My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1702 Entering Beijing

Chapter 1702 Entering Beijing
The sixth day of December in the first year of Dalong Yongping.

Liu Mingzhi, Song Qing and other 23 generals led [-] cavalry under their command and finally rushed to Dalong Capital against the wind and snow.

They placed three hundred iron cavalry in a post station outside the city, and 'instructed' the post station officials not to reveal their whereabouts. Liu Mingzhi and others changed their armors and hurried towards the city gate wearing ordinary uniforms.

It was already early December when Liu Mingzhi and others arrived at the capital, and in just over 20 days, the first year of Yongping will come to an end and a new chapter will begin, the second year of Yongping.

More than a dozen carriages that were not extravagant but exuded noble momentum slowly stopped about a hundred paces outside the north gate of the capital. Looking at the capital city, which had been away for a year, he showed a sigh of relief.

In the blink of an eye, Shaohua passed away, and it turned out to be another spring and autumn.

The moment when he left the capital was vaguely like what happened just yesterday.

It is also snowing in the capital. Although it is not as icy and snowy as northern Xinjiang, where the snow is reflected in the sky and the earth, the snow in the capital is not too small. There is almost no place with more snow on the official road than a horseshoe.

The reason why all the sisters Qi Yun came back with Liu Mingzhi was because of the approaching Spring Festival.

Thinking that they couldn't be separated from their husband on the new year's day, Qi Yun and the girls also packed up and saluted and returned to the capital together under the guard of three hundred cavalry.

Liu Mingzhi patted the snowflakes on his shoulders, looked at the groups of gifted scholars and beauties outside the city gate to enjoy the snow outside the city, and then looked at the scene of groups of children gathering together in the wilderness outside the city to have a snowball fight, his expression was both Relief and sadness.

In the three national wars, hundreds of thousands of people were killed and injured, so the people in the rear could live and work in peace and have no worries about food and clothing!

The hundreds of thousands of dragons who wanted to die on the battlefield had souls in heaven, and seeing that their efforts were not in vain, they could just rest in peace.

Just looking at the prosperous and peaceful capital in front of me, the talented scholars and beauties talking and laughing, and the children playing and laughing, how many people still remember that their peaceful and peaceful life was bought by the bloodshed and sacrifice of tens of thousands of people on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang? of.

How many people still remember that their current life was paid for by hundreds of thousands of people who went on and on the bloody battlefield in exchange for their lives.

Hundreds of thousands of new graves, in exchange for the prosperity of tens of millions of people.

Worth it or not?

"Marshal, we're home, we're finally back!"

"Finally home."

"Damn it, Xiaoxing stayed overnight on the way, and it was freezing cold, so he could finally have a solid sleep."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing and the others' excited expressions, sighed silently, and raised his hand to straighten the baggage on his back, there was nothing valuable inside.

There are only a dozen rosters full of names, all of which are rosters of soldiers who died in the battle on the northern Xinjiang Middle Road.

Seeing Song Qing and the others' joyful expressions, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently again.

"Raising a son to serve as a soldier is a piece of paper, but the soul returns before the ambition is rewarded."

"We are back, but there are still more than [-] brothers lying in northern Xinjiang. What is there to be happy about?"

"You go home first to rectify your own virtues, and wait until the next morning, and go to the palace with me to face the saint."

Liu Mingzhi's words made Song Qing and the others fall silent, silently glanced at the burden on Liu Mingzhi's back and nodded slightly, got off his horse and walked towards the city gate.

"Marshal, we will retire first, you and I will never meet again when we come to Japan!"

"Walk slowly!"

Seeing Song Qing and the others' slightly heavy backs, Liu Mingzhi turned his horse and stopped in front of Qi Yun's carriage.

"Lady, you go home to reunite with the old man and your mother first, and go to the Ministry of War for your husband, and hand over the roster of brothers who died in war to the Ministry of War for entry into the file library."

Qi Yun and the girls also heard what the husband had just said to Song Qing and the others, knowing that the husband must be in a bad mood right now, they nodded obediently, bid farewell to the husband and urged the servants to drive towards the city gate.

After Song, Qing, Qi Yun and the others all entered the city, Liu Mingzhi led his horse and walked towards the city gate.

"Stop, stand up."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, and took out Willow's credentials from his arms and handed them to the gatekeeper. Liu Mingzhi knew in his heart that if he took out his real credentials, it would definitely cause an uproar.

As for the situation in the capital, it would be better for him to inquire about it himself, as it would be unavoidable to travel in micro-services.

The gatekeeper returned the credentials to First Young Master Liu, said let's go in, and stopped the next person entering the city.

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, put his body away and led the horse into the city at a leisurely pace.

Liu Mingzhi was not surprised that the gatekeeper couldn't recognize his identity. He had been in the temple for [-] years, and he really stayed in the capital for a few more years.

It's not Lijing to quell the chaos, or he's going on an expedition, it's strange that everyone can recognize him.

What's more, because of the actions of Li Yunlong and his brothers in the capital, less than [-]% of the [-] imperial guards are left, so it is natural to recruit new soldiers to supplement them.

In today's imperial guards, probably half of the people have only heard of Liu Mingzhi's name, but have never met Liu Dashao.

Entering the capital city where he had been away for a year, Liu Mingzhi looked around at everything in the city.

Pedestrians, business travelers, restaurants and teahouses.

Young Master Liu was deeply moved by these scenes that he said were familiar but not familiar.

The most important thing is to observe the current situation of the capital from these places.

From the conversation of pedestrians to the movement from restaurants and teahouses, Liu Mingzhi raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded thoughtfully.

The situation in the capital may not be as dire as he thought, at least the incidents above the court have not yet affected the people, which is good news for Liu Mingzhi.

Otherwise, if the struggle for power and profit in the court affects the lives of the people, it may not be so easy to end.

However, turning around along the way, what he saw was not as good as Liu Mingzhi thought.

Because Liu Mingzhi saw Lin Yangming and Song Bingge from the crowd, the two heartless fellows who were given special care by him because of Xue Bizhu and Huang Lingyi.

Ordinarily because of their own reasons, the official careers of the two should have ended long ago.

But I just saw the two of them, surrounded by a group of scholars in their 20s, walked out of a restaurant in fives and sixes.

Looking at the robes on the two of them, not only did their official careers not end, but they were promoted one level higher than before.

As for that group of scholars, Liu Mingzhi didn't recognize any of them, and he presumably was this year's Enke scholars.

Moreover, Liu Mingzhi discovered that there seemed to be a lot more dandies on the street, and wherever they went, the people scattered into birds and beasts, as if avoiding them.

Looking at the group of arrogant and domineering young men from the rich and powerful, Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything, but just quietly walked past.

Back then, I was also an arrogant and domineering dude who was avoided by everyone.

Just looking at the fear of the people around this group of young men, I think these people are not just arrogant and domineering.

In order to cause some unnecessary troubles, Liu Mingzhi could only pretend to turn a deaf ear and rush towards the military office.

As for these arrogant dudes, Young Master Liu didn't plan to do anything.

After they are cleared of the king's side, their fathers have to be honest, let alone these brats.

Thinking about this, Young Master Liu led Fengxing straight to the gate of the Ministry of War and stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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