My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 1708 Xiang Zhuang's intention is not in the sword

Chapter 1708 Xiang Zhuang's intention is not in the sword

Young Master Liu's so-called corrective words just now can be said to have left no sympathy for Ren Wenyue, the patriarch of the dynasty.

Quietly looking at Ren Wenyue's stiff face and the slightly trembling corners of his eyes, Liu Mingzhi ignored the past and glanced around at the officials with different expressions in the hall with a faint smile.

"My colleagues, don't call me wrong in the future, otherwise I will get used to it and delay the promotion of being the head of the country to be the prime minister. You can't afford it."

"As the saying goes, cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents, let alone destroying one's future. Isn't it the hatred of eighteen generations of ancestors?"

"This king kindly reminded you, you have to keep it firmly in your heart."

"You must know the truth that good medicine is good for the disease when it tastes bitter, and the truth that honest words are good for deeds."

Many officials looked at the eloquent Young Master Liu with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say.

You keep saying not to cut off people's wealth and future, but your code name has completely cut off the prestige accumulated so hard by Ren Guozhang.

My lord, you are too duplicity.

Liu Mingzhi suddenly put away the smile on his face, and looked lightly at Ren Wenyue who was standing beside him, neither returning to his seat nor staying, who seemed a bit in a dilemma.

"Ren Guozhang, I heard that since you entered the court, you have helped His Majesty solve many problems."

"Especially the suggestion to repair the imperial mausoleum, it can be said to be very touching."

"Nowadays, the world has changed. Many people have gradually become more interested in profit than righteousness. They have even forgotten many basic principles of life, especially filial piety. In order to fight for the family business, brothers turned against each other, and father and son became enemies."

"Tell me, isn't this a precursor to the collapse of etiquette?"

"Fortunately, Master Ren, you showed up in time, otherwise, if this continues, it will really become a mess."

"A man born between heaven and earth, how can he be unfilial?"

"Renovating the mausoleums of the two generations of former emperors, I am afraid Ren Guozhang has worked hard. This king is ashamed. King Qing, King Yun, and King Jing should feel ashamed."

"Thinking that my son-in-law, son, and brothers didn't even think about repairing the imperial tomb for the father and the late emperor, and even bothered the current king to work hard. We are really unfilial."

"However, there is a reason for this. This king is away on an expedition and cannot assess the government affairs of the court. King Qing and the others have titles but no power. Although they are important, their words are light, and they cannot be a leader."

"I think the father and the late emperor have spirits in the sky, and they have knowledge in the spring, so they will forgive you and your brothers for their unfilial actions."

Feeling Li Bohong's strange gaze looking at him, Liu Mingzhi began to pace the hall with his hands behind his back.

Especially the positions of the officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, and the Metropolitan Water Supervision, Young Master Liu went round and round.

"However, the war in northern Xinjiang has come to an end. It just so happens that this king is homesick and wants to go home to visit his relatives. Now that this king knows about this, how can I not do my part and show my filial piety."

"Since the renovation of the imperial mausoleum has been completed, this king can't help much if he wants to help. Do your part elsewhere."

"I think about it, where should I contribute? This needs to be carefully considered. After all, it is about filial piety, and this king dare not be sloppy."

"Otherwise, if due to lack of consideration, I have been given the title of disobedience and unfilial piety, wouldn't this king be wronged? Do colleagues say this is the case?"

"This king can't do bad things with good intentions!"

"What King Side-by-Shoulder said is very true. It's about filial piety. How can you be careless? It's still early, and the prince might as well think about it carefully."

"The lower officials agree that although the prince was not working in the capital when the imperial mausoleum was being repaired, it was because of the extenuating circumstances of going abroad. As the saying goes, it is not too late to make up for it."

"The prince admits and is willing to make up for his mistakes. He is really a role model for my generation, and I admire him."

"Although I don't have much ability, I can do my best. As long as my brother-in-law speaks out, I will never say no."

"This king also agrees."

"This king also agrees, as long as the third brother-in-law proposes, this king has the money to contribute, and he is able to contribute."

Ever since Ren Wenyue entered the court because of the empress's empress Ren Qingrui, he had never been so deflated. Many officials who had a problem with Ren Wenyue saw that Ren Wenyue was so aggrieved in the hands of Young Master Liu, so they naturally didn't mind coming out to make trouble.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Ren Wenyue's faintly aggrieved eyes, and started pacing again.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of Ren Wenyue.

