My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1703 Must See Blood

Chapter 1703 Must See Blood
As soon as Liu Mingzhi put on the reins, a yamen servant rushed over, staring cautiously at the stranger, First Young Master Liu.

"Military Department Yamen, idlers stop."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and took out an official seal from his bosom and held it in his hand.

"Wailang Liushu, a member of the household department, is ordered by Dai Shangshu Ren Shangshu to hand over some documents to Song Shangshu. I would like to trouble you to inform Song Shangshu."

The yamen servant looked at the official seal in Liu Mingzhi's hand, then at Liu Mingzhi's appearance, and lowered his head to mutter.

"Isn't Wai Lang, a member of the household department, Huang Hai? Why did you change the willow again? And when did the officials of the household department have such a good temper, and they bothered to report, what the hell is this Ren Guozhang doing?"

The yamen servant muttered for a while, then nodded to Liu Mingzhi: "Shangguan, wait a moment, I'll report to Lord Shangshu right now."

"It's work."

The moment the yamen servant turned to leave, First Young Master Liu was stunned, because he could see a hint of disgust from the yamen servant's peripheral vision.

It's just that the reason for this distaste is not because of himself, but because of the fake official seal in his hand. The yamen servant seems to despise this official seal in his hand.

The official seal I said represents the official seal of the Ministry of Households, so the disgust of the government servants is because of the officials of the Ministry of Households.

Has the household department reached this point now?
Lao Jiang's resignation and Ren Wenyue's succession made the current household department look like what the hell?

While Young Master Liu was thinking, Song Yu followed behind the yamen servant who greeted Young Master Liu, and walked out of the yamen with excited eyes.

Seeing First Young Master Liu standing next to the horse tethering post, Song Yu's eyes twitched, and the surprise in his eyes was beyond words.

After scanning the surrounding yamen servants, Song Yu took a deep breath, walked towards Young Master Liu with a calm face, and nodded slightly at Young Master Liu.

"Wailang Liushu, a member of the household department, is it right? I will follow the narration in the office of the Shangshu."

Obviously, my use of the name Willow made Song Yu, the old fox above the court, realize something. Liu Mingzhi nodded respectfully, and bowed back to Song Yu.

"The next official takes orders, Mr. Song please first."

Young Master Liu followed Song Yu into the yamen of the Ministry of War, unaware that the yamen servant who greeted him earlier spit on the ground and cursed a few words.

"You son of a bitch, there are times when you cry."

After Young Master Liu and Song Yu entered Song Yu's office room, Song Yu hurriedly closed the door, and pulled Young Master Liu towards the chair beside him.

"Sit down quickly, and tell Uncle how the result of the Northern Expedition is?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Yu's expectant eyes, and sighed silently: "Beizheng Daye died because of the lack of succession of food and grass. If the food and grass were supplied in time, now I, Mr. Yun, Mr. Nangong and they should have already wiped out the gold. the whole country."

"Now we can only go back to the court in class and return the conquered land back for nothing. Without food and grass, it is impossible for us to station there to guard the conquered land."

Liu Mingzhi untied the burden on his back, took out a stack of battle reports and handed it to Song Yu.

"The specific process, uncle will understand after reading it."

Song Yu took the Wen Ce handed over by Liu Mingzhi with a dazed expression, suppressed the regret in his heart, and sat on a chair to look through it.

After a long time, Song Yu slammed the Wen Ce in his hand on the table.

"The treacherous ministers harmed the country, the traitorous ministers harmed the country!"

"Uncle, my nephew didn't inform the court when he returned to Beijing, nor did he alarm anyone. I came here first to find out what happened."

"Based on the current situation of the national treasury, it can fully support the food and grass of the millions of troops in northern Xinjiang for several months. Why is it difficult to continue to support the food and grass when my nephew is about to finish his work?"

"Before my nephew went north, he sent a letter to inform His Majesty, the household department and your military department in advance."

"On this occasion, everything must make way for the great cause of the Northern Expedition to unify the world. If this is the case, why is there such a situation?"

"Millions of soldiers are fighting for the country, but the imperial court can't even supply the food and grass they need. Wouldn't it make the soldiers who are fighting for the country feel cold? You, the Minister of the Ministry of War, have a great responsibility!"

Song Yu looked at Young Master Liu's gloomy expression, shook his head and sighed.

"These things are all related to this fellow Ren Wenyue. The supply of food and grass is difficult to continue because the money in the treasury has been used elsewhere."

"It was used before your letter arrived."

Liu Mingzhi's eyes widened suddenly and he looked at Song Yu: "Is the money used elsewhere? Let alone 700 million taels of silver, where can so much money be used?"

"Even if natural and man-made disasters occur in all the [-] prefectures south of the Yellow River, it would not take so much money."

"Well, there was no major disaster in the south of the Yellow River, but there was flooding in the south of the Yangtze River and the Jianghuai area, and the imperial court had to allocate a tenth of silver to control the flood."

"However, not much money was spent on flood control, and the real big money was spent elsewhere."

"Where are the flowers?"

Song Yu sighed, and looked at First Young Master Liu with complicated eyes: "December 28."

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly, and the look of doubt in his eyes was self-evident.

