Chapter 1706
Under Liu Mingzhi's strong coercion, Su An re-boarded the dragon platform, and slowly rolled down in an unsightly posture.

His tumbling posture inevitably felt a bit sneaky, but Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything, he didn't need Su An's posture to be so standard.

What he wants is to suppress Su An's arrogance. How can a mere fourth-rank chief executive interfere in the government and dictate to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Looking at the smiling eyes of half of the officials around him, Su An sneaked a few glances, he wanted to keep all these officials who dared to laugh at him firmly in his heart, and waited for the fall to settle the score.

Su An slowly got up from the ground, and stopped in front of First Young Master Liu with fearful eyes.

"My lord, can we... can we announce the decree?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "That's right, you have to be a little bit conscious about what you should do, and don't stretch your hands where you shouldn't, otherwise there will be disasters one day sooner or later. Although this king will punish you slightly You lost face, Chief Su, but you saved your life."

"Yes, yes, what the lord taught me is that we will never do anything beyond the limits in the future."

Liu Mingzhi stretched his waist, walked towards his previous official position, knelt down slowly, and glanced at the surrounding officials with a faint smile.

"Colleagues, since His Majesty has an order to read out, let's return to our respective positions and wait for the order."

"My lord is right. His Majesty's order, the subordinate officials and others will naturally return to their positions to obey the order."

The surrounding officials who had just stood up to greet Liu Mingzhi cheered happily, and knelt down towards their own seats.

Li Baihong seemed to have completely forgotten the past when he had turned against Young Master Liu during the rebellion, and lightly touched Young Master Liu's wrist, with a worried look in his eyes.

"Brother-in-law, this Su An has always been His Majesty's personal servant. You have made him look so unconsidered. If he goes back and spreads rumors to His Majesty's ears, I'm afraid His Majesty will be unhappy."

Liu Mingzhi smiled faintly, and looked at Su An with a hint of disdain.

"It's good to tell stories. If he doesn't go back to tell stories, how can His Majesty come to court?"

"Second brother, look at it. It's fine if the younger brother doesn't come back. Now that he is back, he must rectify the shortcomings of the current court for the late emperor."

"Foreign relatives exercise power, and eunuchs interfere in politics. If things go on like this, the country will be ruined."

"Father entrusted the heavy responsibility of entrusting Gu to the younger brother, how can the younger brother just watch my big dragon's prosperity and mountains and rivers be destroyed in the hands of such a small boy."

Li Bohong frowned, and subconsciously looked at the middle-aged man who glanced at Young Master Liu from time to time.

Who is the relative who is in control of the relative, of course, there is no need to say it clearly.

"Emperor Dalong issued an edict."

"Recently, the sky has been snowing and the weather has been suddenly cold. I have been caught in the wind and cold occasionally, and my dragon body is sick. I cannot personally participate in the government affairs. However, the state affairs are very serious. Although I cannot come to the court in person, I am always concerned about it."


"Let the Assistant Minister of Government, Yushi Dafu Xia Gongming Xia Aiqing, the right minister Tong Sansi Tong Aiqing, the secretary of the official department Du Chenghao, the acting secretary of the household department Ren Wenyue, and the king of Qing Li Baihong to discuss the government together."

"After drafting the rules, submit them to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for my review."

"Chin this."

"The ministers and others lead the decree, my emperor and my emperor are holy."

The officials of the DPRK and China hesitated for a moment, and said a word of compliment in the past against their conscience.

Comparing the current Majesty with the former emperors Rui and Wu, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is extremely stupid, let alone holy.

Su An put away the imperial decree in his hand, glanced at First Young Master Liu, hesitated for a moment, and sent the imperial decree to Xia Gongming, the imperial historian.

"Boss, you are the patriarch of the four dynasties, and this imperial decree is up to you."

"Chen Xia Gongming took the order to thank you."

Xia Gongming respectfully took the imperial decree and held it in his hands, without even looking at Su An.

Looking at Su An's back, Xia Gongming shook his head helplessly, the disappointment in his eyes was self-evident.

"Colleagues, if there are any memorials from the various state capitals, they can be handed over to this official and your lords for review. After the court meeting with your lords, I will draw up a charter and submit it to Your Majesty."

"The lower officials and others will obey the orders of the boss."

Many officials took out the memorial from their cuffs and handed it to the officials mentioned in the edict just now.

However, the goals of these officials were very clear. They could reach out their hands and hand them over to the political officials around them, but they got up and took two extra steps to hand the memorial to the political officials a few steps away.

The faction is so obvious that an ordinary person can see it.

After a cup of tea, all the officials returned to their respective positions. Liu Mingzhi glanced at Li Baihong, who had nothing in his hand, and a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Second brother, you don't even have a memorial in your hand, the dignified King Qing. It seems that you are very unpopular with your colleagues in the court."

"That's right, the lesson learned by Uncle Duan Wang is vivid in my mind. Second brother, although you are the king of Qing Dynasty, you have a title but no power. It is good to be unpopular."

"After all, above the court, forming cliques and forming cliques for personal gain will not end well."

"Maybe standing in the court hall today is well-dressed and dignified, but tomorrow he will fall into Zhao Prison and wait for the autumn queen to be executed."

"Although you are down and out, my little brother is really happy for you from the bottom of my heart."

"Second brother, do you think the younger brother is right or wrong?"

Liu Mingzhi's words seemed to be addressed to Prince Qing Li Baihong, but his voice was so loud that all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in the palace could hear them clearly.

For a while, many officials looked a little weird, and they lowered their heads and watched silently as the Chaohu in their hands remained motionless.

Li Bohong was stunned for a moment, and then reacted instantly when he saw Young Master Liu's strange expression.

What my brother-in-law said meant something.

After thinking for a while, Li Baihong came to his senses. He turned his head and looked around at the civil and military officials above the court. Feeling the strange atmosphere that Young Master Liu had never seen since he left the court, Li Baihong gave a 'wry smile' twice. .

"My brother-in-law is right. Although this king is unpopular, he lives a frank and honest life. At least he is supported by the family's salary, so he can live comfortably."

"Uncle Duan's lesson from the past is a sharp sword hanging over this king's head. It is always a warning to this king, so that he has a limit in his heart and knows what he should do and what he should not do."

"Hehe. The second brother is really open-minded. I think he has a very thorough comprehension of the saying that everyone performs their duties."

"So, little brother is sincerely happy for second brother."

"Brother-in-law's praise, my brother-in-law is extremely happy to get a word from my brother-in-law. It should be clear that my king will hold a banquet after the court breaks up. I don't know if my brother-in-law would like to honor me?"

"Respect is worse than obedience."

First Young Master Liu and Li Bohong spoke loudly, not caring the slightest bit about the reactions of the officials in the palace.

The more the two talked, the weirder the faces of many officials became.

The one who can sit here is naturally not a fool, and a fool is not qualified to sit here.

Liu Mingzhi's words seemed to be ridiculing Li Baihong, but in fact he was pointing fingers at Sang Huai and mocking some officials in the court.

(End of this chapter)

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