My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1701 Wanshuishan, I will accompany you

Chapter 1701 I will accompany you in thousands of rivers and mountains

Listening to Huyan Yunyao's hidden questioning words, Yan Yu's face was a little complicated. Feeling Hu Yanyu's regretful eyes staring at her, Yan Yu's heart was agitated, and some dared not look directly into the eyes of her sworn brother.

The figure in cassock ten years ago appeared in Yan Yu's mind, sighed silently, and looked up at Huyan Yunyao who was staring at her.

"Seize power!"

Huyan Yunyao was startled, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"My sister-in-law is really a heroine who dares to be a hero. She even omitted some hypocritical words that pretend to be snakes, and directly stated her intentions."

"Ben Khan thought what my sister-in-law would say. This Khan has been fighting for years, causing heavy casualties to our Turkic subjects. He intends to establish himself as a king and crusade against Ben Khan, a senseless and stupid king."

"It seems that Ben Khan underestimated his sister-in-law's courage."

"Worthy of being the Queen's mother, Princess Jin, she really is a heroine."

Yan Yu skipped Hu Yanyu's gaze, and silently looked at Huyan Yunyao's cold gaze.

"Little sister, don't blame me. I have been waiting for this opportunity for 11 years. I don't want to miss this opportunity."

"It's been 11 years. It turns out that my sister-in-law has endured it for so long. How many 11 years are there in my life? Back then, you made all kinds of tricks to help your father strengthen the Huyan tribe. Ben Khan knew that your plan was not small, and you were reluctant to hand it over later. With the military power bestowed on you by your father, Ben Khan knew that this day would come, but Ben Khan never thought that this day would come so soon."

"I didn't expect that my sister-in-law's ability to grasp the timing is so strong, it really opened my eyes."

"It seems that this six-foot body of Ben Khan did not die at the hands of the enemy, but will die at the hands of his own subjects today!"

"It's really impermanent!"

Hu Yanyu took two steps forward, guarding the little girl behind her, and staring at Yan Yu closely: "Yan Yu, since you came to Turkic, Hu Yanyu has treated you well, you have a heavy soldier in your hand, and the sweat is even worse." I have never forced you to hand over the military power in your hand, although I have mentioned it occasionally, but I have never forced you to do anything."

"Hu Yanyu never imagined that you would actually commit an act of regicide and rebellion."

"In the past, Hu Yanyu had acquaintances all over the world, and he thought he was well-informed, but today you made Hu Yanyu look at him with admiration. Hu Yanyu would be sworn brothers and sisters with a wolf and ambition like you. It's really blind."

Yan Yu looked at Hu Yanyu who looked sad with a moved face: "Brother, little sister, little sister"

Yan Yu paused for a while, and did not say the next words for a long time.

Gritting her teeth tightly, Yan Yumei's eyes flashed with determination: "Brother, don't blame my younger sister. My younger sister has never had the ambition to win the world. She just wants to fulfill a wish from the past."

"When my little sister rules the world and creates a peaceful and prosperous world without wars, I will definitely return all the things that belong to my little sister Yunyao."

"Now my little sister can only feel sorry."

"The wish is difficult, my little sister will not rest in peace even if she dies."

"Big Brother, Sister Yunyao, let's capture it with nothing. I don't want to hurt your lives. Don't struggle in vain. If you resist, you will only cause [-] warriors from the Royal Court to die on this land in vain."

Hu Yanyu slowly drew out the simple knife behind her back, and protected Huyan Junyao behind her.

"If you want to hurt Khan a single hair, first step on Hu Yanyu's corpse."

Looking at Hu Yanyu's resolute expression, Yan Yu bit her cherry lips tightly with her white teeth, and a smear of blood flowed down the corner of Yan Yu's mouth, dripping on the snow-white embroidered jacket on her chest.

"Second brother, forgive my younger sister. If there is an afterlife, my younger sister will make amends for you."

Yan Yu turned her head and waved to a dozen strong men on horseback who were clearly different from Turkic people.

"Take it down, don't hurt the lives of their brothers and sisters."


"Portie, order the three armies, once the Wang Ting's soldiers and horses make a move, they will rush to kill them immediately."


Hu Yanyu stared at the more than a dozen strong men flying towards him, his expression changed slightly, he put his knife into the sheath, picked up the little girl's willow waist and flew back behind him, when the distance was about the same, he loosened Opening the little girl's waist, she quickly pulled out the Pu Dao behind her and slashed across the way, a sharp saber aura directly slashed towards the faces of more than a dozen masters.

The faces of the dozen or so masters changed, and they hurriedly flipped in the air to avoid the saber energy. After landing, they looked at the simple saber in Hu Yanyu's hand with lingering fear.

Although they knew that Hu Yanyu was a first-class master, they never imagined that Hu Yanyu's skill was so profound that he could condense the energy of a sword to kill him with a random strike.