"What day is December 28, it will consume such December 28, is it?"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned as he spoke, looking at Song Yu's helpless eyes, he realized that he probably guessed right.

"Father's three-year grand ceremony?"

Song Yu nodded silently: "It's Emperor Ruizong's three-year national funeral. Ren Wenyue didn't know what he wrote to His Majesty, but His Majesty actually used money from the treasury to organize the three-year national funeral of Emperor Ruizong."

"Even three years of national mourning can't consume tens of millions of taels of silver."

"It's just a national funeral, so naturally it doesn't cost that much money, but the imperial court also repaired the imperial tomb."

"Back then, the Duke of Wu, Wanbuhai, led the troops to recover the two lost lands in Heshuo and Hetao. All the money from the imperial treasury supported Wanbuhai's great cause of conquering the north. For this reason, Emperor Ruizong even stopped the construction of his own mausoleum, and went all out to support the old country. Great feat of regaining lost ground."

"Until the lost land was recovered, followed by the War of the Three Kingdoms, and the mausoleum was only hastily completed until the death of Emperor Ruizong, but before the death of Emperor Ruizong, he summoned the left and right ministers, six ministers, and nine temple ministers to talk about it."

"Abolish all actions that waste people and money, save money, and go all out to deal with the following national war."

"It was only then that the first emperor succeeded to the throne, and immediately started the extraordinary move of the Northern Expedition. This was all arranged by the first emperor Ruizong."

"However, it never occurred to me that after His Majesty ascended the throne, he listened to some slanderous rumors and wanted to restore the imperial tombs for Ruizong and Wuzong."

"The officials tried their best to persuade them, but His Majesty said that Dalong ruled the country with filial piety, so how could he ignore the tomb of the late emperor, and His Majesty repaired the imperial tomb in the name of filial piety, and the officials have nothing to do."

"The letters that should be written, and those that should be advised, have not been stopped after all."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Yu filled with indignation and unhappiness with complex eyes, and Li Zheng's voice and smile appeared in his mind.

Since getting acquainted with himself, this majestic emperor has also become greedy for money, thinking about accumulating silver everywhere, and becoming like a miser. Liu Mingzhi thought that Li Zheng was being led astray by him.

Now I understand how much effort Li Zheng has put in for Dalong's country and the foundation of his ancestors.

'Asshole, I haven't been willing to change my dragon robe for three years, so there's nothing wrong with sharing a little more bonus. '

'Are you asking for money?I don't have any, look at the valuables in the palace, just pull them out and sell them. '

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "I know, Father and Emperor even abolished the bad habit of burial."

"However, repairing the imperial mausoleum will not cost so much money. With the scale of the imperial mausoleum, at most it will cost more than 400 million yuan. In addition to the disaster relief, this year's autumn tax throws out emergency treasury silver. At least it can support three more The food of the month."

"That's right, but with the addition of the handling of national funerals, the money in the treasury is almost consumed."

"What about the account books? Repairing the imperial mausoleum is a state matter, not just a matter of his household department. He controls the prime minister, the other five ministers, and the nine temple ministers all have the right to calculate the account books."

"Have you ever checked whether the accounts are correct?"

"After accounting, there is almost no big discrepancy, and the loss is within the range allowed by the court."

Liu Mingzhi got up and started pacing, quickly calculating something in his mind.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi slammed the hammer on the table heavily.

"I don't believe it. It doesn't take so much money to build a new imperial tomb, let alone repairing an already established imperial tomb. There must be something strange about it."

"Uncle, do you have any copy of Ren Wenyue's deeds after entering the court?"

"Old Du has it in his hand, and now Lao Du's life is not easy."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently, picked up the roster on the side and handed it to Song Yu.

"Uncle, please enter the roster of the fallen soldiers of my central army into the Ministry of War's copywriting. I originally handed it over to me after finishing the work."

"Okay, this is the job of the old man."

Song Yu glanced at the Wen Ce in his hand, and sighed with a solemn expression.

"Oh, 11? How come there are so many?"

"Since ancient times, one general has achieved great success, my little nephew... oh."

"When is the next court meeting?"

"Three days later!"

"My little nephew understands, my little nephew first goes to Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials."

"In three days, my nephew will personally meet with Ren Wenyue to see what kind of power he has that can overwhelm the world."

"Don't be careless, Ren Wenyue's current climate should not be underestimated. There are many people who are stalking people around him, and the empress is backing him. Don't underestimate this person."

"Even the left minister has fallen into his hands. Although this person has a bad reputation, he still has means. You must understand clearly before acting. Don't do it."

Before Song Yu finished speaking, Liu Mingzhi opened the door with the Heavenly Sword in his eyes, and walked towards the outside of the yamen with the Heavenly Sword in his hands.

"Uncle, is he comparable to Li Yunlong who has 40 troops in his hands?"

"It's just a prince who has gained power for a while, not to mention my nephew, even Duke Yasukuni will not take him seriously."

"If he is not as good as Li Yunlong, the Qinzheng Palace will definitely see blood again."

Hearing Young Master Liu's loud response, Song Yu was stunned.

This nephew, whom he regards as his own, has become extraordinary in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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