Chapter 1709
There was a hint of grotesqueness in Liu Mingzhi's smile, seeing the awkward reactions of the officials around him was a complete affirmation of his thoughts.

Looking at Ren Wenyue's stiff face, Liu Mingzhi gently shrugged his shoulders.

"If the auxiliary minister appointed by Emperor Ruizong himself can't check the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts, what about the official position with the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of War? It's not justified to not be able to check the accounts of the Ministry of Accounts anymore."

"Is it because Mr. Ren wants to prevent this king from fulfilling his filial piety, and let this king be called disloyal and unfilial?"

Young Master Liu's pressing step by step made Ren Wenyue's stiff face slightly flushed, obviously his heart was extremely restless.

He really couldn't figure out where on earth he and Young Master Liu had turned against each other. For no reason, your three sons first caused chaos in the house, and he didn't care about your three children because of your face as the king.

The old man has repeatedly backed down, but you are so aggressive, do you really think that the old man has no temper at all?

Ren Wenyue nodded with a gloomy face: "Of course I am qualified to check the accounts. Since the prince has repeatedly asked, it is naturally difficult for the next official to refuse."

"He Zhang and He Shilang, I would like to trouble you to go to the yamen of the Ministry of Households and inform the Du Zhi Division to fetch the accounts for repairing the imperial tomb for the king to calculate."

Liu Mingzhi followed Ren Wenyue's gaze, looking at the person he called He Zhang, feeling faintly familiar.

At present, there are not many people familiar with the Department of Hubu, Old Jiang Zhishi has retired, and the former Shangshu Miaoji of the Ministry of Hubu has already retired and returned to his hometown, replaced by He Zhang and Pan Yun.

Pan Yun, who succeeded the left servant of the household department, once opposed his northern expedition in the past, and now he has become one of the pillars of the household department.

He Zhang looked at Ren Wenyue hesitantly. He could barely be regarded as an old man in the court, and he had heard a little about Liu Dashao's ability to check accounts, and he knew better than Ren Wenyue, the head of state who had just entered the court not long ago.

Seeing Young Master Liu staring at him indifferently, He Zhang suddenly felt uneasy.

He is also one of the few insiders who knows whether there is any problem with the cost of repairing the imperial mausoleum.

Although the bookkeeping is quite clean, it has been hidden from the eyes of the other five ministers, the left and right ministers, and the ministers of the Nine Great Temples, but it may not be able to hide the eyes of the side-by-side king.

Looking at the struggle in He Zhang's eyes, Liu Mingzhi smiled faintly.

"Lord He, is it that your legs are numb after sitting for a long time? If you don't have numbness in your legs, please trouble Master He to take the account and give it to me. My king will know exactly how much money should be added to the treasury."

First, following Ren Wenyue's order, and then Young Master Liu's meaningful eyes, He Zhang nodded with a wry smile, glanced at Ren Wenyue, turned and walked towards the outside of the hall.

As soon as He Zhang left, Liu Mingzhi sat down in a gesture of invitation to Ren Wenyue: "Master Ren, don't stand up now that you are old, it will take a lot of time to fetch the accounts, let's sit down and have a rest first!"

Ren Wenyue didn't calm down the anger in his heart just because of Young Master Liu's sudden politeness, he flicked his sleeves heavily and sat down on his seat without saying a word.

Young Master Liu sneered, turned around and walked towards his seat, and knelt down.

Would he care about a dead man?

Even if he is not dead now, as long as he finds out that there is a problem with the accounts, no one can keep Ren Wenyue's head.

If Tan Mo points out some money for disaster relief or river management, if the Queen Empress steps forward, Ren Wenyue's life may be saved.

But for the money to repair the imperial mausoleum, let alone the Empress Dowager, even if Li Ye came out, he had to do business.

Since you want to govern the country with filial piety, if your ministers embezzle the official money for repairing the imperial mausoleum of your father, you will be regarded as unfilial.

If you want to stop everyone in the world, you can only deal with Ren Wenyue.

Gently glancing at Ren Wenyue, who had a displeased face, Young Master Liu gave him the title of a gentle scum in his heart, and sat quietly to rest his mind.

Li Bohong's three brothers looked at Young Master Liu's presence, hesitated for a while, and Li Baihong gently tugged at Young Master Liu's sleeve.

"Brother-in-law, do you have any idea in your heart? The accounts for repairing the imperial mausoleum have been calculated no less than ten times, and all of them are within the allowable range of the imperial court."

"If you can't find out the loopholes in it, if Ren Wenyue makes use of the problem, then you will end up in trouble."

The fourth brother, Li Yunping, also showed a hint of worry in his eyes: "Brother-in-law, the second brother is right, the person who is in charge of the world today is always His Majesty, although Ren Wenyue has just been transferred from the state capital below to the court for less than a year , but he is always His Majesty's father-in-law."

"If you can't find any strong evidence here, who knows what kind of tricks Ren Wenyue will use to make use of it. Even if His Majesty comes forward to mediate, I'm afraid he will be completely offended today."

"Little brother has to say, you are too aggressive today."

"First, Su An, and then Ren Wenyue offended two favored figures at once. I'm afraid that life in the court will not be too easy in the future."

"Beating a dog depends on the owner!"

"The court hall today is no longer the court hall of the past. You have been away for too long. I don't know what the current situation in the court is like."

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes and glanced at Li Baihong and his brothers.

"I have been the Minister of the Household Department for many years, and I can guess all the expenses roughly. The expenses for repairing the imperial mausoleum this time are really outrageous, and there must be something wrong."

"On the contrary, the three of you, dignified princes and relatives of the Li family, have the support of the clan's family, but you have suffered repeated defeats in the hands of an outsider. You really are getting better and better."

The three Li Bohong brothers looked at each other with embarrassment.

Li Baihong sighed softly: "The foolish actions we did with the third brother before, and the three of us, the three of us, bearing such a reputation, can't establish the slightest prestige in the court at all."

"Although Li's clan is on his head, the current prince's name, but when it comes to the real power in his hands, let alone Ren Wenyue, the acting minister of the household department, I'm afraid that a doctor from the sixth department has more real power than the three of us."

"Brother, after all, it's because of our brothers. How could His Majesty reuse us?"

"He didn't find a name to kill our brother to avenge our father. We are already satisfied. We have already discussed the power struggle above the court. Except for when necessary, it is better not to get involved in other things. .”

"With the previous behavior, our brothers seem to be incomparably beautiful in the court, but in fact we are struggling and living a life of walking on thin ice."

"I'm afraid that because of something, His Majesty's suspicion will be aroused, and he will think that the three of us brothers are innocent."

"It's too late to regret."

"In the final analysis, it is because of you, brother-in-law, that our brothers can stand on the throne again. Otherwise, we are afraid that we will stay in the room of thinking about past mistakes in the clan mansion for the rest of our lives until we die."

"Since this is the case, what do we dare to expect? We can only dawdle."

Liu Mingzhi directly opened his eyes, looked at the downcast expressions of the three brothers, and sighed in a complicated way.

"I knew why I had to do it today."

"Everything is your fault."

"It's too late to say anything, maybe this is cause and effect!"

(End of this chapter)

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