Chapter 1707
Liu Mingzhi pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, and Li Baihong's insinuating words made many officials feel very uncomfortable. He took a sneak look at his superior, and saw that although their expressions were a little strange, they didn't stand up and say something. Can sit there in silence.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, the last two have invited three highly skilled imperial physicians from the Imperial Hospital."

While speaking, Du Yu and Sun Mingfeng led the three imperial physicians with unsightly complexions and white beard and hair into the hall.

Liu Mingzhi frowned, got up and walked towards the three imperial doctors.

"My lord, Liu Mingzhi, has met the three imperial physicians, so be polite."

The faces of the three imperial doctors were stunned, and they glanced at the dragon robe on First Young Master Liu and hastily replied: "Chu Renxin, the director of the Xiaguantai Hospital, is paying attention to the side-by-side king. I didn't know that the lord is still in court. I hope the lord is not sorry for the rudeness." .”

"Chu Renxin, the doctor is benevolent, Mrs. Chu has a good name."

"At the end of the new year, I was homesick, so I came back home in light clothes. Suddenly, I heard that His Majesty's dragon body was ill, so I had to ask the soldiers under my command to invite three imperial physicians to treat Your Majesty."

"The safety of your majesty's dragon body is related to the stability of the country and the country. The three adults must do their best."

Chu Renxin and the others looked at Liu Mingzhi's meaningful gaze, and looked at each other with somewhat embarrassed expressions.

"Your Majesty, the three officials have already known about His Majesty's illness, and they have already prescribed the medicine for His Majesty. As long as His Majesty takes the medicine on time, and the Lord understands the restraint, the lower officials will stop talking."

Liu Mingzhi took a slight glance at the memorial, and Ren Wenyue, whose face suddenly became a little stiff, glanced at it.

"Then the three of you will go and give His Majesty another diagnosis and treatment to see if His Majesty's current dragon body is so sick that he can't even personally deal with politics in the early court."


"What? Isn't this your duty as an imperial physician?"

"What the prince said is true, but His Majesty lives in the harem and has not been summoned. The three officials dare not enter the harem without authorization to treat His Majesty."

"So that's the case, then you don't have to worry about it."

Liu Mingzhi gently took out the Golden Dragon Token from his bosom and held it in his hand.

"The three of you hold the Golden Dragon Order issued by the late Emperor Ruizong Ruzhen in person, and under the guidance of Chief Supervisor Su, go down to diagnose and treat His Majesty."

"Although Ruizong has been in great power for a long time, this king has heard that His Majesty wants to govern the country with filial piety. Since His Majesty values ​​filial piety so much, Ruizong's Golden Dragon Order is here to keep you safe and sound."

"Your Majesty asked, and he said that the side-by-side Wang Liu Mingzhi returned to court by chance, and he was very worried when he heard that His Majesty's dragon body was ill. He specially invited the three of you to come and treat His Majesty's illness, so as to reassure him."

The three of Chu Renxin looked at the Golden Dragon Token that Young Master Liu held up in his hand, and nodded helplessly.

"The subordinate takes orders."

Liu Mingzhi handed the Golden Dragon Token to Chu Renxin, and turned his head to look at Su An, the chief executive who stood quietly under the dragon platform for a long time.

"Director Su, you are His Majesty's personal attendant. Your Majesty's dragon body is sick, and it is your fault for not taking good care of it. You cannot escape responsibility. Why don't you hurry up and get three imperial doctors to diagnose His Majesty's pulse."

Su An's face brightened, and he nodded hastily: "I understand, we will lead the way, you three adults, please follow us, and we will guide you."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Su An's reaction of wanting to grow wings and leave the Qinzheng Hall immediately, and knew that the chief executive Su would definitely tell Li Ye his evil deeds with embellishments after seeing Li Ye.

But Liu Mingzhi didn't care if Su An would maliciously slander him in front of Li Ye.

Traveling thousands of miles to Beijing by myself didn't come back to calmly reason.

Su An led Chu Renxin and the three of them towards the back of the hall, Liu Mingzhi took two steps and stopped beside the head of state Ren Wenyue, looking around the hall indifferently.

