Chapter 1704
Young Master Liu left the yamen of the Ministry of Households and then went to the yamen of the Ministry of Officials, where he secretly met Du Chenghao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials.

For Young Master Liu's arrival, Du Chenghao was ecstatic and respectful, firstly because Young Master Liu was a king with a different surname, and secondly Young Master Liu was the guide of his son Du Yu.

If it weren't for First Young Master Liu, I'm afraid that his son Du Yu would have been idle long ago, eating his money until he died.

Regarding Liu Mingzhi's intention to come, Du Chenghao didn't care about some custom made by the official department, and handed over all the life stories recorded by Ren Wenyue in the official department to Young Master Liu for review.

Young Master Liu looked up Ren Wenyue's past in the Ministry of Officials, and after agreeing to Du Chenghao's future banquet, he quietly left the Yamen of the Ministry of Officials and rushed towards Liu's Mansion.

Back home, Liu Mingzhi thwarted Liu Yuan's attempt to inform Liu Zhi'an, calmed down his mood, put on a foolish smile and rushed towards the inner courtyard.

Walking through the corridor in the front yard and passing through the arch, Liu Mingzhi heard the clear and pleasant laughter in the inner courtyard.

The laughter was nothing more than greetings from his own group of ladies to Liu Zhian and his wife, and the movement of several children acting like a baby around Liu Zhian.

"Old man, you are still alive. If you act like this, it will be a long way for my young master to inherit the family property."

Liu Zhi'an, who was happily coaxing his granddaughter whom he hadn't seen for a year to have fun, froze when he heard Young Master Liu's words, he straightened up and turned to look towards the arched door of the inner courtyard.

I saw Young Master Liu with his hands folded around his chest, leaning on the pillars of the corridor, shaking his legs, looking so bohemian.

Seeing Young Master Liu's foolish appearance, Liu Zhi'an's mouth twitched twice.

"Damn it, you bastard has eaten shit and still hasn't washed it, why is your mouth so stinky?"

"If you fucking die, I won't be able to die. You have to live better than before."

Young Master Liu shrugged his shoulders and walked towards Liu Zhi'an: "Old man, what you said is too harsh, how can you say that this young master is also your own, did anyone curse his son to die young?"

"Fuck you, old man, I will live another ten years without you."

Mrs. Liu and Qi Yun's daughters looked helplessly at the father and two who bickered when they met, not knowing what to say.

Everyone is a loving father and a filial son, so how come it's my own family's turn to be a chicken and a dog?

The girls of Qi Yun felt that the father-in-law was not worried, and the husband was also not worried.

The elders do not look like the elders, and the younger generations do not look like the younger generations.

Mrs. Liu felt that her husband was not worried, and her son was even more worried.

What evil did you do in your previous life to have such a team of fathers and fathers spread out.

"The child pays homage to his mother, wishing her good health and a long life."

Liu Mingzhi skipped Liu Zhi'an, gave him a smug look, went to Mrs. Liu and kowtowed directly, doing all the etiquette that a son should have.

Mrs. Liu hurriedly bent down to help First Young Master Liu: "You child, it's so cold on the ground, why are you kneeling, get up quickly."

"Thank you, mother."

Young Master Liu patted his clothes, and happily accompanied Mrs. Liu with a smile, pretending not to see Liu Zhijian, who was blowing his beard and staring angrily.

"Silly boy, don't be angry with your father, why don't you hurry up and salute your father."

"Mother, the old man doesn't care about his son saluting, right the old man."

Liu Zhi'an glanced to the side arrogantly: "I don't think you kowtow, I still have two sons without you."

Young Master Liu looked at Liu Zhi'an with a smile, walked up to Liu Zhi'an and shook his clothes, ready to kneel down and salute.

Liu Zhian directly waved his hands and turned around and walked towards the main hall: "Go away, wait until I'm dead before knocking, your mother arranged a banquet to cleanse the dust, go in quickly to eat and drink, your face is like a dog's from the cold, What are you knocking?"