"Brothers, surrounded on all sides, two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention he only has one hand, and he has to take care of the Turkic Khan, let's split up."

Huyan Yunyao's complexion changed slightly, and she gestured to the soldiers and horses not far away. Hundreds of figures shot out from Wang Ting's tent, and greeted more than a dozen masters under Yan Yu's command.

Seeing this, Yan Yu didn't look surprised.

Gently patted the jade hand, a group of masters far surpassing those in the royal court jumped out of the soldiers and horses behind them again and surrounded Huyan Yunyao brothers and sisters.

The soldiers and horses of the two armies have not yet confronted each other, and a sword, light, sword and shadow fight was staged on the small field in an instant.

Hu Yanyu couldn't take care of it, so she could only use her internal force to condense her qi, protecting her little sister and slowly backing away.


"Sin of sin."

The masters of both sides who were attacking and killing each other suddenly heard a Buddha's name coming, as if they were coming from all directions towards the center.

"All benefactors, why don't you give the little monk a face and stop talking?"

However, with orders from both sides, it is naturally impossible to obey the words of a monk, although this monk seems to have deep internal strength and is a great master.

"Damn it, you're shameless, right?"

"Shaheshang, stay away, be careful of splashing blood all over your body."

"Fudo Mingwang Town Demon Seal."

As soon as the words fell, a large handprint of condensed true energy directly enveloped the heads of hundreds of masters and took a horizontal shot.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of masters were blown away, their faces were crimson and they clutched their chests, staring dumbfounded at a young monk in white cassock who appeared in the middle of the battlefield at some point.

Although he didn't suffer serious injuries, he knocked back hundreds of people with one move. What kind of strength is this monk?
Hu Yanyu stared blankly at the young monk who was quietly looking at Yan Yu on the horse, with guilt and tenderness in his eyes.

"The zhenqi is solid and has reached the state of perfection. Its power is no less than that of the Heavenly Sword that flew from the sky. This is a congenital master!"

"When did such a young innate master appear in the rivers and lakes?"

The sound of the wind, the fluttering of the flag, and the sound of the hooves of the horses all disappeared.

For Yan Yu, everything around her ceased to exist, everything was silent, and all she could see was the monk standing twenty steps away with a guilty expression on his face.

There is no one else in sight, and you are everywhere.

There was mist in Yan Yumei's eyes, and her cherry lips trembled as she looked at the monk.

"Little monk, is that you?"

"Amitabha, Yan Yu's benefactor, it's been 11 years, is he still okay?"

"Little monk, it's really you! You finally came to me!"

"Amitabha, the poor monk has become a mortal, and I have seen all the benefactors."

Liao Fan clasped his hands together, chanted the Buddha's name, and slowly closed his eyes towards Yan Yu. The conversation he had with a rough old Taoist priest in the south of the Yangtze River a few months ago appeared in his mind.

"Little bald donkey, you and that girl were supposed to live together, but you went astray because of your obsession."

"As the saying goes, it is better to destroy ten temples than one family."

"You bald donkeys, open your mouth and shut your mouth, my Buddha is merciful."

"Could it be that the compassion of the Buddha is to destroy people's marriages, tearing apart a marriage that was made in heaven, so that they can't meet each other?"

"If you are so compassionate, it will really open the eyes of the old Taoist."

"It's a good thing, this kind of thing can only be done by the Buddha in your heart."

"But nothing can be done by an individual."

"No wonder he is called a Buddha. He doesn't do anything that has anything to do with people!"

"You were born into the world just to become a Buddha right away."

"But have you ever thought about what a Buddha is?"

"Although the old Taoist is a Taoist, he also knows a few Buddhist mantras."

"There is no image of self, no image of sentient beings, all living beings are Buddhas."

"Little bald donkey, you are also one of all living beings, since the Buddha said that all living beings are Buddhas."

"You are already a Buddha, why should you become a Buddha?"

"Everything you do is because of too deep obsession, and you go astray."

"Your Buddha is not in the temple, but in your heart."

"The person in your heart is your Buddha."

"Go, go and find the Buddha in your heart."

"Senior, is the little monk really wrong?"

"It's so wrong."

"Baishan, this old bald donkey, knows how to do things that don't get along with others. A good couple of lovers were separated for 11 years."

"Go, go late, you will bear a sin that will never be washed away in your life."

Liao Fan slowly opened his eyes, looked softly at Yan Yu who never left his eyes for a moment, slowly took off the cassock on his body, and threw the Buddhist beads and rosary beads around his neck on the ground.

"Yan Yu, Liao Fan has kept you waiting, come with me."

"Little monk, isn't your Zen world peaceful? Miss Yan Yu hasn't given you a peaceful world yet."