"Since the king entered the capital, he has been hearing people mentioning the high surname Ren Wenyue, the head of the country. It can be said to be like thunder. If it can be passed on by word of mouth, the head of the country must be a pillar of the court."

"This king is very admirable. I have been thinking about asking Mr. Ren for advice along the way, how to leave such a great prestige in the hearts of the people."

"My king's eyesight is dull, I don't know which high-ranking person in the palace is the head of the country."

Ren Wenyue stopped flipping through the memorial, looked up and glanced at First Young Master Liu who was standing two steps away from him, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

Your three sons have caused turmoil in the old man's house, and almost turned the old man's house upside down. Don't you know the old man?

Knowing that Liu Mingzhi was going to give himself a disgrace in front of his colleagues in the court, and remembering Liu Mingzhi's identity, Ren Wenyue showed a look of forbearance, put down the memorial in his hand, and stood up with a smile on his face towards Liu Mingzhi. Young Master walked over.

"Xiaguan Hubu Shangshu Ren Wenyue saw Wang Qiansui standing shoulder to shoulder, the prince praised him absurdly, how dare the prince's admiration for the poor name of the Xiaguan district, if you want to say that the person who is like a thunder in the dragon, it is you who stand shoulder to shoulder with the king. Dare to take your name."

Liu Mingzhi turned around to look at Ren Wenyue with a smile that was not a smile. Although he glanced at this person more than once, Liu Mingzhi still praised Ren Wenyue's good looks from the bottom of his heart.

No wonder his daughter made Li Ye unwilling to come to court. Although he had never met Queen Ren Qingrui, but seeing Ren Wenyue, Liu Mingzhi knew that the rumors were true.

Ren Qingrui, the current mother of the country, empress empress, may really be coquettish and charming, as beautiful as a fairy.

"It turns out that your Excellency is Ren Wenyue, the patriarch of the country. I'm so sorry for my lack of respect. I don't know that the great talent I admire is by my side."

Ren Wenyue still wanted to be polite, but Liu Mingzhi continued to speak directly.

"However, Mr. Ren made a mistake when he reported his family name. This king has to show off and correct him for Mr. Ren. If there is something wrong, I hope Mr. Ren Haihan will not be as knowledgeable as this king."

Ren Wenyue was stunned, and looked at Young Master Liu in surprise: "I don't dare, I don't know where I made a mistake in reporting my family name, please correct me, if I make a mistake, I will correct it in time."

"Hehe. No wonder the people admire him so much because he is the head of the country. It's just that this king who is not ashamed to ask questions and is open-minded and eager to learn is beyond the reach of the king, and he is ashamed."

"Since this is the case, this king will not be courteous to Mr. Ren."

"Ren Guozhang just claimed to be the next official Household Department Shangshu Ren Wenyue. Presumably Ren Guozhang forgot that you are the acting Household Department Shangshu, not the Household Department Shangshu."

"Aren't you implying that the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Du Chenghao, is responsible for dereliction of duty by calling yourself so? Even the official position of the Ministry of Officials was wrong."

Seeing Ren Wenyue's somewhat stiff face, Young Master Liu glanced at Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and smiled helplessly.

Du Chenghao's reaction was obviously complaining that Young Master Liu dragged himself into the water.

"Ren Guozhang, I don't want to tell tales and sow discord, and I don't even want to alienate the friendship between you and Master Du."

"This king's pointing out to Mr. Ren is just a matter of fact, so that Mr. Ren will not remember his official position wrongly."

"Think about it, Ren Guozhang is so respected by the people, he may be able to sit in the position of Zuo Xiang in a short while."

"When the time comes, Ren Guozhang will still call himself an official of the household department. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to spread the word?"

Ren Wenyue and the surrounding officials watched Young Master Liu's smiling expression and swallowed subconsciously.

They know what it means to hide a knife in a real smile, and their previous methods are nothing compared to the side-by-side king.

In a few words, Ren Wenyue's accumulated prestige was belittled to nothing.

Acting as Minister of the Ministry of Households, Minister of the Ministry of Households.

The difference of one word is the difference of heaven and earth.

But side by side, Wang Ming praised and criticized secretly, but you heard it but still had nothing to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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