Chapter 1705 Roll Down (Jun Junhong plus more)
Liu Mingzhi happily patted Yang Tai's shoulder: "You have gained a lot of weight, it seems that the imperial guards have been doing well in the past year!"

"I said, you guard the gate of the palace, and all the saints have to pass through you when entering the palace. There must be corruption and bribery."

Yang Tai looked at Young Master Liu in embarrassment and smiled apologetically: "Your Highness is joking, this is a last resort for middle-aged people. You will grow meat from everything you eat, and there is nothing you can do about it."

"When did the prince return to Beijing, why didn't he inform the court in advance."

"I'm homesick, so I brought dozens of brothers back to have a look. It just so happens that today is the court meeting. How could this king not come to the court?"

"My lord is still a little unaccustomed to saying that. My lord took the initiative to go to court. I think the storyteller in the restaurant has something to say."

"You guy, your mouth is still so oily, how long has it been since morning?"

"Almost half an hour."

"It's been so long, I won't accompany you to reminisce about the past, we have a chance to drink together."

"Okay, when the general is not on duty, the general will definitely go to the appointment, the prince is here to invite, the general will be rude."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and walked to the side, and was searched by Yang Tai. Many of Song Qing and others who knew Yang Tai also had to be searched. There was no way, rules are rules.

After Yang Tai searched, he put Liu Mingzhi and the others into the palace, but Yang Tai did not keep the sabers on the waists of the 23 people in Song and Qing Dynasties.

Generals have the right to bring weapons into the palace, but they need to be placed on the disarming stand outside the Hall of Qinzheng.

After entering the palace, Liu Mingzhi's 24 people walked towards the Palace of Qinzheng without haste.

He didn't care about the curious eyes of the imperial guards in the palace.

After half a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi and others finally arrived in front of the Hall of Qinzheng. Liu Mingzhi smiled softly when he heard the controversies coming from the hall, and turned around to watch the Song and Qing people speak loudly at the soldiers standing outside the hall.

"Release the soldiers and enter the palace."


Song Qing and others took off the saber and put it on the unarming stand, and then Liu Mingzhi took the lead and walked straight into the hall.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi sees my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Chen Songqing!"

"Jia Zhengjing!"

"Cheng Kai!"

"Zhou Baoyu!"

"Seal Buer!"

"Ye Baotong!"

"Ning Chao!"

"Tang Confucianism"

"Jiang Lei!"

"Han Peng!"

"Han Zhong!"

"Zhang Feng!"


"See Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

The noisy Palace of Qinzheng suddenly fell silent, and the quiet needle drop could be heard.

There was no movement in the hall for a long time, Liu Mingzhi looked up, looked at the empty dragon chair on the dragon platform, narrowed his eyes, and stood up slowly.

Did Li Ye come to court?

Song Qing and the others were stunned for a moment, and followed Young Master Liu to stand up.

Liu Mingzhi walked down the dragon platform slowly, looking around quietly at every official in the hall.

There are officials I know well, and there are officials I don't know at all. These officials are all looking at me blankly now.

Liu Mingzhi looked around at the officials in the hall, and walked towards King Qing Li Bohong who was kneeling on one of the first seats.

"Second brother, where is Your Majesty?"

Li Bohong looked in surprise at First Young Master Liu who came suddenly, and hurriedly stood up.

"Brother-in-law, why did you come back suddenly?"

"Second brother, let's talk about this later, where is Your Majesty?"

Li Bohong glanced at the empty dragon chair with a complicated expression: "It's said that the dragon's body is sick, so it's inconvenient to come to court."

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "The dragon's body is sick, and it's not facing the court. Has the imperial doctor come?"


"The dragon's body is sick, but the imperial physician didn't come, what a shame."

"Brother-in-law, as a minister, I naturally dare not... Sigh."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, glanced at Su An, the chief executive who was kneeling beside the dragon chair on the dragon platform, holding a scroll of imperial edict, raised his brows slightly, and walked towards the middle.

"Du Yu, Sun Mingfeng."

"The end is here!"

"Go to the imperial hospital and invite some highly skilled imperial physicians to enter the palace quickly to diagnose and treat your majesty."

"The last general takes orders."