Young Master Liu shrugged helplessly at Mrs. Liu: "Mother, it's not that my son is unfilial, you have seen it with your own eyes."

Mrs. Liu shook her head helplessly, she didn't know what to say to these stubborn men.

One obviously misses his son's tea and doesn't think about food, and the other respects his father to the bottom of his bones.

It's a great thing for such fathers and sons to be filial to each other, but when they meet, they are like two 'enemies'. Is it interesting?

Everyone sat down, and the servants brought up plates of delicious wine and dishes.

Mrs. Liu wiped the chopsticks with a handkerchief and handed them to Young Master Liu, her eyes were filled with resentment: "Zhi'er, Yun'er told Wei Niang about Rong Rong, you are a real child, and you won't bring Rong Rong back to meet Wei Niang." Mother and your father, don't let people think that we dislike her as a person from the Western Regions and don't want to see her."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head: "Mother, don't worry, you will definitely see Rongrong, but now she is doing a very important matter, so she can't come back to visit you two elders."

"But don't worry, if there are no accidents, you will definitely see Rong Rong years ago."

Mrs. Liu wanted to say something else, Liu Zhi'an glanced at Young Master Liu and smiled thoughtfully, then nodded his wife's wrist slightly.

"Madam, the child is grown up, and some things can be arranged by myself."

"The sons and daughters are finally reunited once, don't talk about unhappy topics, let the children eat some food to warm their bodies first."

"Come on, bastard, have a good drink with this old man."

"My child respects you."

The welcome banquet was a complete success, and the father and father talked and laughed while drinking and chatting about some interesting things they have seen these days.

In Liu Zhian's study, Liu Zhian took out a stack of rice paper from a drawer and threw it on the table.

"Damn it, hurry up and get out of here with me, I'm old and I have to work hard for your crap."

"Damn, it's not you bastard. You have to add two younger brothers and sisters. Because of your father, you have even delayed the important event of continuing the incense. Get out of here. I'm annoyed when I see you."

Young Master Liu cheerfully picked up the rice paper on the table and walked towards the door.

"Old man, you can't accept old age. Take it easy, my mother is a martial artist."

"Sometimes you have to admit that you have to admit that you have to admit that you have to admit it. You just need to understand what the weight is."

A piece of inkstone flew towards it, Young Master Liu hurriedly dodged it with his head in his arms.

"Who do you look down on, you fucking kidney?"

Young Master Liu walked towards his study with a twitching corner of his mouth. It's fine if others say it, but my dear father also said the same thing. What is my dignity?

After lighting the candle in the room, Liu Mingzhi lay down and looked through the information about the capital these days in his hand.

During the three days when Young Master Liu returned to the mansion, he wore unremarkable clothes and lingered in the restaurants and teahouses in the capital every day, and once he went out, he spent a whole day.

On the ninth day of December in the first year of Yongping, the sky was still gloomy, Young Master Liu got up to wash, and played a set of fists and kicks outside to move his body. When the sky was bright, he changed into his dragon robe under Qi Yun's service. , Riding out of the palace to prepare to enter the palace.

"I'll see you, Commander!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing quietly, Cheng Kai and his 23 fully armored generals nodded slightly.

"Follow me into the palace."

"We take orders."

The 23 people got on their horses, followed Young Master Liu, whipped their horses, and galloped all the way towards the palace.

During the cup of tea, 24 strong war horses raised their hooves high and stopped outside the palace gate.

"Bold, who would dare?"

"Yang Tai, Commander Yang, why have you forgotten what this king looks like?"

Liu Mingzhi got off his horse, smiled and looked at Yang Tai, one of the commanders of the imperial guards, who was a little dazed.

"Shoulder to shoulder king, the last general Yang Tai sees to the shoulder to shoulder king, thousands of years old."

As soon as Yang Tai saluted, the guards around him also reacted, and hurriedly greeted him and saluted.

"We will see you, the prince, for thousands of years."

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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