Liao Fan turned around and looked around at the scene where swords were on the verge of breaking out.

"Xiao Fan's Zen is wrong. The world is peaceful where you are. Are you willing to wander the world with me? Liao Fan is willing to use the rest of his life to make up for the mistakes of the past."

Yan Yu's delicate body trembled, she got off her horse and walked towards Fan in a daze.

"You said. Is what you said true?"

"Liao Fan has nothing else on his body. He can't promise the girl's glory and wealth. He can only accompany her to roam the world. After this life, I don't know if the girl is willing?"

Yan Yu tremblingly raised her jade hand to caress Fan's cheek, the real touch made Yan Yu's arm tremble: "It's really you, it's not a dream, you really came back, you really came back to find Miss Yan."

"Fan is back, Fan is back."

"Are you willing to go with Fan?"

Two lines of clear tears flowed out of Yan Yumei's eyes, and she kept nodding her head.

"Yes, Miss Yan is willing to go with you."

"Thousands of rivers and mountains, Yan Yu is willing to accompany you to see."

"You wait."

"it is good!"

Yan Yu wiped the tear stains on her cheeks, walked slowly towards Huyan Yunyao, looked at Huyan Yu's nervous eyes, Yan Yu smiled bitterly, took out three soldier symbols from her bosom, grabbed Huyan Yunyao His jade hand stuffed it in.

"Little sister, I'm sorry, the tiger amulet should be returned to its original owner. Forgive my sister for her previous behavior. I'm sorry."

Huyan Yunyao stared at the soldier talisman in her hand in a daze: "You actually give up the world that is about to be at your fingertips so easily?"

Yan Yu raised her hand guiltily to caress Huyan Yunyao's face, then turned her head to look at Liao Fan not far away.

"My sister has never thought about the world. She doesn't care about the glory and wealth."

"He is my sister's world."

Huyan Yunyao looked at Liao Fan who was not far away, and then at her second brother: "You"

"Little sister, my sister has a request, I hope you can agree to my sister."

"You tell me!"

Yan Yu turned her head and glanced at those leaders who were at a loss: "Forgive their lives, they also had no choice but to join forces with my sister to seize power, and their family members are all under house arrest by my sister. It's all my sister's fault, I hope you be magnanimous to spare their lives."

Huyan Yunyao looked at the tiger talisman in her hand, and then looked at the flustered leaders of various ministries with hesitant eyes.

In the end, Huyan Junyao looked at Yan Yu's soft eyes that had never been shown before, and nodded slightly.

"My little sister promises you."

"Thank you!"

"Brother, thank you for taking care of me over the past 11 years, my little sister is leaving."

"I hope you and her will reach a positive result as soon as possible, and we will meet again by fate."

Yan Yu waved her hand lightly, and walked towards Fan.

"Little monk, Miss Wanshui Qianshanyan will accompany you to see it."

Liao Fan nodded heavily, took Yan Yu's bright wrist and walked towards the distance.

"Shahe Shang, tell the Buddha."

"I'm enlightened, I won't go back."

"Little bald donkey, let me wait for 11 years, how will you compensate me?"

"How can Yan Yu compensate as she says?"

"Carry this girl, carry me to the place where we first met."

"it is good!"

"Picking up is a mountain, putting it down is Zen."

"Miss Yan is the Zen of Fan, Ami. What the hell, I'm out of vulgarity, Buddha is a big-headed ghost."

"Go drink and eat meat, but you have to treat Yan Yu!"

"Why should I ask you, you still owe me a golden candied haws!"

"Oh, I was so confused back then, I didn't know the flavor of soft rice!"

Huyan Yunyao stared blankly at the two talking and laughing away, and subconsciously glanced at her second brother Hu Yanyu.

"Second brother, why are you just watching? She is your princess."

Hu Yanyu looked at the tiger talisman in the little girl's hand and frowned: "Don't you know if it's the princess? Besides, I can't beat that bald donkey."

"Besides, I only treat her as a sworn sister, and I have never felt the slightest affection between men and women. Seeing her smiling so happily, I am actually very happy to be a big brother."

"Brother is weak water Qiansan, just take a scoop, and the heart belongs to you, so it's hard to fall in love."

"I'm not as fickle as Brother Liu, and I'm merciful everywhere!"

"What do you know, brother, that's sentimental but not sentimental."

"Yeah, it's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you've gone too far, brother Liu is just a pervert, why do you think he's good!"

"Ben Khan is happy!"

"Hey, second brother, when are you going to see her?"

"Let's talk again, don't forget what you promised Yan Yu, forgive them, I'll go back first."

Huyan Yunyao looked at the lonely back of her second brother, stared blankly at the two figures that disappeared above the snowy field, and looked down at the soldier talisman in her hand, fascinated.

Can people really give up everything?

(End of this chapter)

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