My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1700 What is the intention

Chapter 1700 What is the intention
After the more than 7 soldiers and horses of Huyan Royal Court's headquarters rushed out of the camp, they immediately displayed superb riding skills, guarding the camp behind them on the snow and rushing round and round.

However, a few quarters of an hour passed, tens of thousands of people did not understand why they slowed down the speed of the roundabout sprint, and looked around the white ice and snow around them in confusion.

Except for snow or snow, there was no other trace around the camp at all.

Since there were no traces of the enemy, why would there be horns sounding in the camp to warn of the enemy's situation?
Tens of thousands of people were puzzled, and many familiar leaders slowly stopped and bumped into each other.

"Leader Ruhr, what's going on? It's been a long time, let alone the enemy, I haven't even seen a bird, and there is no enemy. What are you doing so well that the warriors blow the warning horn?"

"General Tatari, I don't know what's going on. When I heard the sound of the enemy's warning horn, I thought Dalong's soldiers and horses were coming again! I didn't have time to think about it, so I ordered the warriors of the Keketun Department to mount their horses." rushed out to protect the safety of the camp."

"I'm just as confused as you. The warriors didn't even see a ghost after running for a long time."

"We don't know what's going on here, so we came out to meet the enemy on horseback."

Gradually, dozens of leaders, big and small, gathered together, saying that they didn't know what was going on, and that they came out to meet the enemy entirely because of the sound of the horn.

Dozens of leaders hadn't figured out the situation yet, and Turkic scouts from all directions around the Wangting camp rushed towards the camp non-stop.

"Princess Yan Yu led more than 20 soldiers and horses to rush towards the Wangting camp, less than fifteen miles away!"

The shouts of several scouts were almost the same, and under the astonished expressions of dozens of leaders, they rushed towards the direction of the king's tent without stopping.

Hu Yanyu listened to the sound of horseshoes gradually calming down outside the camp, frowned and looked at the little girl who was trembling with clenched fists.

"Khan, let's not worry about whether Yan Yu's intentions are good or evil. For the present plan, we must immediately leave the camp and move north. Even if it is a misunderstanding, you can no longer stay in the royal court."

"Now that the soldiers and horses of the various tribes that have escaped from the dragon and retreated to the north are not stationed around our royal court, there is no way to contact them to gather in a short period of time. Once Yan Yu comes with bad intentions, you will only die in vain if you continue to stay here."

"Now our headquarters has only 7 soldiers and horses, and we can't stop more than 20 soldiers and horses at all."

"Get out."

There was a trace of sadness in Huyan Yunyao's beautiful eyes: "Do you think Yan Yu will give us a chance to evacuate? I'm afraid that more than 20 troops have already surrounded and encircled us from all directions and rushed towards our Wangting camp."

As soon as Huyan Yunyao finished speaking, the Turkic scouts tightened their horses and stopped tightly in front of Huyan Yunyao.

"Qi Khan, Princess Yan Yu's [-] soldiers and horses are rushing towards the royal court from the west, less than ten miles away!"

"Reporting to the Great Khan, there are also Princess Yan Yu's troops in the east!"

"Report to the Great Khan, there are also soldiers and horses in the south!"

"Report to the Great Khan, there are also soldiers and horses in the north!"

The scout's report confirmed Huyan Yunyao's guess that Wang Ting has been surrounded, and when the camp is over, the army should have arrived early, and there is almost no chance to withdraw.

If they don't pull out their tents and gather supplies, they evacuate the current camp directly. There is almost no possibility of survival in the ice and snow. Sooner or later, they will die of hunger and cold on the grassland.

Even though Hu Yanyu led the younger sister to escape, but once Yan Yu wiped out Wang Ting's soldiers and horses, he would tell the grassland.

On one side is Huyan Yunyao, who is lonely and widowed, and on the other side is Princess Yanyu, who holds a heavy army. There is almost no suspense about who the scattered tribes will eventually attach to.

Even if there are a few tribe loyalists and little sisters, how many such tribes can there be?
Hu Yanyu staggered two steps seeing the little girl's distraught look, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

"Why is this happening, why is this happening?"

Huyan Yunyao sighed softly: "Yan Yu has been reluctant to hand over the military power that her father bestowed upon her back then. Ben Khan knew that this day would come sooner or later, but he never thought that she would be so precise in her timing."

"Forget it, today, I can only go out and wait for Yan Yu to arrive. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, everything will be clear when I see Yan Yu."

After Huyan Yunyao finished speaking, she walked straight out of the camp

Hu Yanyu nodded dully, and followed with a gloomy expression.

The sun was rising high, shining on the crystal clear snow, and the beauty was dizzying, but no one was in the mood to appreciate the beauty.

Finally, four black lines began to appear around the royal court camp, breaking the beautiful scenery that the heavens gave to the Turkic royal court.

The snow was trampled away by the horseshoes, mixed with the soil and turned into mud little by little.

Huyan Junyao stood quietly outside the camp, looking at a beautiful figure galloping towards the camp in the west.

Sensing the flustered actions of the people around her, Huyan Yunyao sighed silently, and nodded to Huyanyu on the side.

"Let's go over there!"

"No, your safety concerns the Turks"

Huyan Junyao raised her hand to interrupt Huyanyu, her lotus feet turned around and looked around at the more than 20 soldiers and horses encircling from all sides and gave a wry smile.

"Anwei? Second brother, do we still have a choice?"

Hu Yanyu fell silent, the current initiative is completely out of his control.

After a long time, Hu Yanyu raised his hand to support Pu Dao behind him, and nodded slightly to Huyan Yunyao.

"Second brother protects you. If Yan Yu wants to hurt you, step on the second brother's body first. With the strength of the second brother, as long as the distance allows, he can hold Yan Yu in an instant. When the time comes, we brothers and sisters will play by ear."

"Second brother, don't be stupid. Although you and Yan Yu are only in the name of husband and wife, there is no reality of husband and wife, but she knows your strength best. If this is the case, she will not be defenseless."

"She must have recruited a lot of experts around her to protect her safety. Your impulsiveness will instead become her legitimate reason. Don't act rashly."

"Hey, let's go there first and see what Yan Yu wants to do."

Hu Yanyu nodded with a sad face, although he knew in his heart that Yan Yu had ulterior motives in marrying him, but he had been secretly guarding against her.

However, despite all precautions, the current scene finally appeared.

Many years ago, it was not that Hu Yanyu did not want to get rid of Yan Yu, but considering Yan Yu's status as the princess of Jin Guo, once Yan Yu died in Turkic, Turkic would not give Jin Guo an explanation, and I was afraid that it would turn against Jin Guo. Dalong takes advantage of the situation to make a move, and the Turkic will be caught in the middle and face the enemy.

In addition, Yan Yu didn't reveal any misdemeanor later, and she became a brother and sister with herself in private. I thought that Yan Yu already had a sense of belonging to Turkic, but... now in this situation, what can I say!

Under Hu Yanyu's protection, Huyan Junyao stopped at Yan Yu's [-] paces, quietly looking at Yan Yu who was riding a horse with a complex expression.

Looking around at the more than 20 Turkic soldiers and horses around her, Huyan Yunyao looked at Yan Yu with a light smile.

"Sister-in-law, what does this mean?"

"It seems that Ben Khan didn't order my sister-in-law to lead the troops to join the royal court. If so, I don't know what my sister-in-law intends to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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