"This king has thought about it. Since Guozhang Ren is temporarily acting as Minister of the Household Department, the expenses for repairing the imperial mausoleum will naturally be handled by Ren Guozhang."

"I can't afford to spend my efforts. Fortunately, I have a little money. In this case, I can share some expenses for the treasury."

"However, this king has something to say beforehand. My colleagues here all know that my Liu family is famous for its wealth. However, it is different now. This king has established his own family, and he relies on self-reliance to support his family."

"Ren Guozhang, you can't just open your mouth like a lion and open your mouth for millions of taels because of my Liu family's wealth. Pay so much money."

"How about this, I don't want to talk big, Ren Guozhang, don't talk too much, let's open the skylight and speak brightly, the king is willing to bear [-]% of the expenses of repairing the imperial mausoleum, and add it to the treasury, which can be regarded as making up for the failure of the king. Timely and filial piety."

"If that's the case, I would like to trouble the head of the state to order the Duzhi Division of the Household Department to fetch the account book for repairing the imperial tomb. This king will only know how much money he can spend to supplement the expenditure of the national treasury after calculating the amount of money spent on repairing the imperial tomb."

"This king's reputation as greedy and lustful is well known in the capital. He is the one who even dared to withhold money from his father, Emperor Ruizong."

"This king is not stingy with the money that should be spent, but the money that should not be spent, the king will not take out a single coin."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi's words fell, [-]% of the officials in the court finally understood the purpose of Liu Mingzhi's so many forewords.

Check the accounts, check the bills for repairing the imperial tomb.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with Wang Ming clearly means that Xiang Zhuang's intention is not in the sword.

Many officials trembled in their hearts, and the panic in their eyes flashed away.

Some young junior officials don't know, but it doesn't mean that some old people in the court don't know Liu's ability to check accounts.

There were so many bad accounts from the household department back then, and after the old accounts were handed over to young master Liu by the former household department minister, they were all calculated exactly. If he was asked to calculate the expenses for repairing the imperial mausoleum, I'm afraid...
Many officials with ghosts in their hearts suddenly became uneasy, and their eyes drifted back and forth from time to time.

Although Ren Wenyue was slightly flustered, he was not too panicked. The left and right ministers, the six ministers, and the nine ministers of the temple all checked the accounts for the repair of the imperial tomb, and there was no problem at all.

Even if there is a slight discrepancy, it is within the scope allowed by the law.

It's just that Young Master Liu's merciless behavior before, Ren Wenyue naturally couldn't swallow this breath, and quietly looked at Young Master Liu's light smile.

"My lord, it's not that the lower officials are unwilling to fetch the account books. It's because my lord, as a vassal king, violates my Dalong's laws to check the accounts of the household department."

"The filial piety of the prince is admired by the officials, but how can the treasury be linked with the courtiers."

"It's not that the lower officials are unwilling, it's that the lower officials are in their positions and seek their own government. They can't ignore the laws and regulations. Please forgive me, my lord."

Many officials suddenly breathed a sigh of relief at Ren Wenyue's words, and they hurriedly nodded in agreement regardless of Young Master Liu's previous behavior.

"The lower officials seconded the proposal."

"Although the prince is an act of filial piety, the national treasury is the foundation of a country. How can you let the courtiers pay for it? This is not in line with the custom."

"Yes, yes, all the accounts have already been put into the treasury. If the prince suddenly adds a sum of money, all the accounts will have to be recalculated."

"The lower officials also agree. The prince is an extremely human minister, and he is a model for my generation. Naturally, he would not act in disregard of the laws and regulations."

"My lord, the accounts for a year are extremely cumbersome, and it takes at least ten and a half months to calculate. The lord is an important minister of the country. Naturally, we must use our energy where the lord should contribute."

Many officials agreed with each other, the more they were like this, the more Liu Mingzhi understood that there must be ghosts in it.

That being the case, this account really has to be checked!
Liu Mingzhi glanced at the surrounding officials indifferently, then raised his hand and patted himself on the forehead.

"Yes, yes, Zhang Ren is right. This king is a vassal. Interfering in the internal affairs of the court is an overreach."

"I just warned Director Su, but I almost made a mistake. Thank you, Master Ren, for reminding me in time. I am very grateful."

"But then again."

"One word at a time, accounts that the king cannot check."

"The auxiliary minister appointed by Emperor Ruizong should be able to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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