As soon as Du Yu left, all civil and military officials finally came to their senses, and many officials who were familiar with Young Master Liu hurriedly got up and greeted Young Master Liu with a smile.

"The next official sees the King of Side-by-Shoulders!"

"My lord, I'm being polite."

"My lord, I haven't seen you for a year, are you still in good health?"

"My lord."

The Hall of Qinzheng suddenly became lively, and half of the officials greeted Young Master Liu and greeted him. Liu Mingzhi also returned the greetings one by one with a light smile, but his eyes never left the middle-aged man who was kneeling on the seat of Jiang Yuanming, the former Minister of the Household Department. .

"Quiet, this is the court hall. You are in such a mess. We are reading His Majesty's imperial decree, so why don't you hurry back to your seat!"

A sharp voice came, breaking the noise in the hall.

All the officials were stunned, and subconsciously looked at Su An, the chief executive who was kneeling on the dragon platform with a flushed face.

Some young officials looked at Su An with evasive eyes and did not dare to look directly at Su An. Some older officials looked at Su An, then looked at Young Master Liu next to him, and stayed motionless looking at the angry face. Su An's eyes were full of playfulness.

Liu Mingzhi brushed aside the officials around him, walked down the dragon platform slowly, and looked at Su An indifferently.

"Yo, isn't this the chief executive, Su An? I haven't seen you for a year, and the chief executive has grown a beard. What's the matter? Could it be that the chief executive has practiced some peerless martial arts and failed to succeed, and even returned that thing?"

Su An's face immediately turned purple when he heard the words, and he looked at Young Master Liu trembling: "Shoulder King, you. We are reading the imperial decree for His Majesty, and you are humiliating us if you humiliate us."

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes: "What are you? You can sit in that seat too? Get out of here, my lord."

"What? What did you say?"

"This king told you to get off, you'd better be more sensible, otherwise if this king invites you to fight the emperor's golden whip, it's not as simple as getting off."

Feeling Young Master Liu's evil eyes, Su An subconsciously shuddered and swallowed.

Looking at Young Master Liu's cold gaze, Su An seemed to see hundreds of thousands of soldiers charging towards him from Young Master Liu's gaze.

Looking at the narrow eyes of many officials around, a trace of resentment flashed in Su An's eyes, and then it disappeared. He hesitated and stood up.

"Let's go down and declare the decree, let's come down and declare the decree now."

Su An didn't dare to look at Young Master Liu, rolled up the imperial decree and walked down the dragon platform.


Su An was taken aback, and looked at Young Master Liu standing beside Li Baihong in surprise.

"My lord, is there anything else?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Su An coldly and sneered.

"What's the matter? Can hearing be affected without that thing?"

"What this king said is to get you off, not down!"

"Are you leaving?"

With a look of humiliation in Su An's eyes, Lan Hua pointed at Young Master Liu tremblingly.

"You, side-by-side king, we respect your identity, don't deceive others too much, we have delivered the decree according to His Majesty's order."

"Hehe. It seems that Chief Su is really deaf. Anyway, I have recently learned a few skills in medicine, specializing in the treatment of various difficult and miscellaneous diseases. In this case, I will cure you of deafness who can't understand human words. disease."

Under the astonished gazes of Su An and all the civil and military officials, Young Master Liu's figure flickered, leaving an afterimage and leaping towards Su An.

There was a scream, and all the officials realized that Su Ansu, who was standing on the dragon ladder just now, was pinched horizontally on the ground by Young Master Liu, and struggled up with a crimson face.

"Your Majesty, we are the close servants of the emperor, representing His Majesty's face. Are you going to rebel?"

Young Master Liu raised his eyebrows and clicked twice.

"Emperor Taizu Gao's admonition stele stands outside the hall."

"The harem and eunuchs are not allowed to interfere in politics."

"Don't put on a hat for this king."

"Don't talk about curing your deafness, if you kill you, this king is also replacing the late emperor to rectify the imperial court."

"This king will ask you again, can you understand human speech now?"

"Can can."

Liu Mingzhi let go of Su An's neck, took out a handkerchief, wiped his palms, and pointed his mouth at Longtai.

"Climb up, roll down."

"Remember, your majesty is here, whoever you want to sit can sit. If your majesty is not here, only your majesty can sit in that place. I will let this king see you next time and exceed the limit."

"This king wants your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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