanyun Yaohao's wrist froze, and she looked out of Wang's tent with a pretty face in astonishment.

Hu Yanyu hurriedly ran outside Wang's tent.

"Warning horn, something must have happened. Could it be that the dragon's soldiers have gone and returned?"

Huyan Yunyao came to her senses, put down the pen in her hand and followed closely behind.

As soon as the brothers and sisters ran out of the king's tent, they saw horseshoes rolling over and flags flying in the Wangting camp that had been quiet for a few days. Tens of thousands of Wangting's troops galloped in the camp, brandishing their weapons, and rushed out of the camp.

It can be said that the movement is not fast, but there is a faint feeling of jitteriness and panic.

They rushed out of the camp with their horses and knives almost entirely by their instincts.

General Pull Khana held a scimitar and carried a unique Turkic crossbow and ran towards Huyan Yunyao brothers and sisters on foot!
"Khan, what happened, my lord? Why is there a warning horn sounded in the camp? Could it be that the dragon soldiers came back to surround and kill again?"

Huyan Junyao shook her head in a daze: "Ben Khan doesn't know what happened, let alone why the horn of warning was sounded!"

"The scouts reported that Dalong's soldiers and horses have already evacuated from our southern Turkic border, and now there is not a single Dalong's soldiers and horses on the grassland!"

"But this horn is an early warning of the enemy's situation."

Pulling the sweat, he was stunned, and looked at Huyan Yunyao who looked dazed in surprise.

"The sweat doesn't even know about it? I first go find the observers protecting the royal court and see why they blow the horn to warn."

"Okay, let's go."

"Bahana, let me go!"

"It's so much better, the lord's lightness kung fu is amazing, it's indeed faster than the future."

Hu Yanyu gestured to the little girl, and flew away, leaping a few feet towards the platform facing the enemy's observers.

After about a cup of tea, Hu Yanyu rushed over with a pale Turkic man and stopped in front of Huyan Yunyao.

Huyan Yunyao's beautiful eyes looked majestically at the pale Turkic man.

"Da Lu, without Ben Khan's order, why did you sound the horn for warning?"

"Reporting to the Great Khan, the humble official has no time to inform the Great Khan."

"Princess Yanyu leads the Dada tribe, the Ketun tribe, the Mizi tribe, the Dulu tribe, and the Shayang tribe. More than 20 soldiers and horses from eighteen tribes are rushing towards the position of the royal court."

"Dun Heer went to inquire about the situation, but was directly shot by the eagle archer and got off the horse. After observing that the situation was wrong, he rushed back with his horse. If it wasn't for Dun Heer who called the police and blew the horn in time, Humble Job would almost never have come back. , Princess Yanyu is less than twenty miles away from the Wang Tent."

"The humble staff can only dare to blow the horn as soon as they return to the camp."

Huyan Yunyao looked at Da Lu's pale face in surprise, and hurriedly turned to look at Hu Yanyu who was also dazed.

"Why do sister-in-law Yanyu still have so many troops? Why are the [-] tribes under her command not scattered by the dragon's soldiers, or are they still intact?"

Hu Yanyu shook his head blankly: "The enemy army came too quickly, and the various tribes have long been caught in a melee, and the situation on Yanyu's side is unclear to me."

Huyan Yunyao slightly squinted her beautiful eyes, and looked towards the southwest in surprise.

"Without the permission of Ben Khan, he led more than 20 soldiers and horses from [-] tribes towards the royal court. This is coming with a heart of disobedience!"

Hu Yanyu was speechless, because his mind was also in chaos now.

(End of this chapter)

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